how to pass messages between two simulated openthread on windows 10 with C language - openthread

I am new to opwnthread, however, I figured it out how to simulate thread I am able to pass messages between them with cmd but I want to pass it now with C language program.

You can try to follow the OpenThread on Windows readme.
Note, however, that OpenThread's Windows integration has not been actively maintained for some time. While Windows builds are still a part of OpenThread's continuous integration, the Windows continuous integration only test basic compilation. We welcome anyone who is willing to help actively maintain OpenThread's Windows support!


Can I run a LabVIEW webservice from Raspberry Pi?

I noticed that there's a recent released apps that enables Raspberry Pi to run a deployed LabVIEW program all by itself and to set the program run as RPi boots. Since I was planning to remotely control the LabVIEW program through the internet using a Web UI, is it possible to setup a webservice of the program on the RPi? By the way, I'm currently planning to use RPi 2 for my project.
If I am getting you right you are about LINX at Makers hub:
It is open source, free tool. You are free to modify and it and add custom command on LINX Firmware as I understand. After that, you can call LabVIEW Custom Command vi which is part of the API.
You can have a look on all API VIs here:
From the discussion thread here:
We're running the LabVIEW Runtime on the target just like we do on our Linux based RIO devices. The great thing about using the full runtime is that you get the standard LabVIEW expereince with interactive mode, highlight execute, probes, startup executables, etc. This also means that all of the core LabVIEW functionality will work. One way to think about it is anything that works without explicitly installing it on the target from MAX should work on BBB/RPI. We actually don't plug into MAX at all. We currently do not support any toolkits or modules, but we've been experimenting with a couple to see what it would take to support things like web services.
So native LabVIEW web services aren't available yet, but may be coming soon - I'm sure development is responsive to what people ask for, so go to that discussion thread and let them know your interest.
You might be able to 'roll your own' simple web service using the TCP VI's, which as far as I can see should be available on the Raspberry Pi.
Note that deployment to Raspberry Pi or (BeagleBone Black) is only licensed for noncommercial use, as stated in the same thread.

Tool to automate android application which have no UI but runs in background

I am a new to android application testing.
I need to study the possibility of automating test cases for an android app which runs in background and will talk to a web service in a server. This app will periodically send particular information to the server DB.
I would like implement automation testing here to validate the major functionalities like the communication, events captured, performace data, capturing the crashes etc. Is there any tool which can help me out here?
I am seeing so many automation testing apps for applications with UI. But couldn't get one for apps which dont have any UI.
I am comfortable with vb scripting and perl. Also interested to dig new ways of automation. It would be a great help if someone can suggest some tools. Thanks a lot in advance!
you can checkout for android automation tool uses JAVA as language. It would help you to automate.

C# mono inter process, inter application cross platform messaging implementation. (How to)

I am developing applications and c#, I at the moment, I work on projects for Windows Platform only. However, I am planning to move into using C# mono to make my programs be able to work with linux, mac-os and windows.
One of the feature I am implementing in my program is the ability to communicate between them (ie. A Console type program that can communicate and interact with GUI Program by sending commands and receiving reply messages, logging messages, signals,.etc). Back in windows dotnet framework, I am looking at anonymous pipes, but now, I am checking if Mono.Unix.UnixPipes will do the job for me and will let me implement inter process messaging with very little to no adjustments at all under linux, mac-os and windows.
I am a little bit new to this kind of feature, and i am now reading into the documentations (however, class and objects documentations are not helping me so much yet). I am also browsing to some of the inter process messaging questions that are posted here in stackoverflow.
If anyone has a link to a tutorial kind of document or example on how to do this, it will be a great help. please help?
thank you.
I highly recommend running a mongodb (easly scalable from a dev boxes to hundreds of servers) and using the library on top of it for the messaging. It has the ability to query for messages which enables some really nice patterns. Also its compatible with mono ! Also has some other languages if needed down the road.

Can we automate Application available under Citrix Program Neighbourhood?

