I would like to redirect an unauthenticated user to the ‘/login’ route, and the auth user to the ‘/’ when he’ll try to access to the login page.
When the user is logged in, I put his information on the store to be easily retrieved.
When no user is logged in, the user authenticated informations on the store are still null.
So, in my beforeEnter of my ‘/login’ I would like to redirect him like this :slight_smile:
beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => {
if (store.getters.userAuthenticated != null) {
} else {
My problem in here is my userAuthenticated in the getters are always null, even if I am logged in.
When I put a console.log(store.getters) I see actual information in my userAuthenticated getters.
It seems the data in the beforeEnter is not synchronized with the actual data from the store.
How I would do that ?
Thanks a lot !
That's how you do it
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
let nextParams
let pageRequiresAuth = to.matched.some(record => record.meta.requiresAuth)
let userSignedIn = store.getters['user/signedIn']
if (pageRequiresAuth) {
if (!userSignedIn)
nextParams = { path: paths.signInPath }
} else {
if (userSignedIn)
// don't let see auth pages after if user already signed in
nextParams = { path: paths.afterSignInPath }
I'm trying to create an Vue 3 with app with JWT authentication and meet an issue with guarding the router using "isAuth" variable from Pinia store to check the access. Eventually Vue router and app in whole loads faster than the Store, that's why I'm always getting "unauthorized" value from the store, but in fact user is logged in and his data is in store.
I'll try to describe all the steps that are made to register and login user.
Registration is made to NodeJS backend and JWT token is created.
On the login screen user enters email and password, if info is valid he will be logged in and JWT will be saved to localstorage and decoded through JWTdecode, decoded token data will be saved to the store in user variable, and isAuth variable set to true.
Pinia store has 2 fields in state: user(initially null), and isAuth(initially false).
In the main App component I'm using async onMounted hook to check the token and keep user logged in by calling the API method, which compares JWT.
In the Vue router i have several routes that must be protected from the unauthorized users, that's why I'm trying to create navigation guards for them by checking the user information from the store. Problem is, router is created after the setting user info and is always getting the initial state of the user and isAuth variables.
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
export const useLoggedInUserStore = defineStore({
id: 'loggedInUser',
state: () => ({
isAuth: false,
user: null
getters: {
getisAuth(state) {
return state.isAuth;
getUser(state) {
return state.user;
actions: {
setUser(user) {
this.user = user;
setAuth(boolean) {
this.isAuth = boolean;
App.vue onMounted
onMounted(async () => {
await checkUser()
.then((data) => {
isLoading.value = true;
if (data) {
} else {
router.push({ name: 'Login' });
.finally((isLoading.value = false));
Router guard sample
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
const store = useLoggedInUserStore();
if (!store.isAuth && to.name !== 'Login') next({ name: 'Login' });
else next();
I feel that problem is with this async checking, but can't figure out how to rewrite it to load store before the app initialization.
I hope that somebody meet this problem too and can help.
Thanks in advance!
So I just met this problem and fixed it thanks to this solution
As it says, the router gets instantiated before App.vue is fully mounted so check the token in beforeEach instead, like:
router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next): Promise<void> => {
const user = useUser();
await user.get();
console.log(user) // user is defined
if (to.meta.requiresAuth && !user.isLoggedIn) next({ name: "home" }); // this will work
By the way instead of having an action setAuth you could just use your getter isAuth checking if user is not null, like:
isAuth: (state) => state.user !== null
Also it's not recommended to store a JWT in the local storage as if you're site is exposed to XSS attacks the token can be stolen. You should at least store it in an HttpOnly cookie (meaning it's not accessible from JavaScript), it's super easy to do with Express.
I have followed a number of posts' guidance on Stack Overflow and other websites about setting up Vue routes to check for user authentication. The setup I now have does essentially work correctly (for each route, the user authentication status is checked, and redirected to the login page if necessary) but there is a small issue in that just before the user is redirected, the standard Nuxt/Vue 404 page screen flashes up momentarily.
