VBA: Deleting particular columns in a range - vba

I'm working on a project and I need a program that will delete the empty columns (other than the header) in columns A through F and column J. I'd like it to loop through Range("A10:F10000") and Range("J:J") and delete the columns from cell A10, B10, etc and down, then shift the remaining data left. I was working with this, that affects the whole worksheet instead of just a range:
ecl = Sheet1.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
For cl = ecl To 1 Step -1
cnt = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheet1.Columns(cl))
If cnt = 1 Then
End If
I usually can use formulas and am not super familiar with VBA, but for this project it has to be a macro. I hope this makes sense and would appreciate any advise!

you could use this:
Dim cl As Range, colsToDelete As Range
With ActiveSheet 'reference wanted sheet
Set colsToDelete = .UsedRange.Columns(.UsedRange.Columns.Count).Offset(, 1).Resize(1, 1) ' initialize 'colsToDelete' to a "dummy" range certainly out of relevant one
With Intersect(.Range("A10:J" & .UsedRange.Rows(.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row), .Range("A:F, J:J")) ' reference referenced sheet range in column A to F and G form row 10 down to referenced sheet last not empty cell row
For Each cl In .Columns ' lop through referenced range columns
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(cl) = 1 Then Set colsToDelete = Union(colsToDelete, cl) 'if current column is empty (i.e. only header in row 10) then add it to the colsToDelete range
Set colsToDelete = Intersect(colsToDelete, .Cells) ' get rid of the "dummmy" range
End With
End With
If Not colsToDelete Is Nothing Then colsToDelete.EntireColumn.Delete ' if any range to delete, do it!


Extract Row Locations to Use as Reference

I populated an excel sheet with the locations of blank cells in my sheet using suggestions from this post. So I have a Column A filled with locations in the following format
$X$1 or $X2:$X$4.
What I am trying to do is use those row numbers from the column explain above to populate a separate column. I want to use the row numbers as a reference in what to populate for the column. So a Column B looking something like
=$B$1 or =$B$2:$B$4 (took 1 and 2-4 and used it as row number for reference call)
Both columns are referencing a different sheet so please excuse any column naming.
I'm not sure if this is going to require VBA or if I can get away with just using a formula, I expect VBA due to desired specifics. I've looked at post like this and this. But neither of these fully encompass what I'm looking for. Especially since I want it to express all the contents in a $B$2:$B$4 case.
My intuition on how to solve this problem tells me, parse the string from Column A for the 1st number then check if it's the end of the string. If it is, feed it to the reference that populates Column B, if not then find the 2nd number and go through a loop that populates the cell (would prefer to keep all the content in one cell in this case) with each value for each reverence.
My question is how do I go about this? How do I parse the string? How do I generate the loop that will go through the necessary steps? Such as using the number as a reference to pull information from a different column and feed it neatly into yet another column.
If (for example) you have an address of $X2:$X$4 then
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = yourSheetReference.Range("$X2:$X$4")
If you want to map that to the same rows but column B then
Set rng = rng.Entirerow.Columns(2)
will do that. note: it's not so clear from your question whether you're mapping X>>B or B>>X.
Once you have the range you want you can loop over it:
For Each c in rng.Cells
'do something with cell "c"
next c
Something like this should work for you:
Sub Tester()
Dim shtSrc As Worksheet, c As Range, rng As Range, c2, v, sep
Set shtSrc = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") '<< source data sheet
Set c = ActiveSheet.Range("A2") '<<range addresses start here
'process addresses until ColA is empty
Do While c.Value <> ""
'translate range to (eg) Column X
Set rng = shtSrc.Range(c.Value).EntireRow.Columns(24)
sep = ""
v = ""
'build the value from the range
For Each c2 In rng.Cells
v = v & sep & c2.Value
sep = vbLf
Next c2
c.Offset(0, 1) = v '<< populate in colB
End Sub
Try this code:
Sub Test()
Dim fRng As Range ' the cell that has the formula
Set fRng = Worksheets("sheet1").Range("A1")
Dim tWS As Worksheet 'the worksheet that has the values you want to get
Set tWS = Worksheets("sheet2")
Dim r As Range
For Each r In Range(fRng.Formula).Rows
'Debug.Print r.Row ' this is the rows numbers
Debug.Print tWS.Cells(r.Row, "N").Value 'N is the column name
End Sub

