WLST : Which mBean to access deployments>monitoring>workload>Work Managers - weblogic

I am working on rolling weblogic manager servers start up scripts using python and wlst.
Once server is started and comes in running mode I have to check if manage server Completed Requests > 0. If its more than 0 then proceed to next manager server and bring it down.
So I am looking to access the Completed Requests count using wlst but not sure which mBean to use which can provide me the details.
I can see the detail in weblogic console from below path
domain>Deployments>Monitoring>Work Load>Work Manager (default)
How to find the exact mBean to access the above details.


How to add Reporting Services to an existing SQL Server 2019 Clustered Instance

I have already set up my clustered environment. But now, there is a requirement came for reporting service for only one instance.
When I try to add it using the "Add feature to the existing environment" option in setup. However, I can't see Reporting Service on there.
So how I install and set up reporting service to the required instance.
As you may know, SSRS is not a cluster aware feature, so the install requires some extra steps. Also, if you want high availability for SQL Server Reporting Services you should deploy it in a farm which provides both availability and load balancing.
Adding SSRS on an installed SQL Server Cluster Instance is not so straight forward. When we try to add SSRS on an existing SQL Server cluster instance, the install does not allow us to proceed after the Installation rule check page because one of the rules fails during the rule check process. One solution is to install SSRS as a separate instance, but since this configuration was already a multi-instance cluster I was not in favor of increasing the number of instances by installing SSRS as a separate instance. Below I will explain the step by step method to configure SSRS on an existing SQL Server cluster instance without deploying a farm
Step 1
To add/install SSRS on an installed SQL Server Instance, we need to run setup again on each cluster node. First run SQL Server setup on your active node (Node 1). Follow all necessary steps in the setup windows. Make sure to run this setup to add SSRS on your existing instance rather than creating a new instance. Choose Reporting Services on the feature selection page of the setup window. After we start the install, we will get an error because one of the rules will fail as shown below.
Step 2
When you get the above error, you cannot proceed with the install because the "Next" button will be disabled due to this failed rule.
To get a detailed report about this failed rule, click on "view detailed report" shown in the above screenshot and you will get details about this rule as shown below.
Step 3
As we already saw that we cannot add SSRS to an existing SQL Server cluster, the solution is to run setup and skip the installation rules to install SQL Server Reporting Services in an existing clustered instance.
Run the below command at the Windows command prompt to start SQL Server setup on the active node. Make sure to run this command after changing the root directory of the command prompt to the location where you have placed the SQL Server setup files.
Setup.exe /SkipRules=StandaloneInstall_HasClusteredOrPreparedInstanceCheck /Action=Install
Once you press enter to run the command, the SQL Server product version will display on the command prompt, as shown above, and an installation window named "Program Compatibility Assistant" will appear. Now click on "Run program" to proceed with this installation.
Step 4
Now follow the same process which you normally do in an installation. Again choose the existing instance to add SSRS and select Reporting Services in the feature selection page which we need to install.
Now this time you can see the installation rule check passes without an error, because we skipped the installation rule process to make this installation possible.
Step 5
Here we can see the "Next" button is enabled, so click on Next to install SQL Server Reporting services on the active node.
Step 6
Once you are done with the installation on the active node (Node 1), follow the same process on each of the other nodes in the cluster.
Step 7
Now that each of the nodes has Reporting Services installed, it is time to configure Reporting Services on each node using "Reporting Services Configuration Manager" which can be found under configuration tools.
Here the configurations would be the same as you would have for any Reporting Services configuration. One thing will change though, we will use the SQL Server failover cluster network/virtual name while making a connection to the report database server. If we use node names in place of the failover cluster network name, the report server will be unable to connect to the report server database in case failover occurs.
Configure Reporting Services on each node in the same way with SQL Server failover cluster network name otherwise you will get the below Report Manager error after failover when an instance is online from another node.
Step 8
Now you are done with your SSRS configuration. Go ahead and launch Report Manager to check whether SSRS is configured properly. You can also test your Report Manager accessibility after failover and failback to verify whether it's providing the necessary failover functionality.

