ReactJS - app functions in different files -

I'm trying to make React-based web game. I have an App component which holds pretty much all non-UX state. To avoid code duplication I also hold most functions in it and pass it down as prop to child components.
But now I'm starting to get cluttered by different functions, all in the App body. Is there any simple way to satisfactory structure this in different files? Should I already look into state management libraries?
Currently stuff looks like:
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = gameInitialize();
this.modifyState = this.modifyState.bind(this);
this.moveUnit = this.moveUnit.bind(this);
this.progressMission = this.progressMission.bind(this);
this.timeJump = this.timeJump.bind(this);
this.competenceAfterTimeJump = this.competenceAfterTimeJump.bind(this); =;
this.load = this.load.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
this.timerID = setInterval(this.modifyState, this.state.interval);
componentWillUnmount() {
save() {
localStorage.setItem("gameSave", toJson(this.state));
load() {
let state = 0;
try {
state = fromJson(localStorage.getItem("gameSave"));
} catch (error) {
return 0;
} => {
delete unit.__parent;
delete unit.attributes.__parent
return 0;
}); => delete mission.__parent);
modifyState() {
progressMission(unit) {
const mission = unit.currentMission;
let increment = unit.attributes[mission.type].total() - mission.complexity;
if (increment < 0) increment = 0;
mission.progress += increment * this.state.interval / 1000 * unit.competence / 10;
if (mission.progress >= mission.difficulty) {
mission.progress = 0;
mission.completions += 1;
moveUnit(unit, mission) {
unit.currentMission = mission;
timeJump() {
const game = this.state;
while (game.units.length > 2) {
}; (unit) {
Object.keys(unit.attributes).map((key) => { unit.attributes[key] = newAttribute() });
unit.currentMission = game.missions[0];
}); => {mission.progress = 0});
game.units[0].competence = this.competenceAfterTimeJump();
game.experience.current = 0;
competenceAfterTimeJump() {
return (10 + Math.sqrt( / 10);
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<h1 className="title">Time-traveling Hero: eventually I'll save the world, or maybe not if I don't feel it</h1>
<SaveLoad game={this} />
<Prestige game={this} />
<MissionList missions={this.state.missions} game={this} />
Available Experience: {this.state.experience.current.toFixed(1)}
Total Experience: {}
<UnitList units={this.state.units} game={this} />
function gameInitialize() {
let game = { units: [], missions: [], currentUnit: undefined };
game.interval = 10;
game.missions = generateMissions(50);
game.experience = {
current: 0, total: 0,
get: function (amount) { this.current += amount; += amount },
spend: function (amount) {
if (this.current >= amount) {
this.current -= amount;
return true;
else return false;
game.units.push({ name: "Hero", attributes: newAttributes(), competence: 10, currentMission: game.missions[0] });
game.units.push({ name: "Childhood Friend", attributes: newAttributes(), competence: 15, currentMission: game.missions[0] });
game.currentUnit = game.units[0];
game.missionsWithUnits = function () {
return game;
How should I proceed?

Yes, it's super easy to organize JS code! Use modules. Here's how to do it.
Export functions from a file
export function addTwo (number) {
return number + 2
Then use it:
This could be in a component file:
import { addTwo } from './path/to/adders.js'
console.log(addTwo(5)) // logs 7
You can organize this super well for a lot of things. If you have a group of related functions, use a module like this. here's the file structure:
You have all of your related files in the same folder and your functions exported from the individual files like above. Then set up index like this:
import * as adders from './adders.js'
// Set up your object however you want.
const MathStuff = {
export default MathStuff
Then in any component you can do this:
import MathStuff from './path/to/mathStuff'
MathStuff.addTwo(7) // 9
For even more organization, you could set your index up to have functions like this:
import * as adders from './adders.js'
import * as dividers from './dividers.js' // another math file with division functions or something
// Set up your object however you want.
const MathStuff = {
export default MathStuff
And use it like this:
import MathStuff from './path/to/mathStuff' // points to directory, NOT individual file
MathStuff.adders.addTwo(7) // 9
I would definitely suggest organizing code like this. One thing this improves is testability - it's very easy to test pure functions with no side effects.
I like to put my database code in one module and import it wherever to access all my database functions.
I like to put all of my business logic in different modules by category - for instance GameLogic or something like that.
This will also help you write more functional code. Currently, you have a lot of state modification within individual functions - you won't be able to do that in modules without binding individual functions to the this context of your react component. Instead, I would suggest passing all necessary parameters to the function and having it return a value. This moves business logic away, making it easier to manage state.
For instance, your progressMission function accesses this.state.interval. You can pass interval to the function itself.
One thing I'm noticing is that your code has a lot of dependency on each other - functions often have to access lots of things outside of itself, rather than being self-contained. It would probably help you a lot to try to refactor into a modular system, where functions are much more pure - only accessing what is passed to them, and returning values which get used. Using actual modules like above definitely helps do that - my code got better the more I did it. It helps you reason about your code better. Additionally, once/if you start implementing tests, you'll find that all of the tangled-ness of the code makes it hard to test - there are a lot of side effects.
Finally, redux and external state management probably won't help a ton in your case, but they might. Redux can help you achieve state that's easier to reason about, but it won't help you organize code better per se. I hope that helps!


