Rename All Files in Folder with Added Variable Value without Opening - vba

I have a large number of *.xlsx files in subfolders based on month of the year (e.g., 01, 02, 03) by district. I'd like to loop through each file and append the period associated with the subfolder to the end of each file name. For example, Atlanta 01 Bob Jones.xlsx would become Atlanta 01 Bob Jones 01.xlsx. I have looked at examples on this forum and elsewhere and can't find something similar enough to do what I want. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
This is what I have so far:
Sub DSMReports1()
Dim MM As String
MM = InputBox("Enter Month for reporting in MM format: 01-12", , Range("C6").Value)
Range("C6").Value = MM
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim DistrictDSM As String
Dim Path As String
Dim DistPeriodFileOld As String
Dim DistPeriodFileNew As String
Dim Total As Integer
Dim Period As Integer
DistrictDSM = Range("B3").Value 'Selected from a dropdown list
Path = "H:\Accounting\Monthend 2018\DSM Files\" & DistrictDSM & "\P" & MM & "\"
DistPeriodFileOld = Dir(Path & "*.xlsx")
DistPeriodFileNew = Dir(Path & "*.xlsx") 'This is where I'd like to append the period value found in MM
Do While DistPeriodFileOld <> ""
Name DistPeriodFileOld As DistPeriodFileNew
DistPeriodFileOld = Dir
Next DistrictDSM
End Sub

If you have a large number of *.xlsx, I believe that this code can help you.
Sub ReadAllFiles(ByVal s As String)
'Remember: Add Reference Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim myFolder As Folder
Dim myFile As File
Set myFolder = FSO.GetFolder(s)
For Each myFile In myFolder.Files
If UCase(Mid$(myFile.Name, Len(myFile.Name) - 3, 4)) = ".XLS" Or UCase(Mid$(myFile.Name, Len(myFile.Name) - 3, 4)) = "XLSX" Then
Debug.Print "readind file " & myFile.Path
End If
End Sub
After, you need to replace old name to new name.
Function RenameFiles(p_file As String) As String
'Atlanta 01 Bob Jones.xlsx
Dim v_name As String
Dim v_extension As String
If UCase(Mid$(p_file, Len(p_file) - 3, 4)) = ".XLS" Then
v_name = Mid$(p_file, 1, Len(p_file) - 4) 'Atlanta 01 Bob Jones
v_extension = Mid$(p_file, Len(p_file) - 2, 4) '.xls
End If
If UCase(Mid$(p_file, Len(p_file) - 3, 4)) = "XLSX" Then
v_name = Mid$(p_file, 1, Len(p_file) - 5) 'Atlanta 01 Bob Jones
v_extension = Mid$(p_file, Len(p_file) - 3, 4) '.xls
End If
RenameFiles = v_name & " 01" & "." & v_extension 'warning --> I fixed 01 here
End Function
Sub ReadAllFiles(ByVal s As String)
'Remember: Add Reference Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim myFolder As Folder
Dim myFile As File
Set myFolder = FSO.GetFolder(s)
For Each myFile In myFolder.Files
If UCase(Mid$(myFile.Name, Len(myFile.Name) - 3, 4)) = ".XLS" Or UCase(Mid$(myFile.Name, Len(myFile.Name) - 3, 4)) = "XLSX" Then
Debug.Print "reading file " & myFile.Path
FileCopy myFile.Path, RenameFiles(myFile.Path) 'Here we COPY original file to new file
End If
End Sub
I hope I have helped you.


