React-Native — How to select a start and end date using react-native-calendars (WIX)? - react-native

I am trying to enable date range using react-native-calendars. On my app, the calendar loads a few 'markedDates'; now I need to implement a start and end date functionality without affecting these initial dates. Unfortunately, I am struggling to achieve that. Any ideas on how can I do that?
Thank you in advance.
Load calendar with marked dates
Tap on start date
Tap on end date
export default class Dates extends Component {
static navigationOptions = {
title: 'Choose dates',
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selected: undefined,
marked: undefined,
componentDidMount() {
_markDate = () => {
nextDay = []
const marked = {
[nextDay]: { selected: true, marked: true },
Util._findShows(resp => { => {
var obj = nextDay.reduce((c, v) => Object.assign(c, { [v]: { marked: true, dotColor: 'black' } }), {})
this.setState({ marked: obj })
_selectDate = obj => {
this.setState({ selected: obj.dateString })
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
// Callback which gets executed when visible months change in scroll view. Default = undefined
onVisibleMonthsChange={months => {
console.log('now these months are visible', months)
// Max amount of months allowed to scroll to the past. Default = 50
// Max amount of months allowed to scroll to the future. Default = 50
// Enable or disable scrolling of calendar list
// Enable or disable vertical scroll indicator. Default = false
// [this.state.selected]: { selected: true, disableTouchEvent: true, selectedDotColor: 'orange' },
onDayPress={day => {
<View style={styles.ctaArea}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.button} onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate('Dates')}>
<Text style={styles.btTitle}>Continue</Text>

I had the same struggle but so I decided to make my own version.
I'm sure it can be done better and have more functionalities but it works okay for me
const [dates, setDates] = useState({});
// get array of all the dates between start and end dates
var getDaysArray = function(start, end) {
for (var arr=[], dt = new Date(start); dt <= new Date(end); dt.setDate(dt.getDate() + 1)){
arr.push(useFormatDate(new Date(dt)));
return arr;
// empty object
const emptyObj = (obj: Object) => {
var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj);
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
delete dates[props[i]];
// check if first date is smaller or equals to second date
const compareDate = function(first: string, second: string) {
return (new Date(first) <= new Date(second) ? true : false);
// fill with color the date between first and second date selected
const fillRangeDate = function(first: string, second: string) {
let newDates = dates;
newDates[first]={selected: true, Colors[colorScheme].tint};
newDates[second]={selected: true, color: Colors[colorScheme].tint};
var range = getDaysArray(first, second);
for (var i = 1; i < range.length - 1; i++)
newDates[range[i]]={color: '#70d7c7', textColor: 'white'};
const selectDate = (day) => {
let selectedDate = day.dateString;
let newDates = dates;
// if 2 dates are selected
if (Object.keys(dates).length >= 2) {
var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(dates);
if (compareDate(props[0], selectedDate)) {
fillRangeDate(props[0], selectedDate);
} else {
} else {
// 1 date selected
if (Object.keys(dates).length == 0) {
newDates[selectedDate]={selected: true, color: Colors[colorScheme].tint};
} else if (Object.keys(dates).length == 1) { // 2 dates selected
newDates[selectedDate]={selected: true, color: Colors[colorScheme].tint};
// if 2nd date < 1st date, cancel range
var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(dates);
if (compareDate(props[0], props[1])) {
var range = getDaysArray(props[0], props[1]);
for (var i = 1; i < range.length - 1; i++) {
newDates[range[i]]={color: '#70d7c7', textColor: 'white'};
} else {
You'll also need to add this function that I implemented as a hook:
const useFormatDate = (date: Date) => {
function padTo2Digits(num) {
return num.toString().padStart(2, '0');
return [
padTo2Digits(date.getMonth() + 1),
Help me to improve this code and maybe create a merge request on the wix/react-native-calendar
Hope this helps


