BigQuery: Credentials asked in the automated job - google-bigquery

I have a python application/job which is pushing the dataframe to BigQuery. However that job is failing because evidently it is asking for the credentials as show below:
Please visit this URL to authorize this application:
As this is an automated job, I can't click the link and submit the code. Is there any other way to pass the authorization?
I have already setup the service account key in my environment variable / bashrc.
from datetime import timedelta
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from import BlockBlobService
class Transmitter:
def __init__(self):
self.blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name='xxxx',
self.dataset_id = 'xxxx'
self.jobQuery = "select JobID, EmailName from xxxxx group by JobID, EmailName"
self.keyDf = pd.read_csv('jobKeys.csv')
def toBigQJobs(self):
jDf = pd.read_gbq(self.jobQuery, project_id='xxxx', dialect='standard')
jDf['Type'] = 'C'
jDf['Category'] = 'other'
for index, row in jDf.iterrows():
for indexA, rowA in self.keyDf.iterrows():
if rowA['Key'] in row['EmailName']:
jDf.loc[index, 'Category'] = rowA['Category']
jDf.loc[index, 'Type'] = rowA['Type']
jDf.to_gbq(destination_table='xxxx', project_id='xxxx',
if __name__ == '__main__':
objTransmitter = Transmitter()

Solution: Add environment variable through os.environ and it worked.


ValueError: NaTType does not support timetuple when converting a dataframe to dictionary using to_dict('records')

I'm running this flask app
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template
from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin
import json
import pandas as pd
# Create the app object
app = Flask(__name__)
cors = CORS(app, resources= {r"/*": {'origins' : "*"}})
# importing function for calculations
from Record_Matching import Matching
#app.route("/query", methods = ['get'])
def query():
# service_account_creds = request.json
query1 = request.args.get('query1', type = str)
query2 = request.args.get('query2', type = str)
querycolumns = request.args.get('querycolumns')
project_id = request.args.get('project_id', type = str)
service_account_creds = request.args.get('service_account')
SS = request.args.get('SS', type = float)
TT = request.args.get('TT', type = float)
result = Matching(query1,query2, SS,TT, service_account_creds, project_id, querycolumns)
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":"localhost", port=8080, debug=True)
and I'm importing the matching function from this python scripts
import pandas as pd
from import bigquery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
import recordlinkage
from recordlinkage.preprocessing import phonetic
from import json_normalize
import uuid
from uuid import uuid4
import random
import string
import json
import ast
# Results to data frame function
def gcp2df(sql, client):
query = client.query(sql)
results = query.result()
return results.to_dataframe()
# Exporting df to bigquery - table parameter example: "dataset.tablename"
# def insert(df, table):
# client = bigquery.Client()
# job_config = bigquery.LoadJobConfig(write_disposition=bigquery.job.WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE)
# return client.load_table_from_dataframe(df, table, job_config = job_config)
def pair(df1, df2, TT, querycolumns):
# function to take pair from list and compare:
L = querycolumns
# To generate phonetics we need to make sure all names are in english.
# thus we'll replace non-english words by random english strings
df1[L[p1]] = df1[L[p1]].astype(str)
df2[L[p2]] = df2[L[p2]].astype(str)
for i in range(0,len(df1)):
if df1[L[p1]][i].isascii() == False:
df1[L[p1]][i] = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=5))
for i in range(0,len(df2)):
if df2[L[p2]][i].isascii() == False:
df2[L[p2]][i] = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=5))
compare = recordlinkage.Compare()
df1["phonetic_given_name"] = phonetic(df1[L[p1]], "soundex")
df2["phonetic_given_name"] = phonetic(df2[L[p2]], "soundex")
df1["initials"] = (df1[L[p1]].str[0] + df1[L[p1]].str[-1])
df2["initials"] = (df2[L[p2]].str[0] + df2[L[p2]].str[-1])
indexer = recordlinkage.Index()
candidate_links = indexer.index(df1, df2)
compare.exact('phonetic_given_name', 'phonetic_given_name', label="phonetic_given_name")
# O(n) a function that uses two pointers to track consecutive pairs for the input list
while p2 <=l:
compare.string(L[p1], L[p2], method='jarowinkler',threshold = TT, label=L[p1])
features = compare.compute(candidate_links,df1, df2)
return features
def Matching(query1,query2, SS,TT, service_account_creds, project_id, querycolumns):
service_account_creds = ast.literal_eval(service_account_creds)
credentials = service_account.Credentials(service_account_creds, service_account_creds['client_email'],
job_config = bigquery.LoadJobConfig()
client = bigquery.Client( project = project_id)
df1 = gcp2df("""{}""".format(query1), client)
df2 = gcp2df("""{}""".format(query2), client)
querycolumns = json.loads(querycolumns)
querycolumns = list(querycolumns.values())
features = pair(df1, df2, TT, querycolumns)
features['Similarity_score'] = features.sum(axis=1)
features = features[features['Similarity_score']>=SS].reset_index()
final = features[['level_0', 'level_1']]
final.rename(columns= {'level_0':'df1_index', 'level_1':'df2_index'}, inplace= True)
final['Unique_ID'] = [uuid.uuid4() for _ in range(len(final.index))]
final['Unique_ID'] = final['Unique_ID'].astype(str)
final['Similarity_Score'] = SS
final_duplicates = final['df1_index'].value_counts().max()
# insert(final,"test-ahmed-project.Record_Linkage.Matching_Indices")
message = "Mission accomplished!, your highest number of duplicates is " + str(final_duplicates)
return {'message':message,'final':final.to_dict('records'), 'df1':df1.to_dict('records')}
I'm not sure why when I return df1 as a dictionary it shows ValueError error when I try to to use the function from flask app, but when I run it in a jupytor notebook using the same dataframe that I'm taking from bigquery, it works just fine, so why does it not work on the flask app?
I tried to_dict('record') to convert a dataframe to a dictionary,
it looking online many resources suggest the error exists because the data contains missing values, but it shouldn't be a problem because when I try converting the same dataframe to dictionary in jupyter notebook it works just fine.

