How can I scrape PDF created using PDF.js using selenium? - selenium

I have successfully managed to download the PDF file from a site that uses PDF.js to create and show PDFs (using selenium)
The downloaded PDF file does not open on my desktop (mac & linux).
It seems like the PDF is encoded, or encrypted.
On closer inspection, right after the PDF is downloaded, the network tab also shows pdf.js.worker. It seems like pdf.js.worker is decoding this file to show on the site.
How can I replicate, or follow the same flow of pdf.js.worker and decode this PDF?
I have tried looking at the pdf.js.worker code to follow the code execution, but it seems like a really hard task, hoping there is a simpler way.


How to edit and save a PDF in Firefox 107 with JavaScript?

With the latest version of Firefox (107) it is now possible to edit and sign PDF documents within the browser preview window.
But how can I upload an updated version of such a PDF file back into my Web Application?
Is there any kind of JavaScript API I can use?
There is much overlap between PDF web editing browsers and Browser editing PDFs
the data is pulled down locally and the binary application edits the data however for a PDF, that then requires a local save as a new combined PDF. here we can see a visual reminder.
In Firefox or Chrome there are slight differences but the core need is to resave the PDF as a clients local file.
Chrome has inking
And Firefox uses a slightly different overlay but again the conjoined local data must be first saved as a new PDF.
either by print
or the top right Save (again) AS
Thus to achieve your goal you need to ask the annotator user to upload their masterpiece. However you cannot easily do that in the sandboxed page (with work frame) it needs to be after a user signal such as press button here to upload where-ever IF you were able or bothered to save as a new pdf.

Edit texts in a PDF on Chrome using Chrome inspect

Is there any way to modify texts in PDF on Chrome using the Chrome inspect tool? I was stuck because in the Chrome inspect element, differently than any other websites and even PowerPoint presentations opened in Chrome, I'm able to modify texts, while with PDFs I cannot. Does anyone know how to do it?
Edit: Yes I know that the changes made through Chrome DevTools are temporary, but usually I'm able to make those changes, even if they're temporary. But with PDFs I can't.
There are differences in the way some browsers handle PDF data.
Chromium based browsers are more traditional in that the PDF plug-in is based on a Foxit/Skia collaboration, So you need to understand in that case, the downloaded PDF you are viewing is in the binary application/pdf (file already outside of the html wrapper).
Just as you cannot edit the PDF text in Acrobat Reader, the most you can do is incrementally add comments/annotation or field data to the end of the file, before save as a secondary download. The server cannot see your changes unless you submit as an upload.
With Firefox and Google docs there is often a different approach where the PDF is "Repr"oduced as an "Ex"ample (A ReprEx of the PDF) so it is built of a hybrid image and text overlay to emulate that part of the real PDF source. When you previously or later save the underlying downloaded PDF (for viewing) it would not necessarily include any browser based HTML editing, in the saving.
There are other techniques for other cases, but to answer the basic OP question most simply, the answer is NO you cannot change a PDF body, only add notes, etc via extensions. Microsoft variant of Chrome I.E. Edge has some inbuilt annotation ability thus does not need a second extension.
Found this question because I was googling a similar situation--I was wanting to manipulate type sizes and margins on a PDF in inspector via Chrome. I found that FireFox DevTools will allow you to view those styles and even alter the content in the PDF while in browser. I am late to the game but hope this provides answers for someone else in the future.

PDF file custom zoom level

i have a task about .PDF files that pdf file should open in browser with custom zoom level of 125% or 150%, i tried many times, but it is not working properly in firefox, as it implements zoom on PDF file but it switch on page#2, i study the adobe's given parameters for PDF file and tried to use them as following in href,
but no success, anyone here can help me please ?
thank you so much in advance.
The adobe partner reference states on page 5 that this is for IE and Netscape. I'm not sure how old this document is, but you might want to check the Firefox support for this functionality as it could be incomplete.
Reference: Adobe Partner
Another thing you could do is modify the PDF content to make sure the document opens properly. Depending on which tool you're using you could use a free library like the Perl API2 library or a paid tool like the Java iText library. Maybe there are command line tools out there that do the same, but I'm not aware of them.

tesseract ocr multipage pdf hangs

We are using Tesseract's Java library, Called Tess4j to convert PDF files to text.
It works nicely with Tiff files as well as one page PDF files. But with multi-page PDF's it does generate the output file, when it comes to the last page, the control doesn't seem to come back to the original application which invoked the doOCR call. It just stays/hangs there without doing anything.
Is it an issue with the native call not returning back.i have no clue,
Please let me know if there is a solution to this issue, as soon as possible.
Tess4J does support multi-page PDF and multi-page TIFF. Substitute with your PDF file in the unit test case and give it a try.

How can I embed a PDF in an email?

I've already referred to this SO post. I've been embedding images using an AlternateView for PNG files. Now I'm wondering how to do it with PDFs.
Should it work, for the LinkedResource, to just say:
Dim document As New LinkedResource(pdfFilePath, "image/pdf")
I'm just trying to figure out how to get the PDF to be embedded like I could with an image, or is that not possible and I'll have to do it as an attachment?
You can embed images since they can be rendered in place by an email client. PDFs cannot do that, so I'd recommend either having a thumbnail of the PDF that links to your web site with the actual PDF. Or just attach the PDF to the email message.
There are a few options that I know of.
1) Is the simplest way okay? The easiest by far would be to attach the PDF as a normal attachment. Then render the first page of the pdf as an image, embed it in the email and link it to open the PDF if you can. Entourage kind of does this on the Mac.
Alternatively, what I found was the following:
2) FLASHPAPER embedded in HTML displaying a PDF. Adobe has a technology called Flashpaper. It is a flash based file viewer. You can use flashpaper format documents that go into it, or PDFs as the source.
Check out some examples. That's really flash.
Assuming you send an HTML email that will get through (images aren't turned off, etc), you can can embed the Flashpaper viewer right in your HTML code as a normal Flash object.
Most HTML email clients use Internet Explorer Bits, Webkit bits, or Gecko bits to render the html. Flash player is pretty well installed on everything, so it works well. A good example of this is when we open an email and it has video playing in it. It's almost always Flash.
I have had luck doing it this way -- the only thing you'd have to decide is if most of your clients can see this and how much (if any) today's software might block it.
What I ended up doing was a hybrid. 1) Attach it to the email, 2) Embed the Flashpaper viewer. They get it either way.
Flashpaper is available seperately for $75. It has come in handy where the client was not able to install adobe acrobat on each computer and it had to be 100% web based.
I would imagine you should be able to do the same using any language with a little more effort and using something like Flashpaper.
Hope that helps
This is not possible--at least not in a way that will work with many clients. You'll need to just attach the file.
If you have only one client to worry about, it might be possible--but not likely without manually changing settings on each client.
The MIME type of a PDF is "application/pdf" not "image/pdf"