how to see simulator while running test cases on bitrise - detox

Is it possible to see simulator while running test cases on bitrise . I am running detox test cases using bitrise as CI. I am not sure how it works therefore I am not at any idea of initiating the simulator on cloud and visible to user.
App platform : React Native
OS : iOS
Testing Framework : Detox / wix
CI Tool : bitrise

Remote access is now built into directly, no need to add any step:
It supports both SSH and VNC connection for Mac VMs (VNC is the protocol used by the macOS built in "Screen Sharing" app but of course you can find clients on other operating systems) so you can screen share into the macOS build VM (for Linux build VMs only SSH is supported at the moment).
I'll leave the original answer here as that still works:
There's a semi-official, ngrok based solution, using the bitrise step. You can find a setup & usage guide at:
A built in solution is also planned, in the meantime using ngrok (which this unofficial step uses) or a similar tool can provide a solution.


Expo developer tools option is missing

When I start my project using command expo start , Expo is starting the Metro bundler but not opening the developer tool. Also developer tool option is not available in commands menu.
I suppose there should be command option : 'd' which will launch the developer tool on the localhost:19002 but it's not coming for me.
Using expo cli version 5.4.4
Developer tools removal
Since the release of expo-cli#6.0.0 the expo team has decided to discontinue the Web UI they had put in place. You can find more details about this in this blog post.
All of the actions that could be done within the Web UI can be done within the command line interface. For example, one used to be able to change connection mode directly within the UI :
Now to start expo in --tunnel mode you would have to have ngrok installed on the new expo version npm i -g #expo/ngrok and to run npx expo start --tunnel. Details on the CLI can be found in the docs here.
Accessing the Developer tools anyway
If you still wish to use the developer tools web UI, there are two options :
Use an older version of the expo sdk (~44.0), to do so you could use expo-cli#5.0.2 which is linked to that sdk. However, it is not recommended to stay on older versions which will be discarded at some point.
Use your own Web UI. Here is the source code from expo's original Web UI which you can use a base. There are likely over repos out there which fit this purpose.
If you're using a library such as react-navigation or anything (or itself) the relies on reanimated you won't be able to use remote debugging.
After changing the expo sdk version from 45.0.4 to 44.0.6, I am able to see the Developer tools running on http://localhost:19002.

ios appium automation queries

Can we perform automation on preinstalled app like Facebook on ios real device using appium without having ipa/app file?
Can we perform automation on real ios device without having developer team id for a ios app for which we have ipa/app file?
Yes, you can specify the app bundleId in the desired capabilities and attach Appium to the pre-installed application.
No. You need to build and sign the appium-webdriveragent app with your developer certificate to be able to install it on the real iOS device.
Yes you can automate pre installed apps in your phone. But make sure following configurations are already done:
"noReset" capability should be set to true. It won't install your app on every run.
You will need apple developer account if you want to automate it on Real Device. If you are running on simulator, developer account is not needed.

React native takes very long to load on device

I've been developing a react-native app using the simulator for a while. On the simulator (iOS), the app loads very fast (on reload for eg). However, when I tried to load the app to the device, it spends between 1-3 minutes in the splash screen before loading into the app.
My project is fairly small, and has no extra resources other than the javascript. Looking at the documentation I couldn't find what might be the cause of the issue, though I suspect it has to do with the fact that it is not getting the JS from the packager local server.
What am I doing wrong?
(btw - react-native v0.31)
I ran into the same issue and discovered that it was because I was running my app on device in development mode. To get the performance you're looking for, you'll need to build and run the app in production or "release" mode. You can do this by passing in a --configuration option and setting it to Release using the React Native CLI:
$ react-native run-ios --configuration Release
If that doesn't do the trick, then you may need to build your app in "Release" mode from Xcode. To do that, navigate to your projects /ios directory and open the .xcodeproj file in Xcode. Choose your build target in the Toolbar. Scroll to the bottom and choose "Edit Scheme...". Then under Build Configuration, switch from "Debug" to "Release". Now build your app on your target device and it should be much more performant than before.
You can read more in the official React Native documentation under Running on Device: Building your app for production.
For me the issue was related to the wifi network of my development machine. I was using WPA2 Enterprise auth to connect to wifi on my development machine. I found that if I used a wired connection to connect to my network or if I used another wifi connection that used a different form of auth then the delay went away. I think the delay is a network timeout.

Can i develop react native IOS apps on windows pc

Can i able to develop react-native IOS apps in my windows pc, if possible then please reply with what are the requirements and setup require to develop and run react-native ios apps in windows pc
No, you can't.
Check the official 'getting started guide' here:
Requirements OS X - This guide assumes OS X which is needed for iOS
You need to run xCode in order to build app on Simulator or iPhone.
It is possible to build, package, and deploy IOS apps from a pc or linux machine using a couple different methods.
One would be using a service like BuddyBuild ( You can just point them at the git repo you want to package, give them your certificate, and go from there.
Your other option would be to rent a cloud machine running some version of OS X. They are typically pretty cheap and you wouldn't need to do it very often.
You can use a cloud build service like Mobile Center or Circle CI, or run a "hackintosh" virtual machine image in VirtualBox.
The latter breaks the Apple MacOS EULA, and the former has longer feedback cycles to learn if your code builds or not.

Cross device testing of sencha touch application using seista

Does siesta testing framework support cross device testing? Do we have any documentation around it?
Yes, Siesta test suites can be run on any device. You just open a web page on the target device and pointing it to your harness file. Right now though we do not support automation for mobile devices, you can always run your tests in Chrome though.