Pandas combine mutilple columns in a BQ table to generate payload for FB conversions api

I am reading from a bigquery table to generate a payload to upload to FB conversions api.
I am copying the column values directly from the bq table as I am unable to print the full output of the dataframe in note book.
payload="{"pageDetail":{"pageName":"Confirmation","pageContentType":"cart","pageSiteSection":"cart","breadcrumbs":[{"title":"Home","url":"/en/home.html"},{"title":"Cart","url":"/cart"},{"title":"Confirmation","url":"/order-confirmation="}],"pageCategory":"Home","pageCategory1":"Cart","pageCategory2":"Confirmation","proBtbGlobalHeader":false},"orderDetails":{"hceid":"3b94a","orderConfirmed":true,"orderDate":"2021-01-15","orderId":"0123","unique":2,"pricingSummary":{"total":54.01},"items":[{"productId":"0456","quantity":1,"shippingAddress":{"postalCode":"V4N 3X3"},"promotion":{"voucherCode":null},"clickToInstall":{"eligible":false}},{"productId":"0789","quantity":1,"fulfillment":{"fulfillmentCost":""},"shippingAddress":{"postalCode":"A4N 3Y3"},"promotion":{"voucherCode":null},"clickToInstall":{"eligible":false}}],"billingAddress":{"postalCode":"M$X1A7"}},"event":{"type":"Load","page":"Confirmation","timestamp":1610706772998,"language":"English","url":"https://www"}}"
event_source_url= ""
I need the value for email=[orderDetails][hceid] and value=["orderDetails"]["pricingSummary"]["total"]
Initially all the payload I wanted was in a single column and I was able to achieve the uploads with the following code
import time
from facebook_business.adobjects.serverside.event import Event
from facebook_business.adobjects.serverside.event_request import EventRequest
from facebook_business.adobjects.serverside.user_data import UserData
from facebook_business.adobjects.serverside.custom_data import CustomData
from facebook_business.api import FacebookAdsApi
import pandas as pd
import json
query='''SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(payload, '$') AS payload FROM `` WHERE eventType = 'Page Load' AND pagename = "Confirmation" limit 1'''
df = pd.read_gbq(query, project_id= project, dialect='standard')
payload = df.to_dict(orient="records")
for i in payload:
k = json.loads(i["payload"])
email = k["orderDetails"]["hcemuid"]
user_data = UserData(email)
order_id = k["orderDetails"]["orderId"]
custom_data = CustomData(
event = Event(
event_id = order_id,
data_processing_options= [])
events = [event]
event_request = EventRequest(
Now there are additional values client_user_agent that needs to be part of user data and event_source_url as parts of events in the above code that are present as two different columns in GBQ table.
I have tried similar code as above for multiple columns but I am receiving a
TypeError: Object of type Series is not JSON serializable
So I tried concatenating the columns and then create a json serializable object but I am not able to do an upload.
Below is where I am stuck and lost and not sure how to proceed further any inputs appreciated.
import time
from facebook_business.adobjects.serverside.event import Event
from facebook_business.adobjects.serverside.event_request import EventRequest
from facebook_business.adobjects.serverside.user_data import UserData
from facebook_business.adobjects.serverside.custom_data import CustomData
from facebook_business.api import FacebookAdsApi
import pandas as pd
import json
query='''SELECT payload AS payload,location.userAgent as client_user_agent,location.referrer as event_source_url FROM `` WHERE eventType = 'Page Load' AND pagename = "Confirmation" limit 1'''
df = pd.read_gbq(query, project_id= project, dialect='standard')
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
payload = df.to_dict(orient="records")
## cols = ['payload', 'client_user_agent', 'event_source_url']
## df['combined'] = df[cols].apply(lambda row: ','.join(row.values.astype(str)), axis=1)
## del df["payload"]
## del df["client"]
## del df["source"]
## payload = df.to_dict(orient="records")
#tried concatinating all columns in a the dataframe but not able to create a valid json object for upload
columns = ['payload', 'client_user_agent', 'event_source_url']
df['payload'] = df['payload'].str.replace(r'}"$', '')
payload = df[columns].to_dict(orient='records')
## df = df.drop(columns=columns)
## pd.options.display.max_rows = 4000
# #print(payload)
# for i in payload:
# print(i["payload"])
# k = json.loads(i["payload"])
# email = k["orderDetails"]["hcemuid"]
# print(email)
I am following the instructions from this page:
I have used the bigquery json_extract_scalar function to extract data from nested column instead of pandas which is a relatively better solution for my scenario.

