AEM 6.3 Page Properties tabs are broken for author user - permissions

I am having an issue only in Prod AEM 6.3 author instance. We have our application extending wcm core v1.
When user is logged in a content-author; and opens page properties; Only Basic, Advanced, Thumbnail tabs are accessible.
Selecting other tabs like; Cloud Services; Personalization; Permissions; Live Copy, donot open the tab. Rather stays with already opened tab only.
This is happening only in my production author instance. When I delete my local repository; start a fresh vanilla instance and deploy my code, this issue is not happening.
At certain point, our production author broke. Couldnt conclude it is code, since same code works fine in vanilla instance.
Has anyone faced similar issue? Is there any lead to troubleshoot this issue? All tabs works when logged in as admin. Fails only as author.

Looks like this issue is faced by few others. So posting my finding as answer as well.
This was indeed permission issue. OTB Author group did not have permission to /etc/cloudservices. So opening page properties was throwing error:
11.09.2018 10:24:48.597 ERROR [ [1536675888296] GET /mnt/overlay/wcm/core/content/sites/properties.html HTTP/1.1] service:
Uncaught SlingException java.lang.NullPointerException: null at
I was stuck since I didnt know exact path. Trail n error, figured the missing path and granted permission to resolve.
Bonus Interesting Permission issue: Author group donot have permission to /config/ nodes.
So the RTE plugins were not loading for us coz path was like this:
After lot of digging, found this issue. Fix was to rename /config/ to /configuration/ and add property configPath=configuration to the parent node.


How to change password of `admin` account in `flowable-design` for publishing app?

I've installed Flowable 3.6.1 in my localhost. But when I changed the Host configuration in Tomcat folder, I found flowable-design was unable to publish app to flowable-engage.
After tens of times attempts, I found the configuration located at Tomcat/webapps/flowable-engage/WEB-INF/classes/ as following:
So, I changed admin's password here, but it was not working actually. However, I guess the file name was the problem. Then I changed the file name to, it was still not working.
REMEMBER: In Tomcat/webapps/ROOT/index.html, flowable told that username and password in different flowable application is independent. If you want to change admin's password, you had to know which application you are going to apply these changes.
After a long time digging, I finally found the solution to put these three configuration in Tomcat/bin/setenv.bat as following:
set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS%<domain>/flowable-engage/<domain>/flowable-engage/app-api<domain>/flowable-engage/platform-api/app-deployments<password>"
And these properties are loaded in flowable-ui-design-conf module, look
at commonAppProperties) for more information.
Cause I want my flowable-design to be able to deploy app to flowable-engage, so I changed admin's password in flowable-engage.

Connecting IntelliJ Idea Servers to what info is actually needed?

I'm trying to configure IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.2 in order to get the tasks from a private repository on
To do that I have to create the corresponding entry in the Servers window.
Now, I don't have the faintest idea about how I should fill the Servers form in IDEA.
What URL I have to use for Server URL ?
What token ?
Any advice? Thx in advance.
UPDATE: Based on the information mentioned in the issue IDEA-193736, the connectivity problem with the new GitLab Issues API (V4) should be fixed when the update 2018.2 is released.
The URL didn't work for me as the API URL was updated to V4 on GitLab. So, after some trial and error I was able to make it work by completing the following steps:
Create a Personal Access Token on GitLab ( with API and read_user access permissions
In IntelliJ (or Pycharm in my case), the Server URL should be (with the question mark at the end)
The token is the Personal Access Token that was generated previously
Also, don't forget to increase the connection timeout to 15000 milliseconds under the Tasks section in the Settings (Settings => Tools => Tasks).
Task Server Screenshot
Hope it helps someone else.
[EDIT] This answer was valid in '17, when it was created. For an up to date anwer, pls see other answers in the thread.
So, here's how to do it.
First of all, go to gitlab.
Access with your data and get a personal access token.
Then, you can configure IntelliJ Idea with the following values:
You can now check all your GitLab's issues directly in Idea, as shown here below.

EOleSysError exception is raised in Windows10

In my application parse HTML document by using IHTMLDocument2, EOleSysError exception is raised during creating instance of IHTMLDocument2.
In few days ago, My application worked correctly.
Are there anyone has information about the phenomenon like this ?
My OS is Windows10 (64bit).
This answer follow my comment.
Maybe Security policy about COM had been changed in KB3206632.
I confirmed system log. Event ID 10016 was recorded. So I set appropriate permission by using "regedit.exe" and "dcomcnfg". And finally, My application has work correctly after re-install KB3206632 .

