Does spring REST support look up by resourceid which starts with period /resources/{resourceid} - spring-restcontroller

I am working on REST api which has lookup by resourceid and resourceid starts with . or / or //. I am able to handle cases where it starts with / or contains / but not resources whos identifiers start with . eg: /resources/.ABC-A
Im looking some solutions on how to handle cases whose resource id starts with .

Not sure . is allowed at the start of the path. Per RFC 3896:
The path segments "." and "..", also known as dot-segments, are
defined for relative reference within the path name hierarchy. They
are intended for use at the beginning of a relative-path reference
(Section 4.2) to indicate relative position within the hierarchical
tree of names. This is similar to their role within some operating
systems' file directory structures to indicate the current directory
and parent directory, respectively. However, unlike in a file
system, these dot-segments are only interpreted within the URI path
hierarchy and are removed as part of the resolution process (Section
Also, a word of caution when using . in your paths: by default Spring will try and use the path to determine content type:
Example: A path ending in .au can be interpreted as a request for application/audio, for which you probably don't have a handler installed.
To disable this behavior you would set favorPathExtension=false on your ContentNegotiationConfigurer.


How do you differentiate between QVD source files and target files when reading a QVW's XML MetaData?

I am currently trying to find an alternative to the Governance Dashboard that Rob Wunderlich (Qlik founder) created, since I am currently encountering errors when using it.
How do you differentiate between a data source (QVD, aka source) that is used by a QVW or a data file (QVD, aka target) that is generated by that QVW?
Lower(Discriminator) AS DataFile.Filepath
FROM C:\Sample_Transform_file.qvw (xmlSimple, Table is[DocumentSummary/LineageInfo])
Below is an example of what I found when parsing through the XML Metadata
(discriminator subtag within the lineageinfo tag) for one specific Transform QVW.
Sample Table Output
Are targets just identified by this?
STORE - [qvdName.qvd](qvd)
From what I have found, That appears to be the case, to a degree.
All of our QVW files that output a QVD utilize DIRECTORY statements rather than either hard-coded file location paths or variablized paths. Hence why all of the Targets are getting displayed as "STORE - qvdname.qvd", instead of displaying the filepath. In a sense, that is a flaw on QlikView's part, regarding its Governance Dashboard (or at the very least, they don't seem to recommend variablizing those paths as a standard in order to avoid breaking the lineage).

Alfresco FTS - why first digit of folder's name should be escaped?

I have a question regarding the alfresco FTS/lucene search. It is known that in the search query some special characters have to be escaped, like space (by _x0020_).
But it turned out that if folder's name first chatacter is a digit, it should also be escaped. It can be easily tested in Node Browser by creating a folder, like 123456 and navigate to the parent folder in node browser (in my case I have following folder structure: */2017/123456/):
Primary Path: /app:company_home/st:sites/<some-folders>/cm:_x0032_017/cm:_x0031_23456
^this is 2 ^ and this is 1
If I don't ecape first character of the folder I have 500 error returned.
Why is that, I tried to find something relevant in Alfresco documentation, but didn't manage to.
Alfresco v.4.2.0
Lucene search uses ISO 9075 codification (SQL) like similar frameworks, so we need to encode the path elements. It would be nice if the API hides this requirement like the browser url but you could use ISO9075Encode to do the job.

Creating Configuration File for DDS Recording Service

I'm a beginner looking for some clarity on how to create configuration files for the DDS Recording Service in two areas.
If you are looking to record a set of specific topics from a domain how do you set up the topic group? Can you list the topics as individual <topic_expr> i.e.
<topic_group name="SomeTopics">
When I tried something like this not all the listed topics would be recorded. Is there something I am overlooking?
Secondly, when you use -deserialize to you need to make any changes to the configuration file you used to record the database? As I sometimes get errors about how "rti dds failed to find" followed by something like X::Y::Z. Thanks.
The XSD schema for the configuration file does not expect you to use multiple <topic_expr> tags, but a single tag with a comma-separated list of Topic names. The RTI Recording Service User's Manual explains it as follows:
<topic_expr>POSIX fn expression</topic_expr>
A comma-separated list of POSIX expressions that specify the names of Topics to be included in the TopicGroup.
The syntax and semantics are the same as for Partition matching.
Default: Null
Note: Keep in mind that spaces are valid first characters in topic names, thus they can affect the matching process. For example, this will match both Triangle and Square topics (notice there is no space before Square):
However the following will only match Triangle topics (because there is a space before Square):
<topic_expr>Triangle, Square</topic_expr>
With regard to the -deserialize option, this is not applicable to the Recording Service but to the Converter tool (rtirecconv). If you want to record deserialized, you will have to indicate that in the Recording Service configuration, via the tag <deserialize_mode>. Again, see the User's Manual for details.