Access or modify petite-vue data outside app

I'm using petite-vue as I need to do very basic UI updates in a webpage and have been drawn to its filesize and simplicity. I'd like to control the UI's state of visible / invisible DOM elements and class names and styles of various elements.
I have multiple JavaScript files in my app, I'd like to be able to make these changes from any of them.
In Vue JS it was possible to do things like this...
const vueApp = new Vue({ el: "#vue-app", data(){
return { count: 1}
setTimeout(() => { vueApp.count = 2 }, 1000)
I'm trying the same with Petite Vue but it does nothing.
// Petite Vue
const petiteVueApp = PetiteVue.createApp({
count: 0,
setTimeout(() => { petiteVueApp.count = 2 }, 1000);
Logging the app gives just a directive and mount attribute, I can't find the count (nb if you log the above app it will show the count, because of that line petiteVueApp.count = 2, that isn't the data)
Can anyone shed any light on this?
There is an example which does exactly this in the docs which I overlooked.
It requires an import of the #vue/reactivity which can be imported from the petite-vue bundle.
import { createApp, reactive } from ''
setTimeout(() => { vueApp.count = 2 }, 1000)
const store = reactive({
count: 0,
inc() {
setTimeout(() => { store.count = 2 }, 1000);
Updated working example:
Interesting. Looking at the source code it seems that we would want it to return ctx.scope instead of return this.
Your workaround seems like the best choice if using petite-vue as given, or you could fork petite-vue and change that one line (I haven't tested this).

