Using WLST to bounce a managed server? - weblogic

Is there a way to bounce/restart a managed server using WLST? The ServerRuntime MBean seems to have the correct functions to do this but as far as I can tell, you can only access this MBean for the server WLST is connected to ie the admin server. Is there a way to access this MBean for each Managed Server?

Yes. I use it all the time in automated build / deployment tasks.
Connect to the node manager and call shutdown / start for each managed server / cluster.


shutdown script of weblogic manged server gracefully

Looking all over the internet to use wlst to shutdown weblogic managed servers gracefully (not from admin console)
Run $WL_HOME/common/bin/
Connect to admin server with your credentionals
wls:/offline> connect('weblogic','password','t3://localhost:7001')
To start managed server use
To stop managed server use

WLST : Which mBean to access deployments>monitoring>workload>Work Managers

I am working on rolling weblogic manager servers start up scripts using python and wlst.
Once server is started and comes in running mode I have to check if manage server Completed Requests > 0. If its more than 0 then proceed to next manager server and bring it down.
So I am looking to access the Completed Requests count using wlst but not sure which mBean to use which can provide me the details.
I can see the detail in weblogic console from below path
domain>Deployments>Monitoring>Work Load>Work Manager (default)
How to find the exact mBean to access the above details.

Able to connect to SQL Server from SQL Server Management Studio, but not from Reporting Services Configuration Manager

I get the following message:
A connection to the computer cannot be established
I have tried registering it, but my credentials that work to get into the server in SSMS do not work when trying to register it. I have the TCP/IP and Shared Memory Protocol Names Enabled in the SQL Server Configuration Manager and have tried stopping and starting the server. I did not make this server, could that be a reason why I cannot register it? Any help is much appreciated!

How do I connect JProfiler on a JBoss 7.x server in Domain mode?

I want to profile a server (JVM) that is part of a JBoss 7.1.3 domain. The Server Integration wizard of JProfiler only modifies, which is of no use in domain mode. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
For application servers that don't have an integration wizard, use the [Generic] integration wizard. It will give you a VM parameter that has to be added to the java invocation of the application server.

What is the correct way to install Celery/Redis to run the tasks on another server?

The web server itself runs django. I would like the web server to delegate the actual tasks work to another server.
First, setup your redis server on the remote server. Change your django configuration to connect to this server.
When you deploy your app, I recommend using fabric to deploy to your web server and your worker server. It should handle the restart logic as well.