Why my code is giving me data in 1 column it should give me in two different column

i need to know what is happening in my code? it should give data in separate columns it is giving me same data in a oath columns.
i tried to change the value of row variable but it didn't found the reason
import requests
import csv
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import time
arrayofRequest= []
columns=['Price', 'Location']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
for i in range(0,50):
request = requests.get(arrayofRequest[i])
soupobj= BeautifulSoup(request.content,"lxml")
# print(soupobj.prettify())
links =soupobj.find_all('span',{'class':'f343d9ce'})
addresses =soupobj.find_all('div',{'class':'_162e6469'})
price = ""
for i in range(0,len(links)):
price = str(links[i]).split(">")
price = price[len(price)-2].split("<")[0]
address = str(addresses[i]).split(">")
address = address[len(address)-2].split("<")[0]
df = df.append(pd.Series(row, index=columns), ignore_index=False)
# filewriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',',filewriter.writerow(['Price', 'Location']),filewriter.writerow([prices[0],location[0]])
df.to_csv('DATA.csv', index=False)
because of this:
pd.Series(row, index=columns)
try smthg like
pd.DataFrame([[locations[i], prices[i]]], index=columns))
However this could be done only once outside of your for loop
pd.DataFrame(list(zip(locations, prices)), index=columns))

Apache Beam job (Python) using Tensorflow Transform is killed by Cloud Dataflow

I'm trying to run an Apache Beam job based on Tensorflow Transform on Dataflow but its killed. Someone has experienced that behaviour? This is a simple example with DirectRunner, that runs ok on my local but fails on Dataflow (I change the runner properly):
import os
import csv
import datetime
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_transform as tft
from import textio
from import tfrecordio
from tensorflow_transform.beam import impl as beam_impl
from tensorflow_transform.beam import tft_beam_io
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import dataset_metadata
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import dataset_schema
import apache_beam as beam
NUMERIC_FEATURE_KEYS = ['feature_'+str(i) for i in range(2000)]
def _create_raw_metadata():
column_schemas = {}
column_schemas[key] = dataset_schema.ColumnSchema(tf.float32, [], dataset_schema.FixedColumnRepresentation())
raw_data_metadata = dataset_metadata.DatasetMetadata(dataset_schema.Schema(column_schemas))
return raw_data_metadata
def preprocessing_fn(inputs):
outputs[key] = tft.scale_to_0_1(inputs[key])
return outputs
def main():
output_dir = '/tmp/tmp-folder-{}'.format('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))
RUNNER = 'DirectRunner'
with beam.Pipeline(RUNNER) as p:
with beam_impl.Context(temp_dir=output_dir):
raw_data_metadata = _create_raw_metadata()
_ = (raw_data_metadata | 'WriteInputMetadata' >> tft_beam_io.WriteMetadata(os.path.join(output_dir, 'rawdata_metadata'), pipeline=p))
m = numpy_dataset = np.random.rand(100,2000)*100
raw_data = (p
| 'CreateTestDataset' >> beam.Create([dict(zip(NUMERIC_FEATURE_KEYS, m[i,:])) for i in range(m.shape[0])]))
raw_dataset = (raw_data, raw_data_metadata)
transform_fn = (raw_dataset | 'Analyze' >> beam_impl.AnalyzeDataset(preprocessing_fn))
_ = (transform_fn | 'WriteTransformFn' >> tft_beam_io.WriteTransformFn(output_dir))
(transformed_data, transformed_metadata) = ((raw_dataset, transform_fn) | 'Transform' >> beam_impl.TransformDataset())
transformed_data_coder = tft.coders.ExampleProtoCoder(transformed_metadata.schema)
_ = transformed_data | 'WriteTrainData' >> tfrecordio.WriteToTFRecord(os.path.join(output_dir, 'train'), file_name_suffix='.gz', coder=transformed_data_coder)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Also, my production code (not shown) fail with the message: The job graph is too large. Please try again with a smaller job graph, or split your job into two or more smaller jobs.
Any hint?
The restriction on the pipeline description size is documented here:
There is a way around that, instead of creating stages for each tensor that goes into tft.scale_to_0_1 we could fuse them by first stacking them together, and then passing them into tft.scale_to_0_1 with 'elementwise=True'.
The result will be the same, because the min and max are computed per 'column' instead of across the whole tensor.
This would look something like this:
stacked = tf.stack([inputs[key] for key in NUMERIC_FEATURE_KEYS], axis=1)
scaled_stacked = tft.scale_to_0_1(stacked, elementwise=True)
for key, tensor in zip(NUMERIC_FEATURE_KEYS, tf.unstack(scaled_stacked, axis=1)):
outputs[key] = tensor