Rename PDF based on its content

How do I specifically extract the name from a PDF (screenshot as shown below) and rename the PDF as the name? So in this case, I want to extract Daniel Thomas from 'Feedback for Daniel Thomas' and rename my PDF file as it is. I have a total of 180 files; a sample the code I got from online, please help.
Sub RenamePDF()
Dim sh As Shape
Dim sDirectory As String
Dim sFile As String
Dim sText As String
Dim lSetting As Long
Dim i As Integer
Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone
lSetting = Options.ConfirmConversions
Options.ConfirmConversions = False
sDirectory = "C:\Users\user123\Desktop\"
sFile = Dir(sDirectory & "\" & "*.pdf")
Do While sFile <> ""
Documents.Open FileName:=sDirectory & "\" & sFile
For Each sh In ActiveDocument.Shapes
If sh.Type = 6 Then '6 is a grouped shape
For i = 1 To sh.GroupItems.Count
If sh.GroupItems(i).Type = 1 Then '1 is a rectangle
sText = sh.GroupItems(4).TextFrame.TextRange.Text 'explicitly get 4th rectangle
Exit For
End If
Next i
End If
Next sh
sText = Left(sText, Len(sText) - 1)
ActiveDocument.Close False
Name sDirectory & sFile As sDirectory & Split(sFile, "-")(0) & " - " & sText & ".pdf"
sFile = Dir
Options.ConfirmConversions = lSetting
Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsAll
End Sub

Is there a way to import multiple page PDF's in a PowerPoint?

I need to import 14 pdf files into a powerpoint every day for a daily meeting. I have successfully imported the PDF's using VBA but it only imports the first page. Some of my pdfs will have multiple pages.
The pdf's are all generated out of a access database and need to be in pdf form because they are also sent to people at other locations. The powerpoint is solely for our team.
Public Function Import_Reports()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim sld As Slide
Dim fpath As String
Dim fname As String
Dim strFileSpec As String
Dim PotentialDate As Long
Dim Free As Boolean
Dim sldCount As Integer
sldCount = 1
fpath = "K:\Dept\Erie-Eng\Erie\ZSPEC\application engineering\Zurn Application Engineering Project Management\Gemba Files\" & Format(Now, "yyyy") & "\" & Format(Now, "yyyy_mm") & "\"
PotentialDate = Format(Date, "0,###.0000") - 1
'MsgBox fpath & Format(PotentialDate, "yyyy_mm_dd")
Do Until Free = True
If Len(Dir(fpath & Format(PotentialDate, "yyyy_mm_dd"), vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
PotentialDate = DateAdd("d", -1, PotentialDate)
'MsgBox fpath & Format(PotentialDate, "yyyy_mm_dd")
Free = True
fpath = fpath & Format(PotentialDate, "yyyy_mm_dd") & "\"
End If
strFileSpec = fpath & "*.pdf*"
'MsgBox strFileSpec
fname = Dir(strFileSpec, vbDirectory)
'MsgBox fname
Do While Len(fname) > 0
On Error GoTo mkslide
Set sld = ActivePresentation.Slides(sldCount)
Set shp = sld.Shapes.AddOLEObject(0, 0, 11# * 72, 8.5 * 72, , fpath & fname, msoFalse, , , , msoFalse)
fname = Dir
sldCount = sldCount + 1
Exit Function
Set sld = ActivePresentation.Slides.AddSlide(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ActivePresentation.Slides(1).CustomLayout)
Resume Next
End Function
I am needing to be able to pull in the additional pdf pages and also insert each of them into their own slides.

Open the most recent PDF in a folder

I'm trying to open the most recent file in a folder. In this folder, we have a lot of versions of different files, separated by date and time in the file name.
I can't figure out how to separate by the hour of modification.
The format is like this "Raio X - Grafico - 17.09.2018 07.39.pdf". The only thing that changes is the date and the hour, in the end of the name of the file, every new version.
Dim FileSys, objFile, myFolder, c As Object
Dim Fldname As String
Dim FPath As String
Dim FileN As String
Dim MDataFile As String
Dim Date1 As Date
Dim RDate As String
Dim Hour1 As Date
Dim RHour As String
Date1 = Now()
RDate = Format(Date1, "")
Hour1 = Time
RHour = Format(Hour1, "")
FPath = "R:\TL - Comando de Montagem - Relatorios Internos\Raio X"
FileN = FPath & "\" & "Raio X - Grafico - " & RDate & RHour & ".pdf"
ActivePresentation.FollowHyperlink _
Address:=FileN, _
NewWindow:=True, AddHistory:=True
End Sub
I need to compare the System Hour with the hour of the files in the folder.
Since the positions are at a fixed distance from the end, you can use the Mid and Len functions.
Here's an example:
FileName = "Raio X - Grafico - 17.09.2018 07.39.pdf"
FileHour = Mid(FileName, Len(FileName) - 8, 2)
FileMinute = Mid(FileName, Len(FileName) - 5, 2)

