How do I declare a variable for a hard coded database? - sql

I have some hard coded database values in my SQL and I need to convert to variables , I have declared them in places but I need Production2 to be changed to #Source_Database_Name variable below but I dont know how to place it in with the Information Schema just after it without getting a syntax error

I guess that the only way you can do this is dynamic sql generation (unfortunately). And there's actually quite a few reasons (from database engine's perspective) for not allowing a user to parametrise queries in a way you want. The one that sits on top of my head is that it will make impossible to validate syntax of your query (no way to know that you're referring to what actually exists).
In case you're talking about "being able to execute the same set of SQL against different database(s)" and you're actually executing this sql from code (.NET / anything), you can achieve the same result by specifying target database in connection string (i.e. by changing the level where you set database -- not in the [sql] script, but rather at some external point).


SQL Parameters - where does expansion happens

I'm getting a little confused about using parameters with SQL queries, and seeing some things that I can't immediately explain, so I'm just after some background info at this point.
First, is there a standard format for parameter names in queries, or is this database/middleware dependent ? I've seen both this:-
DELETE * FROM #tablename
DELETE * FROM :tablename
Second - where (typically) does the parameter replacement happen? Are parameters replaced/expanded before the query is sent to the database, or does the database receive params and query separately, and perform the expansion itself?
Just as background, I'm using the DevArt UniDAC toolkit from a C++Builder app to connect via ODBC to an Excel spreadsheet. I know this is almost pessimal in a few ways... (I'm trying to understand why a particular command works only when it doesn't use parameters)
With such data access libraries, like UniDAC or FireDAC, you can use macros. They allow you to use special markers (called macro) in the places of a SQL command, where parameter are disallowed. I dont know UniDAC API, but will provide a sample for FireDAC:
ADQuery1.SQL.Text := 'DELETE * FROM &tablename';
ADQuery1.MacroByName('tablename').AsRaw := 'MyTab';
Second - where (typically) does the parameter replacement happen?
It doesn't. That's the whole point. Data elements in your query stay data items. Code elements stay code elements. The two never intersect, and thus there is never an opportunity for malicious data to be treated as code.
connect via ODBC to an Excel spreadsheet... I'm trying to understand why a particular command works only when it doesn't use parameters
Excel isn't really a database engine, but if it were, you still can't use a parameter for the name a table.
SQL parameters are sent to the database. The database performs the expansion itself. That allows the database to set up a query plan that will work for different values of the parameters.
Microsoft always uses #parname for parameters. Oracle uses :parname. Other databases are different.
No database I know of allows you to specify the table name as a parameter. You have to expand that client side, like:
command.CommandText = string.Format("DELETE FROM {0}", tableName);
P.S. A * is not allowed after a DELETE. After all, you can only delete whole rows, not a set of columns.

