Access pagemap in gem5 FS mode - gem5

I am trying to run an application which uses pagemap in gem5 FS mode.
But I am not able to use pagemap in gem5. It throws below error -
"assert(pagemap>=0) failed"
The line of code is:
int pagemap = open("/proc/self/pagemap", O_RDONLY);
assert(pagemap >= 0);
Also, If I try to run my application on gem5 terminal with sudo ,it throws error-
sudo command not found
How can I use sudo in gem5 ??

These problems are not gem5 specific, but rather image / Linux specific, and would likely happen on any simulator or real hardware. So I recommend that you remove gem5 from the equation completely, and ask a Linux or image specific question next time, saying exactly what image your are using, kernel configs, and provide a minimal C example that reproduces the problem: this will greatly improve the probability that you will get help.
I have just done open("/proc/self/pagemap", O_RDONLY) successfully with: this program and on this setup on aarch64, see also these comments.
If /proc/<pid>/pagemap is not present for any file, do the following:
ensure that procfs is mounted on /proc. This is normally done with an fstab entry of type:
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
but your init script needs to use fstab as well.
Alternatively, you can mount proc manually with:
mount -t proc proc proc/
you will likely want to ensure that /sys and /dev are mounted as well.
grep the kernel to see if there is some config controlling the file creation.
These kinds of things are often easy to find without knowing anything about the kernel.
If I do:
git grep '"pagemap'
to find the pagemap string, which is likely the creation point, on v4.18 this leads me to fs/proc/base.c, which contains:
REG("pagemap", S_IRUSR, proc_pagemap_operations),
so make sure CONFIG_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR is set.
sudo: most embedded / simulator images don't have it, you just login as root directly and can do anything by default without it. This can be seen by the conventional # in the prompt instead of $.


What is the entry point for WSL 1?

