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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a tool for documenting the many Xcode bindings, outlet and IBAction bindings, key value bindings, etc? I have looked at the threads on Doxygen and HeaderDoc, but these document program files, to describe classes etc, but don't seem to cover the huge number of 'hidden' linkages that Xcode drag-and-drop enables?
A specific example, I can use the XIB editor to create an IBAction for every control on my window, to methods in one or more class/instances, defined in one or more files - I want ONE list of all of these, showing the control type and name, the source file, class and method - or a graphical representation would be even better. Then a similar list for the key value path links to arrayControllers etc.
I AM new, so if I have missed something obvious, please tell me.
No, there's no tool for documenting .xib files unless you consider the file itself as part of your documentation. (You did say "self documenting" after all.) .xibs are stored as XML, though, so if you really want to extract the data, it's there to be had.
The actions you create in IB appear in your source code. You could add comments there describing the object that sends the action, but that would largely miss the point of using a .xib (and actions) in the first place, which is to decouple the UI elements from the controller.
If the point of the documentation is to make your project easier for other developers to understand, you might want to get some more experience with Objective-C before you go to a lot of trouble creating a .xib documenting tool. Given a .xib and the relevant header files, any competent Obj-C programmer should be able to tell easily which controls are connected to which actions, or to debug problems in that area. People have been working with .xib and .nib files for 20+ years -- the lack of a separate documentation tool may be a good indication that such a thing may not be as useful as it seems at first.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I can't find a way to mouse over or right click Objects and their members and get more information on them than the members they contain (for objects) or the arguments they take (for methods).
Coming from a java background whenever I have a question about anything in Sun's Java API, whether it be an object (like File, or SwingWorker), or a method (like substring(), or readLine()), I can access their documentation in-line with either a ctrl-space or right click in either netbeans or eclipse.
Is there some way to do this in Xcode for Apple's Objective-C/Cocoa API?
Thanks in advance
Option-click the thing you want to know more about. When you hold down option (alt), you should see your cursor turn into a question mark (when hovering over a symbol that can actually provide documentation). Clicking an item brings up the relevant docs in a popover. You can drill further in using the links at the bottom of the popover.
There's an inspector on the right side of the editor that'll show quick documentation for whatever symbol the insertion point is in, so you don't always even need to go to he docs in Organizer.
Also, when your program is running you can hover over a variable and see its value. If the variable points to an object, you can see its members, and you can drill down into the members.
There is. Go to xcode's organizer and switch to documentation section.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I use a lot of illustrations, diagrams and equations to document C++ and python codes, and a way to do this is to inline them with doxygen. The problem is that, when coding, they are not directly available in the code (unless I use ascii-art for this purpose).
Is there an automatic, quick and fast way to, while coding, view the generated documentation? E.g., I could have a separate Eclipse tab with the rendered documented code (HTML), while coding in another tab... and the documentation rendering tab would be updating automatically as I change the code and the documentation.
Is this possible? Is there a tool, plug-in for Eclipse or add-on for Visual Studio enabling this?
Frankly, I use a second monitor (or second computer) to view such documentation just to keep them out of the way - I want to see them alongside my Visual Studio screen not taking up space that could be occupied by code.
I publish the generated Doxygen documentation to an internal web server so if you have an HTML viewer plugin you could just point it to that. (I usually have a browser open alongside).
You could setup your Doxygen project to be generating directly into the web server directory so there's no copying time to get it renewed.
One tip, if you have a large code base and Doxygen takes an annoyingly long time is to have a special setup file just pointing at the code you're working on, to quickly regenerate the relevant couple of pages. You could have a python script observing the directory and re-running Doxygen if files change.
Try my LP tool - - it supports OpenOffice/LibreOffice, so you can write LP programs in WYSIWYG manner. By the way, if you decide to use markup language instead of OpenOffice, NanoLP supports several of them.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have looked at some autofills for Firefox. But they are not designed with the developers' needs in mind. General internet surfers will need a tool to fill in many different forms with constant values for each form. Developers need exactly the opposite, when you want to test a part of your app you'll need to fill a single (or a couple of) forms many times with different (but valid and sensible) data.
