ACS AEM Commons - Class not found by acs-aem-commons-bundle - azure-storage

I'm trying to write a custom class in ACS Commons' MCP Tool
Including "azure storage" api in "pom.xml" as below:
The build runs fine without any compile errors, but while running the program i'm seeing the below in error logs:
Sample usage:
public class AzureAssetIngestor extends AssetIngestor {
private CloudStorageAccount storageAccount;
storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.parse(storageConnectionString);
Error in logs while executing the program
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: not found by com.adobe.acs.acs-aem-commons-bundle
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: not found by com.adobe.acs.acs-aem-commons-bundle [521]
at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation(
at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.access$400(
at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
Appreciate any help!

There are two types of dependencies for AEM projects:
Compile time dependencies
Runtime dependencies
In Maven you define compile time dependencies. So adding dependencies to your pom.xml will make them available only during the build (compile time) by Maven.
It is your job as a developer to make sure that those dependencies are also available during runtime. There are basically three ways to achieve that:
Install those dependencies by hand
Add those dependencies to a content package that is deployed during your build
Embed the dependency to your bundle during build time
It is probably obvious, but you should go with option 2 or 3. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. A (relatively) big issue with option 2 is that not all your dependencies are OSGi bundles. Therefore, for this to work, you would need to transform them to OSGi bundles. This is no rocket science but another thing to keep in mind. Embedding your dependency is easier but I personally do not like that solution that much.

With #Jens inputs, the option to install bundles manually helped/worked.
Here's the solution:
Then go to AEM Bundles (Like http://localhost:4502/system/console/bundles) to install bundles manually. You can use either of the below.
Option 1:
Install Oak Blob Cloud Azure bundle. The bundle comes embedded with Azure-Storage 5.0.0 package
Option 2:
Install Apache Service Mix - Download bundle Azure Storage 8.0.0. This has Azure-Storage 5.0.0 embedded. but has the below dependencies.
Guava 20 - Download bundle guava-20.0.jar (Dependency for 1)
Jackson Core - Download bundle jackson-core-2.9.3.jar (Dependency for 1)


Mule Maven tests throw ClassNotFoundException all of a sudden

All of a sudden all my Mule Maven projects are throwing this error when running mvn clean test:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException
at org.mule.tck.junit4.AbstractMuleTestCase.(
I can add a dependency for it, but I shoudln't really have to.
Nothings changed in my code. I am using Mule 3.4
You need commons-cli.jar in your classpath, add this Maven dependency to your pom
Update: OP's code was fixed after adding commons-cli 1.1 dependency.
Issue description and how to fix it:
In a nutshell, you probably have an incorrect JAR named commons-cli-1.2. Delete that and rerun your maven build. You should be good after that.
If the follogin dependency in available in the POM. it should be working fine.
Then use mvn clean compile to update the dependency.
mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse clean compile
Hope this helps.
Maven behaviour isn't reproducible from one run to the next: apart from generic network problems and repository corruption problems, anything might be updated automatically at any time, breaking any step of the execution, even if you don't change any of your files.
Your error message about a class in some Apache Commons library suggests a disagreement between the version of that library Mule should be using (one that has the ParseException class) and the library version it actually loads (without the class and causing the exception).
Plausible version mismatch scenarios include an update to a buggy new version of Mule (maybe only to a wrong or corrupted POM) which specifies an incompatible library version, or a random upgrade or downgrade of the latest library version in your repository as a consequence of adding or updating something unrelated to Mule.
Analysis suggestions:
What plugins in your Maven repository have a snapshot version? Which ones of these snapshots were updated around the time the error first appeared?
Which library jars, and which versions, include the ParseException class? What depends on specific versions or on the latest version of those jars?