I tried to automate an application available under Citrixl Program Neightbourhood using QTP 9.5, but QTP does not identify the objects inside the application. Can we automate citrix application using QTP?
What are different tools available to perform automation testing on Citrix applications?
I have used Scapa Technologies for Citrix ICA or Terminal Services testing. Scapa provides an automation tool that is installed on the Citrix server. Then it has a controller that launches the citrix session, communicates with the server and starts the automation tool which calls your automation script. It actually runs on the server so it can interact with the applications controls.
QTP supports Citrix only if it is installed on the Citrix machine, it doesn't support working via the client.
For technical reasons this is because QTP needs to be able to listen to windows messages and load its DLL's into some applications which it cannot do from a different machine.
Traditional tools generally do not work with applications running in remote desktop applications. The interfaces needed aren't available. Probably your only option is an image-based tool like Eggplant.
The difficulty with Citrix automation is that the applications are streamlined to the client computer as an image, thus you can not access to the UI tree of elements.
UiPath can automate very easy Citrix applications (also desktop or web) by using some image automation specific techniques like
clicking relative to an image
using OCR for text scraping
using keyboard hotkeys
click relative to a OCRed text
Here's a full tutorial showing different Citrix (or virtual desktops) automation techniques for
data entry
OCR data scraping
clicking and typing relative to an image or text
UiPath has an SDK that can be used from code.
The default will be to create visual automation (workflows) directly from UiPath Studio.
Note: I work at UiPath. You should also try other visual automation tools like Automation Anywhere, WinAutomation, QTP, Selenium, etc, use them side by side and choose the one that suits better your needs.
For what it's worth, I have automated a CITRIX application just as you described for a large telecommunications firm in the early 2000s. I did this by getting deep inside the Windows SendMessage APIs and an optical character recognition package. You would probably be astonished by how much data was moved from one system into another using my team's CITRIX/screen-scraping "robots." I came upon this question because I was reminiscing about this project and wondering if there was still a need for this type of solution in this day and age.
As Motti said You can't automate via Citrix client. In general Citrix client is hard to automate. I know that someone at my work played with it and he managed to catch some communication and objects that could be useful to automate tests via Citrix, but that would be separate development project to create such solution that could be very limited.
Via citrix QTP object recognition is totaaly different. QTP on remote machines works on objects based on location and reference so it is almost impossible to automate.
As per my experience this type of setup can be best handled using the Image recognition and/or OCR capable testing tools like eggplant but its not really suggested to have testing environment which includes Citrix. Another option could be to install an automation tool like AutoIT within the Citrix machine and trigger the scripts using the other tool (maybe Selenium but I am yet to try that out).

Recommendations for automated testing tools for Windows CE and PDA devices

Is anyone out there aware of any good or even reasonable tools for automated testing on the Windows CE / mobile platforms. Potential tools that I am aware of include TestQuest, Countdown, SOTI pocket controller, and Eggplant. Are there any more that I have missed?
Alternatively, is anyone aware of a VNC or remote display tool for Windows mobile that replicates the Windows visual object hierarchy on the PC, rather than displaying the entire device as a single bitmap? If this could be done, mainstream desktop automation tools could be applied to Windows mobile.
N.B. I have already read this related question which is useful, but am looking for a viable off the shelf alternative. This post is following up on a number of related posts in the PDA/Embedded section of SQAforums.
I realize that your question is directly "are there tools to do the automated testing on CE", but have you considered perhaps aiming your automation at a version of the app which can be accessed from a standard desktop environment? In this way, you are open to all of the standard automation tools.
For example, I have worked on a few projects where we needed to perform automated testing for the device. In all cases, the RF device was really just a web browser connecting to a web based app. The same URL and simple forms could be plugged into a standard desktop browser and be automated by any of the usual automation toolsets. Automation never replaces manual testing, so what we did on those projects was automate regression testing of the same web interface that was used by the RF devices, but still do some sanity manual testing directly on the devices.
Also, with regards to the VNC/bitmap issue, I've been down that road before and agree that it is a nightmare. Using standard desktop UI automation on a VNC bitmap is not only unreliable and unmaintainable, but slow - in most tools, the CPU churns away searching the entire bitmap from top left to bottom right for the desired image. Really really slow.
Check Hopper, a test tool for Windows Mobile.