Reduce TTFB on PHP empty file - php-7

I have trouble reducing TTFB on PHP.
Even when file is empty it needs about 100ms. It doesn't matter .php or .html, both need the same time.
I have a decent server on HETZNER, server is not loaded and shoudn't have any problem.
Can it be problem with Cpanel?
Is it possible to have lower TTFB on php 7.0 (empty file)?
I managed to reduce connect time by changing DNS Server from hostgator (LaunchPad) to cloudflare (it was about 100ms and now it's ~1.5ms).
Any suggestions?

TTFB depend on network latency.
I've just performed a test on my web application I'm developing. The chrome TTFB analyze on my test server showed 225ms on my LTE connection, and the same application runs on my computer apache server has 14ms TTFB in chrome.
The ping test to my local machine shown 0.015ms latency, and the server 64ms latency. This is probably why your TTFB cannot be reduced under 100ms. It's rather your network connection latency and not the application. Try to perform the test on very fast connection or use apache ab to test it on the server console.


Tomcat 8.5.x freezes

I use Tomcat 8.5.x zip version (no GUI) and when I proceed a huge amount of requests from my load balancing Apache Server everything works fine. The problem occurs when I stop doing anything (stop sending requests) for like 5-10-15+ minutes, the moment when I want to log-in or do something, my site won't load, Tomcat won't accept the request and when I right-click on Tomcat, it unfreezes and the requests are proceeded. What to do?
Running Tomcat as service and increasing heap size did the work.

Why would Apache be slow when application server is quick?

We are using Apache as the web server, and it proxies requests to Jboss (think Tomcat) Java application server using AJP.
We have logging on for Apache and for our web application in Jboss.
We are seeing, not always but sometimes, cases where the processing time for a request in Jboss is less than half a second, but in the Apache log for the same request it is taking over 8 seconds to complete the request.
I can't even think where to start looking and I have not come up with a good Google search to try and work out why Apache is sitting on the request for so long. Any help appreciated.
Disclaimer: Educated guess taken from my experience with running such setups.
Apache can be configured to allow only a limited number of connections at the same time. In fact this is a prudent way to configure Apache since every connection uses a certain amount of resources and having no upper limit puts you at risk to run into a situation, where your main memory is exhausted and your server becomes unresponsive.
Resource exhaustion
That being said, Apache is usually configured as shown below, your numbers and modules may be different though. The principle still applies.
<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
StartServers 5
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
MaxClients 150
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
This indicates that Apache can process at most 150 concurrent connections.
If a client initiates the 151'th connection, the operating system kernel tries to forward this connection to the Apache process, but it won't answer any more connections. The kernel then enqueues the connection until another connection is closed by Apache.
The time it takes until the kernel can successfully initiate the connection will look to the user as if the request as such takes longer to complete.
The application-server on the other hand, doesn't know about the delay and received the request only after the connection has been initiated. To the application-server therefore everything looks normal.
If you don't have enough resources to increase the concurrent connections in Apache, consider switching to a more resource-efficient web-proxy, like nginx or Varnish.
I don't think apache is acutally slow in your case. I guess you are using keepalived connections between apache and jboss. Under some circumstances, for example the connector is using blocking IO strategy and mean while the number of apache httpd processes are higher than the number of executor threads configurated in jboss connector. It might cause the jboss container thread being blocked after it served a request. You should post your apache and jboss configurations in order to get more specific answers.

Improving a Web App's Performance

My web app, an exploded WAR, is hosted by Apache (static content) and Tomcat (dynamic content) via mod_jk. Optionally, there's an ActiveMQ component of this system, but it's currently not being used.
As I understand, each HTTP request will hit Apache. If it's a dynamic content request, Apache will forward the request to Tomcat via mod_jk. To fulfill this request, Tomcat will start a new thread to do the work.
I'm running the app on a 6-core, 12 GB RAM machine.
Besides using the ActiveMQ component, how can I improve my system's performance? Also, please correct me if I'm misstating how Apache and Tomcat communicate.
while (unhappyWithSitePerformance) {
identifyBiggestBottleneck(); // e.g. what breaks first
There is no blank silver bullet to provide. You should make sure your load test simulates realistic user behaviour and define the number of (virtual) users you want your server to handle within given answering time. Then tune your server until your goal is met.
Common parameters to look for are
memory consumption
CPU consumption (e.g. certain algorithms)
I/O saturation - e.g. communication to the database, general HTTP traffic saturating the network adapter
Database or backend answering time - e.g. sometimes you'll have to tune the backend, not the webserver itself.