Imagine we have a statically linked Linux executable.
How should I name it in the imported tar.gz so the WSL 1 will run it by default, when created and started like:
# import an archive as a WSL distro
wsl --import static tmp-root-dir static.tar.gz
# boot distro to a default app??
wsl -d static
PS WSL uses own proprietary boot process and seems doesn't use traditional Unix /sbin/init.
Short answer:
The smallest bootable (without errors or warnings) WSL rootfs will consist of three files:
/main: Your statically-linked application. It can be named whatever you want, as long as the name matches what is in passwd.
/etc/passwd: Defines the application (i.e. shell) to load for the default user.
/etc/wsl.conf: To suppress normal WSL functionality and (optionally) define the non-root user.
More detail:
This probably isn't exactly what you are wanting, but it will hopefully meet your needs.
To start with, the entry point for WSL (the first time a Linux ELF binary is started inside the instance) seems to be its /init binary, which, in addition to some "normal" Linux init process tasks, sets up some of the Windows-interop functionality. To my knowledge, it cannot currently be changed. As far as I can tell, for WSL1, it is injected into the instance by the LXSS manager when starting a WSL instance.
Note: WSL2 might be slightly different in this regard, as it does seem to use a kernel-processed initrd to load /init. It is possible to override the kernel command-line, but that would impact all WSL2 instances, so it's probably not a practical solution.
It's not quite clear from your question whether you want the "default application" to:
Run as the default application/shell every time wsl -d static is run, even if it was already running.
Or just run once when starting the WSL1 instance for the first time.
I believe you are looking for the first option.
Run as the default application
In the first case, the standard WSL1 /init process might get you to where you need to be. As part of the startup, as you would expect, it reads /etc/passwd to determine the user shell to start. It also reads /etc/wsl.conf to determine the default user ID (but falls back to the registry if there is no default user set in wsl.conf).
So, to start a different application (let's call it main), you can:
Place the binary in the root directory of your image.
Set the application as the "shell" of the root user in a single-line /etc/passwd:
Side-note that this also sets the home directory to / so we don't have to create another directory.
Define a etc/wsl.conf with the following contents:
This will prevent WSL from performing the following startup tasks, which would produce an error without additional image support:
Mounting Windows drives into the instance
Attempting to process /etc/fstab (since we have no mount command in the image).
Appending Windows paths (since our instance won't have access to the Windows drives)
It also sets the default user to the UID 1000 user we created in /etc/passwd. This isn't strictly necessary - There's likely no concern with running as root in this single-use instance, but I've included a non-root user as a "best practice".
That should be it. The smallest bootable WSL rootfs will consist of just those three files:
This will work on WSL1 as well as WSL2, although for WSL2, you should invoke with wsl ~ -d static to make sure that it doesn't try to start on a Windows drive that it can't access. Otherwise, you'll receive an init error, but your application will still be invoked.
Run once
If you are looking for something that will, for instance, start up a daemon when the instance is started for the first time, then there are a few alternatives that I document in this answer. If you are on Windows 11, then there's a built-in mechanism via /etc/wsl.conf. Otherwise, on Windows 10, you'll probably need to include some binary that can handle conditional logic. Something like execline would probably be perfect for this, but I've had issues with it under WSL2, at least, and I'm not sure that it would run under WSL1 (but it might).
Side-note for WSL1/musl
musl is a commonly used alternative libc implementation. For instance, Rust (AFAICT), can only generate truly statically-linked executables using musl. Note, however, that WSL1 cannot run musl-based statically linked binaries.
WSL2 can handle them just fine.
I managed to get it working. Initially I missed an executable bit on the app when created TAR archive.
Take standard 64-bit assembly:
.ascii "Hello, world!\n"
.set len, . - msg
.globl _start
# write
mov $1, %rax
mov $1, %rdi
mov $msg, %rsi
mov $len, %rdx
# exit
mov $60, %rax
xor %rdi, %rdi
and create a minimal WSL system:
wsl as -64 -o minimal.o minimal.s
wsl ld -melf_x86_64 -o minimal minimal.o
tar czf minimal.tar.gz \
--mode=a=rx \
--xform='s#^minimal#/\0#' minimal
wsl --import minimal rootfs-minimal minimal.tar.gz --version 1
wsl --list
wsl -d minimal -e /minimal
To make executable default (shorten wsl -d minimal -e /minimal to wsl -d minimal) we need an extra file /etc/passwd:
First line of this file determine a default user and so path to the executable (entry point) unless you override the user with /etc/wsl.conf:
Basically WSL 1 treats only 2 files as magical (in addition to ignoring /sbin/init):

Redirecting output of bluez btmgmt to file from systemd service

I try to have separate ssp modes during connection using Bluetooth btmgmt utility. Basic idea is scan current device OUI and select ssp on/off modes. But I can't get any answer from neither btmgmt con or btmgmt info commands when I put them into .service files. My system is Arch Linux arm 32-bit and bluez stack version is 5.55-1. I tried
Description=check Bluetooth address
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/btmgmt info >> /usr/local/lib/mac 2>&1'
without any success: it just puts nothing in output file. Some tricks like add
or substitute ExecStart with
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'echo -e "$(btmgmt con)" >> /usr/local/lib/mac 2>&1
did nothing. I tried changed thing by putting btmgmt stuff in different bash script instead of start them right from service file, i.e.
to no avail. I'm confused completely, because of:
It doesn't seem to be general btmgmt thing problem, because I can set ssp mode from service files
in very simple manner, just using
ExecStart=btmgmt off
ExecStart=btmgmt off
even without full path.
It doesn't seem to be redirecting command error as well, because if I add
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/fdisk -l > /usr/local/lib/mac 2>&1'
it does work without any problem and I see fdisk info in file (I use fdisk because it requires elevated rights same as btmgmt one).
Moreover, btmgmt info works in the same way, i.e. shows nothing in out file. It makes me think something is wrong in output of btmgmt. I talk about output because input parameters work fine in btmgmt ssp on/of commands and journalctl and systemct don't show any errors in btmgmt con/info cases, so it seems to like output generating successfully but then sending somewhere to outer space, but I'm not sure completely.
Thanks for any help in advance
Well, I make a statement: btmgmt is quite intended to be used for output at any manner, but they tried make a zillion variants of output which directed to exact result it should be: bug is buried somewhere deep inside of bt_shell_printf and struct data. I'm not ready run through all that disgusting documented code (I mean total absence of comments or more-or-less satisfactory mans), so I ended up with a liitte bit hacked version of utility downgraded to simple fprintf in output, leaving only commands I need: con, ssp, power and simplified until only current setting printing info. Everything works fine, and I can use that kind of btmgmt not with systemd only, but even with udev rules (indirectly, of course)
I know this is an old question, but I had the same problem, and managed to fix it after hours and hours of trying.
I don't know why in the world this happens to be so hard with btmgmt but here's the fix:
Description=Bluetooth service
Basically, by occupying a TTY, btmgmt will think it's running in an interactive terminal, and will output as usual.
Hope this saves anyone the hell I've been through!

