I am using angular 5 and ngx-bootstrap 2.0.5 version but I am not getting any tooltip inside component.
<div class="btn" alt="Ok to Call" tooltip="Calling" placement="bottom"></div>
im working on a nuxt project and im using vuetify as a UI framework.
i tried using v-otp-input but i get this error in my console.
all the vuetify elements are working fine but this one doesn't , what should i do ?
here is my code
ps:im looking for somthing like this:
Any help would be appreciated
that was because of vuetify version (vuetify version must be 2.6.0 or higher)
for updating vuetify:
1.Run npm info vuetify to lookup for the list of versions that they have.
npm info vuetify
2.install the specific version that you want with the following
for example:
npm install --save vuetify#2.6.6
You can use Vuetify <v-opt-input> component and override a bit its css for your needs.
To edit the css style of the component, it's not an easy task as you have to check on the browser debugger what are the classes applied to the component and what elements it includes.
But it's doable :)
Assuming you are using the last Vuetify version (2.6.6) you have to wrap your page or your layout into a component: https://vuetifyjs.com/en/api/v-app/
I had the same problem, using vuetify v2.6.9, with vue-cli-plugin vuetify. I tried manually importing the component in my component and it worked:
import { VOtpInput } from "vuetify/lib";
export default {
name: "sign-up-verify",
components: { VOtpInput },
I'm using vuejs with quill.
I'm not using npm or any other build tools, only linking vuejs and quill.min.js in the header of my html.
If quill works, v-model doesn't and vice versa.
<div id="editor">
<input class="textarea" v-model="email_content">
<input id="editor" class="textarea" v-model="email_content">
<div id="editor">
<textarea class="textarea" v-model="email_content"></textarea>
doesn't do the job.
Console doesn't show any error.
Hi i'am using Angular6 in this if i click the button it should scroll to selected div. for this i have used npm install ng2-scroll-to --save plugin but button selector was not working please help me to do this. if there any alternate solution also just tell me.
<a scrollTo href="#main-section">Scroll to main section</a>
<button scrollTo scrollTargetSelector="#test-section">Scroll to test section</button >
<button scrollTo scrollableElementSelector="#container" scrollYTarget="0">Go top</button >
<!-- Further content here -->
<div id="container">
<section id="main-section">Bla bla bla</section>
<section id="test-section">Bla bla bla</section>
You have to import ScroolModule to app module
// app.module.ts
import {ScrollToModule} from 'ng2-scroll-to';
imports: [
After that it should be fine.
I have got Aurelia CssAnimator working and thats fine however I assumed it would act on any div and anything within that div however all the times I tried to make a div with other tags inside have animations nothing worked. I had this and because it has in side the div it fails to work.
<require from="./animateOnChange"></require>
<div animateonchange.bind="messageStrong">
What I wanted to animate is a div that has a bootstrap alert class as per:
<div animateonchange.bind="messageStrong">
<div class="alert alert-${alertType}" role="alert">
<strong>${messageStrong}</strong> ${message}
I assumed wrongly that anything that sat within the div being animated would also be animated. Its not so.
How would I make these message alerts disappear after 10 seconds ie fade out using javascript? I have bootstrap 3..
I am using bootstrap popover with vuejs.
How can I trigger vue functionality?
In below code when I am clicking on add break link, it opens bootstrap popover, with click me button. Now here vuejs doesn't work, if I click on click me, it is not prompting alert.
<a data-toggle="popover" data-placement="top" v-d2d-popover data-content='<button v-on:click="alert(6)">click me</button>' href="javascript:void(0)" class="btn btn-link popover-notitle">
<i class="ace-icon fa fa-plus-circle bigger-120 green"></i>add break
Can anybody help me?
Since the button is just written in a string, it isn't being compiled by Vue. Here are a couple of ideas to try:
Use Vue for popover as well: https://yuche.github.io/vue-strap/#popover
Create popover content in a separate div (in your component so Vue will compile it) and then fetch the content for the popover:
content: $('#myPopoverContent').html(),
html: true