Perform character substitution using Excel VBA - vba

Say you would like to set up a very simple Caesar Cipher, where A --> 1, B --> 2 ... etc.
Say you have a word "Hello" in a cell that you would like to encrypt. You can set up a very simple For Loop to loop through each word:
For i = 1 To Len("Hello")
'perform encryption here
Next i
Is there a quick an easy way to map values from a pre-defined range? I.e. we know that A = 1, or 1 + 26, or 1 + 2*(26) .. etc...
Rather than writing IF statement to check for all letters, I wonder if there is an elegant way of doing this to get: "8 5 12 12 15"

Get the cell's output as a string with Byte array:
Dim brr() As Byte, i As Long, k As String
brr() = StrConv(Cells(1, 3), vbFromUnicode)
Then assess each letter in the new array against a larger array:
dim arr as variant
arr = array("a", "b")
For i = 0 To UBound(brr) 'need to start at 0, lbound applies for std array, not byte
'match brr value to arr value, output arr location
'k will store the final string
k = k + 'didn't look up the output for application.match(arr())
Next i
Edit1: Thanks to JohnColeman, i can add Asc() to the above and it shouldn't need the additional array for A, B, C, etc.
Dim brr() As Byte, i As Long, k As String
brr() = StrConv(Cells(1, 3), vbFromUnicode)
for i = 0 To UBound(brr)
k = k & " " & Asc(brr(i)) 'something like that
next i

Using the Dictionary route, you can build a dictionary which is a list of key, value pairs to hold your cypher. In your case the key of a would have the value 1 and the key of b would have the value 2, and so on. Then you can just bump your word, letter by letter, against the dictionary to build your cipher:
Function caesarCipher(word As String) As String
'create an array of letters in their position for the cipher (a is 1st, b is 2nd)
Dim arrCipher As Variant
arrCipher = Split("a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v x y z", " ")
'Create a dictionary from the array with the key being the letter and the item being index + 1
Dim dictCipher As Scripting.Dictionary
Set dictCipher = New Dictionary
For i = 0 To UBound(arrCipher)
dictCipher.Add arrCipher(i), i + 1
'Now loop through the word letter by letter
For i = 1 To Len(word)
'and build the cipher output
caesarCipher = caesarCipher & IIf(Len(caesarCipher) = 0, "", " ") & dictCipher(LCase(Mid(word, i, 1)))
End Function
This is a nice way of doing it because you can change your cipher to be whatever you want and you only need monkey with your dictionary. Here I just build a dictionary from an array and use the array's index for the cipher output.

This might get you started:
Function StringToNums(s As String) As Variant
'assumes that s is in the alphabet A, B, ..., Z
Dim nums As Variant
Dim i As Long, n As Long
n = Len(s)
ReDim nums(1 To n)
For i = 1 To n
nums(i) = Asc(Mid(s, i, 1)) - Asc("A") + 1
Next i
StringToNums = nums
End Function
Sub test()
Debug.Print Join(StringToNums("HELLO"), "-") 'prints 8-5-12-12-15
End Sub

All of the answers are good, but this is how you use a dictionary which is simpler and more straight-forward. I defined the dictionary implicitly to make it easier to start, but it is better to define it explicitly by adding runtime scripting from the tools>references in VBE.
Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer
Dim ciphered As String, str As String
Dim dict As Object
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.Dictionary")
str = "Hello"
For i = 65 To 122
dict.Add Chr(i), i - 64
Next i
For i = 1 To Len(str)
ciphered = ciphered & "-" & dict(Mid(UCase(str), i, 1))
Next i
ciphered = Right(ciphered, Len(ciphered) - 1)
Debug.Print ciphered
End Sub
if you remove ucase when getting the code from the dictionary it will count for the case meaning that uppercase or lowercase will have different codes. You can change this to a function easily, don't forget to remove str = "Hello". Right now it returns:


