PostgreSQL for multiple users - sql

I am building an app for a workshop at a conference. It will be used by the participants to input answers to a survey on their mobile devices and then these answers will be saved to a database.
I am currently looking at PostgreSQL and from what I have seen it is extremely capable of handling well over 100 expected users that I will have using the app at one time. What I haven't been able to decide conclusively is whether these 100 people all adding to the same database at once will cause any problems. I have looked into locks and understand that theres shouldn't be any conflicts when inserting into tables (which is all the users will be doing) but I just wanted to confirm before moving forward with the app.
I assume it is also important to deploy the app using a hosting service which can handle the load. I am intending to use Heroku which I have experience deploying postgreSQL databases to.
Just in case it is relevant I was intending to use Knex.js to build the database in a node backend.
Happy to provide any further information and would appreciate any input or better suggestions to look into.


Database for live mobile tracking

I'm developing an app that allows to track a mobile device instantly (live) ... I need an of advice. The application must send the location to a webservice that in it's turn records the received data in a database.
What would be, in your opinion, the best way to store the location values?
I'm new in using bigdata and I'm afraid that simple sql requests wont be able to do the work properly ... I imagine if there is lot of users and each user send a request each 1sec I'll have issue with the database ...
An advice ? Thank you very much
i think you could have a look into the geospatial queries in mongo, if you chose to go ahead with mongodb.
Refer here
And here
for the design of the database would depend on the nature of the query (essentially the read and write).
Worth having a look into
Working at Cintric we landed on using elasticsearch. We process billions of location points in real time and provide advanced analytics to our users.
We started with mongoDB and ran into a lot of troubles, eventually leading to a painful migration.
Our stack currently has mobile devices dump location updates into AWS Kinesis, which are then processed by AWS Lambda handlers, and then dumped into elasticsearch. We're able to serve, process and store 300 million requests/month for only a few hundred dollars/month. Analytics for our dashboard add additional cost but for your needs I would highly recommend checking out your options on AWS.

Which db should I choose for my transaction logging

I have a database question. I am developing an application where users sends some request and gets an answer from a vendor. I have a server receiving the request (through a rest call or a running web service, haven't decided which yet).
Whenever a new request comes in it should be logged in a database and when the vendor responds the record should be updated indicating whether it was accepted or not and stuff like that. The only reason for this storage of transactions is for reporting and logging purposes. So now that I have stated my requirement I need help from someone with more expertise in this.
What I've come up with so far is that it would be best to use a structured database since all records will have one type and the same information, so there's no need to waste space using a semi-structured database with each record containing both structure and information.
But I don't know if there are any databases that are particularly good for this kind of "create/update operations only" ?? As I said I only need to read the data perhaps once a month or so.
Any inputs are appreciated!
You can use any open source database like postgreSql as you are mostly going to do inserts and not much other features needed. My suggestion will try to put logging process in separate threads rather than the one you are using for processing to have better performance for your api calls.
I'm developing a application with a lot of create/update queries and currently using Neo4j.
It's fast and really good with j2E and php. NoSQL is really fast to learn with it, and the web interface is really user friendly :)

How to make VB.NET application work as Multi-user?

