How to set a default parameter in Vue resource - vue.js

I am using token authentication with ajax requests and want to accompany each ajax request with 'api_token' : 'XYXYXYXYXY'.
Is there a way to set it globally in Vue resource to avoid having to add it to the payload or query parameter for each request ?

Found it in the documentation thanks to Bert.
Vue.http.interceptors.push(function(request, next) {
request.params['api_token'] = 'XYXYXYXYXYXYXYXY';


Nuxt SSR - i can't check if a user is authenticated

I'm trying to work on a Nuxt SSR frontend that uses a Django backend with Session Authentication.
I would like to have some SSR pages as well as client rendered pages in my frontend, so i'm using Universal mode.
The problem is that i did not find a working approach to check if a user is authenticated before loading a page, so i can't restrict pages to anonymous users. In order to check if a user is authenticated, Django will check if the request's headers contain a cookie, and according to that return if the user is authenticated or not.
Here is what i tried:
1) Middleware
export default async function ({context, redirect}) {
axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;
return axios({
method: 'get',
url: '',
withCredentials: true,
}).then(function (response) {
//Redirect if user is authenticated
}).catch(function (error) {
Here i'm sending a request to my backend to check if the user is authenticated. The problem is that the middleware is executed from server side, which means there will never be any cookie in the request, even if the user is authenticated. This means that every time i refresh the page, according to the middleware the user is always anonymous, even when the user is authenticated.
2) Plugin
export default function (context, inject) {
if (process.client){
return axios({
method: 'get',
url: '',
withCredentials: true,
}).then(function (response) {
}).catch(function (error) {
} else {
Here i'm trying the same but with a plugin, and i'm "forcing" the plugin to check if the user is authenticated on the backend only when the plugin executes from client side. This works, cookies are sent in the headers and Django receives the cookie, but the problem with this solution is that Nuxt doesn't allow redirecting to other pages from a plugin (
3) Using beforeMount() in Vue
I tried to do that using beforeMount() from my Vue pages, but the problem is that since it will execute AFTER idration, the page will be loaded and after 1/2 seconds the redirect happens, which is kind of ugly.
Is it possible that there isn't a way to do this? Any kind of advice is appreciated
EDIT: the problem is not that i don't know how to code this, the problem is that when Nuxt sends a request to my backend from the server side middleware, the request will not contain any cookie, and because of this my Django backend cannot check the session cookie, which means that the backend cannot check whether or not the user is authenticated. The same code works when the middleware is executed from client side (if i navigate directly to the page instead of refreshing), because the request will contain the cookies.
I'm trying to understand if this is normal or not, but this could be an issue with Nuxt.
I know this a year old question and it was probably about nuxt 2, now nuxt 3 is out and running and I found my self with the same problem and here is how I solved it, just in case someone stumble here just like I did.
With Nuxt 3 server side you can use useFetch with the options headers: useRequestHeaders(['cookie'])
const { data, error, pending, refresh } = await useFetch(api.auth,
credentials: "include",
headers: useRequestHeaders(['cookie'])
There are a few issues you need to be aware of:
_ The cache, if you perform the same request with the same parameters it will return the same cached response (it won't even call the end point API). Try to use the key option with different values or the returned refresh method and check the doc "Data fetching" for more info.
_ The cookies, any cookie generate server side won't be shared with the client side, this means if the API generate a new token or session cookie on server side the browser won't receive those cookies and may generate new ones, this may get you in some 400 - bad request if you use session with CSRF, check this issue for more info.
I do have a working middleware with this
export default ({ redirect, store }) => {
if (store?.$auth?.$state?.loggedIn) {
} else {

Set-Cookie not accessible through axios or fetch

I am building a web application with a go backend and a vue.js frontend.
I want to do a simple sign in form in which I send the sign in request from a method of my component with Axios (or fetch) and get in response a JSON object of the user and a session token in the cookie to be stored and reused in future requests to the server.
The code of my components method :
class LoginComponent extends Vue {
sendLogin (): void {<User>('', body)
.then(res => console.log('Axios Response :', res)
.catch(err => console.error('Axios Error :', err))
The part of the code of the go server :
go API
with the headers :
go headers
the front and backend are on different IP addresses in a local network and they communicate through HTTP.
The problem that I faced is that when receiving the response after the post request to login I don't have access to the cookie that has been set by the server. When I use Axios to analyze the response the cookie isn't in the headers whereas when I look at the network logs in the browser, the cookie is in the headers but it is not saved and it is not sent when I do another request.
Also, the only header that is visible with Axios is Content-Type : application/json; charset=UTF-8
I tried many things to be able to see this cookie but it doesn't work :
adding { withCredentials: true } to the axios request or axios.defaults.withCredentials = true to the axios instance only stops the request because of CORS.
changing all the Access-Control headers to "*" didn't change anything
using { auth: { username: 'foo', password: 'bar' } } in the axios options instead of the body
The only thing that worked and automatically saved the cookie was to send the request via the attributes of the form html tag, like so :
<form method="POST" action="">
But this way I am redirected to the JSON response object and not to one of my routes from vue-router and I can't access the User object in my app.
Is there any way that my problem can be solved?
Ok so the comment of Зелёный was the answer.
I needed the go server to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: (the address of the frontend) and then configure axios with { withCredentials: true } to be able to automatically store the cookie. Although I still don't see it when I do a console.log on the axios response, it is successfully stored and reused for each call to the server.

Is there any way to add extra parameters in sails middleware?

We have a sails application behind azure authentication which passes a header with email address.
I need to use this email address as a param in my all controllers.
I am trying to add below in my sails http.js middleware. But I am not receiving the param as expected in controller.
aadAppendUser: function (req, res, next) { //Azure Active Directory append User Email
sails.log("Requested :: ", req.method, req.url);
const emailHeader = 'x-ms-client-principal-name';
req.param.userMail = req.headers[emailHeader];
sails.log("userMail :: ", req.param.userMail);
// sails.log('All Params', req.allParams());
return next();
I also added it to the order in http.js file.
Please suggest me if there is any other way to achieve this.
req.params is the key on which parameter exists, and req.param is the function to access these parameters.
please try setting on req.params.
Moreover req.param is now deprecated

Vuejs http request always attach a query parameter

Am using a query param authentication with my backed that requires all http requests have the following
AM using vuejs2 resource
So in my request i want to intercept every request and attach the above so i have
Vue.http.interceptors.push(function (request, next) {
//here add the access token in my url string
//am stuck
So i expect when i try
the request should automatically be
Also when ihave
then request url should have
How do i intercept all the requests and attach the query parameter access token
THe way i was able to resolve this was by
if(request.url.indexOf("?") === -1){ //means no access token since nothing is passed to the url
request.url = request.url+"?access-token=token";
if(request.url.indexOf("access-token") === -1){
request.url = request.url+"&access-token=token"

Store api key in react webapp

My react web application uses axios to make an API post request.
The API needs a parameter called token for each post request.
Is there a way to always add the token parameter for each post request I do, so I don't have to add it manually every time, and where to save this token in a secure location?
I feel what I do now is a bit redundant. Example:'', {
token: 'abcdefg12345678',
userId: 1
}).then(() => {//do something});
Use axios interceptors. If you add a request interceptor, you can make a change (add token) to each request:
axios.interceptors.request.use(function(config) { = || {}; = 'abcdefg12345678';
return config;