In React-native i'm using 'sharingan-rn-modal-dropdown'; Dropdown in form for add and edit data but selected values not getting reflected in dropdown

what exactly is happening is when i select the delivery service onChangeService i'm setting the next dropdown i.e. carrier's list.Also i'm setting the selected carrier as per the service.But all the time value is getting set correctly in {this.state.selectedCarrierName} but still i can show its label only.lists contain label an value pair
async onChangeService(value) {
//{ ...this.props.deliveryOptionsValue, selected: value.value === value }
this.setState({ newCarrierList: [], selectedCarrierName: '', selectedCararierName: '' });
const priceDeliveryService = this.props.orderDetailsDTO.priceDeliveryServiceDTOs;
console.log("carriers", JSON.stringify(this.props.carriers));
var newList = [];
var carrier = '';
await priceDeliveryService.forEach(m => {
console.log("compare", m.serviceId ===;
if (m.serviceId === {
console.log("carrier", JSON.stringify(this.props.carriers));
let l = this.props.orderDetailsDTO.carriers.filter(n => === m.carrierId);
console.log("l", l);
if (l !== undefined) {
// / orderList: [...this.state.orderList, ...content]
// this.setState({ newCarrierList: [...this.state.newCarrierList, ...l[0]] });
console.log("defa", newList);
if (m.defaultCarrierService) {
this.setState({ selectedCarrier: l[0], selectedCarrierName: l[0].name });
carrier = l[0].name;
} else {
this.setState({ selectedCarrier: newList[0], selectedCarrierName: newList[0].name });
carrier = newList[0].name;
const list = => ({
value: item
this.setState({ newCarrierListValue: list, newCarrierList: newList })
console.log("newCarrierListValue", list);
console.log("newCarrierList", newList);
// console.log("carrier service", p.carrierName,;
const carrierServices = this.props.orderDetailsDTO.carrierServiceDTO;
const pi = await this.setCarrierService(carrierServices, value, carrier);
// let pi;
// for (let i = 0; i < carrierServices.length; i++) {
// console.log("if", carrierServices[i].cdlServiceId ==, carrierServices[i].carrierName === carrier)
// if (carrierServices[i].cdlServiceId == && carrierServices[i].carrierName === carrier) {
// console.log("mathced data", carrierServices[i]);
// pi = carrierServices[i];
// console.log(pi);
// break;
// }
// }
this.setState({ carrierService: pi.serviceName, carrierServices: carrierServices });
<Dropdown required
label="Select delivery option"
// enableSearch
onChange={(value) => {
console.log(" change value", value);
this.setState({ selectedDeliveryOptionName:, selectedDeliveryOption: value, deliveryOptionError: false, });
}} />
label="Select a carrier"
// selectedValue={this.state.selectedCarrierName}
onChange={value => {
// console.log("value", value);
this.setState({ selectedCarrierName:, selectedCarrier: value });
this.onChangeCarrier(value, this.state.selectedDeliveryOption);
}} />