i want to create a VBA code in Word that will create multiple word files with different file names

I want to create multiple saves of the same word file using visual basic. each file will need to be named with the day of the month and month name (not numbers) i want this to run from the 1 to 31 on each month. i have a rough code,
Sub Mine()
Dim DateStr, FileStr As String
DateStr = Format$(Date, "DD")
FileStr = DateStr & ".docx"
ChangeFileOpenDirectory "Z:\FIR MASTER FOLDER\FCR briefing sheet\2018\Test"
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FileName:=FileStr, FileFormat:=wdFormatXMLDocument
End Sub
now how do i add the loop and the day and month format part
try the below. If you want in the format you mention in comment simply put as
Debug.Print monthName & " " & i
Saving to different folders in an amendment to your original question. I am happy to update but this should deal with your initial question as posed.
It works with the current month. You would want a test to make sure doesn't already exist. I tried to show you each of the functions you might consider and how you could structure a loop.
Uses a function from here for end of month.
Sub test()
Dim myDate As Date
Dim myMonth As Long
myDate = Date
Dim monthName As String
monthName = Format$(myDate, "mmmm")
Dim endOfMonth As Long
endOfMonth = CLng(Format$(dhLastDayInMonth(myDate), "dd"))
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To endOfMonth
Debug.Print monthName & " " & i
Next i
End Sub
Function dhLastDayInMonth(Optional dtmDate As Date = 0) As Date
' Return the last day in the specified month.
If dtmDate = 0 Then
' Did the caller pass in a date? If not, use
' the current date.
dtmDate = Date
End If
dhLastDayInMonth = DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), _
Month(dtmDate) + 1, 0)
End Function
So save with the filename you would do something like:
For i = 1 To endOfMonth
ActiveDocument.SaveAs fileName:= "C:\Test\" & monthName & " " & i, FileFormat:=wdFormatXMLDocument
Next i
Or to create folders for the year:
Sub AddFoldersAndFiles()
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Dim fso As FileSystemObject ' ''early binding. Requires reference to MS Scripting runtime
'Set fso = New FileSystemObject ''early binding
Dim myYear As Long
Dim endOfMonth As Long
Dim filePathStub As String
filePathStub = "C:\Users\User\Desktop\" ' path to create folders at
myYear = Year(Date)
Dim monthsArray() As Variant
monthsArray = Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December")
Dim currentMonth As Long
For currentMonth = LBound(monthsArray) To UBound(monthsArray)
Dim folderName As String
folderName = filePathStub & monthsArray(currentMonth) & CStr(myYear)
folderName = fso.CreateFolder(FolderName)
endOfMonth = CLng(Format$(dhLastDayInMonth(DateSerial(myYear,currentMonth + 1, 0)),"dd"))
Dim currentDay As Long
For currentDay = 1 To endOfMonth
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 FileName:= folderName & Application.PathSeparator & monthsArray(currentMonth) & " " & currentDay, FileFormat:= wdFormatXMLDocument
Next currentDay
Next currentMonth
End Sub

