Defining a function to play a graph from CSV data - Python panda - pandas

I am trying to play around with data analysis, taking in data from a simple CSV file I have created with random values in it.
I have defined a function that should allow the user to type in a value3 then from the dataFrame, plot a bar graph. The below:
def analysis_currency_pair():
x=raw_input("what currency pair would you like to analysie ? :")
print type(x)
global dataFrame
df2 = df2.groupby(['currencyPair']).sum()
df2 = df2.loc[x].plot(kind = 'bar')
When I call the function, the code returns my question, along with giving the output of the currency pair. However, it doesn't seem to put x (the value input by the user) into the later half of the function, and so no graph is produced.
Am I doing something wrong here?
This code works when we just put the value in, and not within a function.
I am confused!

I think you need rewrite your function with two parameters: x and df, which are passed to function analysis_currency_pair:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"currencyPair": pd.Series({1: 'EURUSD', 2: 'EURGBP', 3: 'CADUSD'}),
"amount": pd.Series({1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 3.5}),
"a": pd.Series({1: 7, 2: 8, 3: 9})})
print df
# a amount currencyPair
#1 7 2.0 EURUSD
#2 8 2.0 EURGBP
#3 9 3.5 CADUSD
def analysis_currency_pair(x, df1):
print type(x)
df2 = df2.groupby(['currencyPair']).sum()
df2 = df2.loc[x].plot(kind = 'bar')
#raw input is EURUSD or EURGBP or CADUSD
pair=raw_input("what currency pair would you like to analysie ? :")
analysis_currency_pair(pair, df)
Or you can pass string to function analysis_currency_pair:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"currencyPair": [ 'EURUSD', 'EURGBP', 'CADUSD', 'EURUSD', 'EURGBP'],
"amount": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"amount1": [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]})
print df
# amount amount1 currencyPair
#0 1 5 EURUSD
#1 2 4 EURGBP
#2 3 3 CADUSD
#3 4 2 EURUSD
#4 5 1 EURGBP
def analysis_currency_pair(x, df1):
print type(x)
#<type 'str'>
df2 = df2.groupby(['currencyPair']).sum()
print df2
# amount
df2 = df2.loc[x].plot(kind = 'bar')
analysis_currency_pair('CADUSD', df)


Pandera print pa.errors.SchemaErrors with pa.check_inputs

Is there a way to print SchemaErrors when using pa.check_inputs? say i have df below
import pandera as pa
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
'a' : [1,2,2,4,5],
'b' : [1,2,3,4,'dogs'],
schema = pa.DataFrameSchema({
'a': pa.Column(
'b': pa.Column(
if I where to run foo
#pa.check_input(schema, lazy=True)
def foo(df : pd.DataFrame) -> int:
return df.b.count()
the output would look like so:
Error Counts
- schema_component_check: 2
Schema Error Summary
failure_cases n_failure_cases
schema_context column check
Column b dtype('int64') [object] 1
isin({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) [dogs] 1
Usage Tip
however what I'd really would like to see is :
schema_context column check check_number failure_case index
0 Column b dtype('int64') None object None
1 Column b isin({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) 0 dogs 4
which we get if we use try except.
schema.validate(df, lazy=True)
except pa.errors.SchemaErrors as err:
print( err.failure_cases ) # dataframe of schema errors

How to method chaining in pandas to aggregate a DataFrame?

I want to aggregate a pandas DataFrame using method chaining. I don't know how to start with the DataFrame and just refer to it when aggregating (using method chaining). Consider the following example that illustrates my intention:
Having this data:
import pandas as pd
my_df = pd.DataFrame({
'name': ['john', 'diana', 'rachel', 'chris'],
'favorite_color': ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'red']
#> name favorite_color
#> 0 john red
#> 1 diana blue
#> 2 rachel green
#> 3 chris red
and I want to end up with this summary table:
#> total_people total_ppl_who_like_red
#> 0 4 2
Of course there are so many ways to do it. One way, for instance, would be to build a new DataFrame:
desired_output_via_building_new_df = pd.DataFrame({
'total_people': [len(my_df)],
'total_ppl_who_like_red': [my_df.favorite_color.eq('red').sum()]
#> total_people total_ppl_who_like_red
#> 0 4 2
However, I'm looking for a way to use "method chaining"; starting with my_df and working my way forward. Something along the lines of
# pseudo-code; not really working
'total_people': lambda x: len(x),
'total_ppl_who_like_red': lambda x: x.favorite_color.eq('red').sum()
I can only borrow inspiration from R/dplyr code:
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
my_df <-
data.frame(name = c("john", "diana", "rachel", "chris"),
favorite_color = c("red", "blue", "green", "red")
my_df |>
summarise(total_people = n(), ## in the context of `summarise()`,
total_ppl_who_like_red = sum(favorite_color == "red")) ## both `n()` and `sum()` refer to `my_df` because we start with `my_df` and pipe it "forward" to `summarise()`
#> total_people total_ppl_who_like_red
#> 1 4 2
Solution for processing one Series:
df = my_df.favorite_color.apply({
'total_people': lambda x: x.count(),
'total_ppl_who_like_red': lambda x: x.eq('red').sum()
print (df)
total_people total_ppl_who_like_red
0 4 2
General solution for processing DataFrame with DataFrame.pipe - then pandas processing input DataFrame, if use apply or agg processing columns separately:
df = (my_df.pipe(lambda x: pd.Series({'total_people': len(x),
print (df)
total_people total_ppl_who_like_red
0 4 2
df = my_df2.pipe(lambda x: pd.Series({'total_people': len(x),
print (df)
total_people total_ppl_who_like_red max_age
0 4 2 41