Running unit tests in Tycho fails: resolves google-collections instead of Guava

I am having an issue running tests using tycho due to an incorrect dependency resolution that, somehow, is placing the the old Google Collections .jar on the classpath and not the Guava one, despite the fact that at no point in any of my poms do I specify a dependency on collections (only guava).
My unit tests fail due to things like NoSuchMethodError (ImmutableList.copyOf), NoClassDefFoundError (Joiner), which I pretty much narrowed down to 'finding the wrong jar'. These same tests pass when ran manually in Eclipse.
Here is the relevant part of the pom:
The phrase 'google collections' appears no where. The only other repository I specify is:
My plugin imports '' and '' as imported packages. I have my own bundled version of Guava 14 in my workspace for debugging, but in the POM I elect to not use my local module.
I followed Sean Patrick Floyd's answer on this question (JUnit throws java.lang.NoSuchMethodError For, and had my test throw an exception with the location of the .jar that the Iterables class was loaded from. It spat back out:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: file:/C:/Documents and Settings/Erika Redmark/.m2/repository/p2/osgi/bundle/
This is where I am now stuck. This google-collections jar is coming seemingly out of no where, and I don't know how to stop it. As long as it is being resolved, my unit tests will fail. How can I stop Tycho from trying to get the old Google Collections?
Just to clarify, this has not stopped building and deployment; the plugin update site is on an CI platform and we have been able to install the plugin on different Eclipse IDEs, so this issue is only affecting the tests.
Please let me know if additional information is needed.
The plug-in 0.8.0.v201102150722 is part of the Helios p2 repository that you have configured in your POM. This means that this plug-in is part of the target platform and so may be used to resolve dependencies.
If you want to ensure that the bundle is not used, make sure that it is not part of the target platform. In your case, the easiest way to do this is to explicitly remove the plug-in from the target platform:
<removeAll />
Next, you need to make sure that the guava plug-in is part of the target platform. You can add an artifact from a Maven repository to the target platform in the following way:
Declare a Maven dependency to the artifact in the dependencies section of the POM. You already have done this correctly.
Set the configuration parameter <pomDependencies> to consider on Tycho's target-platform-configuration plug-in.
Note that this will generally only work if the referenced artifact is already an OSGi bundle. This is the case here: seems to have all manifest headers needed by OSGi.
This should give you the result you wanted: In the test runtime, guava should now be used to match your* package imports.
And another general remark on declaring dependencies in Tycho: In Tycho, you can only declare dependencies in the PDE source files META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, feature.xml, etc.
The normal Maven-style dependencies declared in the POM do not add dependencies to the project. As explained above, the POM dependencies may only add artifacts to the target platform, i.e. the set of artifacts that may be used by Tycho to resolve the dependencies declared in the PDE source files. So in the end, the POM dependency may become part of the resolved dependencies, but only if the dependency resolver picks it for matching one of the declared dependencies.
by default, tycho will add any p2 artifacts you installed in your local maven repo to the target platform. If bundle exports the package which you import, it may be wired.
To stop tycho from including any locally installed artifacts, you can use -Dtycho.localArtifacts=ignore (or, remove the unwanted bundle from your local maven repo)

EasyWSDL has missing dependencies

I am trying to add a WSDL module to my existing application, but I'm struggling to get the dependencies resolved.
According to their website, this is the correct dependency
After a search (, I already changed the version to 2.3 and there are a bunch of files that are downloaded into my local repository, but when running the application (with the websites demo code), I bump into this error:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ebmwebsourcing.easycommons.uri.UriManager
And I believe it has something to do with the missing artifacts :
In particular the first one. Now, I'm relatively new to using Maven... How would I go about solving this?
The solution is to add the petalslink repository. Appearantly the standard maven repository doesn't contain the easycommons dependency. The petalslink repository does.

Error while using JSFUnit/HtmlUnit/CSSParser

We've just recently converted our project to using Maven for builds and dependency management, and after the conversion I'm getting the following exception while trying to run any JSFUnit tests in my project.
Exception class=[java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException]
com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.ScriptException: CSSRule com.steadystate.css.dom.CSSCharsetRuleImpl is not yet supported.
at com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.JavaScriptEngine$
All the dependencies and JARs for JSFUnit were pulled with Maven using the JBoss repository (
We're using the following dependencies in the project:
jboss-jsfunit-core 1.2.0.Final
jboss-jsfunit-richfaces 1.2.0.Final
richfaces-ui 3.3.2.GA
openfaces 2.0
JSF 1.2_12
Facelets 1.1.14
Before the dependencies were being managed by Maven, we were able to run our JSFUnit tests just fine. I was able to semi-fix the issue by using a ss_css2.jar file that someone had tucked into our WEB-INF/lib directory (from before the Maven conversion). I'm hoping to find out if there's something else I can do to fix the dependencies in Maven rather than resorting to managing some of the dependencies myself.
You're very likely getting an "incompatible" version of HtmlUnit or another JAR (pulled transitively). Try with the version you were using previously and declare it under the dependencyManagement section, e.g.
<version>2.7</version><!-- put "your" version here -->
Or, if you changed any version, try to revert to the exact previous state (by the way, could you clarify the differences between the previous versions and the one currently used?).
Update: It appears that the problem was related to the version of the cssparser artifact. I hadn't all the required elements to figure this out but the OP did :)

Download Maven2 dependency from non-standard layout repository

I need to download a file from a non-standard layout repository.
The standard repository layout is groupId>/<artifactId>/<version>/<artifactId>-<version>.<packaging> however, I need to download the following file:
where ocp-services is effectively the groupId, schemas is the artifactId and 201 is the version.
How would I add a dependency to this file and get it downloaded into my project and local repository?
This is a Hudson file repository if this is of any help, but it is a third parties so difficult to get them to change any location.
One option would be to register a custom ArtifactRepositoryLayout implementation and to declare a repository using this custom layout. I've never done that but it should be possible, check this blog post.
A second option would be to configure Maven to go through some kind of custom proxy (e.g. a Servlet) and to rewrite the URL on the fly for this particular dependency.
In both cases, I'm afraid Maven will complain about missing metadata ("A dependency in Maven isn't just a JAR file", see 3.5.5. Maven's Dependency Management) because the hudson file repository is just not a Maven repository. Maybe this can be handled programmatically though. But as I said, I've never done this.
A third option would be to ask the project building the JAR you need to deploy it (in the maven sense). That would be of course the best solution.
A last one option would be to just download this JAR and to install it manually in your local repository. If this is an option, go for it.
Have you tried adding this to your pom.xml :
or if that don't work as Pascal says install it manually