HTTPS or SSH for server-server communication

I have two servers. I wish to send some data ( was doing it with HTTP GET till now ) to a php file residing on the server and get some output from it.
Of late, I saw the requests per second went up to 50 and Apache served HTTP 500 error for some of those. This server has 512 MB RAM and the script, in php-cli mode, usually eats up around 10 MB of memory.
I wish, if it were to reduce the load on server, to use SSH instead of HTTPS. Will it reduce the memory usage on this server (minus what the script itself needs)? Or will too many SSH connections still cause hindrance?
Note - I do not have HTTPS setup right now. But planning to switch over to it. And just then, this issue cropped up.
SSH will not speed up your program. What you can do, is to create your own server on the destination server (which will receive data). The web server do much more than just receive data, like interpret HTTP headers and route your requests to files. Your own server can do the same job in a much lighter way. has an example of how to do this.
I would use normal HTTP, but encrypt the data sent.
How big is the data you're wanting to transfer? Depending on the size SSH (in particular, SFTP) might very well be better. I say that because... well, when was the last time you tried to upload a 10MB file via a webpage and succeeded? Uploading small files works for HTTP but, at the end of the day, it's not a file transfer protocol.
My recommendation would be to use phpseclib, a pure PHP SFTP implementation. Upload a file via SFTP and then run a PHP script on that file via SSH.

apache + lighttpd front-proxy concept

In order to lighten Apache's load people often suggest using lighttpd to serve up static content.
In this setup Apache passes requests for static content back to lighttpd via mod_proxy, while serving dynamic requests itself.
My question is: how does this reduce the load on the server? Since you still have an apache process spawned for every request that comes in, how does this positively impact the load? From what I can see the size of the Apache process proxying its request through lighttpd is as large as it would be if it were serving the file itself.
Running Lighttpd behind Apache to serve static files certainly seems braindead to me. Apache still has to unpack the HTTP packets and parse the request through its parse tree, send proxy requests, and then Lighttpd has to re-unpack, hit the filesystem and send the files back through Apache. I've never heard of anyone using a setup like this in production.
What you will see, is people using a lightweight webserver like Nginx as a frontend server to serve static files and proxy dynamic URLs to Apache. Or, you can run Varnish or Squid as a caching reverse proxy frontend, so that all your high-traffic static files (i.e. images, CSS etc. and any dynamic pages you're willing to send cache-friendly headers for) are served out of memory.
Apache can also be optimized to serve static files -- so often when I hear people complain about Apache, they really don't know how to configure it. They've only ever used the prefork MPM (vs. threaded or worker) and have all sorts of modules enabled (usually they're running from a Linux distribution's kitchen-sink Apache package that builds everything as modules and defaults to enabling 10-20 modules or more). Tune Apache by turning off unneeded modules/stupid features like support for .htaccess (which makes Apache scan the filesystem on every request!) first. (You can also run two instances of Apache, with a "light" Apache as frontend that proxies to a "heavy" Apache for dynamic requests ... maybe your frontend is threaded but your backend is prefork because you have to run thread-unsafe external modules like mod_php.)
Since you still have an apache process
spawned for every request that comes
in, how does this positively impact
the load? From what I can see the size
of the Apache process proxying its
request through lighttpd is as large
as it would be if it were serving the
file itself.
If you're spawning processes on every request, then that means you're using the prefork MPM. Keep in mind that when the OS reports memory usage for each of these processes, not all that memory is wired, a lot of those processes are idle. And when you're talking about speed, you're concerned more with request parsing and internal code branches for a given request (how much processing is the server doing?) than with memory usage reported by the OS.
For example, if you enable something like mod_php, then each of those worker processes is going to instantly go up by about 20-40M (depending on what's enabled in your PHP interpreter), but that doesn't mean Apache is using that memory on static requests. Of course if you're optimizing your server for maximum concurrency on small static files, then enabling mod_php would still be very bad, you're not going to be able to fit nearly as many prefork processes into RAM.
I probably could come up with a "nightmare configuration" for Apache that would make it actually slower serving static files than proxying those requests to a backend Lighttpd, but it would involve enabling expensive features like .htaccess in Apache that are disabled in Lighttpd, so it wouldn't really be fair.
If you still have the power to serve static and dynamic content from the same machine (as they in your referenced article do), then I really see no point in that setup.
Maybe it does reduce the Load of Apache, because it doesn't have to do IO to the disk, but it will increase the Load of Lighttpd on the same machine and thus reducing the available load to apache ...
Maybe Lighttpd IO access is lighter, than that of Apache 1.3, but why not just switch to Apache 2 or Lighttpd completely? And if the performance really start to suck, host the static files on another machine (
I small introduction to how you can make a performant setup is found here:
Deploying Django -> scroll to Scaling some page before the end
I don't know much about internal workings of Apache, but one explanation I've seen is about memory pressure. In short, Apache tries to balance the memory it uses for caching and for dynamic pages; but usually ends up with too much cache and too little for apps. If you separate them to different processes, each one will optimize for the kind of load.
Currently, what I'm doing is using nginx as front end. It's really fast and light, and specifically designed as a frontend proxy; but also serves static files. In fact, since it can also call FastCGI processes, you could get rid of Apache and still get the benefits of split file/app processes. (and there's some extra memcached magic that looks absolutely genius)
(Yes, lighttpd can also be used as frontend to Apache and/or FastCGI)
You don't have an Apache process spawned for each request - static files (images and the like) are fetched directly by lighttpd.
Use Apache MPM Worker fastcgi this will lower you server memory usage. MPM worker serves static content better then Prefork and is nearly on par with lighttpd when it comes to static content.