How to rename multiple pdf files used excel database vba

Thanks in advance for your help and comments.
I have the following problem, but I do not know if it is possible ... I am trying to rename PDF files that are in the folder C: \ ... I need to rename according to a worksheet that I have in excel that is ordered according to the pdf files .. I would like to rename with the spreadsheet data in excel?
I have a code that I researched but it does not search my database, but it asks me to enter the name of each file
Public Sub lsSelecionaArquivo()
Dim Caminho As String
Dim NomeBase As String
Caminho = InputBox("Informe o local dos arquivos a serem renomeados:", "Pasta", "C:\TEMP")
NomeBase = InputBox("Informe o local dos arquivos a serem renomeados:", "Renomear", "")
lsRenomearArquivos Caminho, NomeBase
End Sub
Public Sub lsRenomearArquivos(Caminho As String, NomeBase As String)
Dim FSO As Object, Pasta As Object, Arquivo As Object, Arquivos As Object
Dim Linha As Long
Dim lSeq As Long
Dim lNovoNome As String
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not FSO.FolderExists(Caminho) Then
MsgBox "A pasta '" & Caminho & "' não existe.", vbCritical, "Erro"
Exit Sub
End If
lSeq = 1
Set Pasta = FSO.GetFolder(Caminho)
Set Arquivos = Pasta.Files
Cells(1, 1) = "De"
Cells(1, 2) = "Para"
Linha = 2
For Each Arquivo In Arquivos
Cells(Linha, 1) = UCase$(Arquivo.Path)
lNovoNome = Caminho & "\" & NomeBase & lSeq & Right(Arquivo, 4)
Name Arquivo.Path As lNovoNome
Cells(Linha, 2) = lNovoNome
lSeq = lSeq + 1
Linha = Linha + 1
End Sub
For the renaming part, consider this.
Sub RenameFiles()
Dim xDir As String
Dim xFile As String
Dim xRow As Long
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show = -1 Then
xDir = .SelectedItems(1)
xFile = Dir(xDir & Application.PathSeparator & "*")
Do Until xFile = ""
xRow = 0
On Error Resume Next
xRow = Application.Match(xFile, Range("A:A"), 0)
If xRow > 0 Then
Name xDir & Application.PathSeparator & xFile As _
xDir & Application.PathSeparator & Cells(xRow, "B").Value
End If
xFile = Dir
End If
End With
End Sub
Also, consider this.
Sub ListFiles()
Dim MyFolder As String
Dim MyFile As String
Dim j As Integer
MyFolder = "C:\DealerExam"
MyFile = Dir(MyFolder & "\*.*")
a = 0
Do While MyFile <> ""
a = a + 1
Cells(a, 1).Value = MyFile
MyFile = Dir
End Sub
This will list all the files in your directory starting in cell 'A1'
Thanks for the help
It is a bit tense to change language since I study Java and started doing VBA.
When I ran the code, I saw that it is necessary for the spreadsheet to have the old file name and the new one to insert the data, but there is no way to get it to just get the new data? And I've tried searching on how to make them as PDF without having to put the file extension in the worksheet.
Sorry for the questions ... I do not have much contact with VBA.
I thank you very much for helping me.
Sub RenameFiles()
Dim xDir As String
Dim xFile As String
Dim xRow As Long
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show = -1 Then
xDir = .SelectedItems(1)
xFile = Dir(xDir & Application.PathSeparator & "*")
Do Until xFile = ""
xRow = 0
On Error Resume Next
xRow = Application.Match(xFile, Range("A:A"), 0)
If xRow > 0 Then
Name xDir & Application.PathSeparator & xFile As _
xDir & Application.PathSeparator & Cells(xRow, "B").Value
End If
xFile = Dir
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub ListFiles()
Dim MyFolder As String
Dim MyFile As String
Dim j As Integer
MyFolder = "C:\Users\AnaWill\Desktop\Holerites Folha\Nova pasta"
MyFile = Dir(MyFolder & "\*.*")
a = 0
Do While MyFile <> ""
a = a + 1
Cells(a, 2).Value = MyFile
MyFile = Dir
End Sub