Row Span AutoGrouping and Bug

I've created a plnkr to auto-group row-spans the way you would really expect it to work out of the box IMHO.
Anyhow... doing this surfaces an apparent bug... the rowSpan is not consistently applied to the grid.. if you scroll up and down, it sometimes applies, and sometimes does not.
In the screenshot below... you can see 'Aaron Peirsol' is spanning... but if I scroll up and down it might not span on him... not consistent.
Here 'Aaron Peirsol' is no longer spanning all 3 rows -- all I did was scroll up and back down
See this Sample
Here I've added columndefs for the grouping
field: 'athlete',
rowSpan: params =>,
cellClassRules: {
'cell-span': "data.isFirst && data.groupCount>1",
width: 200,
{field:'groupCount', width: 20}, /* included for debugging */
{field:'isFirst', width: 20}, /* included for debugging */
And here I'm doing the auto-grouping code:
onGridReady(params: GridReadyEvent) {
.subscribe((data) => {
let groupKey = 'athlete';
let sorted = data.sort((a,b) => (a[groupKey] > b[groupKey]) ? 1 :
((b[groupKey] > a[groupKey]) ? -1 : 0));
let filtered = sorted.filter(x => {
return x[groupKey] < 'Albert' && x[groupKey];
var groupBy = function(xs, key) {
return xs.reduce(function(rv, x) {
let keyValue = x[key];
if (rv[keyValue] === undefined)
rv[keyValue] = 0;
if (keyValue) {
rv[keyValue] ++;
return rv;
}, {});
let grouped = groupBy(filtered, groupKey);
let prev = '';
for (let i=0; i<filtered.length; i++)
let keyValue = filtered[i][groupKey];
filtered[i]['groupCount'] = grouped[keyValue];
if (keyValue == prev)
filtered[i]['isFirst'] = false;
filtered[i]['isFirst'] = true;
prev = keyValue;
this.rowData = filtered});
OK, found the issue...
rowSpan function must only return a span count for the first row of the span...
every other row it must return 1
I've updated the plunker
public columnDefs: ColDef[] = [
field: 'athlete',
rowSpan: params => == 1 ? 1, //THIS IS CRUCIAL.. only return count for first row
cellClassRules: {
'cell-span': "data.groupRowCount==1 && data.groupCount>1",
width: 200,