This is an example of each route that requires user authentication that I have in router.js:
path: '/question/:id/comments',
name: 'comments',
component: page('Comments.vue'),
meta: {requiresAuth: true},
beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => {
guard(to, from, next);
And here is my guard() function that checks the user authentication and then redirects them with next() as required:
const guard = function(to, from, next) {
axios.get(process.env.apiUrl + 'check-auth').then(response => {
if( to.matched.some( record => record.meta.requiresAdmin ) ) {
if( response.data.is_moderator !== 1 ) {
next({ path: '/' });
} else {
} else if( to.matched.some( record => record.meta.requiresAuth ) ) {
if( !response.data.id ) {
path: '/login',
params: { nextUrl: to.fullPath }
} else {
} else {
Many articles online suggested using localStorage to check the user authentication but this doesn't work in router.js (presumably because its server side and not client side) but I got around this using a Laravel API call with Axios to check it instead.
If anyone can shed any light on why the 404 screen flashes up first before the redirect? Going to the routes directly works fine, so I am guessing it must be something to do with the next() method.
I want to restrict access to certain pages in my vue router. Instead of having the auth logic in each component, I would prefer, for instance, to just have a 'hasUserAccess' check in my child-routes where it´s needed
path: 'admin',
name: 'admin',
beforeEnter: hasUserAccess,
component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "admin" */ '#/_ui/admin/Admin.vue')
function hasUserAccess(to, from, next) {
if (myState.user.isAdmin) {
} else {
next({ path: '/noaccess' });
This works as intended when navigating from another page to the 'admin' page. This does not work when i manually type the /admin url (or pressing f5 while on the admin page) because the user object hasn´t been fetched from the server yet (some other logic is taking care of fetching the user).
The 'beforeEnter' is async, but as far as I know it ain´t possible to 'watch' the user object, or await it, from the router since the router is not a typical vue component.
So how is this common problem normally solved?
Just apply the beforeEach to the router itself. On the router file, you could do this:
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
//in case you need to add more public pages like blog, about, etc
const publicPages = ["/login"];
//check if the "to" path is a public page or not
const authRequired = !publicPages.includes(to.path);
//If the page is auth protected and hasUserAccess is false
if (authRequired && !hasUserAccess) {
//return the user to the login to force the user to login
return next("/login");
//The conditional is false, then send the user to the right place
return next();
Try to modify this at your convenience, but this is more or less what I do in a situation like yours.
First, I am not finding Vue specific examples using MSAL 2.x and we'd like to use the PKCE flow. I am having issues with the way the router guards are run before the AuthService handleResponse so I must be doing something wrong.
In my main.js I am doing this...
// Use the Auth services to secure the site
import AuthService from '#/services/AuthServices';
Vue.prototype.$auth = new AuthService()
And then in my AuthConfig.js I use this request to login:
loginRequest : {
scopes: [
The docs say it should redirect to the requesting page but that is not happening. If user goes to the protected home page they are redirected to login. They login, everything is stored properly so they are actually logged in, but then they are sent back to the root redirect URL for the site, not the Home page.
When a user wants to login we just send them to the protected home page and there is a login method called in the router guard which looks like this:
router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
const requiresAuth = to.matched.some(record => record.meta.requiresAuth)
const IsAuthenticated = await Vue.prototype.$auth.isAuthenticated()
console.log(`Page changing from ${from.name} to ${to.name}, requiresAuth = ${requiresAuth}, IsAuthenticated = ${IsAuthenticated}`)
if (requiresAuth && !IsAuthenticated)
console.log('STARTING LOGIN')
// Tried this
// Vue.prototype.$auth.login(to.path)
} else {
In AuthServices.js I have this...
// The user wants to log in
async login(nextPg) {
// Tell B2C what app they want access to and their invitation ID if they are new
if (store.getters.userEmail != null) {
aCfg.loginRequest.loginHint = store.getters.userEmail
aCfg.loginRequest.state = "APP=" + store.getters.appCode
if (store.getters.appointmentLink != null && store.getters.appointmentLink != '') {
aCfg.loginRequest.state += ",ID=" + store.getters.appointmentLink
// Tried this
// if (nextPg && nextPg != '') {
// aCfg.loginRequest.redirectUrl = process.env.VUE_APP_B2C_REDIRECT_URL + nextPg
// }
return await this.msalInst.loginRedirect(aCfg.loginRequest)
I tried puting a nextPg parameter in the login method and adding a redirectUrl property to the login request but that gives me an error saying it is not one of the configured redirect URLs.
