"on_server_role_update" TypeError Missing Argument - typeerror

So... I dont know what to say, im going to be quick obviously
async def on_server_role_update(role, before, after):
print("[" + (colored("{}".format(role.server), 'blue')) + "] " + (colored("Role Updated: {0} >> {1}".format(before, after), 'yellow')))
TypeError: on_server_role_update() missing 1 positional argument: 'after'
You see? I have the argument but it shows an error!

on_server_role_update should have exactly two arguments: a Role before and a Role after. Why did you think there was a third role argument?
async def on_server_role_update(before, after):
server_blue = colored(str(before.server), 'blue')
msg = "Role Updated: {0} >> {1}".format(before, after)
color_msg = colored(msg, 'yellow')
print("[{}] {}".format(server_blue, color_msg))


Pytest Selenium elem.send_keys() causing TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()

I am trying to send data to a login textbox but when I use 'send_keys' I get an error..
def wait_for_element(selenium, selenium_locator, search_pattern, wait_seconds=10):
elem = None
wait = WebDriverWait(selenium, wait_seconds)
if (selenium_locator.upper() == 'ID'):
elem = wait.until(
EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.ID, search_pattern))
except TimeoutException:
return elem
wait_for_element(selenium, "ID", 'username')
assert elem is not None
tests\util.py:123: in HTML5_login
..\selenium\webdriver\remote\webelement.py:478: in send_keys
{'text': "".join(keys_to_typing(value)),
value = (None,)
def keys_to_typing(value):
"""Processes the values that will be typed in the element."""
typing = []
for val in value:
if isinstance(val, Keys):
elif isinstance(val, int):
val = str(val)
for i in range(len(val)):
for i in range(len(val)):
for i in range(len(val)):
E TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()
I have no clue why it is saying the element is of "NoneType" when I have it pass an assertion as well as click the element. I can even see it clicking the element when I run the test!
This error message...
elem.send_keys(userid) ..\selenium\webdriver\remote\webelement.py:478: in send_keys {'text': "".join(keys_to_typing(value)), value = (None,)
TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()
...implies that send_keys() method encountered an error when sending the contents of the variable userid.
Though you have tried to use the variable userid, I don't see the variable userid being declared anywhere within your code block. Hence you see the error:
TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()
Initialize the userid variable as:
userid = "Austin"
Now, execute your test.

Struggling with flask-socketio rooms

I have a project where I need to build a chat platform using flask-socketio. Everything works until I try to add rooms, I get the following error:
application.py", line 92, in on_join
send({"msg", username + " has joined the " + room + " room."}, room=room) TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType'
and 'str'
I'm not really sure where to look
def on_join(data):
"""User joins a room"""
username = data["username"]
room = data["room"]
# Broadcast that new user has joined
send({"msg", username + " has joined the " + room + " room."}, room=room)
function joinRoom(room) {
// Join room
socket.emit('join', {'username': localStorage.getItem('displayname'), 'room': room});
// Clear message area
document.querySelector('#messages').innerHTML = '';
// Autofocus on text box
Should output "username has joined the 'roomname' room.", clear the message list as the channel changes, and allow you to speak in the new channel.

dlm package - Error in optim(parm, logLik, method = method, ...) : L-BFGS-B needs finite values of 'fn'

start.vals = c(0,0,0)
names(start.vals) = c("lns2_obs", "lns2_alpha", "lns2_beta")
buildTVP <- function(parm, x.mat){
parm <- exp(parm)
return( dlmModReg(X=x.mat, dV=parm[1], dW=c(parm[2], parm[3])) )
TVP.mle = dlmMLE(y=k[,1], parm=start.vals, x.mat=k[,2], build=buildTVP, hessian=T)
in this code, k[,1] and k[,2] are 2 stocks prices. on TVP.mle line I got
Error in optim(parm, logLik, method = method, ...) : L-BFGS-B needs finite values of 'fn' " error.
k file link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1scLaKRpSdmp-1T9qTp_5cEcBFnWKDAus
I could not find my mistake. Could you help me please?

debug in openerp6.1

I have added the following code in sale.py but I am unable to see output of print in
server.log. I wish to fill a one2many field by returned list of this function
I am using openerp6.1 under windows xp
my code is
def model_id_change(self,cr,uid,ids,model_id,context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
print "Hi"
print str(model_id)
if not model_id:
raise osv.except_osv(_('No Model Selected !'),_('You have to select Model.'))
querystr = 'SELECT microswitch FROM product_model WHERE id = ' + model_id
print querystr
print s
print list1
for t in s.split(','):
if t:
exceptionType, exceptionValue, exceptionTraceback = sys.exc_info()
The print statement prints to standard output. If you want to get something in the server log, use the logging module.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.info('my message, with a substituted variable %s', s)

grails internationalization (i18n)

i work on grails project
def result = "customer"
//(this value is according to returned method parameter,
//it may be customer, company,... & so on)
def messages = "${message(code: 'default.result.${result}', default:'${result}')}"
i need to send a variable inside message code as i mention above
problem: this code appears as
that there is no code in message.properties refer to these code
there is default.result.customer ....$ so on
Question: how can i send variable inside message Code?
Try omitting the double quotes (GString) and it should work like the following:
def xxx = "bar"
def m = message(code: "foo.${xxx}", args: ['hello world'])
Results in following message-code
def messages = message(code: 'default.result.' + result, default: result)
If you want to pass in some values, e.g. a string, you can define your message like this:
default.result.success = Action {0} was successfull.
And resolve your code like this:
def m = message(code: 'default.result.' + result, args: ['delete User'])