Is there any way to add extra parameters in sails middleware? - express

We have a sails application behind azure authentication which passes a header with email address.
I need to use this email address as a param in my all controllers.
I am trying to add below in my sails http.js middleware. But I am not receiving the param as expected in controller.
aadAppendUser: function (req, res, next) { //Azure Active Directory append User Email
sails.log("Requested :: ", req.method, req.url);
const emailHeader = 'x-ms-client-principal-name';
req.param.userMail = req.headers[emailHeader];
sails.log("userMail :: ", req.param.userMail);
// sails.log('All Params', req.allParams());
return next();
I also added it to the order in http.js file.
Please suggest me if there is any other way to achieve this.

req.params is the key on which parameter exists, and req.param is the function to access these parameters.
please try setting on req.params.
Moreover req.param is now deprecated


Express Set Custom Parameter Query Starter

I'm using express to interact with discord's oauth2 api.
When I request a user oauth token the server responds with a url like:
I'm trying to extract the parameters after the # as with discords api parameters start with # unlike others which start with a ?
Because it doesn't start with a question mark I am unable to use the req.params.x property.
I thought, "No big deal, ill just get the url and extract it myself" but every single url accessor in express removes string after #. This includes req.url and req.originalUrl which both return the file path.
So how can I get url parameters started by hashtags instead of question marks?
Or How can I get the full url with content after hashtags
I was able to solve this problem by setting a custom query parser. Code snippet below.
const app = express();
app.set('query parser', (query) => {
return query.split('&').map(item => {
const [key, value] = item.split('=');
return {
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
console.log(req.originalUrl); // Full URL starting with file path

ExpressJS apply JWT for file url

So I'm trying to make authorization for routes with JWT, it all worked if used on routes.
app.get('/user/list', jwtMiddleware, action);
And the jwtMiddleware content is (more or less):
var token = req.headers.authorization;
// decode token
if (token) {
// verifies secret and checks exp
jwt.verify(token, process.env.SECRET_TOKEN, function(err, decoded) {
if (err) {
return res.status(401).send({
success: false,
message: 'Sign in to continue.'
} else {
// if everything is good, save to request for use in other routes
} else {
// if there is no token
// return an error
return res.status(401).send({
success: false,
message: 'Sign in to continue.'
it works, but I have these image files in uploads/ folder which accessible by /upload/image-1.jpg and I want to prevent direct access to /upload/image-1.jpg by using wildcard routes app.get('/upload*', jwtMiddleware, action);
then I try accessing random route with upload prefix like /upload/test, the jwt middleware works. But if I explicitly type /upload/image-1.jpg the browser just show the image, it's like the middleware or wildcard route (/upload*) is not accessed (the console.log inside middleware didn't even fired).
Previously I use restify and restify-jwt-middleware, it could handle this case flawlessly but in express I can't find out why it doesn't work. Maybe because restify-jwt-middleware automatically registers all routes into jwt validation whereas express need to declare each route with jwt middleware manually.
is there anything I miss in this case? thank you.
add/modify to another route like app.get('/upload/:image', jwtMiddleware, action)
this will check all the route you mentioned /upload/*
put the static files(eg.uploaded files somewhere like images/upload) and route them using the serveStaticFiles plugin restify and put jwt middleware to verify the user login status.
In case anyone still confused, here's my answer in express which is similar approach to yathomasi's
// the fake route
app.get('uploads/:name', jwtMiddleware, (req, res, next) => {
if (fs.existsSync('./realpath/' + {
res.sendFile('./realpath/' +;
} else {
res.status(404).body({status : 'ERROR', message : 'File not found'});
this way, the uploads/somefile.jpg is treated as route url not file url and will be processed by jwtMiddleware

How to set a default parameter in Vue resource

I am using token authentication with ajax requests and want to accompany each ajax request with 'api_token' : 'XYXYXYXYXY'.
Is there a way to set it globally in Vue resource to avoid having to add it to the payload or query parameter for each request ?
Found it in the documentation thanks to Bert.
Vue.http.interceptors.push(function(request, next) {
request.params['api_token'] = 'XYXYXYXYXYXYXYXY';

Store api key in react webapp

My react web application uses axios to make an API post request.
The API needs a parameter called token for each post request.
Is there a way to always add the token parameter for each post request I do, so I don't have to add it manually every time, and where to save this token in a secure location?
I feel what I do now is a bit redundant. Example:'', {
token: 'abcdefg12345678',
userId: 1
}).then(() => {//do something});
Use axios interceptors. If you add a request interceptor, you can make a change (add token) to each request:
axios.interceptors.request.use(function(config) { = || {}; = 'abcdefg12345678';
return config;

Using Node JS to proxy http and modify response

I'm trying to write a front end to an API service with Node JS.
I'd like to be able to have a user point their browser at my node server and make a request. The node script would modify the input to the request, call the api service, then modify the output and pass back to the user.
I like the solution here (with Express JS and node-http-proxy) as it passes the cookies and headers directly from the user through my site to the api server.
proxy request in node.js / express
I see how to modify the input to the request, but i can't figure out how to modify the response. Any suggestions?
transformer-proxy could be useful here. I'm the author of this plugin and I'm answering here because I found this page when looking for the same question and wasn't satisfied with harmon as I don't want to manipulate HTML.
Maybe someone else is looking for this and finds it useful.
Harmon is designed to plug into node-http-proxy
It uses trumpet and so is stream based to work around any buffering problems.
It uses an element and attribute selector to enable manipulation of a response.
This can be used to modify output response.
See here:
http-proxy-interceptor is a middleware I wrote for this very purpose. It allows you to modify the http response using one or more transform streams. There are tons of stream-based packages available (like trumpet, which harmon uses), and by using streams you can avoid buffering the entire response.
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
var modifyResponse = require('http-proxy-response-rewrite');
var proxy = httpProxy.createServer({
target:'target server IP here',
proxy.on('error', function (err, req, res) {
res.writeHead(500, {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
res.end('Something went wrong. And we are reporting a custom error message.');
proxy.on('proxyRes', function (proxyRes, req, res) {
modifyResponse(res, proxyRes.headers['content-encoding'], function (body) {
if (body && (body.indexOf("<process-order-response>")!= -1)) {
var beforeTag = "</receipt-text>"; //tag after which u can add data to
// response
var beforeTagBody = body.substring(0,(body.indexOf(beforeTag) + beforeTag.length));
var requiredXml = " <ga-loyalty-rewards>\n"+
var afterTagBody = body.substring(body.indexOf(beforeTag)+ beforeTag.length)+
var res = [];
res.push(beforeTagBody, requiredXml, afterTagBody);
return res.join("");
return body;