So, does such a thing exist? An autofill to fill form inputs based on perhaps a class name (email, password, address, url, ...)?
I strongly feel if it doesn't exist someone should roll up their sleeves and make one! I for one will put in my share if some others want to team up. But right now, I am desperately in need of one if it exists
Pretty nice extension for chrome Web Developer Form Filler especially for web-developers.
You can save as many sets of data as you want, assign a hotkey and fill a form just by pressing it.
Why not just go with a bookmarklet like
it's a dead simple script that serves me fine for years
One way is to use Greasemonkey.
Example script:
"Auto Fill any forms with custom information":
EDIT: Link may be broken but I'm sure you are capable of finding many Greasemonkey references.
Please check out my extension, Form Filler, which allows you to do exactly what you need: fill out your forms with random dummy data.
I think you will love IRobotSoft web automation software. See a similar question here:
This is an auto form filler you are looking for. But this is a chrome plugin. This takes care of the developers need to fill valid data automatically by reading the properties. It also saves value against the form element if you make changes to it. Hence a must try for developers. Here is the link
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for an easy-to-use, free source code comparison app for Windows, which will highlight differences side-by-side between two pieces of source code. Some apps get close to what I want, but are too restrictive by requiring you load in entire files and compare them in their entirety. Sometimes I just want to compare a section of my file, such as a single function, which may be in totally different locations in the two versions I'd be comparing, making it hard to find in both panes in large files. Basically, I'd like to be able to simply edit/copy/paste the content in both panes rather than have the restriction of using files. That way I can copy and paste one function into one pane and another into the other, editing/re-ordering as necessary.
(Note that I realize there are other comparison app recommendation threads out there, but I'm having a hard time finding a free app that isn't a strict file-to-file comparison app)
Thanks for any pointers or links, thanks!
I do this in Vim all the time. Here's what I do:
Run gvimdiff -O a b. This is Vim is GUI diff mode.
Paste "before" into left pane of Vim.
Paste "after" into right pane of Vim.
:diffupdate (not always necessary)
You can also edit either side of the diff, which can be handy.
I imagine that any text editor that supports side-by-side diff and copy and paste should be able to do something similar.
And before you object that Vim is file-based (which is true), the above procedure doesn't require creating any actual files in the file-system.
Notepad++ has a nice diff function that will suit your needs also.
Winmerge can be used to do what you outlined (i.e., edit/copy/paste snippets into two windows and then make comparisons or mergers).
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have inherited over 600 files of ColdFusion source code running a internal web site for my company. One of my tasks is to "document" it. The code base represents about 5 years of development and there is no technical specification of what it does.
The developers have maintained a change log of each file and there is a consistent header.
My thought is that I can build a dependency map of the various modules and referenced stored procedures to facilitate this documentation by scanning the source files. I have used Doxygen in the past for c++ source code and am wondering if a tool like this exists for ColdFusion.
One output I am investigating is the ability to create a xmind file as means of visualizing the cross dependencies in module inter-relationships.
Thanks in advance,
The ColdFusion server has built in introspection that outputs javadoc like documentation for any CFC class.
See: http://YourColdfusionServer/CFIDE/componentutils/componentdoc.cfm
However, it requires an RDS login/password for your server. For delivery to third parties, I set up a recursive script that does a cfhttp fetch against the docs for each cfc file, and then compiles the pages to PDF with cfdocument.
You could start with ColdDoc
Also, heres a UML 2 CFC generator.
I guess what you really need is something to reverse engineer the coldfusion code into uml class diagrams. I don't know of anything off the top of my head.
MagicDraw, Objecteering don't seem to do it yet.
After trying to find an answer to this question myself I ended up writing this solution:
Maybe it is too late for you now but I am just spreading the word.
Sounds to me like creating your own Xmind or XMI file is the way to go. The XMI file may be more portable between tools, but the last time I looked at doing that the XMI file formats were a bit daunting for the time I had available to work on the solution. If the formatting of the headers consistent is enough to read with ReFind or Find I'd build a script that uses cfdirectory and cffile to walk the code tree and output the file(s).