Copy/Paste rows to matching named sheet

I have a worksheet "List" which has rows of data that I need to copy to other worksheets. In column "J" of "List", there is a name (Matthew, Mark, Linda, etc.) that designates who's data that row is.
Each of those names (22 in all) has a matching spreadsheet with the same name. I want all rows that say "Linda" in column "J" to paste to worksheet "Linda", all rows with "Matthew" to paste to worksheet "Matthew", etc.
I have some code below, which mostly works, but I'd have to rewrite it for all 22 names/sheets.
Is there a way to loop through all the sheets, pasting the rows with matching names? Also, the code below works really slowly, and I'm using data sets with anywhere from 200 to 60,000 rows that need sorted and pasted, which means that if its slow on a small data set like the one I'm currently working on, and only for one sheet, it's going to be glacially slow for the big data sets.
Sub CopyMatch()
Dim c As Range
Dim j As Integer
Dim Source As Worksheet
Dim Target As Worksheet
Set Source = Worksheets("List")
Set Target = Worksheets("Linda")
j = 4 ' Start copying to row 1 in target sheet
For Each c In Source.Range("J4:J1000") ' Do 1000 rows
If c = "Linda" Then
Source.Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j)
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
End Sub
Unless you've turned calculation off somewhere we can't see here, then every time you copy a row, Excel is recalculating - even if your sheets contain no formulas.
If you're not doing so already, simply putting:
before you start your loop and:
after exiting the loop will massively speed up your loop. For extra swank, you can use a variable to store the calculation setting before you turn it off and restore that setting at the end, e.g.
dim lCalc as long
lCalc = application.calculation
application.calculation = xlcalculationmanual
for ... next goes here
application.calculation = lCalc
Also consider other settings, e.g.: application.screenupdating=False|True.
Sort the data by the name you're selecting on, then by any other sorts you want. That way you can skip through any size sheet in 22 steps (since you say you have 22 names).
How you copy the data depends on preference and how much data there is. Copying one row at a time is economical on memory and pretty much guaranteed to work, but is slower. Or you can identify the top and bottom rows of each person's data and copy the whole block as a single range, at the risk of exceeding the memory available on large blocks in large sheets.
Assuming the value in your name column, for the range you're checking, is always one of the 22 names, then if you've sorted first by that column you can use the value in that column to determine the destination, e.g.:
dim sTarget as string
dim rng as range
sTarget = ""
For Each c In Source.Range("J4:J1000") ' Do 1000 rows
if c <> "" then ' skip empty rows
if c <> sTarget then ' new name block
sTarget = c
Set Target = Worksheets(c)
set rng = Target.cells(Target.rows.count, 10).end(xlup) ' 10="J"
j = rng.row + 1 ' first row below last name pasted
end if
Source.Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j)
j = j + 1
end if
This is economical of memory because you're going row by row, but still reasonably fast because you're only recalculating Target and resetting j when the name changes.
you could use:
Dictionary object to quickly build the list of unique names out of column J names
AutoFilter() method of Range object for filtering on each name:
as follows
Option Explicit
Sub CopyMatch()
Dim c As Range, namesRng As Range
Dim name As Variant
With Worksheets("List") '<--| reference "List" worskheet
Set namesRng = .Range("J4", .Cells(.Rows.count, "J").End(xlUp)) '<--| set the range of "names" in column "J" starting from row 4 down to last not empty row
End With
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") '<--| instance a 'Dictionary' object
For Each c In namesRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues) '<--| loop through "names" range cells with text content only
.item(c.Value) = c.Value '<--| build the unique list of names using dictionary key
Set namesRng = namesRng.Resize(namesRng.Rows.count + 1).Offset(-1) '<--| resize the range of "names" to have a "header" cell (not a name to filter on) in the first row
For Each name In .Keys '<--| loop through dictionary keys, i.e. the unique names list
FilterNameAndCopyToWorksheet namesRng, name '<--| filter on current name and copy to corresponding worksheet
End With '<--| release the 'Dictionary' object
End Sub
Sub FilterNameAndCopyToWorksheet(rangeToFilter As Range, nameToFilter As Variant)
Dim destsht As Worksheet
Set destsht = Worksheets(nameToFilter) '<--| set the worksheet object corresponding to passed name
With rangeToFilter
.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=nameToFilter
Intersect(.Parent.UsedRange, .Resize(.Rows.count - 1).Offset(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow).Copy destsht.Cells(destsht.Rows.count, "J").End(xlUp)
.Parent.AutoFilterMode = False
End With
End Sub

Is there a way to get the paste section of this code to cycle down one row at a time each time data is pasted?

