Arrays to row in pandas - pandas

I have following dict which I want to convert into pandas. this dict have nested list which can appear for one node but not other.
dis={"companies": [{"object_id": 123,
"name": "Abd ",
"contact_name": ["xxxx",
{"object_id": 654,
"name": "DDSPP"},
{"object_id": 987,
"name": "CCD"}
object_id, name, contact_name, contact_id
How can i achive this
I was trying to do like
abc = pd.DataFrame(dis).set_index['object_id','contact_name']
but it says
'method' object is not subscriptable

This is inspired from #jezrael answer in this link: Splitting multiple columns into rows in pandas dataframe
s = {"companies": [{"object_id": 123,
"name": "Abd ",
"contact_name": ["xxxx",
{"object_id": 654,
"name": "DDSPP"},
{"object_id": 987,
"name": "CCD"}
df = pd.DataFrame(s) #convert into DF
df = df['companies'].apply(pd.Series) #this splits the internal keys and values into columns
split1 = df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x['contact_id']), axis=1).stack().reset_index(level=1, drop=True)
split2 = df.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x['contact_name']), axis=1).stack().reset_index(level=1, drop=True)
df1 = pd.concat([split1,split2], axis=1, keys=['contact_id','contact_name'])
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.0f}'.format
print (df.drop(['contact_id','contact_name'], axis=1).join(df1).reset_index(drop=True))
Output with regular index:
name object_id contact_id contact_name
0 Abd 123 1234 xxxx
1 Abd 123 33455 yyyy
2 DDSPP 654 nan NaN
3 CCD 987 nan NaN
Is this something you were looking for?

If you have just only one column needs to convert, then you can use something more shortly, like this:
df = pd.DataFrame(d['companies'])
d = df.loc[0].apply(pd.Series)
d[1].fillna(d[0], inplace=True)
Otherwise, if you need to do this with more then one raw, you can use it, but it have to be modified.


Join 2 data frame with special columns matching new

I want to join two dataframes and get result as below. I tried many ways, but it fails.
I want only texts on df2 ['A'] which contain text on df1 ['A']. What do I need to change in my code?
I want:
0 A0_link0
1 A1_link1
2 A2_link2
3 A3_link3
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame(
"A": ["A0", "A1", "A2", "A3"],
df2 = pd.DataFrame(
{ "A": ["A0_link0", "A1_link1", "A2_link2", "A3_link3", "A4_link4", 'An_linkn'],
"B" : ["B0_link0", "B1_link1", "B2_link2", "B3_link3", "B4_link4", 'Bn_linkn']
result = pd.concat([df1, df2], ignore_index=True, join= "inner", sort=False)
Create an intermediate dataframe and map:
d = (df2.assign(key=df2['A'].str.extract(r'([^_]+)'))
0 A0_link0
1 A1_link1
2 A2_link2
3 A3_link3
Name: A, dtype: object
Or merge if you want several columns from df2 (df1.merge(d, left_on='A', right_index=True))
You can set the index as An and pd.concat on columns
result = (pd.concat([df1.set_index(df1['A']),
axis=1, join="inner", sort=False)
0 A0 A0_link0 B0_link0
1 A1 A1_link1 B1_link1
2 A2 A2_link2 B2_link2
3 A3 A3_link3 B3_link3
0 A0_link0
1 A1_link1
2 A2_link2
3 A3_link3

Pandas dataframe - column with list of dictionaries, extract values and convert to comma separated values

I have the following dataframe that I want to extract each numerical value from the list of dictionaries and keep in the same column.
for instance for the first row I would want to see in the data column: 179386782, 18017252, 123452
[{'id': '179386782'}, {'id': 18017252}, {'id': 123452}]
below is my code to create the dataframe above ( I've hardcoded stories_data as an example)
for business_account in data:
business_account_id = business_account[0]
stories_data = {'data': [{'id': '179386782'}, {'id': '18017252'}, {'id': '123452'}]}
df = pd.DataFrame(stories_data.items())
df.set_index(0, inplace=True)
df = df.transpose()
df_stories['id'] = business_account_id
col = df_stories.pop("id")
df_stories.insert(0,, col)
I've tried this: df_stories["data"].str[0]
but this only returns the first element (dictionary) in the list
df['data'] = df['data'].apply(lambda x: ', '.join([str(d['id']) for d in x]))
# Output:
id data
0 12345 179386782, 18017252, 123452
Another way:
df['data'] = df['data'].explode().str['id'].astype(str) \
.groupby(level=0).agg(', '.join)
# Output:
id data
0 12345 179386782, 18017252, 123452