SQL statement against Access 2010 DB not working with ODBC

I'm attempting to run a simple statement against an Access DB to find records.
Data validation in the records was horrible, and I cannot sanitize it. Meaning, it must be preserved as is.
I need to be able to search against a string with white space and hyphen characters removed. The following statement will work in Access 2010 direct:
select * from dummy where Replace(Replace([data1],' ',''),'-','') = 'ABCD1234';
Running it from an ODBC connection via PHP will not. It produces the following error:
SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'Replace' in expression., SQL state 37000 in SQLExecDirect
Creating a query in the database that runs the function and attempting to search its values indirectly causes the same error:
select * from dummy_indirect where Expr1 = 'ABCD1234';
I've attempted to use both ODBC drivers present. ODBCJR32.dll (03/22/2010) and ACEODBC.dll (02/18/2007). To my knowledge these should be current as it was installed with the full Access 2010 and Access 2010 Database Engine.
Any ideas on how to work around this error and achieve the same effect are welcome. Please note, that I cannot alter the database in way, shape, or form. That indirect query was created in another mdb file that has the original tables linked from the original DB.
* Update *
OleDB did not really affect anything.
$dsn= "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:\dummy.mdb;";
I'm not attempting to use it as a web backend either. I'm not a sadomasochist.
There is a legacy system that I must support that does use Access as a backend. Data gets populated there from other old systems that I must integrate into more modern systems. Hence, the creation of an API with Apache/PHP that is running on the server supporting the legacy system.
I need to be able to search a table that has an alphanumeric case identifier to get a numeric identifier that is unique and tied to a generator (Autonumber in access). Users have been using it a trash box for years (inconsistent data entry with sporadic notations) so the only solution I have is to strip everything except alphanumeric out of both the field value and the search value and attempt to perform a LIKE comparison against it.
If not replace() which is access supported, what ODBC compatible functions exist that I can use do the same kind of comparison?
Just to recap, the Access db engine will not recognize the Replace() function unless your query is run from within an Access application session. Any attempt from outside Access will trigger that "Undefined function" error message. You can't avoid the error by switching from ODBC to OleDb as the connection method. And you also can't trick the engine into using Replace() by hiding it in separate query (in the same or another Access db) and using that query as the data source for your main query.
This behavior is determined by Access' sandbox mode. That linked page includes a list of functions which are available in the default sandbox mode. That page also describes how you can alter the sandbox mode. If you absolutely must have Replace() available for your query, perhaps the lowest setting (0) would allow it. However, I'm not recommending you do that. I've never done it myself, so don't know anything about the consequences.
As for alternatives for Replace(), it would help to know about the variability in the values you're searching. If the space or dash characters appear in only one or a few consistent positions, you could do a pattern match with a Like expression. For example, if the search field values consist of 4 letters, an optional space or dash, followed by 4 digits, a WHERE clause like this should work for the variations of "ABCD1234":
data1 = 'ABCD1234'
OR data1 Like 'ABCD[- ]1234';
Another possibility is to compare against a list of values:
data1 IN ('ABCD1234','ABCD 1234','ABCD-1234');
However if your search field values can include any number of spaces or dashes at any position within the string, that approach is no good. And I would look real hard for some way to make the query task easier:
You can't clean the stored values because you're prohibited from altering the original Access db in any way. Perhaps you could create a new Access db, import the data, and clean that instead.
Set up the original Access db as a linked server in SQL Server and build your query to take advantage of SQL Server features.
Surrender. :-( Pull in a larger data set to your PHP client code, and evaluate which rows to use vs. which to ignore.
I'm not sure you can do this with ODBC and your constraints. The MS Access driver is limited (by design; MS wants you to use SQL Server for back ends).
Can you use OLEDB? that might be an option.

Dynamic SQL Within A Stored Procedure Security

I've got the SQL stored procedure from hell that I've created and all input parameters are parameterised for security but it's not running as quick as I'd like so I wanted to make it dynamic and so a bit more efficient.
I know I can keep my input parameters to my stored procedure, then within it create a dynamic SQL statement into which I can then pass the input parameters of the stored procedure, but are there any security implications I need to be aware of when doing this? I'm guessing not as it just another set of parameters and they should be treated the same as the parameters passed to the current stored procedure.
Obviously, producing code like this "WHERE OrderNo = ' + #orderno is asking for trouble - I will be doing 'WHERE OrderNo = #orderno' in the dynamic SQL, but is there anything else I need to be aware of?
Thx MH
PS - before anyone suggests it, I can't create the SQL dynamically at the client side using LINQ or similar - it all (for various reasons) has to be contained and controlled at the database level
There is a form of SQL injection that many people don't think about when doing dynamic SQL in stored procedures: SQL Truncation attacks.
With a SQL truncation attack, the attacker injects a long peace of text making the used text variable overflow and lose part of the query.
This article gives more information about this.
Where your parameters are always Data Items, both when being passed to the StoredProc and when used in yor DynamicSQL, everything will stay safe.
Should any of your StoredProc's parameters end up being table or field names, and so forming part of the structure of the DynamicSQL itself, you introduce a new risk : That the parameter can be used to inject rogue SQL Code.
To prevent against such an injection attack you should always validate any such parameters.
One example of how to do this would be to use the input parameter as a token, rather than substitute it directly into the DynamicSQL...
SET #SQL = #SLQ + CASE targetTable WHEN '1' THEN 'table1'
WHEN 'tx' THEN 'tableX'
Some people suggest you only need to validate on the client application. But that means that if someone becomes able to execute you SP's directly, the SP has become a point of attack. I always prefer to validate both on the client AND in the server.
EDIT Performance
Note that using DynamicSQL isn't always a guarnatee of performance increases. If you use parameterised queries, the execution plans can indeed be stored. But if the queries do vary greatly, you may still find a significant overhead in compiling the SQL.
There is also the fact that dependancy tracking is lost. It's not possible to see what tables the SP is dependant on, because the code is hidden away as strings.
I have very rarely found that DynamicSQL is needed. Often a complex query can be reformed as several optimised queries. Or the data can be re-structured to meet the new demands. Or even a rethink of both the data and the algorithm using the data. One might even be able to suggest that a dependancy on DynamicSQL is an indicator of another underlying problem.
Perhaps it's not in the scope of your question, but it would be interesting to see the actual puzzle you're facing; to see if anyone has any alternative approaches for you.