My aim with this bit of code is to paste the contents of column D into a different Sheet if the contents in column N on the same row within the initial Sheet is = "REDUCE ONLY".
I'm struggling to find a way to paste all the entries into the second Sheet with no blank rows between them.
Currently I'm sorting the initial Sheet so all the REDUCE ONLY entries are in order at the top of the column N so they're ordered correctly in the output sheet but this isn't very robust if I get a different set of values to what's expected in column N. Is there a different way to phrase:
"cfdSht.Cells(c.Row - 1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues"
So far I've got:
Dim c As Range
Dim rCheck As Range
Dim LRMAIN As Long
Dim cfdSht As Worksheet
Dim mainSht As Worksheet
Set mainSht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set cfdSht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ProductSettingNgCfd")
''Set Last Row
LRMAIN = mainSht.Range("A2").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
''Set Range
Set rCheck = mainSht.Range("B2:N" & LRMAIN)
''Copy any value in column D where the value on the same row in column N is "REDUCE ONLY". Paste into second Sheet with starting point adjusted up 1 row.
For Each c In rCheck
If c.Value = "REDUCE ONLY" Then
mainSht.Cells(c.Row, 4).Copy
cfdSht.Cells(c.Row - 1, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End If
Replace this:
mainSht.Cells(c.Row, 4).Copy
cfdSht.Cells(c.Row - 1, 1)
With this
cfdSht.Cells(cfdSht.RowsCount, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1).value = mainSht.Cells(c.Row, 4).Value
The first part will start at the bottom of the sheet then go up to the first occupied cell then move one down to the first unoccupied cell.
I used the direct assign method, because it is less taxing on the process than copy and paste. As you were looking only for values this will just put the value of the one cell into the other.