Map blank nodes from stardog to pubby

So I have this .rdf that I have loaded onto Stardog and then I am using Pubby running over Jetty, to browse the triple store.
In my rdf file, I have several blank nodes which is given a blank node identifier by stardog. So this is a snippet of the rdf file.
<kbp:ORG rdf:about="http://somehostname/resource/res1">
<kbp:mentionStart rdf:datatype="">1234</kbp:mentionStart>
<kbp:mentionEnd rdf:datatype="">1239</kbp:mentionEnd>
So basically I have some resource "res1" which has links to blank node which has a mention start and mention end offset value.
The snippet of the config.ttl file for Pubby is shown below.
conf:dataset [
# SPARQL endpoint URL of the dataset
conf:sparqlEndpoint <http://localhost:5822/xxx/query>;
#conf:sparqlEndpoint <http://localhost:5822/foaf/query>;
# Default graph name to query (not necessary for most endpoints)
conf:sparqlDefaultGraph <>;
# Common URI prefix of all resource URIs in the SPARQL dataset
conf:datasetBase <http://somehostname/>;
So the key thing is the datasetBase which maps URIs to URL.
When I try to map this, there is an "Anonymous node" link but upon clicking, nothing is displayed. My guess is, this is because the blank node has some identifier like _:bnode1234 which is not mapped by Pubby.
I wanted to know if anyone out there knows how to map these blank nodes.
(Note: If I load this rdf as a static rdf file directly onto Pubby, it works fine. But when I use stardog as a triple store, this mapping doesn't quite work)
It probably works in Pubby because they are keeping the BNode id's available; generally, the SPARQL spec does not guarantee or require that BNode identifiers are persistent. That is, you can issue the same query multiple times, which brings back the same result set (including bnodes) and the identifiers can be different each time. Similarly, a bnode identifier in a query is treated like a variable, it does not mean you are querying for that specific bnode.
Thus, Pubby is probably being helpful and making that work which is why using it directly works as opposed to a third party database.
Stardog does support the Jena/ARQ trick of putting a bnode identifier in angle brackets, that is, <_:bnode1234> which is taken to mean, the bnode with the identifier "bnode1234". If you can get Pubby to use that syntax in queries for bnodes, it will probably work.
But generally, I think this is something you will have to take up with the Pubby developers.

Are colons allowed in URLs?

I thought using colons in URIs was "illegal". Then I saw that is using URIs like
What do you feel about the usage of colons in URIs?
How do I make my Apache server work with the "colon" syntax because now it's throwing the "Access forbidden!" error when there is a colon in the first segment of the URI?
Colons are allowed in the URI path. But you need to be careful when writing relative URI paths with a colon since it is not allowed when used like this:
<a href="tag:sample">
In this case tag would be interpreted as the URI’s scheme. Instead you need to write it like this:
<a href="./tag:sample">
Are colons allowed in URLs?
Yes, unless it's in the first path segment of a relative-path reference
So for example you can have a URL like this:
And you can use it normally as an absolute URL or some relative variants:
Welcome Template
Welcome Template
Welcome Template
But this would be invalid:
Welcome Template
because the "Template" here would be mistaken for the protocol scheme.
You would have to use:
Welcome Template
to use a relative link from a page on the same level in the hierarchy.
The spec
See the RFC 3986, Section 3.3:
The path component contains data, usually organized in hierarchical
form, that, along with data in the non-hierarchical query component
(Section 3.4), serves to identify a resource within the scope of the
URI's scheme and naming authority (if any). The path is terminated
by the first question mark ("?") or number sign ("#") character, or
by the end of the URI.
If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component
must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character. If a URI
does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin
with two slash characters ("//"). In addition, a URI reference
(Section 4.1) may be a relative-path reference, in which case the
first path segment cannot contain a colon (":") character. The ABNF
requires five separate rules to disambiguate these cases, only one of
which will match the path substring within a given URI reference. We
use the generic term "path component" to describe the URI substring
matched by the parser to one of these rules. [emphasis added]
Example URL that uses a colon:
Also note the difference between Apache on Linux and Windows. Apache on Windows somehow doesn't allow colons to be used in the first part of the URL. Linux has no problem with this, however.