How do I copy a file into a docker-cloud container? (AKA How to copy a file over ssh without using scp) - ssh

docker-machine has an scp command, but docker-cloud doesn't seem to have any way to transfer a file from my local machine to the cloud container or vice-versa.
I'm submitting an answer below that I've finally figured out (in hopes that it will help someone), but I'd love to hear better answers if there are any!
(I realize docker-cloud is going away, but perhaps this will be helpful for other cloud platforms as well)

To transfer a file from your local machine to a docker-cloud instance that is running linux with the tee command available:
docker-cloud container exec id12345 tee filename.ext < file_to_copy.ext > /dev/null
(you'll want to redirect output to /dev/null as shown unless you want the entire contents of the file to be echoed to the terminal... twice)
To transfer a file to your local machine, is somewhat easier:
docker-cloud container exec id12345 cat file_to_copy.ext > filename.ext
Note: I'm not sure this works for binary files, and it can even cause issues with linefeed characters in text files, based on terminal settings, etc. - but it's the best answer I've got short of using an external service like


remotely copy from Windows source by running scp on Linux

I want to copy files remotely in a script from windows machine to Linux machine.
On the Linux machine I run the below command
scp user#remotehost:\D\mySrcCode\somefile.cpp .
I am getting an error
scp: DmySrcCodesomefile.cpp: No such file or directory
The file somefile.cpp is located at D:\mySrcCode on windows side.
Any ideas on what I am missing ?
You probably should quote or backslash the backslashes in the path.
If your interactive shell is GNU bash, read its §3.1.2 quoting chapter.
You could try:
scp user#remotehost:\\D\\mySrcCode\\somefile.cpp .
Consider also using other (more appropriate) tools, like rsync or git.
You might also use exec(3) from your C program to run  /usr/bin/ssh, or look into libssh.
You could change your login shell (see chsh(1) and /etc/shells so shells(5)) to more user friendly alternatives such as zsh or fish. They could give you some warning (depending on how they are configured or used) or some autocompletion (with the tabkey).
PS. Your problem is not ssh specific. You might replace scp with echo to understand it more.

Access pagemap in gem5 FS mode

I am trying to run an application which uses pagemap in gem5 FS mode.
But I am not able to use pagemap in gem5. It throws below error -
"assert(pagemap>=0) failed"
The line of code is:
int pagemap = open("/proc/self/pagemap", O_RDONLY);
assert(pagemap >= 0);
Also, If I try to run my application on gem5 terminal with sudo ,it throws error-
sudo command not found
How can I use sudo in gem5 ??
These problems are not gem5 specific, but rather image / Linux specific, and would likely happen on any simulator or real hardware. So I recommend that you remove gem5 from the equation completely, and ask a Linux or image specific question next time, saying exactly what image your are using, kernel configs, and provide a minimal C example that reproduces the problem: this will greatly improve the probability that you will get help.
I have just done open("/proc/self/pagemap", O_RDONLY) successfully with: this program and on this setup on aarch64, see also these comments.
If /proc/<pid>/pagemap is not present for any file, do the following:
ensure that procfs is mounted on /proc. This is normally done with an fstab entry of type:
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
but your init script needs to use fstab as well.
Alternatively, you can mount proc manually with:
mount -t proc proc proc/
you will likely want to ensure that /sys and /dev are mounted as well.
grep the kernel to see if there is some config controlling the file creation.
These kinds of things are often easy to find without knowing anything about the kernel.
If I do:
git grep '"pagemap'
to find the pagemap string, which is likely the creation point, on v4.18 this leads me to fs/proc/base.c, which contains:
REG("pagemap", S_IRUSR, proc_pagemap_operations),
so make sure CONFIG_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR is set.
sudo: most embedded / simulator images don't have it, you just login as root directly and can do anything by default without it. This can be seen by the conventional # in the prompt instead of $.

Docker: How to live sync host folder with container folder?

I am working on a website powered by Node. So I have made a simple Dockerfile that adds my site's files to the container's FS, installs Node and runs the app when I run the container, exposing the private port 80.
But if I want to change a file for that app, I have rebuild the container image and re-run it. That takes some seconds.
Is there an easy way to have some sort of "live sync", NFS like, to have my host system's app files be in sync with the ones from the running container?
This way I only have to relaunch it to have changes apply, or even better, if I use something like supervisor, it will be done automatically.
You can use volumes in order to do this. You have two options:
Docker managed volumes:
docker run -v /src/path nodejsapp
docker run -i -t -volumes-from <container id> bash
The file you edit in the second container will update the first one.
Host directory volume:
docker run -v `pwd`/host/src/path:/container/src/path nodejsapp
The changes you make on the host will update the container.
If you are under OSX, those kind of volume shares can become very slow, especially with node-based apps ( a lot of files ). For this issue, can help, by providing a volume-share like synchronisation, without using volume shares, this usually speeds up your container read/write speed of the code-directory from 50-80 times, depending on what docker-machine you use.
For performance see and for easy examples how to use it, see the boilerplates for your case the unison example is the one you would need for NFS like sync
docker run -dit -v ~/my/local/path:/container/path/ myimageId
For /container/path/ you could use for instance /usr/src/app.
The flags:
-d = detached mode,
-it = interactive,
-v + paths = specifies the volume.
(If you just care about the volume, you can drop the -dit flag.)
Docker run reference
I use Scaffold's File Sync functionality for this. It gets the job done, and without needing overly complex configuration.
Setting up Scaffold in my project was as simple as installing Skaffold (through chocolatey, since I'm on Windows), running skaffold init --generate-manifests in my project folder, and answering a couple questions it asked.