Split text into 80 character lines, issue with last line

I'm trying to take a body of text and add line breaks around 80 characters on each line. The issue I'm having is on the last line it's adding an extra line break than would be desired. For instance this string should not have a line break on the second to last line:
Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and
of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister
was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, and what is the use
of a book, thought Alice without pictures or
should look like this (note "conversations" has been moved up):
Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and
of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister
was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, and what is the use
of a book, thought Alice without pictures or conversations?
Here's the code:
Sub StringChop()
Dim OrigString As String
Dim NewString As String
Dim counter As Long
Dim length As Long
Dim LastSpace As Long
Dim LineBreak As Long
Dim TempString As String
Dim TempNum As Long
OrigString = "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, and what is the use of a book, thought Alice without pictures or conversations?"
length = Len(OrigString)
counter = 1
Do While counter < length
'Extract next 80 characters from last position
TempString = Mid(OrigString, counter, 80)
'Determine last space in string
LastSpace = InStrRev(TempString, " ")
'Determine first line break in string
LineBreak = InStr(TempString, vbNewLine)
'If line break exists in sentence...
'only count characters up to line break, and set counter to that amount
Select Case LastSpace 'What to do if there are spaces in sentence
Case Is > 0 'There are spaces in sentence
Select Case LineBreak 'What to do if there are line breaks in sentence
Case Is = 0
'From last counter position,
NewString = NewString & Mid(OrigString, counter, LastSpace) & vbNewLine
counter = counter + LastSpace
Case Is <> 0
NewString = NewString & Mid(OrigString, counter, LineBreak)
counter = counter + LineBreak
End Select
Case Is = 0 'There are no more spaces left in remaining sentence
NewString = NewString & Mid(OrigString, counter)
counter = length
End Select
Debug.Print NewString
End Sub
Word wrapping is an interesting problem. I wrote the following code once as an experiment. You might find it helpful:
Option Explicit
'Implements a dynamic programming approach to word wrap
'assumes fixed-width font
'a word is defined to be a white-space delimited string which contains no
'the cost of a line is the square of the number of blank spaces at the end
'of a line
Const INFINITY As Long = 1000000
Dim optimalCost As Long
Function Cost(words As Variant, i As Long, j As Long, L As Long) As Long
'words is a 0-based array of strings, assumed to have no white spaces
'i, j are indices in range 0,...,n, where n is UBOUND(words)+1
'L is the maximum length of a line
'Cost returns the cost of a line which begins with words(i) and ends with
'words(j-1). It returns INFINITY if the line is too short to hold the words
'or if j <= i
Dim k As Long
Dim sum As Long
If j <= i Or Len(words(i)) > L Then
Exit Function
End If
sum = Len(words(i))
k = i + 1
Do While k < j And sum <= L
sum = sum + 1 + Len(words(k)) 'for space
k = k + 1
If sum > L Then
Cost = (L - sum) ^ 2
End If
End Function
Function WordWrap(words As Variant, L As Long) As String
'returns string consisting of words with spaces and
'line breaks inserted at the appropriate places
Dim v() As Long, d() As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim candidate As Long
n = UBound(words) + 1
ReDim v(0 To n)
ReDim d(0 To n)
v(0) = 0
d(0) = -1
For j = 1 To n
v(j) = INFINITY 'until something better is found
i = j - 1
candidate = v(i) + Cost(words, i, j, L)
If candidate < v(j) Then
v(j) = candidate
d(j) = i
End If
i = i - 1
Loop While i >= 0 And candidate < INFINITY
If v(j) = INFINITY Then
MsgBox "Some words are too long for the given length"
Exit Function
End If
Next j
optimalCost = v(n)
'at this stage, optimal path has been found
'just need to follow d() backwards, inserting line breaks
i = d(n) 'beginning of current line
WordWrap = words(n - 1)
j = n - 2
Do While i >= 0
Do While j >= i
WordWrap = words(j) & " " & WordWrap
j = j - 1
If i > 0 Then WordWrap = vbCrLf & WordWrap
i = d(i)
End Function
The above function expects an array of words. You would have to split a string before using it as input:
Sub test()
Dim OrigString As String
OrigString = "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, and what is the use of a book, thought Alice without pictures or conversations?"
Debug.Print WordWrap(Split(OrigString), 80)
End Sub
Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank,
and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book
her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, and
what is the use of a book, thought Alice without pictures or conversations?