Vuejs - update array of an object which is in an array

I'm developing a helpdesk tool in which I have a kanban view.
I previously used nested serializers in my backend and I managed to have everything working with a single query but it's not scalable (and it was ugly) so I switched to another schema :
I query my helpdesk team ('test' in the screenshot)
I query the stages of that team ('new', 'in progress')
I query tickets for each stage in stages
So when I mount my component, I do the following :
async mounted () {
if (this.helpdeskTeamId) {
await this.getTeam(this.helpdeskTeamId)
if ( {
await this.getTeamStages(this.helpdeskTeamId)
if (this.stages) {
for (let stage of this.stages) {
await this.getStageTickets(stage)
where getTeam, getTeamStages and getStageTickets are :
async getTeam (teamId) { = await HelpdeskTeamService.getTeam(teamId)
async getTeamStages (teamId) {
this.stages = await HelpdeskTeamService.getTeamStages(teamId)
for (let stage of this.stages) {
this.$set(stage, 'tickets', [])
async getStageTickets (stage) {
const tickets = await HelpdeskTeamService.getTeamStageTickets(this.helpdeskTeamId,
// tried many things here below but nothing worked.
// =, 0, tickets)
// Even if I try to only put one :
// this.$set(this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets, 0, tickets[0])
// I see it in the data but It doesn't appear in the view...
// Even replacing the whole stage with its tickets :
// = tickets
// this.stages.splice(this.stages.indexOf(stage), 1, stage)
In getTeamStages I add an attribute 'tickets' to every stage to an empty list. The problem is when I query all the tickets for every stage. I know how to insert a single object in an array with splice or how to delete one object from an array but I don't know how to assign a whole array to an attribute of an object that is in an array while triggering the Vue reactivity. Here I'd like to put all the tickets (which is a list), to
Is it possible to achieve this ?
If not, what is the correct design to achieve something similar ?
Thanks in advance !
It turns out that there was an error generated by the template part. I didn't think it was the root cause since a part of the view was rendered. I thought that it would have prevent the whole view from being rendered if it was the case. But finally, in my template I had a part doing which was working when using a single query to populate my view. When making my API more granular and querying tickets independently from stages, there is a moment when stage has no tickets attribute until I set it manually with this.$set(stage, 'tickets', []). Because of that, the template stops rendering and raises an issue. But the ways of updating my would have worked without that template issue.
I could update the stages reactively. Here is my full code; I used the push method of an array object and it works:
<li v-for="item in stages" :key="item.stageId">
{{ item }}
export default {
data() {
return {
stages: [],
methods: {
async getTeamStages() {
this.stages = [{ stageId: 1 }, { stageId: 2 }];
for (let stage of this.stages) {
this.$set(stage, "tickets", []);
for (let stage of this.stages) {
await this.getStageTickets(stage);
async getStageTickets(stage) {
const tickets = ["a", "b", "c"];
for (let ticket of tickets) {
mounted() {
It should be noted that I used the concat method of an array object and also works:
this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets = this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets.concat(tickets);
I tried your approaches some of them work correctly:
this.$set(this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets, tickets)
this.$set(this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets, 0, tickets[0]);
WORKED = tickets
this.stages.splice(this.stages.indexOf(stage), 1, stage)
I'm sure it is XY problem..
A possible solution would be to watch the selected team and load the values from there. You seem to be loading everything from the mounted() hook, and I suspect this won't actually load all the content on demand as you'd expect.
I managed to make it work here without needing to resort to $set magic, just the pure old traditional vue magic. Vue will notice the properties of new objects and automatically make then reactive, so if you assign to them later, everything will respond accordingly.
My setup was something like this (showing just the relevant parts) -- typing from memory here, beware of typos:
teams: [],
teamId: null,
team: null
methods: {
async refreshTeam(id){
let team = await fetchTeam(id)
if(!team) return
//here, vue will auomaticlly make reactive = {stages:[],}
let stages = await fetchStages(
if(!stages) return
//since is reactive, vue will update reactivelly
//turning the {tickets} property of each stage reactive also = => ({tickets:[], ...v}))
for(let stage of{
let tickets = await fetchTickets(
if(!tickets) continue
//since tickets is reactive, vue will update it accordingly = tickets
async mounted(){
this.teams = fetchTeams()
Notice that my 'fetchXXX' methods would just return the data retrieved from the server, without trying to actually set the component data
Edit: typos

Add CoreUI icon to DevExtreme dxDataGrid column header in Vue.js

Currently I am working on a new UI for a legacy API. Unfortunately, this one delivers HTML source code for a column header. This code usually creates a FontAwesome icon. This library will not be used in the new project.
I found a very similar icon in the Icon Library of CoreUI. Now it is only a matter of rendering the icon at this point. However, no approach has been successful so far. How can I replace the icon in the headerCellTemplate method?
Or maybe there is a completely different, much better approach to do this. I don't know if I am on the right track with this method approach. You can probably use static templates, but I don't know how to do that.
import { CIcon } from '#coreui/vue';
import { cilCheckCircle } from '#coreui/icons';
headerCellTemplate: (element, info) => {
element.innerHTML = curr.ColumnTitle;
if (element.firstChild.nodeName === 'I') {
//element.firstChild.innerHTML = 'Done';
//const componentClass = Vue.extend(cilCheckCircle);
//const instance = new componentClass();
return, cilCheckCircle);
I finally found a solution after revisiting this interesting article.
import Vue from 'vue';
import { CIcon } from '#coreui/vue';
import { cilCheckCircle } from '#coreui/icons';
headerCellTemplate: (element, info) => {
element.innerHTML = curr.ColumnTitle;
if (element.firstChild.nodeName === 'I') {
const cIconClass = Vue.extend(CIcon);
const instance = new cIconClass({
propsData: { content: cilCheckCircle }
I don't know, though, if this is the ideal solution. So feel free to tell me, if you have a better, less complex solution.

