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Closed 4 years ago.
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When browsing Microsoft class documentation, I would like to be able to hide inherited members (i.e. inherited properties and methods). Often, I find myself looking at intermediate abstract base classes to see what specific functionality they add, and I "can't see the forest for the trees" - as the handful of new methods/properties introduced by that particular class get lost amongst them many methods/properties inherited from base classes.
For example, see this link:
It is difficult to see just the methods specific to ScrollableControl.
Click on the 'triangle' to the left of Scrollable Control at the left side of (under the Search box).
Click Fields / Properties etc (on the left side - not on the right). They are the fields / properties etc that are specific to ScrollableControl.
Not an direct answer to the online documentation but for the usabillity:
I prefer to inspect classes directly in Visual Studio. With the help of some extensions we can go directly through F12 to every class and parent of it (that way you don't see the parent elements of the class you are looking to).
Personaly I use Resharper (see more info). But it seems, there is also a free extension called Ref12.
That way you can inspect the summaries without leaving your IDE and also have the source code for it available, which could be interesting sometimes.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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i need to find this interface in visual studio using to use it as a booking tool for an hotel booking's used select a square and show the booking form
and to show select the number of square according to the number of booking days
it's the green part in this picture
That's not one of the standard .Net controls, so you'd either need write it yourself, or buy it (if you can identify the vendor).
It looks like a 3rd party (Telerik or similar) who has controls built for this type of thing. It might be the quickest to get you up and running, but it comes with it's own issues - like not finding the support you need.
You can however put in some effort and use a default grid (recommended). This can be manually styled and adjusted to get the behaviors to the point where you need it to be (WPF exposes all you need).
Hope this helps.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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We are planing to provide a general setting(configuration) system for a single page web application base on and SqlServer , we need a dynamic modular setting(configuration) which it can apply settings in a hierarchical way for any part of any module for example consider we have a difaultCityCode for each user and if the user didn't provide the value for that it should be retrieved from the user's portal and if the portal either didn't have the value it should be retrieved from the highest level in the hierarchy called SystemSetting.
we need to know if there is a clean and reliable solution for such a system?
Best regards Matthew
I found my answer after saw lot of systems.
All of them use dynamic system module but none of them didn't have a hierarchical method to save data.
Sometimes setting is not a value it's a list or etc, so I build o module to save and load value setting for any entity of my project and for some setting that i can't use this module I have to use any method.
And also for hierarchical problem I save setting hierarchical and then use them hierarchically.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I can't find a way to mouse over or right click Objects and their members and get more information on them than the members they contain (for objects) or the arguments they take (for methods).
Coming from a java background whenever I have a question about anything in Sun's Java API, whether it be an object (like File, or SwingWorker), or a method (like substring(), or readLine()), I can access their documentation in-line with either a ctrl-space or right click in either netbeans or eclipse.
Is there some way to do this in Xcode for Apple's Objective-C/Cocoa API?
Thanks in advance
Option-click the thing you want to know more about. When you hold down option (alt), you should see your cursor turn into a question mark (when hovering over a symbol that can actually provide documentation). Clicking an item brings up the relevant docs in a popover. You can drill further in using the links at the bottom of the popover.
There's an inspector on the right side of the editor that'll show quick documentation for whatever symbol the insertion point is in, so you don't always even need to go to he docs in Organizer.
Also, when your program is running you can hover over a variable and see its value. If the variable points to an object, you can see its members, and you can drill down into the members.
There is. Go to xcode's organizer and switch to documentation section.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a tool for documenting the many Xcode bindings, outlet and IBAction bindings, key value bindings, etc? I have looked at the threads on Doxygen and HeaderDoc, but these document program files, to describe classes etc, but don't seem to cover the huge number of 'hidden' linkages that Xcode drag-and-drop enables?
A specific example, I can use the XIB editor to create an IBAction for every control on my window, to methods in one or more class/instances, defined in one or more files - I want ONE list of all of these, showing the control type and name, the source file, class and method - or a graphical representation would be even better. Then a similar list for the key value path links to arrayControllers etc.
I AM new, so if I have missed something obvious, please tell me.
No, there's no tool for documenting .xib files unless you consider the file itself as part of your documentation. (You did say "self documenting" after all.) .xibs are stored as XML, though, so if you really want to extract the data, it's there to be had.
The actions you create in IB appear in your source code. You could add comments there describing the object that sends the action, but that would largely miss the point of using a .xib (and actions) in the first place, which is to decouple the UI elements from the controller.
If the point of the documentation is to make your project easier for other developers to understand, you might want to get some more experience with Objective-C before you go to a lot of trouble creating a .xib documenting tool. Given a .xib and the relevant header files, any competent Obj-C programmer should be able to tell easily which controls are connected to which actions, or to debug problems in that area. People have been working with .xib and .nib files for 20+ years -- the lack of a separate documentation tool may be a good indication that such a thing may not be as useful as it seems at first.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm in the process of doing some COM interop from a C# application and I can't seem to find the answer to this.
I was wondering where I could find in the Win32 documentation which concreate implementions that exists of a COM interface. For example I know (thanks to goodgle) that IShellLinkW is implemented by a class that's identified by CLSID_ShellLink, that IObjectArray is implemented by CLSID_EnumerableObjectCollection and so on.
However how am I supposed to know? I have the Windows SDK (latest) version installed and I can't seem to wrap my head around how I was supposed to figure that out based on the information in the docs?
Why do you need to know? The import utilities like tlbimp.exe are figuring out the necessary details from the exe or dll type info and creating wrappers that cover this for you.
Look at the TlbImp example at COM Interop Part 1: C# Client Tutorial:
I dont think what you want is possible without loading every COM object in the system and asking it for a list of classes it has and what Interfaces they implement. This information as far as I am aware is not stored in the Registry (the place all external COM info is stored).
If you could give a concrete example of what you are trying to achieve their may be an alternative way. If you simply want to know what interfaces are implemented by a particular class or .dll you can do that with a viewer such as oleview
most of standard COM objects IIDs and CLSIDs are listed in uuid.lib, included in Windows SDK. So you may write a simple app printing them for you.
Also, you can open regedit, go to HKCR\Interface and analyze records there.