Prestashop 1.7 Dispatcher ContextErrorException - prestashop

I have error and have no idea form is this:
(I move prestashop form one to another server, I check php version - is the same)

Because there is a warning before, the header containing the file type is already sent, then PHP cannot modify it.
It's actually not supposed to happen on that file ... You might check this one from the sources or disable warnings/strict PHP mode.


WHMCS add on module Product::pricing() error logged

I've taken over a company that is currently running WHMCS 8.4.1 and has a custom built add-on module.
I want to upgrade WHMCS to 8.5.1 so I set up a dev environment and installed the add-on files to it.
As soon as I try to open the add-on I get the following error:
Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: Declaration of ProductExtended\Core\Models\WHMCS\Product::pricing() must be compatible with WHMCS\Product\Product::pricing($currency = ): WHMCS\Product\Pricing in /Users/steph/Sites/localhost/whmcs/modules/addons/ProductExtended/Core/Models/WHMCS/Product.php:22
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/steph/Sites/localhost/whmcs/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Utility/Error/Run.php(0): WHMCS\Utility\Error\Run->handleError(64, 'Declaration of ...', '/Users/steph/Si...', 22)
#1 [internal function]: WHMCS\Utility\Error\Run->handleShutdown()
#2 {main}
I've never done any WHMCS coding before, but based on the error I would assume that there have been changes in the core way that
is coded.
All the main files are encrypted so impossible to look at those to see what differs to version 8.4.1
Does anyone have any suggestions on where I might find some resources to help resolve this, and likely other changes that could affect the add-on?
I have looked at the 8.5.1 Realease Notes, Changelog and What's New documents, but found nothing specifically related to code changes.
Check to see whether /Users/steph/Sites/localhost/whmcs/modules/addons/ProductExtended/Core/Models/WHMCS/Product.php is coded by ioncube (the default WHMCS PHP encoder)
If you do not have access to the source code of the module, there's nothing you can do to fix the issue. You would need to contact the developer to have the module updated to support the version of WHMCS that you need.
If the module code is encoded, there's no way (at least legally) that you can decode it.

typo3 update 4.7 -> 6.2 - broken backend

I've performed an update from typo3 4.7.20 to 6.2.15. The process worked fine and there were no critical errors while running the install tool.
The frontend looks fine but the backend is broken:
I've removed all uncompatible extensions before I run the update. I've also checked all settings in the installationtool und deleted the temp/cache folder first.
I've got the feeling that the error is caused by the TemplaVoila! extension, I'm using v. 1.9.8. Firebug does not shows any error.
Does anyone had a similar problem and have already solved it?
Thank you very much!
I have come across this one multiple times. More often it is because there is a broken TBE_STYLES. I suggest you look around for $TBE_STYLES in your typo3conf folder and disable it for the time being. Most likely it will be in the extTables.php or some other file which is included dynamically.
seems BE is working, but you css does not got loaded.
check your 'web inspecter' to see if you get errors on loading CSS.
clear your cache (remove everything in typo3temp) and try again

XUL standalone application not starting

I recently took on a project built on XUL (standalone, using xulrunner) - However I can't get it to properly run.
I'm getting this error when I attempt to start it using the command line (xulrunner.exe ../application.ini -jsconsole):
No chrome package registered for chrome://case_scenario_builder/content/case_scenario_builder.xul
The chrome.manifest file looks like this:
content case_scenario_builder file:chrome/case_scenario_builder/content/ contentaccessible=yes
content jslib jar:chrome/jslib.jar!/
skin case_scenario_builder skin file:chrome/case_scenario_builder/skin/
locale case_scenario_builder en-US chrome/case_scenario_builder/locale/en-US/
Any ideas on where I could start debugging?
I figured it out!
In case anyone else runs into this as well:
It was due to the caching system in place by default and the use of .jar containers instead of folders.
The XUL environment had cached both JS and XUL files - and even after disabling those, I had to extract everything that was in the .jar file to the content folder and update the chrome.manifest file.
Thanks for your suggestions on debugging! - they helped the process.
I guess your manifest just isn't getting loaded. To test that I'd introduce an intentional syntax error and check the error console. E.g. if you put
on its own line, you should get a Warning: Ignoring unrecognized chrome manifest directive 'asdfasd'. in the Error console.
(Note to other experts: initially I wanted to suggest dropping 'file:' prefix and avoiding underscores in the package name, but I tested it on a Firefox nightly, and it works fine.)
Your chrome package clearly didn't get registered. From what I can tell, the reason is the bogus file: prefix, you should drop it when specifying relative paths:
content case_scenario_builder chrome/case_scenario_builder/content/ contentaccessible=yes
Btw, I suspect that you copied contentaccessible=yes from somewhere - you should drop it as well unless you know what it does.

ImproperlyConfigured about template in django project

When I am trying to access my django site, it appeared the ImproperlyConfigured error say that "Module "django.template.loaders.filesystem" does not define a "Loader" callable template source loader".
I use Bitnami Django Stack and this is not the first time I installed it, so I think that there is the conflict between the old and new one somehow. I tried to clean the previous installation many times but it still be the same.
Sounds like you're trying to run the site on an older Django version.
In the file try 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source' instead of 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader'. The Loader name was changed in more recent versions.

Yii requirement status

I try to upload my first small project on new VPS (Linux+php-5.3.3+ apache) and found these problem don't know why any help will be appreciated plz.
1- I have to lowercase all my folders in my project to work on Linux system with php+apache.
2- Strange problem is getting error in calling modlules function if like this....Post::xxx if change to post::xxx its ok I mean everything should be in lowercase otherwise give error like Post.PHP not found.
3- CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: could not find driver?
4- I did run yii/requirements and got all below services/status FAILED and rest PASSED.
- DOM extension
- PDO MySQL extension
- PDO PostgreSQL extension
- Memcache extension
- APC extension
- Mcrypt extension
- SOAP extension
- GD extension
Any suggestion how make above services PASSED. as Im running MySQL db.
I look forward to hear soon.
I know that Khan have already resolved his app problem, but just to references, the answer is:
1 - The unix/linux systens are case-sensitive, so if you named a folder Post you'll need calling Post/ on your code.
2 - As in the last answer, if you are calling you class file Post so you need to change your class name as Post, because the php autoload depend of OS is case-sensitive too.
3 - It fail because the php PDO fail and Yii use it to connect to database system.
4 - Its necessary fix PDO MySQL extension the others are optional