jest snapshot testing: how to ignore part of the snapshot file in jest test results

Problem: ignore some part of the .snap file test results
the question here: there are some components in my test that have a random values and i don't really care about testing them. is there any way to ignore part of my X.snap file? so when i run tests in the future it won't give me test fail results.
Now you can also use property matcher for these cases.
By example to be able to use snapshot with these object :
const obj = {
id: dynamic(),
foo: 'bar',
other: 'value',
val: 1,
You can use :
id: expect.any(String),
Jest will just check that id is a String and will process the other fields in the snapshot as usual.
Actually, you need to mock the moving parts.
As stated in jest docs:
Your tests should be deterministic. That is, running the same tests multiple times on a component that has not changed should produce the same results every time. You're responsible for making sure your generated snapshots do not include platform specific or other non-deterministic data.
If it's something related to time, you could use = jest.fn(() => 1482363367071);
I know it's quite old question but I know one more solution. You can modify property you want to ignore, so it will be always constant instead of random / dynamic. This is best for cases when you are using third party code and thus may not be able to control the non deterministic property generation
import React from 'react';
import Enzyme, { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
import Card from './Card';
import toJSON from 'enzyme-to-json';
Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
describe('<Card />', () => {
it('renders <Card /> component', () => {
const card = shallow(
name={`test name`}
description={`long description`}
const snapshot = toJSON(card);
// for some reason = "#cfc5f6"
// does not work, seems the prop is being set later
Object.defineProperty(, 'backgroundColor', { value: "#cfc5f6", writable: false });
// second expect statement is enaugh but this is the prop we care about:
You can ignore some parts in the snapshot tests replacing the properties in the HTML. Using jest with testing-library, it would look something like this:
it('should match snapshot', async () => {
expect(removeUnstableHtmlProperties(await screen.findByTestId('main-container'))).toMatchSnapshot();
function removeUnstableHtmlProperties(htmlElement: HTMLElement) {
const domHTML = prettyDOM(htmlElement, Infinity);
if (!domHTML) return undefined;
return domHTML.replace(/id(.*)"(.*)"/g, '');
I used this to override moment's fromNow to make my snapshots deterministic:
import moment, {Moment} from "moment";
moment.fn.fromNow = jest.fn(function (this: Moment) {
const withoutSuffix = false;
return this.from(moment("2023-01-12T20:14:00"), withoutSuffix);

Change template dynamically from view-model (Aurelia)

Is it possible to change which html-template is being used dynamically from the view-model?
E.g. based on data downloaded from a server, I'd like to choose different templates (or some other logic in the view-model)
Based on the answer below suggesting getViewStrategy, here's a complete sample:
export class MultiView {
gender : string
getViewStrategy() {
if(this.gender == 'boy')
return './multi-view-blue.html'
return './multi-view-pink.html'
// when view is made visible (e.g. by using the router)
activate() {
this.gender = Math.random()>0.5 ? "boy" : "girl"
If you want to do this on a single view model implement the getViewStrategy function.
export class MyView{
return 'my-other-view.html';
Refer to the documentation under App Configuration and Startup, titled Configuring the View Location Convention. Here's and excerpt:
To do this, during bootstrap, import the ViewLocator and replace its convertOriginToViewUrl method with your own implementation.
It includes a code example you may follow as well.
As an alternative, you could look into the aurelia-compiler library module.
NOTE: This library will be refactored and parts of it will be included into the core. In the meantime it can still be used but please be aware of this breaking change.
It contains a function called swapView() that looks like it may do what you want. An example of it being used is in the aurelia-dialog library module. Hopefully you can glean some useful information from that and find a way to make it work.
Write a view-model that takes data from server and binding variables of class.
export class MyClass{
constructor(){ = false; = false;
this.yellow = false;
this.serverValue = "";
return this.bindingFunction();
if(this.serverValue == 'red') { = true; }
else if(this.serverValue == 'green') { = true; }
else this.yellow = true;
Write the view as a whole, with show.bind, and bind those with view-model.
<div show.bind='red'> /* your elements */ </div>
<div show.bind='green'> /* your elements */ </div>
<div show.bind='yellow'> /* your elements */ </div>