Google data studio Date range - Add upcoming event - google-bigquery

Is it any possibility to select all values based on date range which is >= date which selected in data studio? Or this is still not supported.
P.S. Any other way to get an upcoming event, like if currently 8th of October, it will display which event(holiday) will be next?

The way I've achieved this in reports is to have a dimension that reflects whether the event is in the future, "Future"/"Past".
I've then filtered the table by this dimension so it only shows future events and then changed the Default Date Range to "All Date Range".
The table will now show all future events.


Current month and prevoius month logic in cognos prompt page

I want to designed a report in a cognos which showcase data for current month or prevoius month choice on prompt page, need to get logic for this.
Please advice if any one has solution for this...
2 suggestions
Scenario 1) Put the current month and prior month values in a conditional block
Or if you don't want to do that,
Scenario 2)
Create two lists
One each way you want to present the data
Current Month
Prior Month
Then use rendering on the prompt to show the list the user selected

How to show the enabled dates directly in p-calender

I have an input field that uses the component. Say I have disabled the dates till 15th May. When I click on the calender, the current month is shown as April and all dates in it are disabled. How can I make the current month as the one that doesn't have disabled dates? (May month in this case)
Use defaultDate to display the current month you want to first display. The defaultDate is only applicable if ngModel is not initially set. See similar issue (Primeng: p-calender default date not working).
<p-calendar [(ngModel)]="startDate" [disabledDates]="invalidDates" [defaultDate]="defaultDate" showIcon="true"></p-calendar>
Stackblitz example

How to Extend the End Date in a SQL Calendar Table?

I have a report that, according to users, started miscalculating dates in one field in November 2015. After some digging around, I found that one of the tables the field referenced seemed to have an end date on 2015-10-31.
The "D" field seems to represent the day of the week, with Sunday being day 1 and Saturday being 7.
Is there a way to extend the calendar so that it ends further into the future, for example 2049-12-31?
Our calendar table, for a variety of reasons, goes the the end of the current year. We have written a query that adds a new year to this table. This query takes care of most of the fields in that table. It does not touch the holiday field. That is updated manually through a web page.
We send ourselves reminders. Starting in March, we send monthly reminders that we should think about adding another year. After ensuring that the database segment has space, and that none of the definitions, such as fiscal periods, have changed, we run the query that adds a year.
Later in the year we start mailing ourselves reminders about the holidays. Then we check to see if HR has declared them, and if so, update the records accordingly.
This meets our business requirements. Yours will be different of course.

Excel - VBA - Access: Date Selection Solution

I'm looking for a direction, assuming that surely someone has had to do something similar and I'm making this more difficult than it is.
We have an Access DB, feeds to a pivot table in Excel, which is in turn used to supply charts for a "user dashboard." This is 2010, so no slicers.
My problem is that that DB is updated adding months to a field. There is a listbox in the dashboard that will allow the user to select a specific month and see stats for that time. I'm having a couple problems even getting started and would like to make sure I'm going about this the simplist/most efficient way.
My thought was to populate the listbox with the 'month' fields from the pivot table. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do that with VBA (I have a couple ideas), but if that's the best route then I'll figure it out.
But, has anyone had a similar need, and found a better solution? I have a bunch of buttons to handle other fields, but I would really like to allow for the user to select a date/month/range...whatever. Surely this is a common, easily managed desire, no?
I'd put this in with the conversation you're having with a couple of people above, but I don't have enough rep to do that yet.
I had a similar dashboard issue years ago. Resolved it by adding a dropdown beside the month box (which was a dropdown in my case, not a listbox) with the options "Year to date" and "Month to date". By definition selecting a past month and MTD gave you the whole month, whereas selecting the current month can only ever give you MTD. Same thing with YTD - it would give you the combined stats for the current year to date instead of just one month.
The month dropdown in my dashboard was populated based on the current data in the pivot, which in turn was controlled from the database. We used a 25-month rolling select for the data and showed only the last 13 months in the month dropdown. That gave us a full 12 month spread of historical data to work from if someone chose the oldest month we offered them, yet kept the size of the pivot cache manageable
I used a dropdown for the options instead of option buttons or a checkbox, because I had a suspicion that delivering what was asked for would lead to additional requests. I was right. Eventually we had options for "Last year to date" (how we were tracking this day last year), "Quarter to date", "Financial year to date", and so on. Adding extra choices to the dropdown box was easier than rearranging the dashboard to accommodate the proliferating requirements.

How do I automate a report on variance in the same SQL table fields on monthly basis?

I have a T-SQL view with integer fields. I need a report on a monthly basis regarding the difference from one month to the next, i.e. so many people were engaged in a particular activity on 8am of the 1st of this month, so many the previous month, here is the difference. The numbers fluctuate all the time. I need a variance between 2 snapshots in time.
I am using the SSRS, however in reporting services I can only display the "current" situation. I could run a report at 8am of the 1st of each month and then calculate the differences manually. But how could I automate this calculation and then report on the difference?
I have tried to import data from SQL to 1 Excel spreadsheet from 1 month, then to the 2nd spreadsheet from the 2nd month. The 3rd spreadsheet calculates the difference. But how do I create a nice looking report from Excel?
Additionally I cannot send the report by email. It has to be available online.
Furthermore, each office wants their figures to be confidential and not visible to another office.
Thanx in advance.
Can you add a UserCount table that stores each office's user count for each month? It could have columns like:
You would insert a new row each month based on what the view tells you that month for each office. Then it's as simple as exporting that table to Excel and graphing it using Excel's built-in graphing tools.