How to create a table from different query results SQL - sql

I want to create a new table using the results from some queries. I might be looking at this the wrong way so please feel free to let me know. Because of this I will try to make this question simple without putting my code to match each employee number with each manager level column from table2
I have two tables, one has employee names and employee numbers example
table 1
| emplpyeenum | firstname | last name | location |
| 11 | joe | free | JE |
| 22 | jill | yoyo | XX |
| 33 | yoda | null | 9U |
and another table with employee numbers under each manager level so basically a hierarchy example
Table 2
| manager | manager2 | manager3 |
| 11 | 22 | 33 |
I want to make a new table that will have the names besides the numbers, so for example but with employee number beside the names
| level 1 | level2 | level3 |
| jill | joe | yoda |
How can I do this?
edit sorry guys I don't have permission to create a new table or view

Why not change your table2 to this?
| EmployeeId | ManagerId|
| 11 | NULL |
| 22 | 11 |
| 33 | 22 |
Then you can do what you want with the data. At least your data will be properly normalized. In your table2. What happen if employee 33 hire another employee below him? You will add another column?
Based on your available table, this should give you the result you want.
SELECT m1.firstname, m2.firstname, m3.firstname
FROM table2 t
LEFT JOIN table1 m1 ON m1.employeenum = t.manager
LEFT JOIN table1 m2 ON m2.employeenum = t.manager2
LEFT JOIN table1 m3 ON m3.employeenum = t.manager3

You can just do a basic create table, then do a insert select to that will fill the table the way you need it. All you have to do is replace the select statement that I provided with the one you used to create the levels table output.
create table Levels
level1 varchar(25),
level2 varchar(25),
level3 varchar(25)
insert into Levels(level1, level2, level3)
select * from tables --here you would put the select statement that you used to create the information. If you dont have this script then let me know


How do I select a row with two columns joined by one column from another table?

I'm sorry if my question doesn't make sense. I'm not sure how to word it. I just started self-studying SQL and there's something I want to do but I'm not sure how to do it. I'm hoping someone could help me out.
I have two tables where Table 1 is a list of students and Table 2 is a list of lab partners. Table 2 has students listed with their id numbers instead of names. The two tables can be joined together by student_id = student1_id (or student2_id).
Table 1
| student_id | student_name |
| 01 | Alex |
| 02 | Ben |
| 03 | Chris |
| 04 | Dave |
Table 2
| group_number | student1_id | student2_id |
| 1 | 01 | 02 |
| 2 | 03 | 04 |
What would my select query look like if I wanted lab partners to show as names instead of id numbers? (See desired result below.)
Query result:
| group_number | (student_name of student1_id) | (student_name of student2_id) |
| 1 | Alex | Ben |
| 2 | Chris | Dave |
I'm actually stumped. I'm hoping someone could send me in the right direction. I would greatly appreciate the help!
You would join on the id columns with the Table1(that holds the name of students) twice-> one for student_1's name and one for student_2's name
select t2.group_number
,t11.student_name as student_name_1
,t12.student_name as student_name_2
from Table2 t2
join Table1 t11
on t2.student1_id=t11.student_id
join Table1 t12
on t2.student2_id=t12.student_id

Filling information from same and other tables in SQL

For my further work I need to create a lookup table where all the different IDs my data has (because of different sources) are noted.
It has to look like this:
| Name | ID_source1 | ID_source2 | ID_source3 |
| John | EMP_992 | AKK81239K | inv1000003 |
Note, that Name and ID_Source1 are coming from the same table. The other IDs are coming from different tables. They share the same name value, so e.g. source 2 looks like this:
Source2 Table:
| Name | ID |
| John | AKK81239K |
What is the SQL code to accomplish this? Im using Access and it doesnt seem to work with this code for source 2:
INSERT INTO Lookup_Table ([ID_Source2])
SELECT [Source2].[ID]
FROM Lookup_Table LEFT JOIN [Source2]
ON [Lookup_Table].[Name] = [Source2].[Name]
It just adds the ID from Source2 in a new row:
| Name | ID_source1 | ID_source2 | ID_source3 |
| John | EMP_992 | | |
| | | AKK81239K | |
Hope you guys can help me.
You're looking for an UPDATE query, not an INSERT query.
An UPDATE query updates existing records. An INSERT query inserts new records into a table.
UPDATE Lookup_Table
INNER JOIN [Source2] ON [Lookup_Table].[Name] = [Source2].[Name]
SET [ID_Source2] = [Source2].[ID]

How to select distinct values from a table?