Also, I'm trying to make the user experience better when using the above technologies. When you look at the MSAL2.x SPA samples I see that when returning from a Profile Edit, a user is logged out and they are required to log in again. That sounds like a poor user experience to me. Sample here: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/ms-identity-b2c-javascript-spa/blob/main/App/authRedirect.js
Do I need to just create my own profile editing page and save data using MSGraph to prevent that? Sorry for the noob questions. Ideas?
Update - My workaround which seems cheesy is to add these two methods to my AuthService.js:
storeCurrentRoute(nextPath) {
if (!nextPath) {
localStorage[STOR_NEXT_PAGE] = router.history.current.path
} else {
localStorage[STOR_NEXT_PAGE] = nextPath
console.log('Storing Route:', localStorage[STOR_NEXT_PAGE])
reEstablishRoute() {
let pth = localStorage[STOR_NEXT_PAGE]
if (!!pth && router.history.current.path != pth) {
localStorage[STOR_NEXT_PAGE] = ''
console.log(`Current path is ${router.history.current.path} and reEstablishing route to ${pth}`)
router.push({ path: pth })
I call storeCurrentRoute() first thing in the login method and then in the handleResponse() I call reEstablishRoute() when its not returning from a profileEdit or password change. Seems like I should be able to make things work without this.
Update Number Two - When returning from B2C's ProfileEdit User Flow the MSAL component is not logging me out properly. Here is my code from my handlePolicyChange() method in my AuthService:
} else if (response.idTokenClaims[clmPolicy] === aCfg.b2cPolicies.names.editProfile) {
Vue.nextTick(() => {
console.log('BACK FROM Profile Change')
"Your profile has been updated.<br />Please log in again.",
).then(async () => {
// The user wants to log out (all accounts)
async logout() {
// Removes all sessions, need to call AAD endpoint to do full logout
store.commit('updateUserClaims', null)
store.commit('updateUserEmail', null)
let accts = await this.msalInst.getAllAccounts()
for(let i=0; i<accts.length; i++) {
const logoutRequest = {
account: accts[i],
postLogoutRedirectUri: process.env.VUE_APP_B2C_REDIRECT_URL
await this.msalInst.logout(logoutRequest);
It is working fine until the call to logout() which runs without errors but I looked in my site storage (in Chrome's debug window > Application) and it looks like MSAL did not clear out its entries like it does on my normal logouts (which always succeed). Ideas?
As part of the MSAL auth request, send a state Parameter. Base64 encode where the user left off inside this parameter. MSAL exposes extraQueryParameters which you can put a dictionary object inside and send in the auth request, put your state Key value pair into extraQueryParameters.
The state param will be returned in the callback response, use it to send the user where you need to.
I am trying to automatically route the user to the "Games.vue" component if they are already logged in. For authentication I am using Firebase and I check if they are logged in using:
var user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
if (user) {
// User is signed in.
} else {
// No user is signed in.
What I want to have happen is for the user to not see the Login page if they are already signed in. So they are taken directly to the Games page. I don't know how to accomplish this using Vue. I need something to run before the Login-component that redirects if logged in.
Attempt at solution
The only way I know how to solve this is to show the Login page, check if the Firebase user is logged in and then go to the Games page. This can work, but it isn't the behavior I am looking for. I am using the Vue router. Thank you for your help.
I would suggest to use a VueRouter global guard like so:
const router = new VueRouter({ ... })
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if (!user) {
} else {
That being said, you then need a way to specify which route requires authentication. I would suggest to use route meta fields like so:
routes = [
name: 'login',
path: '/login',
meta: {
requiresAuth: false
name: 'games',
path: '/games',
meta: {
requiresAuth: true
Now your guards becomes:
if (!user && to.meta.requiresAuth) {
} else {
Vue router provides an example for this use case, take a look at the documentation.
TIP: Make sure to subscribe to auth changes using Firebase onAuthStateChanged method.
let user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
user = user;
EDIT: To redirect once logged in, just watch for auth changes and redirect using router.push.
auth.onAuthStateChanged(newUserState => {
user = newUserState;
if (user) {