rsync "failed to set times on "XYZ": No such files or directory (2)

I have a Dlink NAS (dns-323) in RAID1 that I use to backup family photos, videos and some other data. I also manually rsync to a dedicated backup drive on a little Atom Linux box whenever we add a lot of new files to the NAS. I finally lost a drive on the NAS and through a misstep of my own, also lost the entire volume. No problem, that's what the backup drive is for. I used the same rsync command in reverse to restore files to the NAS after I replaced the bad drive and created a new RAID volume. This worked well, except that after the command finished, I noticed that it did not preserve timestamps. Timestamps were preserved in the NAS->backup direction, but not the backup->NAS direction.
I run the rsync command on the Atom Linux box with these options (this does preserve timestamps):
rsync --archive --human-readable --inplace --numeric-ids --delete /mnt/dns-323 /mnt/dlink_backup --progress --verbose --itemize-changes
The reverse command to restore the volume from the backup (which did not preserve timestamps) is very similar:
rsync --archive --human-readable --inplace --numeric-ids --delete /mnt/dlink_backup/dns-323/ /mnt/dns-323/ --progress --verbose --itemize-changes
which actually restores the files, but gives many errors like:
rsync: failed to set times on "/mnt/dns-323/Rich/Code/.emacs": No such file or directory (2)
I've been googling most of the afternoon and trying different things, but so far haven't solved my problem. I used the 'touch' command to successfully modify the times of one or two files on the NAS, just to prove that it can be done since I believe that is one thing that rsync must do. I've tried doing this as my user and as root. By this I mean that I've run sudo rsync ..... as well as rsync --rsync-path='/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/rsync' ..... where ..... is all of the previously mentioned parameters. My /etc/fstab has these entries for the NAS and the backup drive, respectively:
# the dns-323
// /mnt/dns-323 cifs guest,rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
# the dlink_backup drive
/dev/sdb /mnt/dlink_backup ext3 defaults 0 0
It's not absolutely critical to preserve timestamps if it just plain can't be done, but it seems like it should be possible - I'm just stumped.
Thanks in advance. Let me know if I can provide any additional information.
I've earned my "tumbleweed" badge as a result of this one. pats self on back
What I've learned:
My solution:
1) Removed the left hard drive from the dns-323, which is half of the RAID1 volume.
2) Mounted (ext3) this drive using a USB-to-SATA adapter to the machine where I run rsync.
3) Performed the rsync command for the restore outlined above. I removed the --delete option which really shouldn't be there and I added the option --size-only. The size-only option made it so that timestamps were essentially the only thing that got restored, since files had already restored properly.
4) Unmounted the left drive from the Atom machine and returned that drive to the dns-323, while also removing the right drive. The right drive needs to be removed so that the dns-323 recognizes that the RAID volume is degraded.
5) Re-add the right drive to the dns-323 and tell it to rebuild the RAID volume.
6) All timestamps are now good.
A possible alternate solution:
I've read enough about rsync and NFS/Samba/cifs now to understand that this problem is likely related to permissions on the NFS server (dns-323). Internally, the user/group ids in the dns-323 are 501/501. No permutation of how I mounted the dns-323 on the Atom box would allow rsync to properly set timestamps. I do believe that changing my user account on the Atom box to have uid/gid of 501/501 would have worked, though. My user had the default 1000/1000 and root had 0/0 IIRC.

Is there a way I can have a VM gain access to my computer?

I would like to have a VM to look at how applications appear and to develop OS-specific applications, however, I want to keep all my code on my Windows machine so if I decide to nuke a VM or anything like that, it's all still there.
If it matters, I'm using VirtualBox.
This is usually handled with network shares. Share your code folder from your host machine and access it from the VMs.
Aside from network shares, another tool to use for this is a version-control system.
You should always be able make a normal network connection between the VM and the hosting OS, as though it were another computer on the same network. Which, in some sense, it is.
I do this all the time.
I have a directory in a Windows drive that I mount in my host ubuntu 12.04.
I run virtualbox ubuntu 13.04 as a guest.
I want the guest to mount the Windows directory with full non-root permissions.
I do almost all my work from a bash shell, so this method is natural for me.
When searching for methods to automatically mount virtualbox shared folders,
reliable and correct methods are hard to distinguish from those that fail.
Failures include getting and setting permissions, as well as other problems.
Methods that fail include:
modifying /etc/fstab
modifying /etc/rc.local
I am fairly certain that rc.local can be used,
but no methods I have tried worked.
I welcome improvements on these guidelines.
On virtualbox 4.2.14 running nautilus (bash terminal) on an ubuntu 13.04 guest,
Below is a working method to mount Common (sharename)
on /home/$USER/Desktop/Common (mountpoint) with full permissions.
(Note the ‘\’ command continuation character in the find command.)
First time only: create your mountpoint, modify your .bashrc file, and run it.
Respond with password when requested.
These are the four command-lines needed:
mkdir $HOME/Desktop/Common
sudo echo “$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL” >> /etc/sudoers
find $HOME/Desktop/Common -maxdepth 0 -type d -empty -exec sudo \
mount -t vboxsf -o \
uid=`id -u $USER`,gid=`id -g $USER` Common $HOME/Desktop/Common \;
source ~/.bashrc # Needed if you want to mount Common in this bash.
All other times: simply launch a bash shell.
The find command mounts the shared directory if the mountpoint directory is empty.
If the mountpoint directory is not empty, it does not run the mount command.
I hope this is error-free and sufficiently general.
Please let me know of corrections and improvements.