Unable to add apache Nifi in ambari?

I am trying to add Apache Nifi in ambari but continuously failing with error Error occured during stack advisor command invocation:
Unable to delete directory /var/run/ambari-server/stack-recommendations/1.
There is a similar thread with the same error in hortonworks community, I have tried everything mentioned in that thread but unable to fix it. My sandbox is installed in vmware workstation 12 player. I also tried to create and remove directory manually but it is failing with the error invalid argument. Created a thread for this error also on stackexchange. Please help!!!
Here is a link to Hortonworks forum thread. And it seems like sandbox is just broken:
This is due to a docker issue in this 2.5 sandbox build. It will be
fixed in next revision of the sandbox.
There are also some workarounds described (like use older HDP 2.4 or establishing own cluser based on the HDP 2.5 docker image)
Updated sandbox arrived:
Trust me, active member of community see your posts in multiple locations. In a good, no Big Brother ways :) but cross-posting is an old as world ... Well, you got it.
Did you see a notice for this service in Ambari? Telling it's been deprecated? Same note in the github. There's a good reason for that, it's now been implemented properly by the dev team and with many more features. I.e. all the action is there now.
I think I replied a similar question, though not sure it was yours, take a look in HCC.

Search broken in SharePoint 2010

Search in SharePoint throws an error, NullReferenceException, whether using the Search box on a normal page or even just loading the Advanced Search page.
I was originally getting System.ServiceModel.ServerTooBusyException and Round Robin Service Load Balancer EndpointFailure errors in the SharePoint ULS logs whenever I tried to search. I examined IIS and determined that the Web Apps existed. I stopped and started the Search Query and Site Settings Serviec on the server. That was the last I saw of the EndpointFailure and ServerTooBusyException errors.
However, a new error showed up. This time is was a System.NullReferenceException from SetPropertiesOnQueryReader() at CoreResultsWebPart.OnInit(). KB Article 976462 looked promising, until further research showed that it adds the AllowInsecureTransport property in the SecurityBindingElement class, and changes the value from its default of False to True. However, this property exists and is already set to True in my environment.
I found this same problem, however deleting the Search Service Apps and Proxies, recreating them and performing an IISRESET did not fix my problem.
When the Advanced Enterprise Search page is brought up, an error is returned to the screen: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
This is the log entry out of the ULS:
CoreResultsWebPart::OnInit: Exception initializing: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart.SetPropertiesOnQueryReader() at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart.OnInit(EventArgs e)
Internal server error exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart.SetPropertiesOnQueryReader() at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart.OnInit(EventArgs e) System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart.SetPropertiesOnQueryReader() at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart.OnInit(EventArgs e)
Can you have a look at your search topology? Check the status of the following components:
Administration Component
Crawl Component
Query Component
It should be on-line. If it's not, click on Modify Topology and re-provision it.
Navigate to centraladmin:port/_admin/FarmServers.aspx, and check the status of your servers. It should say No action required for all servers - if it says Upgrade required, then run the product and configuration wizard on WFE and app servers depending upon your SP servers.
There may be some rogue entry in your config DB which may be causing this. As you have already re-provisioned search there may be some orphan DB causing the issue. Navigate to centraladmin:port/_admin/databaseStatus.aspx. If you don't see old orphan search DBs here, please delete the search service application, access the above URL again and check if its there. If it is then run the following PowerShell command to remove orphan DBs:
$orphanedDB = Get-SPDatabase | where{$_.Name -eq "MySearchDatabase"}
I had a similar problem and following Vinod's answer noticed that the "Search Alert Status" in Search Administration was disabled (I intended it to be). Enabling it fixed the issue, meaning that the search pages now render. I was then able to disable the "Search Alert Status" again and the pages continue to work fine.
Hope this helps someone else before they reset / restart services as suggested elsewhere on the web.
I got the same error, restarting SharePoint server fixed my problem.
I just encountered the same problem, and fixed it by:
I verified that the SharePoint Web Services site existed in IIS, and that SecurityTokenServiceApplication existed as a virtual directory.
In my case, I found that the application pool that powered it was stopped due to bad creds. I fixed the creds, bounced the pool, and bounced the site.
That still didn't resolve the issue, so I moved into Sharepoint Central Admin, went to Application Management -> Manage Service Applications.
I clicked on Search Service Application and created a new crawl for my local sites, and did a full index.
Finally I clicked through all of the pieces in the search application topology, changed nothing, but applied topology changes when I was done.
That combination of things fixed it for me.