Turn off helm-descbinds in spacemacs - spacemacs

How can i turn off helm-descbinds so that describe-bindings executes the old describe-bindings? (helm-descbinds-mode nil) doesn't work.

(advice-remove 'describe-bindings #'helm-descbinds)


Is there a solution to the problem es_extended Fivem

problem = SCRIPT ERROR: es_extended:modules/core/player/server/events.lua:150: attempt to index a nil value (field 'UsableItemsCallbacks')
task (es_extended:modules/core/player/server/events.lua:150)
processQueue (#async/async.lua:67)
parallelLimit (#async/async.lua:86)
ref (es_extended:modules/core/player/server/module.lua:180)
This error is because of some wrong configuration(happened with me a while ago before I stopped using ESX). Recheck your config files and if that still doesn't work try disabling the ESX default loadscreen. Lastly, set up clean ESX again and see if that works.

How to configure org-mode in spacemacs

I did not know where to ask that question, so I am asking here.
I have trouble onfiguring org-mode (specficly org capture) in spacemacs.
In my .spacemacs file (in the fucntion dotspacemacs/user-init) I have added the following code :
(setq org-default-notes-file "~/Desktop/notes2.org")
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
'((org :variables org-projectile-file "~/Desktop/TODOs.org")))
But whene I press SPC a o c saves the "TODO" in ~/notes.org file and not in ~/Desktop/notes2.org.
Also it throws the following error message :
Error (use-package): org-projectile/:config: Symbol’s function definition is void: org-projectile:per-repo
Thanks in advance.
This is not your fault. It's a bug for which the fix has not been merged into master for a very long time (scroll to the buttom to see how people still confirm having the same problem):
One thing that you can do is use the develop branch of spacemacs. The bug is fixed and merged there, and the release is not that ¨unstable" as it may sound.

pastebinit doesn't work correctly

The pastebinit in my system(Fedora 21 32-bit) doesn't work as expected, such as:
echo asdasdas | pastebinit
The output is:
nothing else, it should be something like http://fpaste.org/spdvsd right?
I didn't use pastebinit very much, I remembered that a long time ago, the same thing happened to to me once, and I didn't figure it out at that time either. But after I re-installed my whole system because of some other reason, pastebinit worked again.
So can anyone here tell me the reason???
The API had some changes since, try updating the pastebinit package to v1.5 or build it from the source : pastebinit-1.5.tar.gz

Difference between defaultselenium.shutdownseleniumserver and seleniumserver.stop

1) What is the difference between defaultSelenium.shutDownSeleniumServer() and seleniumServer.stop() ?
I observe that when I just use
the browser closes but the server does not shut down. If that is the case, what is the use of seleniumServer.stop()?
2) Is this the right sequence of commands? If not, what is and why?
Answer to this question can be found on this thread.

perl6/rakudo: How could I disable autoflush?

I tried this, but it didn't work:
$*OUT.autoflush( 0 );
$*OUT.autoflush = False should disable it, and it runs without error, but it seems that parrot's IO still flushes automatically. So there currently doesn't seem to be an easy way.
Rakudo doesn't support autoflush. There's a note in 5to6-perlvar under the $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH entry.
Some examples from a long time ago mention an autoflush method, but that has disappeared:
$*ERR.autoflush = True;
$*ERR.say: "1. This is an error";
$*OUT.say: "2. This is standard out";
But that doesn't work:
No such method 'autoflush' for invocant of type 'IO::Handle'
I haven't seen any discussions about when this might show up as a feature, or a proclamation that it will never be a feature.