Excel VBA - Formula Counting Unique Value error

I am trying to calculate the count of Unique values based on a condition.
For example,
For a value in column B, I am trying to count the Unique values in Column C through VBA.
I know how to do it using Excel formula -
that value for 32 is dynamic - Programmatically I am calling them inside my vba code as Name
This is my code :
Application.WorksheetFunction.SumProduct((rng <> "") * (rng2 = Name) / CountIfs(rng, rng))
This is the sample data with the requirement
Alternatively, I Concatenated both the columns for keeping it simple and hoping to identify the Unique values which starts with name* method.
I don't know where I am going wrong. Kindly share your thoughts.
You may try something like this...
Function GetUniqueCount(Rng1 As Range, Lookup As String) As Long
Dim x, dict
Dim i As Long, cnt As Long
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
x = Rng1.Value
For i = 1 To UBound(x, 1)
If x(i, 1) = Lookup Then
dict.Item(x(i, 1) & x(i, 2)) = ""
End If
Next i
GetUniqueCount = dict.Count
End Function
Then you can use it like below...
Where A2:B10 is the data range and C2 is the name criteria.
I'd put the values into an array, create a temporary 2nd array and only add values to this array if they are not already present, and then replace the original array. Then it's just a simple matter to sum the unique values:
Sub Unique
dim arr(10) as variant, x as variant
dim arr2() as variant
for x = 1 to 10 ' or whatever
arr(x) = cells(x, 1) ' or whatever
next x
arr2 = UniqueValuesArray(arr)
' now write some code to count the unique values, you get the idea
End Sub
Function UniqueValuesArray(arr As Variant) As Variant()
Dim currentRow, arrpos As Long
Dim uniqueArray() As Variant
Dim x As Long
arrpos = 0
ReDim uniqueArray(arrpos)
For x = 0 To UBound(arr)
If UBound(Filter(uniqueArray, arr(x))) = -1 Then
ReDim Preserve uniqueArray(arrpos)
uniqueArray(arrpos) = arr(x)
arrpos = arrpos + 1
End If
Next x
UniqueValuesArray = uniqueArray
End Function

Substitute text markers with text from columns with vba

I am trying to replace text markers with certain text that is ordered in a column.
In column Tried..., I am using the below RandCell function to get a random cell from a range of cells:
Function RandCell(Rg As range, columnRange As range, headerRange As range) As Variant
'Dim rplc
Dim textRange
'get random cell
RandCell = Rg.Cells(Int(Rnd * Rg.Cells.Count) + 1)
'find column to replace
' rplc = RandCell.Find(headerRange)
End Function
In the column Wanted, I am using the following formular to substitute the values: =IF(COUNTIF(E3;"*"&$C$2&"*");SUBSTITUTE(E3;$C$2;C3);SUBSTITUTE(E3;$D$2;D3))
However, if I have more than 10 rows this solution is extremely awkward. Hence, I was thinking of implementing a function in vba.
As indicated above I tried to implement the functionality into the RandCell function. However, I am extremely new to vba and kindly ask you for your input!
I appreciate your replies!
Below you can see an example.:
First, a random text is choosen. Then for example in E3 the text marker in the random text is replaced by the value in C or D.
With data like:
in cols A, B, and D, the following macro:
Sub mrquad()
Dim L As Long, M As Long, N As Long, Kount As Long
Dim v1F As String, v1L As String
Kount = 10
With Application.WorksheetFunction
L = .CountA(Range("A:A")) - 1
M = .CountA(Range("C:C")) - 1
N = .CountA(Range("D:D")) - 1
For kk = 1 To Kount
v1 = Cells(.RandBetween(3, L + 2), "A").Value
v1F = Left(v1, Len(v1) - 3)
v1L = Right(v1, 3)
If v1L = "[1]" Then
v2 = Cells(.RandBetween(3, M + 2), "C").Value
v2 = Cells(.RandBetween(3, N + 2), "d").Value
End If
Cells(kk, "F").Value = v1F & v2
Next kk
End With
End Sub
will pick 10 samples at random from column A and, depending on the suffix, pick a random replacement suffix from either column C or column D and place the result in column F:
The number of sample is determined by the Kount variable. The spaces in cols C or D are single spaces rather than empties.