TFS Configuration Error

I am facing a problem that when i try to configure my TFS it show me the following Error Message
TF255049: A connection cannot be made to the server that is running SQL Server. Verify that you have entered the correct name for the server, including the instance name, that the server you are attempting to connect to is online, and that you have the required permissions to connect. If you are attempting to connect to the remote SQL Server instance, then verify that it is configured to allow remote connections, that TCP/IP protocol is both enabled and configured to use port 1433 (default), and that Windows Firewall does not block this port.
Check whether the SQL version is supported by the TFS version: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/setup-admin/requirements#sql-server
Check the permission of the account that you use, and make sure it belongs to SysAdmin Server Role.
As #Daniel mentioned in comment, follow the troubleshooting steps provided in the error message, and check this blog to see whether it is helpful: https://elhajj.wordpress.com/2013/02/25/workaround-error-tf255049-punching-a-hole-through-windows-firewall/
I was running an upgrade from TFS 2018 to Azure DevOps 2020.
After the server restart, the Azure DevOps Server Configuration wizard opened.
I was logged in as the local machine administrator and got this error (TF255049: A connection cannot be made to the server that is running SQL Server...) when trying to connect to my SQL Server machine (to chose the configuration database).
I logged in as Network Administrator, started the wizard again and the SQL connection worked.
To restart the Azure DevOps Configuration Wizard again...
Open the Azure DevOps Administration Console and choose Configure Installed Features to open the Server Configuration Wizard...

I can't run my mobile app on worklight development server

FWLPL0010W: "localhost" was detected from the target server
configuration. Using the primary IP address of the host machine,, to build the Worklight application(s). Consider using a fully qualified hostname (avoid using "localhost") or a valid IP
address instead. The value can be modified by opening the
configuration editor of Worklight Development Server from the
"Servers" view.
[2015-01-10 12:34:11]
com.worklight.studio.plugin.nls.Messages:FWLPL0001W: Server not
started yet. Build may fail at first trial. [2015-01-10 12:34:11]
FWLPL0017E: Worklight Console can not be opened because the Worklight
Server is not running. Right-click the server 'Worklight Development
Server' from "Servers" view and select "Start" from the menu to start
the server.
From the comment, the issue appears to be the following:
Server Worklight Development Server was unable to start within 120
seconds. If the server requires more time, try increasing the timeout
in the server editor.
A Google search brought up the following same question: Worklight Server not starting
The solution was provided per the instructions in http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21668175:
To resolve this problem, you can apply one or both of the following workarounds.
Complete the following steps to increase the timeout default value:
1.Open the Servers view.
2.Double-click the Worklight Development Server to open the Overview pane.
3.Expand the Timeouts section.
4.Increase the value in the Start (in seconds) field. Consider doubling the default value; that is, set it to 120 seconds.
Complete the following steps to remove the unnecessary applications from Worklight Development Server.
1.Open the Servers view.
2.Right-click the Worklight Development Server.
3.Select the Add and Remove option.
4.Remove all applications that you do not intend to work on.
After you have made any of these changes to the configuration, restart the server.

How to deploy the war in remote Weblogic server with eclipse.

I am using weblogic 9 and i tried connecting to a remote server.
But first of all it is asking for Weblogic Home. Since i am connecting to a remote system how can i did not had the weblogic home directory on my system.
Again just to test i also installed the Weblogic on my local system and tried accessing the remote server.
I provided all the necessary values. It detected the running server.
But when i tried deploying a JSF web app it gave an error.
It is as follows:-
Module named 'HelloWorldJSF' failed to deploy. See Error Log view for more detail.
weblogic.deploy.api.spi.exceptions.ServerConnectionException: [J2EE Deployment SPI:260041]Unable to upload 'E:\eclipseWorkspace.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources.projects\HelloWorldJSF\beadep\remote_weblogic\HelloWorldJSF.war' to 't3://'
Exception received from deployment driver. See Error Log view for more detail.
If i try to run the same JSF web app in my local server it is working fine.
can you please let me know how to configure the remote server connection in eclipse without having the Weblogic Home successfully.
Thanks a lot indeed!

Using WLST to bounce a managed server?

Is there a way to bounce/restart a managed server using WLST? The ServerRuntime MBean seems to have the correct functions to do this but as far as I can tell, you can only access this MBean for the server WLST is connected to ie the admin server. Is there a way to access this MBean for each Managed Server?
Yes. I use it all the time in automated build / deployment tasks.
Connect to the node manager and call shutdown / start for each managed server / cluster.