Payment token becomes undefined after the Apple Pay process - react-native

I am developing an Apple Pay with react-native. I configured everything and I used react-native-payment component. Here is my code:
console.log("1- start Apple Pay");
if (!DataManager.getInstance().isConnected()) {
const DETAILS = {
id: 'basic-example',
displayItems: [
label: 'items',
amount: { currency: 'EUR', value: '2' },
total: {
label: 'MyApp',
amount: { currency: 'EUR', value: '2' },
const METHOD_DATA = [{
supportedMethods: ['apple-pay'],
data: {
merchantIdentifier: '',
supportedNetworks: [ 'mastercard', 'visa'],
countryCode: 'IT',
currencyCode: 'EUR'
const paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest(METHOD_DATA, DETAILS);
console.log("2-", paymentRequest);
.then((paymentResponse) => {
const { paymentToken } = paymentResponse.details; // On Android, you need to invoke the `getPaymentToken` method to receive the `paymentToken`.
.then(canMakePayments => {
console.log("canMakePayments", canMakePayments);
console.log("paymentToken", paymentToken);
// Show fallback payment method
.catch((err) => {
console.log("4- err", err);
console.log("5- paymentRequest", err);
//alert("The apple pay cancel");
// The API threw an error or the user closed the UI
The problem is that as I try to execute the Apple Pay, it says that the 'Payment is not completed' and the token becomes undefined. Can you please ket me know where the problem might be hiden.
I should mention that I tried this code on a real device using both real card and sandBox and in all cases it was failed. Thanks in advance.

This component is also working with stripe and Braintree. The problem was that I needed to add a gateway and a public key which in my case it provided from stripe.
const METHOD_DATA = [{
supportedMethods: ['apple-pay'],
data: {
merchantIdentifier: 'merchant.yyyy.xxxx',
supportedNetworks: [ 'mastercard'],
countryCode: 'IT',
currencyCode: 'EUR',
paymentMethodTokenizationParameters: {
parameters: {
gateway: 'stripe',
'stripe:publishableKey': 'pk_test_XXXXXXX',
'stripe:version': '5.0.0' // Only required on Android
Then I installed the following add on:
yarn add react-native-payments-addon-stripe
yarn add react-native-payments-cli
yarn react-native-payments-cli -- link stripe
(You also need the Carthage update there to make them work)
Then I made an account in and use the publish key of that and finally it works!!
Also I have added paymentResponse.complete('success'); to show the successful payment at the end. Without that it sucks in a loop of waiting and finally shows 'Payment is not complete'.
Now I have a successful message with a nice token!
I should mention that in the case that you don't use stripe or Braintree, you will not see any token and it will be always undefined. It is natural, so don't worry. You just need to pass paymentResponse.details as a JSON to your bank provider and it will work. Because in that case the transactionid will be important which you have it.
After that, you go through these steps of installing from this link . You also need to do these steps regarded to certificates for Apple Pay:
1- First on your App ID in your apple developer account you should enable the Apple Pay with the merchant ID.
2- Then you need to ask from your bank for a certificate on you merchant which is a file that looks like this:
3- Then select your app ID and go to Apple Pay section which was enabled in step one and upload the certificate there.
Done! Your Apple Pay will work.

The mention saved me! I didn't realize that it was normal the token would be nil if you aren't using Stripe/Braintree!


sepa_debit payemnt method with stripe subscriptopn doesn't work

I'm using Stripe with react-native and I want to integrate PaymentIntent with Subscription as described in this tutorial
the issue is I can't show the SEPA as a valid payment option at the front-end.
Stripe mentioned in their subscription API docs that you can pass the payment_method_types as you do in payment_intent. however, it seems like it doesn't work!
let me explain with examples
first scenario using the regular payment_intent
const paymentIntent = await stripe.paymentIntents.create({
amount: 1099,
currency: 'EUR',
payment_method_types: ["card", "sepa_debit"]
return res.json({
// #ts-ignore
paymentIntent: paymentIntent.client_secret,
ephemeralKey: ephemeralKey.secret,
and the result would be like as you can see the SEPA option is showing
second scenario when I'm using the subscription
const subscription = await stripe.subscriptions.create({
items: [{
price: "price_1JwZ4tJyYehXW8ayueOKGDUM",
payment_settings: {
payment_method_types: ["card", "sepa_debit"]
payment_behavior: 'default_incomplete',
expand: ['latest_invoice.payment_intent'],
return res.json({
// #ts-ignore
paymentIntent: subscription.latest_invoice.payment_intent.client_secret,
ephemeralKey: ephemeralKey.secret,
the result would be like (no SEPA option)
any idea why sepa_debit working with payment_intent and not with subscription?
The Payment Intent that is generated during Subscription creation automatically sets setup_future_usage: off_session to ensure that the saved Payment Method can be used for off-sessions recurring payments in the future.
Looking at the code for Stripe's React Native SDK it looks like it relies on logic found in the Android and iOS to determine when to show sepa_debit as an option in the Payment Sheet. Both these SDKs do not currently support sepa_debit for a Payment Intent with setup_future_usage set, which explains why you're not seeing it show up as an option for your Subscription Payment Intent. You can see the code I referenced here:

How to send session info and do automated page tracking in expo react native segment and amplitude integration

I am using Segment[expo-analytics-segment] to send tracking info to Amplitude(Configured as the destination in in an expo react native app. Though I am sending session info(epoch time) - The session always gets registered as -1, hence I am unable to access 'funnel' feature in Amplitude.
Also - How do we enable automatic page tracking in expo segment+amplitude configuration?
This is what I have done so far in App.tsx
androidWriteKey: 'androidKey', // from Segment
iosWriteKey: 'iOsKey', // from segment
global.epochInMilliSeconds =;
{ email: '' },
event: 'App Started',
integrations: {
Amplitude: {
sessionId: global.epochInMilliSeconds,
'App Started',
{ email: '' },
{ integrations: { Amplitude: { session_id: global.epochInMilliSeconds } } }
); <------------------- Did not work. Session id is -1**
Segment.track('App Started'); // <-----------------------Session id is -1
More info -
I followed this example for the above code sample:
Amplitude website mentions that session Ids are not automatically tracked.
In case the link changes, it says:
6. Why do all of my events have a sessionId of -1?
You need to use Segment's client-side bundled integration to have our native SDKs track Session IDs for you.