I am developing a VB.Net application. That application might be working on a LAN. MS Access as a back end will be used. I have developed many single user applications, but don't know of multi user , LAN, manage DB etc. How do I make the program as Multi user on LAN. Data will be accessed at the same time. How to manage such things.
Please give me some help and Guidance.
Your VB application does not care how many people run it.
Your database, with MS Access, has some serious issues with multiple users. Get away from it if you can. SQL Server has a free version called SQL Express. If you only plan on 2 people, you might be OK with Access for a while but be prepared to support it more.
That was all the easy stuff, now you have to think about how you are going to handle multiple users trying to access and update the same data (concurrency).
Imagine this, you are a user looking at employee record 1 and so is someone else. You change the birthday and save. The the other user changes thier suppervisor and saves. How do you know something changed? What do you do if something changed? These are questions I cannot answer for you, you must decide based on your situation.
There are 2 main types of concurrency, optimistic and pessimistic. See this link for a great explaination and discussion on them: optimistic-vs-pessimistic-locking
You can look at this on a table-by-table basis.
If a table is never updated, you dont have to worry about concurrency
If a table is rarely updated, like a table of states, you can decide if it is worth the extra effort to add concurrency.
Everything else, pretty much should have some type of concurrency.
Now, the million dollar question, how?
You will find as many ways to handle concurrency as you will find colors in the rainbow. Here are some of the ones I like:
Simple number that you increment with each save. Small and easy.
DateTime stamp - As long as you dont expect to ever have 2 people save the same record during the same second, this is easy. (I personally dont like it by it's self)
User Name - Pretty simple gives a little bit of an audit by knowing who last inserted/edited the record but doesn't handle an issue I have seen to often. Imagine the same senerio as above but you had 2 instances of record 1. Now you change the data again, maybe supervisor, and when you save, you overwrite the changes from your first save with those of the second save.
Guid - VB can create a guid, SQL Server can create a guid and so can Access. It is nice an unique and most important, you can create it on the client so you dont have to requery the database after you save the record to get a refreshed record.
Combination of these. I like 2 and 3 myself. Gives a mini audit and is unique to the user.
If you use a DataAdapter, by default, MS will assume concurrency checking means to compare EVERY field to make sure it did not change. This works, but is completely un-scaleable and should not be done.
All of this depends on the size of your application and how you see it being used. Definately do some more research before you settle on a decision.
There are a number of solutions here.
If I may suggest a drastic alternative, have you considered pairing the client running on the user's computer with a server component (through a web service)? A simpler alternative would be for the client to talk directly to a SQL Server (or other database) instance through the network?*
*I'm not a fan of having client side apps talk directly to the database. It will mean maintenance headaches in the future, but I
included it to give you options
I found this random example via Google so YMMV.

Running the same web app on 2 or more physically separate servers?

I am not sure if I should be posting this question here or over at ServerFault so apologies if it is in the wrong place.
I have a small web app that is starting to get some more business.
Currently I have a single dedicated LAMP server for this, and this has worked well - the single server is able to handle all of our traffic.
However... Recently I have been approached by some potential customers who are interested in using the app, but only if their data can be stored on a server in the same province as they are (legal reasons).
I could migrate the server, but I am reluctant to do this. I like where it is now.
So, I am wondering what is involved in having multiple servers in physically separate datacentres far apart, running the same web app? Data between the servers would not need to stay synced, necessarily.
I have never done anything like this before, and am not sure how complicated a job it is. Any suggestions on how and where to start looking into this would be much appreciated.
Thanks (in advance) for your advice.
As long as each customer has their own set of data you can just install another copy of the application in the other datacenter. It will require you to get some structure to your source control and deployment process, but it works. This option will give you two separate databases.
If you have to have one common database for all the customers (e.g. some kind of booking/reservation system of common resources) then you're up to a completely other level of complexity with replicating databases etc. It's doable, but it's hard.

How do large sites(Google, Facebook, etc) propagate information to all servers in realtime?

I'm looking for some technologies to research. I'm amazed that you can go into [insert large site here]'s interface, update a setting and within seconds it's pushed out so it's live across the board. A good example of this is adwords. If you go into adwords and change a campaign those settings are stored on the server with a unique id. The ad code calls the server with that id and the information(size,colors, etc) is pulled up instantly to show the ad. How is that Google can push that out to hundreds of thousands of servers so quickly? What type of db systems are they using?
Google has published research papers for its Google File System (or "BigFiles" as it was once known) and BigTable, both of which are used extensively in their services. Those would probably make good reading, in and of themselves and because they probably cite prior art.
You might want to read how Oracle has built RAC to propagate data across many DBs:
I know that Facebook use peer-to-peer to push update on their server.
The first server get the update, then he send it to some others who does the same thing.. and on until the update is on all of their server!
I have been looking into similar pieces of information.
Look for "Structured Data".
Specifics: MojoDB, CouchDB.
Look for comparisions on mojodb website.
Facebook has made Cassandra (distributed database) open source. I think they and many others use it now.
Also look for Hadoop framework and Map/Reduce, as a matter of interest.