How to change the width of NormalPeoplePicker dropdown

I'm using default example of NormalPeoplePicker from
When the dropdown displays it cuts off longer items (example: 'Anny Lundqvist, Junior Manager of Soft..'). How do I make it wider, so that the full item's text displays?
import * as React from 'react';
import { Checkbox } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Checkbox';
import { IPersonaProps } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Persona';
import { IBasePickerSuggestionsProps, NormalPeoplePicker, ValidationState } from 'office-ui-fabric-react/lib/Pickers';
import { people, mru } from '#uifabric/example-data';
const suggestionProps: IBasePickerSuggestionsProps = {
suggestionsHeaderText: 'Suggested People',
mostRecentlyUsedHeaderText: 'Suggested Contacts',
noResultsFoundText: 'No results found',
loadingText: 'Loading',
showRemoveButtons: true,
suggestionsAvailableAlertText: 'People Picker Suggestions available',
suggestionsContainerAriaLabel: 'Suggested contacts',
const checkboxStyles = {
root: {
marginTop: 10,
export const PeoplePickerNormalExample: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
const [delayResults, setDelayResults] = React.useState(false);
const [isPickerDisabled, setIsPickerDisabled] = React.useState(false);
const [mostRecentlyUsed, setMostRecentlyUsed] = React.useState<IPersonaProps[]>(mru);
const [peopleList, setPeopleList] = React.useState<IPersonaProps[]>(people);
const picker = React.useRef(null);
const onFilterChanged = (
filterText: string,
currentPersonas: IPersonaProps[],
limitResults?: number,
): IPersonaProps[] | Promise<IPersonaProps[]> => {
if (filterText) {
let filteredPersonas: IPersonaProps[] = filterPersonasByText(filterText);
filteredPersonas = removeDuplicates(filteredPersonas, currentPersonas);
filteredPersonas = limitResults ? filteredPersonas.slice(0, limitResults) : filteredPersonas;
return filterPromise(filteredPersonas);
} else {
return [];
const filterPersonasByText = (filterText: string): IPersonaProps[] => {
return peopleList.filter(item => doesTextStartWith(item.text as string, filterText));
const filterPromise = (personasToReturn: IPersonaProps[]): IPersonaProps[] | Promise<IPersonaProps[]> => {
if (delayResults) {
return convertResultsToPromise(personasToReturn);
} else {
return personasToReturn;
const returnMostRecentlyUsed = (currentPersonas: IPersonaProps[]): IPersonaProps[] | Promise<IPersonaProps[]> => {
return filterPromise(removeDuplicates(mostRecentlyUsed, currentPersonas));
const onRemoveSuggestion = (item: IPersonaProps): void => {
const indexPeopleList: number = peopleList.indexOf(item);
const indexMostRecentlyUsed: number = mostRecentlyUsed.indexOf(item);
if (indexPeopleList >= 0) {
const newPeople: IPersonaProps[] = peopleList
.slice(0, indexPeopleList)
.concat(peopleList.slice(indexPeopleList + 1));
if (indexMostRecentlyUsed >= 0) {
const newSuggestedPeople: IPersonaProps[] = mostRecentlyUsed
.slice(0, indexMostRecentlyUsed)
.concat(mostRecentlyUsed.slice(indexMostRecentlyUsed + 1));
const onDisabledButtonClick = (): void => {
const onToggleDelayResultsChange = (): void => {
return (
// eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind
// eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind
// eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind
onBlur: (ev: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => console.log('onBlur called'),
onFocus: (ev: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => console.log('onFocus called'),
'aria-label': 'People Picker',
label="Disable People Picker"
// eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind
label="Delay Suggestion Results"
// eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind
function doesTextStartWith(text: string, filterText: string): boolean {
return text.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterText.toLowerCase()) === 0;
function removeDuplicates(personas: IPersonaProps[], possibleDupes: IPersonaProps[]) {
return personas.filter(persona => !listContainsPersona(persona, possibleDupes));
function listContainsPersona(persona: IPersonaProps, personas: IPersonaProps[]) {
if (!personas || !personas.length || personas.length === 0) {
return false;
return personas.filter(item => item.text === persona.text).length > 0;
function convertResultsToPromise(results: IPersonaProps[]): Promise<IPersonaProps[]> {
return new Promise<IPersonaProps[]>((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(results), 2000));
function getTextFromItem(persona: IPersonaProps): string {
return persona.text as string;
function validateInput(input: string): ValidationState {
if (input.indexOf('#') !== -1) {
return ValidationState.valid;
} else if (input.length > 1) {
return ValidationState.warning;
} else {
return ValidationState.invalid;
* Takes in the picker input and modifies it in whichever way
* the caller wants, i.e. parsing entries copied from Outlook (sample
* input: "Aaron Reid <aaron>").
* #param input The text entered into the picker.
function onInputChange(input: string): string {
const outlookRegEx = /<.*>/g;
const emailAddress = outlookRegEx.exec(input);
if (emailAddress && emailAddress[0]) {
return emailAddress[0].substring(1, emailAddress[0].length - 1);
return input;
Component which renders suggestion list have fixed width of 180px. Take a look at PeoplePickerItemSuggestion.styles.ts.
What you can do is to modify this class .ms-PeoplePicker-Persona:
.ms-PeoplePicker-Persona {
width: 260px; // Or what ever you want
UPDATE - Solution from comments
Change width trough styles property of PeoplePickerItemSuggestion Component
const onRenderSuggestionsItem = (personaProps, suggestionsProps) => (
styles={{ personaWrapper: { width: '100%' }}}
pickerCalloutProps={{ calloutWidth: 500 }}
Working Codepen example
For more information how to customize components read Component Styling.