Paste copied lists at the very end of a row

At the moment I’m only able to copy&paste stuff from one row.
I use the code below:
Dim lastRow As Long
With Sheets("Tab1")
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Columns(3)) <> 0 Then
lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row + 1
lastRow = 1
End If
.Range("C" & lastRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End With
My problem is that I need to copy and paste lists. Can someone show me how to use this code to copy&paste lists?
I wanted to copy more rows, like (A25:S25, A27:S27, A30:S30)
It should copy always the same rows.
There are two reasons for your code copying just one row:
The code selects just one row to copy
The select just on row to Paste
.Range("C" & lastRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues …
As it’s not clear if you want to copy several rows despite selecting just one or to copy that one row to several rows I’ll cover both options in order to give you an idea of what to do in both cases:
Setting the range to be copied
a. To copy just range B85:S85 one row only then what you are doing is correct
b. To copy X rows down from row 85 (including row 85)
c. To copy Y rows up from row 85 (including row 85)
Wbk.Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B85:S85").Offset(1-Y, 0).Resize(Y)
d. To copy the range bounded by any combination of blank rows and blank columns in which "B85:S85" is included (see Range.CurrentRegion Property (Excel))
Note that this will include also any rows above and below row 85 if they have at least one cell not blank that causes the "current region" to extend upwards or downwards and it will also include any columns to the left of columns B or to the right of column S if they have at least one cell not blank that causes the "current region" to extend sideways
This procedure demonstrates the options explained above:
Sub Range_Set()
Dim rSrc As Range
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Tabelle2")
'If want to copy just this row 85
Application.Goto .Cells(1), 1
Set rSrc = .Range("B85:S85")
rSrc.Select: Stop
'If want to copy 5 rows down from row 85 (including row 85)
Application.Goto .Cells(1), 1
Set rSrc = .Range("B85:S85").Resize(5)
rSrc.Select: Stop
'If want to copy 5 rows up from row 85 (including row 85)
Application.Goto .Cells(1), 1
Set rSrc = .Range("B85:S85").Offset(-4, 0).Resize(5)
rSrc.Select: Stop
'If want to copy then range bounded by any combination of blank rows and blank columns in which "B85:S85" is included
'This will include also any rows above and below row 85 if they have at least one cell not blank that causes the "current region" to extend upwards or downwards
'Also will include also any columns to the left of columns B or to the right of column S if they have at least one cell not blank that causes the "current region" to extend sideways
Application.Goto .Cells(1), 1
Set rSrc = .Range("B85:S85").CurrentRegion
rSrc.Select: Stop
End With
End Sub
Setting the range where the copy takes place
To copy the source range as it is, then just need to select the first cell of your target range and the paste.special will cover paste the target to all cells required as per the size all target cell. However is you want to copy range B85:S85’ to several cell then you need to select the target rows. For example if we want to copyB85:S85’ over five rows starting at C5 then we need to set the target range as
.Range("C12").Resize(5).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
As we are going to copy only the values of the source, I suggest to use the Range.Value property of the Range object instead of the Copy…Paste method. One advantage of using this property is to avoid the use of the Clipboard.
Try this code (select\adjust the options as per your requirements)
Sub Range_Value()
Dim Wbk As Workbook
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim rSrc As Range
Rem Declare Objects
Set Wbk = ThisWorkbook 'use this if procedure is resident in the wbk with the tables
'Set Wbk = Workbooks(WbkName) 'use this if procedure is not resident in the wbk with the tables - update wbk name
With Wbk.Sheets("Tab1")
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
Rem Set Copy Range
'since we are going to paste only values then we can save us from using the clippboard
'instaed create a range to replace the values of the target range with the values of this range
'Uncomment\Update the option needed according to you requirements
'for this test I'm using option b
'a. To copy just row 85
'Set rSrc = Wbk.Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B85:S85")
'b. To copy X rows down from row 85 (including row 85) X=5
Set rSrc = Wbk.Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B85:S85").Resize(5)
'c. To copy 5 rows up from row 85 (including row 85) Y=5
'Set rSrc = Wbk.Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B85:S85").Offset(-4, 0).Resize(5)
'd. To copy the range bounded by any combination of blank rows and blank columns in which "B85:S85" is included
'This will include also any rows above and below row 85 if they have at least one cell not blank that causes the "current region" to extend upwards or downwards
'Also will include also any columns to the left of columns B or to the right of column S if they have at least one cell not blank that causes the "current region" to extend sideways
'Set rSrc = Wbk.Sheets("Tabelle2").Range("B85:S85").CurrentRegion
' As mentioned before we won't use the clipboard
'instead we replace the values with the values of the target range created earlier
'however we need to extend the range to the same size of the source range
.Range("C" & lastRow + 1).Resize(rSrc.Rows.Count, rSrc.Columns.Count).Value = rSrc.Value2
End With
End Sub
Hope this is clear enough and helps you to make progress with you coding, nevertheless let me know of any questions you might have.
I'm not quite sure what you're looking for - but here' how to loop:
Sub test()
For i = 25 to 30
Range(Cells(i,20),Cells(i,39)).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Next i
End Sub
That copies A25:S25 and pastes to T25:AM25...Then A26:S26, pastes T26:AM26, etc. until row 31.
Well now that the requirements are disclosed, we have the opportunity to apply another method. Bear in mind that the fact that the source range contains multiple areas may give us the idea of series of repetitive "copy paste values" which makes the undesirable use of the clipboard, or a repetitive Range Values.
This time instead of setting the source range as an object (which still can be done) we'll use an Array variable to grab the values of the multi-areas range
to later enter them in the target range as a unified and continuous range in one step.
This procedure sets an array with the values of the source range areas and then sets the values of the array to the target range using the Range.Value property.
Sub Range_MultiAreas_CopyValue()
Const kRowIni As Long = 25
Dim Wbk As Workbook
Dim aRngSrc() As Variant
Dim lRowLst As Long, l As Long, b As Byte
Rem Declare Objects
Set Wbk = ThisWorkbook
Rem Set Array with rows to copy as value
With Wbk.Sheets("Tabelle2")
l = kRowIni
For b = 1 To 30
If .Range("V" & l).Value2 = 0 Then
Rem Resize Array
On Error Resume Next
ReDim Preserve aRngSrc(1 + UBound(aRngSrc))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then ReDim Preserve aRngSrc(1)
On Error GoTo 0
Rem Set Row Values In Array
aRngSrc(UBound(aRngSrc)) = .Cells(l, 2).Resize(, 16).Value2
Rem Increase Row Pointer
l = l + 2
End If: Next: End With
Rem Reset Arrays Structure
With WorksheetFunction
aRngSrc = .Transpose(.Transpose(aRngSrc))
End With
Rem Let Array Values in Target Range
With Wbk.Sheets("Tab1")
lRowLst = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lRowLst = IIf(.Cells(1, 1) = Empty, 1, lRowLst + 1)
.Cells(lRowLst, 1).Resize(UBound(aRngSrc, 1), UBound(aRngSrc, 2)).Value = aRngSrc
End With
End Sub
Once again let me know of any question you might have about the resources used.
As it is not possible to Copy more than one row at once when gaps are between as siddharth rout said we tried to bypass the problem with looping through every signle row which should be copiedand added an if query.
This code is working and i am using "him" now
j = 0
For i = 1 To 30
With Sheets("Arbeiter-Tage")
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Columns(1)) <> 0 Then
lastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
lastRow = 1
End If
If ActiveSheet.Range("V" & 25 + j).Value = 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & 25 + j & ":" & "Q" & 25 + j).Copy
.Range("A" & lastRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End If
End With
j = j + 2