Conditional mapping among columns of two data frames with Pandas Data frame

I needed your advice regarding how to map columns between data-frames:
I have put it in simple way so that it's easier for you to understand:
df = dataframe
df1 = pd.DataFrame({
"X": [],
"Y": [],
"Z": []
df2 = pd.DataFrame({
"A": ['', '', 'A1'],
"C": ['', '', 'C1'],
"D": ['D1', 'Other', 'D3'],
"F": ['', '', ''],
"G": ['G1', '', 'G3'],
"H": ['H1', 'H2', 'H3']
1st step:
We needed to track a value for X column on df1 from columns A, C, D respectively. It would stop searching once it finds any value and would select it.
2nd step:
If the selected value is "Other" then X column of df1 would map columns F, G, and H respectively until it finds any value.
0 D1
1 H2
2 A1
Thank you so much in advance
Try this:
def first_non_empty(df, cols):
"""Return the first non-empty, non-null value among the specified columns per row"""
return df[cols].replace('', pd.NA).bfill(axis=1).iloc[:, 0]
col_x = first_non_empty(df2, ['A','C','D'])
col_x = col_x.mask(col_x == 'Other', first_non_empty(df2, ['F','G','H']))
df1['X'] = col_x

Pandas merge two columns into Json

I have a pandas dataframe like below
Col1 Col2
0 a apple
1 a anar
2 b ball
3 b banana
I am looking to output json which outputs like
{ 'a' : ['apple', 'anar'], 'b' : ['ball', 'banana'] }
Use groupby with apply and last convert Series to json by Series.to_json:
j = df.groupby('Col1')['Col2'].apply(list).to_json()
print (j)
If want write json to file:
s = df.groupby('Col1')['Col2'].apply(list)
Check difference:
j = df.groupby('Col1')['Col2'].apply(list).to_json()
d = df.groupby('Col1')['Col2'].apply(list).to_dict()
print (j)
print (d)
{'a': ['apple', 'anar'], 'b': ['ball', 'banana']}
print (type(j))
<class 'str'>
print (type(d))
<class 'dict'>
You can groupby() 'Col1' and apply() list to 'Col2' and convert to_dict(), Use:
{'a': ['apple', 'anar'], 'b': ['ball', 'banana']}

Defining a function to play a graph from CSV data - Python panda

I am trying to play around with data analysis, taking in data from a simple CSV file I have created with random values in it.
I have defined a function that should allow the user to type in a value3 then from the dataFrame, plot a bar graph. The below:
def analysis_currency_pair():
x=raw_input("what currency pair would you like to analysie ? :")
print type(x)
global dataFrame
df2 = df2.groupby(['currencyPair']).sum()
df2 = df2.loc[x].plot(kind = 'bar')
When I call the function, the code returns my question, along with giving the output of the currency pair. However, it doesn't seem to put x (the value input by the user) into the later half of the function, and so no graph is produced.
Am I doing something wrong here?
This code works when we just put the value in, and not within a function.
I am confused!
I think you need rewrite your function with two parameters: x and df, which are passed to function analysis_currency_pair:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"currencyPair": pd.Series({1: 'EURUSD', 2: 'EURGBP', 3: 'CADUSD'}),
"amount": pd.Series({1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 3.5}),
"a": pd.Series({1: 7, 2: 8, 3: 9})})
print df
# a amount currencyPair
#1 7 2.0 EURUSD
#2 8 2.0 EURGBP
#3 9 3.5 CADUSD
def analysis_currency_pair(x, df1):
print type(x)
df2 = df2.groupby(['currencyPair']).sum()
df2 = df2.loc[x].plot(kind = 'bar')
#raw input is EURUSD or EURGBP or CADUSD
pair=raw_input("what currency pair would you like to analysie ? :")
analysis_currency_pair(pair, df)
Or you can pass string to function analysis_currency_pair:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"currencyPair": [ 'EURUSD', 'EURGBP', 'CADUSD', 'EURUSD', 'EURGBP'],
"amount": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"amount1": [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]})
print df
# amount amount1 currencyPair
#0 1 5 EURUSD
#1 2 4 EURGBP
#2 3 3 CADUSD
#3 4 2 EURUSD
#4 5 1 EURGBP
def analysis_currency_pair(x, df1):
print type(x)
#<type 'str'>
df2 = df2.groupby(['currencyPair']).sum()
print df2
# amount
df2 = df2.loc[x].plot(kind = 'bar')
analysis_currency_pair('CADUSD', df)