React Native birthday picker - componentWillREceiveProps

I need to build a birthday picker for a react naive application. I found the following but it has the deprecated method componentWillREceiveProps
Im not that experienced yet, so i don't know how to change this to the new methods to make it work. Can anyone help?
// DatePicker with an optional year.
// code from
import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, View, Picker, } from 'react-native';
export default class BirthdayPicker extends React.Component {
static defaultProps= {
selectedYear: (new Date()).getFullYear(), // Year to initialize the picker to (set to 0 to not have a year)
selectedMonth: (new Date()).getMonth(), // Month to initialize the picker to
selectedDay: (new Date()).getDate(), // Day to initailize the picker to
yearsBack: 100, // How many years backwards (from starting year) you want to show
onYearValueChange: function(year, idx) { }, // Function called when year changes
onMonthValueChange: function(month, idx) { }, // Function called when month changes
onDayValueChange: function(day, idx) { }, // Function called when day changes
constructor(props) {
this.startingYear = this.props.selectedYear;
this.state = {
year: this.props.selectedYear,
month: this.props.selectedMonth,
day: this.props.selectedDay,
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
year: nextProps.selectedYear, month: nextProps.selectedMonth, day: nextProps.selectedDay
// Tries to get the browser locale...
getLocale() {
if (navigator.language) { return navigator.language; }
if (navigator.languages && navigator.languages.length > 0) { return navigator.languages[0]; }
return "en-us"; // Default to English
// Loops through the months and gets the long name string...
getMonthNames() {
var locale = this.getLocale();
var monthNames = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
var date = new Date(2000, i, 15);
monthNames.push(date.toLocaleString(locale, { month: "long" }));
return monthNames;
// Returns the number of days in the given month...
getNumDaysInMonth(year, month) {
// February is the only month that can change, so if there's no year, assume it has the maximum (29) days...
return (year == 0 && month == 1) ? 29 : (new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate());
// Returns the <Picker.Item> values for the years...
renderYearPickerItems() {
// If year was 0, change it to current...
var currentYear = (new Date()).getFullYear();
var centerYear = this.startingYear;
if (centerYear === 0) { centerYear = currentYear; }
// Set starting and ending years...
var startYear = centerYear - this.props.yearsBack;
var endYear = currentYear;
var years = [];
for (var i = startYear; i <= endYear; i++) {
years.push(<Picker.Item label={i.toString()} value={i} key={i} />);
years.push(<Picker.Item label="----" value={0} key={0} />);
return years;
// Returns the <Picker.Item> values for the months...
renderMonthPickerItems() {
var months = this.getMonthNames();
return, index) {
return <Picker.Item label={month} value={index} key={index} />;
// Returns the <Picker.Item> values for the days (based on current month/year)...
renderDayPickerItems() {
// February is the only day that can change, so if there's no year, assume it has the maximum (29) days...
var numDays = this.getNumDaysInMonth(this.state.year, this.state.month);
var days = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= numDays; i++) {
days.push(<Picker.Item label={i.toString()} value={i} key={i} />);
return days;
// Occurs when year value changes...
onYearChange = (value, index) => {
// Check if days are valid...
var maxDays = this.getNumDaysInMonth(value, this.state.month);
var day = ( > maxDays) ? maxDays :;
this.setState({ year: value, day: day });
this.props.onYearValueChange(value, index);
// Occurs when month value changes...
onMonthChange = (value, index) => {
// Check if days are valid...
var maxDays = this.getNumDaysInMonth(this.state.year, value);
var day = ( > maxDays) ? maxDays :;
this.setState({ month: value, day: day });
this.props.onMonthValueChange(value, index);
// Occurs when day value changes...
onDayChange = (value, index) => {
this.setState({ day: value });
this.props.onDayValueChange(value, index);
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Picker style={styles.monthPicker} selectedValue={this.state.month} onValueChange={this.onMonthChange}>
<Picker style={styles.dayPicker} selectedValue={} onValueChange={this.onDayChange}>
<Picker style={styles.yearPicker} selectedValue={this.state.year} onValueChange={this.onYearChange}>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: { flexDirection: "row", },
monthPicker: { flex: 3, },
dayPicker: { flex: 1, },
yearPicker: { flex: 2, },

Issue with react-native FlatList rendering data when updating array of objects maintained in redux