Unable to reload data as a csv file from IPython Notebook

I have the following IPython Notebook, I am trying to access data base of movies from rotten tomatoes website.
But Rotten Tomatoes limits to 10,000 API requests a day
So I don't want to re-run this function every time when I restart the notebook, I am trying to save and reload this data as a CSV file. When I convert the data to a csv file I am getting this processing symbol[*] inside IPython notebook. After some time I am getting the following error
ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/public/v1.0/movie_alias.json?apikey=5xr26r2qtgf9h3kcq5kt6y4v&type=imdb&id=0113845 (Caused by <class 'socket.gaierror'>: [Errno 11002] getaddrinfo failed)
Is this problem due to slow internet connection? Should I make some changes to my code? Kindly help me with this.
The code for the file is shown below:
%matplotlib inline
import json
import requests
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
api_key = '5xr26r2qtgf9h3kcq5kt6y4v'
movie_id = '770672122' # toy story 3
url = '' % movie_id
#these are "get parameters"
options = {'review_type': 'top_critic', 'page_limit': 20, 'page': 1, 'apikey': api_key}
data = requests.get(url, params=options).text
data = json.loads(data) # load a json string into a collection of lists and dicts
print json.dumps(data['reviews'][0], indent=2) # dump an object into a json string
from io import StringIO
movie_txt = requests.get('').text
movie_file = StringIO(movie_txt) # treat a string like a file
movies = pd.read_csv(movie_file,delimiter='\t')
#print the first row
movies[['id', 'title', 'imdbID', 'year']]
def base_url():
return ''
def rt_id_by_imdb(imdb):
Queries the RT movie_alias API. Returns the RT id associated with an IMDB ID,
or raises a KeyError if no match was found
url = base_url() + 'movie_alias.json'
imdb = "%7.7i" % imdb
params = dict(id=imdb, type='imdb', apikey=api_key)
r = requests.get(url, params=params).text
r = json.loads(r)
return r['id']
def _imdb_review(imdb):
Query the RT reviews API, to return the first page of reviews
for a movie specified by its IMDB ID
Returns a list of dicts
rtid = rt_id_by_imdb(imdb)
url = base_url() + 'movies/{0}/reviews.json'.format(rtid)
params = dict(review_type='top_critic',
data = json.loads(requests.get(url, params=params).text)
data = data['reviews']
data = [dict(fresh=r['freshness'],
imdb=imdb, rtid=rtid
) for r in data]
return data
def fetch_reviews(movies, row):
m = movies.irow(row)
result = pd.DataFrame(_imdb_review(m['imdbID']))
result['title'] = m['title']
except KeyError:
return None
return result
def build_table(movies, rows):
dfs = [fetch_reviews(movies, r) for r in range(rows)]
dfs = [d for d in dfs if d is not None]
return pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
critics = build_table(movies, 3000)
critics.to_csv('critics.csv', index=False)
critics = pd.read_csv('critics.csv')