What prevents device files from being executed?

I'm writing a kernel character device driver for which I've implemented the, and the FIONREAD (0x541B) ioctl. The data returned by read is an ELF executable. ls -l confirms that the device has r-x permissions, and both of the following commands allow me to execute the contained ELF binary:
# cp /dev/foo0 /tmp/bar && /tmp/bar
# cat /dev/foo0 > /tmp/bar && /tmp/bar
foo_ioctl 0x0000541B
foo_read size=131072 off=0
foo_ioctl 0x0000541B
foo_read size=131072 off=13096
Hello from /tmp/bar!
Note that the kernel messages indicate the various driver messages that are called. When I try to run the device directly, however, I get an error:
# /dev/foo0
/bin/sh: 6: /dev/foo0: Permission denied
What check might be causing the permissions error, and is it possible to override it without fundamentally breaking linux? I'm using the 4.18.3 kernel with a minimal sysroot image.
From man 2 execve:
EACCES The file or a script interpreter is not a regular file.
The Linux kernel only allows regular files to be executed, not character devices or any other special files. The kernel does that check in the do_open_execat function in fs/exec.c:
if (!S_ISREG(file_inode(file)->i_mode))
goto exit;
You can rebuild the kernel without that check if you really want, but it's probably there for a good reason.
Short answer: you’re not (ever) allowed to exec device files. 
The execve man page lists
The file or a script interpreter is not a regular file.
in the ERRORS section.

How do I copy a file into a docker-cloud container? (AKA How to copy a file over ssh without using scp)

docker-machine has an scp command, but docker-cloud doesn't seem to have any way to transfer a file from my local machine to the cloud container or vice-versa.
I'm submitting an answer below that I've finally figured out (in hopes that it will help someone), but I'd love to hear better answers if there are any!
(I realize docker-cloud is going away, but perhaps this will be helpful for other cloud platforms as well)
To transfer a file from your local machine to a docker-cloud instance that is running linux with the tee command available:
docker-cloud container exec id12345 tee filename.ext < file_to_copy.ext > /dev/null
(you'll want to redirect output to /dev/null as shown unless you want the entire contents of the file to be echoed to the terminal... twice)
To transfer a file to your local machine, is somewhat easier:
docker-cloud container exec id12345 cat file_to_copy.ext > filename.ext
Note: I'm not sure this works for binary files, and it can even cause issues with linefeed characters in text files, based on terminal settings, etc. - but it's the best answer I've got short of using an external service like

Multiple Job (j3)

I am trying to run a GNU make file with multiple jobs.
When I try executing ' make.exe -r -j3', the receive the following to errors:
make.exe: Do not specify -j or --jobs if sh.exe is not available.
make.exe: Resetting make for single job mode.
Do I have to add ' $(SH) -c' somewhere in the makefile? If so, where?
The error message suggests that make cannot find sh.exe. The file names indicate you are probably on CygWin. I would investigate setting the PATH to include the location of sh.exe, or defining the value of SHELL to the name (or, even, full path) of your shell.
Are you running this on Windows (more specifically, in the "windows" shell?). If you are, you might want to read this:
more specifically:
On MS-DOS, the ‘-j’ option has no effect, since that system doesn't support multi-processing.
Once again, assuming you're running on windows, you should get MinGW or CygWin