I am working with SQL Server database and I have a table called companiesData with three columns: id, name, projects I want to get the values from the id and name without the repeated values.
Content of the tables:
| id | name | project |
| 1 | Company A | Project A |
| 2 | Company B | Project A |
| 3 | Company B | Project B |
| 4 | Company A | Project B |
If I write:
select distinct name from companiesData;
The query returns:
| name |
| Company A |
| Company B |
But like I said in the beginning I want the data from two columns of the same table (I only have one right now). So I write the next query to get the data:
select distinct id, company from companiesData;
And it returns:
| id | name |
| 1 | Company A |
| 2 | Company B |
| 3 | Company B |
| 4 | Company A |
So, I also tried with:
select id, company from companiesData group by id, company;
But this returns the same data of the second query. In others questions the answer to this problem is use distinct or group by but this is not working for me.
Is there any other way to get this data? Am I wrong in my queries?
Thanks in advance.
So you want "Company A" to appear once in your results, with one of the ids, and you don't care which one? How about:
select min(id), company from companiesData group by company

Using a table to lookup multiple IDs on one row

I have two tables I am using at work to help me gain experience in writing SQL queries. One table contains a list of Applications and has three columns -
Application_Name, Application_Contact_ID and Business_Contact_ID. I then have a separate table called Contacts with two columns - Contact_ID and Contact_Name. I am trying to write a query that will list the Application_Name and Contact_Name for both the Applications_Contact_ID and Business_Contact_ID columns instead of the ID number itself.
I understand I need to JOIN the two tables but I haven't quite figured out how to formulate the correct statement. Help Please!
| Application_Name | Application_Contact_ID | Business_Contact_ID |
| Adobe | 23 | 23 |
| Word | 52 | 14 |
| NotePad++ | 44 | 989 |
| Contact_ID | Contact_Name |
| 23 | Tim |
| 52 | John |
| 14 | Jen |
| 44 | Carl |
| 989 | Sam |
What I am trying to get is:
| Application_Name | Application_Contact_Name | Business_Contact_Name |
| Adobe | Tim | Tim |
| Word | John | Jen |
| NotePad++ | Carl | Sam |
I've tried the below but it is only returning the name for one of the columns:
SELECT Application_Name, Application_Contact_ID, Business_Contact_ID, Contact_Name
FROM Applications
JOIN Contact ON Contact_ID = Application_Contact_ID
This is a pretty critical and 101 part of SQL. Consider reading this other answer on a different question, which explains the joins in more depth. The trick to your query, is that you have to join the CONTACTS table twice, which is a bit hard to visualize, because you have to go there for both the application_contact_id and business_contact_id.
There are many flavors of joins (INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, etc.), which you'll want to familiarize yourself with for the future reference. Consider reading this article at the very least:
SELECT t1.application_name Application_Name,
t2.contact_name Application_Contact_name,
t3.contact_name Business_Contact_name
FROM applications t1
INNER JOIN contacts ON t2 t1.Application_Contact_ID = t2.contact_id -- join contacts for appName
INNER JOIN contacts ON t3 t1.business_Contact_ID = t3.contact_id; -- join contacts for busName

Oracle SQL Select Unique Value AND Only one value from matching rows with non-unique values

I have two tables, a master table and a general information table. I need to update my master table from the general table. How can I update the master table when the general info table can have slightly different values for the descriptions?
| Code | Desc |
| 156 | Milk |
| 122 | Eggs |
| 123 | Diapers |
| Code | Desc | Price |
| 156 | Milk | $3.00 |
| 122 | Eggs | $2.00 |
| 123 | Diapers | $15.00 |
| 124 | Shopright Cola| $2.00 |
| 124 | SR Cola | $2.00 |
As you can see item 124 has 2 descriptions. It does not matter which description.
My attempt is returning 124 with both codes, I understand my code is looking for both the unique Code and description in the master which is why it returns both 124 but I'm unsure how to fix it.
WHERE A.Code = B.Code )
I have also tried:
WHERE A.Code = B.Code )
Unique filters the duplicated entries in the SELECTed result set across all columns, not just one key.
When you want to extract the other attributes of a key you filtered, you have to instruct the database to first group the unique keys. To choose one of attributes of a grouped key, we can use an AGGREGATE function. Like MAX(), MIN().
WHERE A.Code = B.Code )
There're analytical functions which can be used for even complex requirements.