Changes in Shopware5 less-file has no effect - less

I've installed Shopware
inherited from the responsive theme and
adjusting the colors (less-files).
This worked well with the header and a few other components like container.less but not offcanvas-menu.less.
In Detail:
finding the color to change:
For this I first made all colors of the entire shop unique. So I can easily tap the color value over the current shop via a pipette tool.
Then I find the color value in the source code and copy the corresponding less source code components into my new theme. Only then do I change the color.
copied inside themes/Frontend :
a) /Responsive/frontend/_public/src/less/_components/offcanvas-menu.less too
b) /MyNewTheme/frontend/_public/src/less/_components/offcanvas-menu.less
the following part :
.sidebar--navigation {
background: #0492d6;
.navigation--entry {
&:last-child {
border-bottom: 0 none;
.navigation--link {
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
and changed background: #0492d6; to background: #003E7e; inside b)
Complete result: gist MyNewTheme offcanvas-menu.less
But if i reload and grap the color i got again #0492D6.
As doppelcheck i changed the color in a) to background: black; and its black.
As another doppelcheck i changed the color in themes/Frontend/MyNewTheme/frontend/_public/src/less/_components/container.less to background: red; And red is visible.

Please check if you also imported it.
Please enter in your themes\Frontend\MyNewTheme\frontend_public\src\less\all.less
#import "_components/offcanvas-menu";


Ag-Grid dropdown popup is hidden

I'm trying to load a custom dropdown celleditor component into my Ag-Grid in Vue3. I have reproduced the issue here:
The problem is that the options are hidden under the rows.
I have found one cheaty way of fixing this by overriding:
.ag-row-focus {
z-index: 999;
.ag-grid-cell {
overflow-y:visible !important;
overflow-x:visible !important;
z-index: 999 !important;
The problem with this approach is that it's completely dependent on ag-row-focus. If a user has a specific row selected and then clicks on the dropdown of another row, say the one above, then the selected row is still another row and therefore, the options are still hidden. There were also other issues, for instance that the dropdown itself with these overflow settings do not respect the cell width and height anymore (especially the height). When the text is larger than intended, it is also when collapsed breaking the height rules for that cell.
Ag-Grid versions used:
"ag-grid-community": "26.1.0",
"ag-grid-vue3": "26.1.2",
I got most of the behavior now working by adding the css below. Remaining issue is that the text inside the dropdown also overflows and gets too big due to which it goes onto other cells & the height goes further than the row. Expected behavior is probably here that the text gets cut off.
.ag-grid-cell {
overflow: visible !important;
z-index: 10030 !important;
.ag-row {
z-index: 0;
} {
z-index: 1;
.ag-center-cols-clipper {
overflow: visible !important;
z-index: 5;
.ag-center-cols-viewport {
overflow: visible !important;
Updated sandbox:

How do I make ion-menu-button larger?

How do I make the ion-menu-button (hamburger menu button) larger?
The ion-menu-button component creates an ion-icon with font-size set to 26px. There is no attribute to set size and CSS seems to have no impact.
I reported this as a bug to the Ionic team and they "fixed" it here: although i still don't see how to modify the size.
ion-icon {
--font-size: 100px !important;
font-size: 70px;
does nothing
Sorted it out on my own. There was a
.sc-ion-buttons-md-h {
display: flew;
wrapper that was limiting the size of the button. Once i removed that:
.sc-ion-buttons-md-h {
display: block !important;
and used ion-grid to place button on the left side of my header, i could then use:
ion-menu-button {
font-size: 50px !important;
to set the size of my menu button.

Changing chartist text color and size

The font size on the charts are to small and hard to read on certain colors. Is there a way to change these attributes?
I can do this do make the whole pie red but setting color or font-size doesn't make a change:
.ct-series-x .ct-slice-pie {
fill: #f05b4f
<div class="ct-chart ct-golden-section ct-series-x ct-slice-pie" id="chart2"></div>
For anyone who comes across this - override ct-label in your css file:
.ct-label {
font-size: 15px;

How to merge parent and child style properties using LESS

I have this less code, this is working just fine. I just want to save some spaces when the less cli compiles it.
.secondary-content {
background: #ffcc80;
color: white !important;
label, i {
background: #ffcc80;
color: white !important;
When I run less from the command prompt, the output looks like this.
.secondary-content {
background: #ffcc80;
color: white !important;
.secondary-content label,
.secondary-content i {
background: #ffcc80;
color: white !important;
as you can see they are separated on each block. I would like to have them on the same block. How could I easily merge the parent and child style properties? Like this.
.secondary-content label,
.secondary-content i {
background: #ffcc80;
color: white !important;
I'm still learning less, so any help would be much greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
You can make use of the parent selector (&) like in the below snippet. Usage of parent selector would mean that the same rules apply for .ghost .secondary-content selector as well as its child label and i tags.
.ghost .secondary-content {
&, label, i {
background: #ffcc80;
color: white !important;
Of course the solution provide by #Harry works. When you are learning Less you should keep in mind that Less helps you to write your CSS code DRY and more efficient. Less does not help you to solve issues, that you can not solve in common CSS, Less compiles into CSS and does not add any feature to the compiled CSS.
To reduce the size of your CSS for selectors which share some properties you should consider the extend feature of Less:
.selector1 {
color: red;
.selector2:extend(.selector1) {}
.selector2 {
color: red;
To solve your issue you should reconsider the desired CSS code instead of the Less code. You can not use extend due to the nesting of the label, i, but why should you nest them to set the color and background-color?
The default value for the background-color is transparent so when you set the background-color for the parent you do not have set the background-color for the child elements (when using the same value).
Possible you override the default transparent with an other style rule with a higher specificity, see also
An example which gives your nested label the wrong background-color:
label {
.secondary-content {
color: white;
The same for the color property which always inherit from its parent, unless applied in an anchor.
You are also using !important, see:

Validating if the Ext.grid.panel is empty

I am trying to create a grid panel, that should highlight the grid in red, (as it happens when the validations fail on other components,) when the grid is empty. Is there a simple solution for this?
On the most basic level you can add this css:
.grid-highlight {
border: 1px solid red !important;
And upon load (or datachanged) events check if the store is empty and then do either:
iGrid.addCls( '.grid-highlight' );
iGrid.removeCls( '.grid-highlight' );