Link from Object as src to img tag - vue.js

I want to pass information (link) form Object, and give it as the src to image. Somehow tag doesn't see it. Even though it console log proper link and the link is working.
setup() {
const state = reactive({
flashcardObject: {
linkToGraphic: ''}
Where is the bug
<div class="ViewFlashcards">
<div class="image_div">
<img class="picture" src="{{state.flashcardObject.linkToGraphic}}"/>
Thank you for your help!

Use v-bind, like so:
<img v-bind:src="state.flashcardObject.linkToGraphic" class="picture"/>
Full code:
<div class="ViewFlashcards">
<div class="image_div">
<img class="picture" v-bind:src="state.flashcardObject.linkToGraphic"/>
v-bind allows you to bind an (HTML) attribute to a data property or just some JS code. In this case you just pass along your image URL to the src attribute of the <image>.
Note that mustache syntax, {{ something }}, does not work in HTML attributes; it only will work within elements, like <p>{{ something }}</p>.
Also, note that instead of v-bind:attribute, you can omit the v-bind part and just keep the colon, like so: :attribute. This makes it easier to bind attributes.
For more info and examples see the docs

You should require it and use : to bind the image src to the required path if the image is stored in the app :
<img class="picture" :src="require(state.flashcardObject.linkToGraphic)"/>
or :
<img class="picture" :src="state.flashcardObject.linkToGraphic"/>
if the image is hosted online.


Vue How to properly bind src with output from API

I'm creating a movie DB app with vue and I'm trying to output an image source that is being fetched from an API. For some reason the output of the src is not being rendered as it should in the app. It prints the string {{movie.Poster}}.
I'm obviously not using v-bind in the right way. So any ideas on how I would print the path to the poster in the right way?
<div class="my-10">
<h2 class="text-bold">{{ movie.Title }}</h2>
<img v-bind:src="'{{movie.Poster}}'"/>
You need to use
<img :src="movie.Poster"/>
because {{ .. }} is template literals. So it output a string.

How to bind slot with v-bind for url attribute?

How to pass attributes from component to slot?
This is in component
<navigation-link url="/profile">
Your Profile
Then in the template I want to use url
<span class="active></span>
according to docs this should work, but instead I get error: Property or method "url" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
I think you want to put the text "Your Profile" in <slot></slot>
So, for this, you need to do this.
<navigation-link url="/profile">
<template slot="text">
Your Profile
And in the component, name the slot like this
<slot name="text" />
<span class="active></span>
Probably, this work.
according to docs this should work, but instead I get error: Property or method "url" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
That is because, you are not declaring url in the component, you probably need to put
props: ['url'],
data() {
return {
propUrl: this.url
and in the template use this.propUrl

Can't get image to load in Vue

Can't get a simple image file to load using Vue (using a single-file component with a .vue extension). Here's the code, which I put inside template:
<div><img :src="london.jpg"></div>
What am I doing wrong?
I'm used to put all images into the public folder, so I don't need webpack to load images.
The path of the image is '/public/assets/img/london.jpg'
So, in any Vue component I can render the image using
<a href="#">
<img src="/assets/img/london.jpg" alt="london"/>
You can also directly require in your template.
<a href="#">
<img :src="require(`#/assets/img/london.jpg`)"/>
Note that the # is your src/ folder.
When binding properties, the model or data type must be correct.
To bind :src, it must be a string or data model.
<div> <img :src="'london.jpg'"></div>
<div> <img src="img"></div>
export default {
data () {
return {
img: require('london.jpg')
<div> <img :src="img"></div>

Images in Vue not showing up

I am having trouble displaying images in my Vue CLI project.
Here is what I have going on. This vue file accesses a json file with a few references to the individual Eyewear objects, all that works. I have references to the image I am trying to access in the json file. And with the current code, I can see the correct image reference in the browser, but it does not load the image. Is it something to do with webpack or another loader needing to load the image file?
<h1 id='callout'>Select Your Eyewear</h1>
<div id='item' v-for='item in items'>
<img :src='`..${item.images.frontal}`' alt='eyeware' />
<ul id='itemLIist'>
<li >
{{ item.brand }}
{{ }}
import items from "../assets/eyewear.json";
export default {
name: "ItemList",
data: function() {
return {
items: items.eyewear
<style scoped>
I don't know this works for you or not. But in my case providing the full path of the image works for me. in your screenshot reference starting from "../assets" instead of that try something "src/assets" (Full path with out dots)
and for make this simple, first just try to hard code full path src to a image tag and see whether it's working or not.
and let me know if this works for you. =)

Vue.js can template without no root element or vue el specify for two div

<div class="a">
Some HTML ...
<div class="b">
new Vue({
el: "#item_info",
(Other Config)
The two div above need to show the information from vue,
I tried using <template></template> like:
(my two div)
but it does not work because both divs need to be inside a root element.
I know that if I modify my html to:
<div id="item_info">
<div class="a"></div>
<div class="b"></div>
It can work, but I have no authorization to modify the base Html structure
Is there any other way that could help me solve it?
Maybe you should try to split those div's in two components and then add them to parent.
<div class="a">
Some HTML ...
<div class="b">
If you have no authorization then I think you can't put that <template></template> either. Vue JS doesn't allow selecting multiple elements. But you can use Vue Component, please refer to this official link of Vue JS:
But remember Component also requires one root element.