Macro: Given row X copy specific cells from that row to a new sheet

I am working on a way to generate a list based on the value of each row in a given column (G). Currently the list can copy entire rows and works perfectly. It pulls all rows if column G contains the required text ("Card") and puts them in a list on another spreadsheet with no gaps.
The problem is that I want the list to only contain information from a few columns in each row containing "Card", not the whole row.
Is there a way to make my code below pull specific cells from a row rather than using the .EntireRow function and copy the whole row?
To clarify, this spreadsheet is updated regularly by multiple different users so the information is not static. Rows are added and changed frequently and occasionally deleted. As such I cannot just copy cell values from the original sheet to the new list.
Sub AlonsoApprovedList()
Dim cell As Range
Dim NewRange As Range
Dim MyCount As Long
Dim ExistCount As Long
ExistCount = 0
MyCount = 1
'----For every cell in row G on the ESI Project Data sheet----'
For Each cell In Worksheets("ESI Project Data").Range("G6:G5000")
If cell.Value = "Card" Then
ExistCount = ExistCount + 1
If MyCount = 1 Then Set NewRange = cell.Offset(0, -1)
'----Sets up a new range to copy all data from the row if column G in that row contains the value in question----'
Set NewRange = Application.Union(NewRange, cell.EntireRow)
MyCount = MyCount + 1
End If
Next cell
If ExistCount > 0 Then
NewRange.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Alonso Approved List").Range("A3")
End If
End Sub
Additional information:
Column G drop down data validation lists containing one several
items. A complete list is in a different worksheet. Users go in to
each line item and select from a specific category.
The other columns in question contain a line item's name, category
(same as column G), a monetary value, and a date.
The code above loops through a list in the "ESI Project Data" Worksheet and detects rows by the value in cell G. It currently copies the whole row every time a key word is in cell G ("Card") in this example. I am using it to generate individual lists grouped by that key word. I just want it to pull individual cells, not use the .EntireRow function as it currently does. I do not know how to do that.
Thank you for your time!
Sub AlonsoApprovedList()
Dim cell As Range
Dim rngDest As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim arrColsToCopy
arrColsToCopy = Array(1, 3, 4, 5)
'----For every cell in row G on the ESI Project Data sheet----'
Set rngDest = Worksheets("Alonso Approved List").Range("A3")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each cell In Worksheets("ESI Project Data").Range("G6:G5000").Cells
If cell.Value = "Card" Then
For i = LBound(arrColsToCopy) To UBound(arrColsToCopy)
With cell.EntireRow
.Cells(arrColsToCopy(i)).Copy rngDest.Offset(0, i)
End With
Next i
Set rngDest = rngDest.Offset(1, 0) 'next destination row
End If
Next cell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
hello is there a code that I can use to copy specific cells to another workbook by clicking a button.
here's what I am trying to do,
from workbook 1 I need to copy info from the following cells
I have Column B info on cell A40 to A69
I have Column B info on cell b2, b3, b4, b8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 and b40 to b69
I have column D info on cells b2,
I have column G info on cell b1,b2,b3,b4
all this I need to send it to workbook2 which has the same cells assigned to this specific info.
hope I made my self clear.