Unique Combinations in an array using VBA

I need a code that could give me a list of unique combinations from a set of elements in an array, something like this:
Say myArray contains [A B C]
So, the output must be:
either output is OK for me (Starts with 1 combination, followed by 2 combinations and ends with all combination OR vice versa).
The position of the letters are not critical and the order of letters within the same combination type is also not critical.
I'd found a suggestion by 'Dick Kusleika' in a thread: Creating a list of all possible unique combinations from an array (using VBA) but when I tried, it did not present me with the arrangement that I wanted.
I'd also found a suggestion by 'pgc01' in a thread: and it gave me the arrangement that I wanted however, the combinations was not being populated in an array but it was being populated in excel cells instead, using looping for each combination.
So, I wanted the arrangement of combinations to be like what 'pgc01' suggested and being populated in an array as what 'Dick Kusleika' presented.
Anyone can help? Appreciate it.
Start from here:
Sub TestRoutine()
Dim inputt() As String, i As Long
Dim outputt As Variant
inputt = Split("A B C", " ")
outputt = Split(ListSubsets(inputt), vbCrLf)
For i = LBound(outputt) + 2 To UBound(outputt)
MsgBox i & vbTab & outputt(i)
Next i
End Sub
Function ListSubsets(Items As Variant) As String
Dim CodeVector() As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim lower As Long, upper As Long
Dim SubList As String
Dim NewSub As String
Dim done As Boolean
Dim OddStep As Boolean
OddStep = True
lower = LBound(Items)
upper = UBound(Items)
ReDim CodeVector(lower To upper) 'it starts all 0
Do Until done
'Add a new subset according to current contents
'of CodeVector
NewSub = ""
For i = lower To upper
If CodeVector(i) = 1 Then
If NewSub = "" Then
NewSub = Items(i)
NewSub = NewSub & " " & Items(i)
End If
End If
Next i
If NewSub = "" Then NewSub = "{}" 'empty set
SubList = SubList & vbCrLf & NewSub
'now update code vector
If OddStep Then
'just flip first bit
CodeVector(lower) = 1 - CodeVector(lower)
'first locate first 1
i = lower
Do While CodeVector(i) <> 1
i = i + 1
'done if i = upper:
If i = upper Then
done = True
'if not done then flip the *next* bit:
i = i + 1
CodeVector(i) = 1 - CodeVector(i)
End If
End If
OddStep = Not OddStep 'toggles between even and odd steps
ListSubsets = SubList
End Function
Note we discard the first two elements of the output array.

Implementing a simple substitution cipher using VBA

I am trying to make a program that changes letters in a string and i keep running into the obvious issue of if it changes a value, say it changes A to M, when it gets to M it will then change that M to something else, so when i run the code to change it all back it converts it as if the letter was originally an M not an A.
Any ideas how to make it so the code doesnt change letters its already changed?
as for code ive just got about 40 lines of this (im sure theres a cleaner way to do it but im new to vba and when i tried select case it would only change one letter and not go through all of them)
Text1.value = Replace(Text1.value, "M", "E")
Try this:
Dim strToChange As String
strToChange = "This is my string that will be changed"
Dim arrReplacements As Variant
arrReplacements = Array(Array("a", "m"), _
Array("m", "z"), _
Array("s", "r"), _
Array("r", "q"), _
Array("t", "a"))
Dim strOutput As String
strOutput = ""
Dim i As Integer
Dim strCurrentLetter As String
For i = 1 To Len(strToChange)
strCurrentLetter = Mid(strToChange, i, 1)
Dim arrReplacement As Variant
For Each arrReplacement In arrReplacements
If (strCurrentLetter = arrReplacement(0)) Then
strCurrentLetter = Replace(strCurrentLetter, arrReplacement(0), arrReplacement(1))
Exit For
End If
strOutput = strOutput & strCurrentLetter
Here is the output:
Thir ir zy raqing ahma will be chmnged
Loop through it using the MID function. Something like:
MyVal = text1.value
For X = 1 to Len(MyVal)
MyVal = Replace(Mid(MyVal, X, 1), "M", "E")
X = X + 1
Next X
EDIT: OK upon further light, I'm gonna make one change. Store the pairs in a table. Then you can use DLookup to do the translation, using the same concept:
MyVal = text1.value
For X = 1 to Len(MyVal)
NewVal = DLookup("tblConvert", "fldNewVal", "fldOldVal = '" & Mid(MyVal, X, 1) & "")
MyVal = Replace(Mid(MyVal, X, 1), Mid(MyVal, X, 1), NewVal)
X = X + 1
Next X
Here's another way that uses less loops
Public Function Obfuscate(sInput As String) As String
Dim vaBefore As Variant
Dim vaAfter As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim sReturn As String
sReturn = sInput
vaBefore = Split("a,m,s,r,t", ",")
vaAfter = Split("m,z,r,q,a", ",")
For i = LBound(vaBefore) To UBound(vaBefore)
sReturn = Replace$(sReturn, vaBefore(i), "&" & Asc(vaAfter(i)))
Next i
For i = LBound(vaAfter) To UBound(vaAfter)
sReturn = Replace$(sReturn, "&" & Asc(vaAfter(i)), vaAfter(i))
Next i
Obfuscate = sReturn
End Function
It turns every letter into an ampersand + the replacement letters ascii code. Then it turns every ascii code in the replacement letter.
It took about 5 milliseconds vs 20 milliseconds for the nested loops.