I'm loading a dynamic form in a FlatList. I'm supposed to add few rows with UI elements such as TextInput, checkbox, etc. based on a condition. For example, I have a dropdown, when I select a value, I have to add a row with a button and remove that row when I select another value.
My issue is that whenever I select a value in the dropdown to add a row with button, FlatList is adding duplicate rows and they are not visible as objects in my array when I debug them. I'm using Redux to manage my application state and updating my array in reducers.
I have to display objects in my array in FlatList without any duplicates using Redux for state management.
ref={(ref) => { this.flatListRef = ref; }}
keyExtractor={({ item, id }) => String(id)}
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
this.setState({mainArray: nextProps.mainArray});
Updating array in Reducer:
// adding or removing dependency questions
let dependingQues = [];
let formArrayTemp = [...state.mainArray];
let exists;
// console.log("formArrayTemp123", formArrayTemp);
if (action.item.isDependentQuestion) {
if (action.item.dependentQuestionsArray.length > 0) {
let dependent_ques = action.item.dependentQuestionsArray[0];
state.depending_questions_array.filter((obj, id) => {
if (JSON.stringify(obj.key_array) === JSON.stringify(dependent_ques.key)) {
// console.log("dependingQues123", dependingQues);
if (dependent_ques.answer === action.item.answer) {, id) => {
exists = formArrayTemp.filter((res, idx) => {
if (JSON.stringify(res.key_array) === JSON.stringify(obj.key_array)) {
return res;
// console.log("exists123", exists);
if (exists.length === 0) {
formArrayTemp.splice(action.index + id + 1, 0, obj);
// console.log("mjkgthbythyhy", action.index + id + 1);
else {
let objIndex = formArrayTemp.findIndex(obj => JSON.stringify(obj.key_array) === JSON.stringify(dependent_ques.key));
if (objIndex !== -1) {
formArrayTemp[objIndex].answer = "";
formArrayTemp[objIndex].borderColor = "black";
formArrayTemp.splice(objIndex, 1);
// console.log("frtg6hyjukiu", formArrayTemp);
// adding or removing dependent sections
let dependentSections = [];
let tempArr = [];
let count = 0;
if (action.item.isDependent) {
if (action.item.dependentArray.length > 0) {
let dependent_section = action.item.dependentArray[0];
state.dependent_sections_array.filter((obj, id) => {
if (obj.section_id === dependent_section.section_id) {
// console.log("dependentSections123", dependentSections);
let lastIndex;
formArrayTemp.filter((res, id) => {
if (action.item.section_id === res.section_id && res.dependentArray &&
JSON.stringify(action.item.dependentArray) === JSON.stringify(res.dependentArray)) {
lastIndex = formArrayTemp.FindLastIndex(a => a.section_id === res.section_id);
// console.log("lastIndex123", lastIndex);, id) => {
if (obj.answer === obj.dependentArray[0].answer) {
if (dependent_section.answer === action.item.answer) {, id) => {
if (formArrayTemp.contains(obj) === false) {
formArrayTemp.splice(lastIndex + id + 1, 0, obj);
// console.log("cfrererfre", formArrayTemp);
else {
let countTemp = [];
if (count === 0) {
let countTemp = [];
dependentSections.filter((res, id) => {
if (formArrayTemp.contains(res) === true) {
formArrayTemp.filter((obj, idx) => {
if (obj.section_id === res.section_id) {
obj.answer = "";
obj.borderColor = "black";
let jobsUnique = Array.from(new Set(countTemp));
formArrayTemp = formArrayTemp.filter(item => !jobsUnique.includes(item));
// console.log("frefrefre123", formArrayTemp);
// return { ...state, mainArray: [...formArrayTemp] }
console.log("formArray123", formArrayTemp);
formArrayTemp.sort((a, b) => {
return a.posiiton - b.position;
return { ...state, mainArray: formArrayTemp }
After researching this issue I came across this issue #24206 in GitHub. There it states:
There's a few things you aren't doing quite correctly here. Each time the render function runs you are creating a new array object for your data, so React has to rerender the entire list each time, you're renderItem function and keyExtractor function are also remade each rerender, and so the FlatList has to be rerun. You're also using the index for your key which means as soon as anything moves it will rerender everything after that point. I would recommend looking at what does/doesn't change when you rerun things (arrays, functions, object), and why the keyExtractor is important for reducing re-renders.
So I tried commenting KeyExtractor prop of FlatList and the issue got resolved. But this is causing issue in another form. How can I resolve that?