Implementation React native google pay

I am implementing it .
It is installed and showing a login popup as expected but i am not able to get how can i test it. As there is no way to test it.
this is my code
const requestData = {
cardPaymentMethod: {
tokenizationSpecification: {
gateway: 'stripe',
gatewayMerchantId: '',
stripe: {
publishableKey: '',
version: '2018-11-08',
transaction: {
totalPrice: amount_to_add,
totalPriceStatus: 'FINAL',
currencyCode: 'USD',
merchantName: 'Merchant',
In this what is the value of gatewayMerchantId,type.
And Let me know if someone have dummy cards or a way to test it. As it is showing error, as well as no trasaction response of 200 or rejection.
I haven't done a Google Pay integration with Stripe, but react-native-google-pay looks like a thin wrapper around the Google Pay API. I'd suggest looking at Google Pay's documentation to supplement the holes in the library's documentation.
In this case, I'd suggest changing the values in the tokenizationSpecification to match Google Pay's docs:
const requestData = {
cardPaymentMethod: {
tokenizationSpecification: {
parameters: {
gateway: "stripe"
"stripe:version": "2018-10-31"
"stripe:publishableKey": "YOUR_PUBLIC_STRIPE_KEY"
transaction: {
totalPrice: amount_to_add,
totalPriceStatus: 'FINAL',
currencyCode: 'USD',
merchantName: 'Merchant',
When I integrated to Google Pay, I used my real credit card number (I was unable to get anything fake into Google Pay) and enabled test mode. The library seems to support that test mode like this:
// Set the environment before the payment request

CRYPTOGRAM_3DS – Why doesn't it work as the only option?

I'm trying to add Google Pay support to a website where we already have it working for a native app. The in-app implementation does not allow PAN_ONLY cards (due to high chargebacks), only CRYPTOGRAM_3DS. This works just fine.
When I configure the website to only allow CRYPTOGRAM_3DS, I can never get paymentsClient.isReadyToPay() to return true. I've tried different Android devices which are able to make in-app payments with no success. To be clear: If I allow PAN_ONLY then Google Pay works as expected and I can obtain tokens.
How can I troubleshoot the reason why this is happening? Does it work for anyone else if you remove PAN_ONLY from the setup config?
CRYPTOGRAM_3DS refers to tokenized cards. That is, cards that have been added and stored on you Android device. These are the same cards that you can use to pay in-store (not in-app) with Tap and Pay.
If you are using CRYPTOGRAM_3DS only, this means that it will currently only work on a Android device where a user has saved a tokenized card.
I've put the following example together to demonstrate (make sure you test on a Android device with appropriate cards):
<script src=""></script>
<google-pay-button environment="TEST"></google-pay-button>
const button = document.querySelector('google-pay-button');
button.paymentRequest = {
apiVersion: 2,
apiVersionMinor: 0,
allowedPaymentMethods: [
type: 'CARD',
parameters: {
allowedAuthMethods: ['CRYPTOGRAM_3DS'],
allowedCardNetworks: ['MASTERCARD', 'VISA'],
tokenizationSpecification: {
parameters: {
gateway: 'example',
gatewayMerchantId: 'exampleGatewayMerchantId',
merchantInfo: {
merchantId: '12345678901234567890',
merchantName: 'Demo Merchant',
transactionInfo: {
totalPriceStatus: 'FINAL',
totalPriceLabel: 'Total',
totalPrice: '100.00',
currencyCode: 'USD',
countryCode: 'US',
button.addEventListener('loadpaymentdata', event => {
console.log('load payment data', event.detail);
button.addEventListener('readytopaychange', event => {
console.log('ready to pay change', event.detail);

How to close the razorpay webview after callback_url success response in react-native?

I am intergrating react-native-razorpay for payment in my react-native application. I could get the payment done and by providing the callback_url in the payment options to the RazorpayCheckOut i could even call my backend server and update the payment action but when the callback_url to server is providing the app with the success message there is no way that i could read the message and close the razorpay webview that is opened in my react-native app.
Is there any way that i can close the ebview of razorpay and move back to app on receiving the sucess message of callback_url?
Based on the sample code listed here
RazorPay returns data.razorpay_payment_id as a response.
You could use that payment_id to get the status of your payment from the back-end
I used the ruby gem in my backend API to get the payment status
<TouchableHighlight onPress={() => {
var options = {
description: 'Credits towards consultation',
image: '',
currency: 'INR',
key: 'rzp_test_1DP5mmOlF5G5ag',
amount: '5000',
name: 'foo',
prefill: {
email: '',
contact: '9191919191',
name: 'Razorpay Software'
theme: {color: '#F37254'}
} => {
// handle success
alert(`Success: ${data.razorpay_payment_id}`);
}).catch((error) => {
// handle failure
alert(`Error: ${error.code} | ${error.description}`);