Pandas create new column base on groupby and apply lambda if statement

I have the issue with groupby and apply
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b'], 'B': np.r_[1:8]})
I want to create a column C for each group take value 1 if B > z_score=2 and 0 otherwise. The code:
from scipy import stats
df['C'] = df.groupby('A').apply(lambda x: 1 if np.abs(stats.zscore(x['B'], nan_policy='omit')) > 2 else 0, axis=1)
However, I am unsuccessful with code and cannot figure out the issue
Use GroupBy.transformwith lambda, function, then compare and for convert True/False to 1/0 convert to integers:
from scipy import stats
s = df.groupby('A')['B'].transform(lambda x: np.abs(stats.zscore(x, nan_policy='omit')))
df['C'] = (s > 2).astype(int)
Or use numpy.where:
df['C'] = np.where(s > 2, 1, 0)
Error in your solution is per groups:
from scipy import stats
df = df.groupby('A')['B'].apply(lambda x: 1 if np.abs(stats.zscore(x, nan_policy='omit')) > 2 else 0)
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
If check gotcha in pandas docs:
pandas follows the NumPy convention of raising an error when you try to convert something to a bool. This happens in an if-statement or when using the boolean operations: and, or, and not.
So if use one of solutions instead if-else:
from scipy import stats
df = df.groupby('A')['B'].apply(lambda x: (np.abs(stats.zscore(x, nan_policy='omit')) > 2).astype(int))
print (df)
a [0, 0, 0]
b [0, 0, 0, 0]
Name: B, dtype: object
but then need convert to column, for avoid this problems is used groupby.transform.
You can use groupby + apply a function that finds the z-scores of each item in each group; explode the resulting list; use gt to create a boolean series and convert it to dtype int
df['C'] = df.groupby('A')['B'].apply(lambda x: stats.zscore(x, nan_policy='omit')).explode(ignore_index=True).abs().gt(2).astype(int)
0 a 1 0
1 a 2 0
2 a 3 0
3 b 4 0
4 b 5 0
5 b 6 0
6 b 7 0

How do you strip out only the integers of a column in pandas?

I am trying to strip out only the numeric values--which is the first 1 or 2 digits. Some values in the column contain pure strings and others contain special characters. See pic for the value count:
enter image description here
I have tried multiple methods:
breaks['_Size'] = breaks['Size'].fillna(0)
breaks['_Size'] = breaks['_Size'].replace('\*','',regex=True).astype(float)
breaks['_Size'] = breaks['_Size'].str.extract('(\d+)').astype(int)
breaks['_Size'].map(lambda x: x.rstrip('aAbBcC'))
None are working. The dtype is object. To be clear, I am attempting to make a new column with only the digits (as an int/float) and if I could convert the fraction to a decimal that would be bonus
This works for dividing fractions and also allows for extra numbers to be present in the string (it returns you just the first sequence of numbers):
In [60]: import pandas as pd
In [61]: import re
In [62]: df = pd.DataFrame([0, "6''", '7"', '8in', 'text', '3/4"', '1a3'], columns=['_Size'])
In [63]: df
0 0
1 6''
2 7"
3 8in
4 text
5 3/4"
6 1a3
In [64]: def cleaning_function(row):
...: row = str(row)
...: fractions = re.findall(r'(\d+)/(\d+)', row)
...: if fractions:
...: return float(int(fractions[0][0])/int(fractions[0][1]))
...: numbers = re.findall(r'[0-9]+', str(row))
...: if numbers:
...: return numbers[0]
...: return 0
In [65]: df._Size.apply(cleaning_function)
0 0
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 0
5 0.75
6 1
Name: _Size, dtype: object

Slicing of a Pandas Series when index elements are not default (doesn't start with 0)

Created a Pandas Series in Python 3.7, providing the 'data' and 'index', where the data contains a list of list; len(list) = 6 and the index list contains the element which starts from 3 rather than starting from 0.
I want to slice the series.
import pandas as pd
li_a = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8],(9,10),(11,12)]
li_c = [3,4,5,6,7,8]
ser1 = pd.Series(data=li_a,index=li_c)
so, ser1[3] output: [1,2] i.e. the First element of the Series
I expected the output of ser1[3:] to be entire Series, but the output was
6 [7, 8]
7 (9, 10)
8 (11, 12)
dtype: object
It is working that way because you are printing by row position, not using index:
6 [7, 8]
7 (9, 10)
8 (11, 12)
If you want to print rows from specific index number you need to use loc
3 [1, 2]
4 [3, 4]
5 [5, 6]
6 [7, 8]
7 (9, 10)
8 (11, 12)
edited: from iloc to loc :
loc gets rows (or columns) with particular labels from the index.
your full code (i have changed also your if name line:
def main():
arr = np.arange(10,16)
index1 = np.arange(3,9)
ser1 = pd.Series(data=arr,index=index1)
if __name__ == "__main__":