How to identify a database as valid model?

Im having trouble identifying my databases as correct and valid version of my model. I have a GUID-id for my model I could use, but where do I put it? I dont want an entire table with only one row for this GUID. Is there any metadata-repository for databases (SQL Server 2008) or is there any other methods of identifying databases except their names? I could name the database to my model-GUID but it doesnt seem right...
The scenario is like this: I have a Entity Framework-model and I identify it by a GUID. I let the user pick a database-connectionstring and now I want to verify that its a valid database (which has been created from my app). I want to do this every time the app starts just to be sure. What Im doing now is checking that a certain table with a certain name exists but thats not good enough. I want to be 99% sure.
Edit: I would prefer to set this value from the DDL-script which is already setting up the database and I want to be able to get it from a SqlCommand in
Use an Extended database property
In script:
USE preet;
EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty
#name = N'myVersion',
#value = N'999-abc-123-nop';
In the UI

Parameterise table name in .NET/SQL?

As the topic suggests I wish to be able to pass table names as parameters using .NET (doesn't matter which language really) and SQL Server.
I know how to do this for values, e.g. command.Parameters.AddWithValue("whatever", whatever) using #whatever in the query to denote the parameter. The thing is I am in a situation where I wish to be able to do this with other parts of the query such as column and table names.
This is not an ideal situation but it's one I have to use, it's not really prone to SQL injection as only someone using the code can set these table names and not the end-user. It is messy however.
So, is what I am asking possible?
EDIT: To make the point about SQL injection clear, the table names are only passed in by source code, depending on the situation. It is the developer who specifies this. The developer will have access to the database layer anyway, so the reason I am asking is not so much for security but just to make the code cleaner.
You cannot directly parameterize the table name. You can do it indirectly via sp_ExecuteSQL, but you might just as well build the (parameterized) TSQL in C# (concatenating the table-name but not the other values) and send it down as a command. You get the same security model (i.e. you need explicit SELECT etc, and assuming it isn't signed etc).
Also - be sure to white-list the table name.
I don't think I've ever seen this capability in any SQL dialect I've seen, but it's not an area of expertise.
I would suggest restricting the characters to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, '.', '_' and ' ' - and then use whatever the appropriate bracketing is for the database (e.g. [] for SQL Server, I believe) to wrap round the whole thing. Then just place it directly in the SQL.
It's not entirely clear what you meant about it not being a SQL injection risk - do you mean the names will be in source code and only in source code? If so, I agree that makes things better. You may not even need to do the bracketing automatically, if you trust your developers not to be cretins (deliberately or not).
You can pass the table name as a parameter like any other parameter. the key is you have to build a dynamic sql statement, which then you should consider if it's easier to build it in your app tier or in the procs.
create procedure myProc
#tableName nvarchar(50)
sp_executesql N'select * from ' + #tablename
fyi this code sample is from memory have a look at BOL for the proper syntax of sp_executesql.
Also this is highly sucesptible to SQL injection as you indicated is not an issue for you but anyone reading this should be very wary of accepting input from a user to generate their queries like this.
SQL query parameters can only take the place of a literal value. You cannot use a parameter for a table name, column name, list of values, or other SQL syntax. That's standard SQL behavior across all brands of database.
The only way to make the table name dynamic is to interpolate a variable into your SQL query before you prepare that string as a statement.
BTW, you're fooling yourself if you think this isn't a risk for SQL injection. If you interpolate the table name into the query dynamically, you need to use delimited identifiers around the table name, just as you would use quotes around a string literal that is interpolated from a variable.
The idea that it is not prone to SQL injection is misguided. It may be less prone to SQL injection from front end users, but it is still very much prone to SQL injection. Most attacks on databases come from inside the company being attacked, not from end users.
Employees may have grudges, they may be dishonest, they may be disgruntled, or they may just be not so bright and think that it's ok to bypass security to do whatever it is that THEY think should be done to the database.
Please see this post answer by user Vimvq1987:
MySqlParameter as TableName
Essentially you first check the table name against the schema, in which the table name is used in a parameterized fashion. Then if all is ok, the table name is legit.
Paraphrased basic idea is:
SELECT table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'databasename'
AND table_name = #table;
If this returns ok with the table name, go ahead with your main query...
I would just check
select OBJECT_ID(#tablename)
the idea is to prevent injection you know it has to be table name this was if this returns a number then i would run the actual query,