Error when creating MFP adapter - ibm-mobilefirst

Getting error when trying to create MFP Http adapter in MFP 8.0.
Please find the error below.
No plugin found for prefix 'archetype' in the current project and in
the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo]
available from the repositories [local (C:\Users\\.m2\repository),
central (]

You are not able to download maven dependencies through CLI.
Might be you are under proxy or network issue that blocking maven urls.


Unable to deploy custom Mule Connector to Anypoint Exchange

I built a custom mule connector using Mule SDK and tested with Anypoint Studio. When I tried to deploy the Mulesoft Exchange using mvn deploy after updating the pom.xml file with Organization details, I'm running into the following Unauthorized error. Could someone point out what's causing this issue or a way to fix this?
Here is my POM.xml file:
Here is the error when running mvn deploy:
There is something wrong in your pom. Maven is trying to deploy to one of MuleSoft repositories, not to Exchange. Note the URL in the error doesn't match the one in the distributionManagement section.
Did you set the groupId to the org id? It doesn't look like it in the error.
Be sure to follow all the steps in the instructions:

IBM MFP8 Oracle Binary Issue

IBM MFP 8, Javascript SQL Adapter, in my POM.xml
I have added the dependency for Oracle library and build is successful, working fine..
But In Code review, Getting a critical error as
Update this scope and remove the "systemPath"
How to resolve the same ?
Its a maven error which you are getting as you have added the library directly as a dependency.
You can solve this by adding the Oracle library to your local maven repository and add it as maven dependency in POM file. Alternatively (better option) specify the proper repository (if one exists) so it can be automatically downloaded by maven.

Unable to download spring security related maven dependencies for a Cloud Foundry application

I am trying to deploying CF application available as the part of OpenSap course from this GitHub URL . When I do maven clean install, I got the error as in the screenshot.It tells that it is unable to download some maven dependencies.Any solution to this issue?
There is a partial answer as these Maven dependencies are not available no longer. Please refer this blog for an alternative fix.

Deploying appfuse app on cloudbees as war

I have appfuse maven project , is it better to deploy it using Click start Tomcat or as a Jenkin Maven project? I have tried both but it does not seem to be working in any ways. I have created database and bound it to the app. still it gives error for spring bean creation etc. Can anyone help in this scenario?
If I would need to deploy my appfuse maven application on CloudBees platform, I will try two different ways:
Use the Tomcat 7 Maven ClickStart as a template changing the SCM to your repo.
Use the CloudBees SDK to deploy your application.
In this last case, you just need to generate your .war file, in case you use maven, launching:
mvn clean package
And then you can deploy your application from the CLoudBees SDK using:
bees app:deploy -t tomcat7 -a APPID MYFILE.war
You say that when you deploy your application it gives error for spring bean creation. However, you don't attach any stacktrace to your question, so it is difficult to do any kind of diagnosis on our end.

Has anyone tried to deploy artifacts to Rational Asset Manager

I am experimenting the use of Rational Asset Manager to store our binaries and/or build artifacts. I am running a mvn deploy command to deploy my build artifacts to RAM. Although it recognizes the connection its throwing me a Http status code: 500 error.
I have also checked RAM logs for more information but i don't see any specific exception. All the examples or documents out on internet says we have to configure RTC build engine to run the builds.
I just want to know if anyone have tried publishing to RAM from command line using Mvn deploy ( without using RTC client ) ? is this do-able?
If you have successfully published artifacts to RAM using maven, can you please elaborate on how you did it?
It seems to be possible, if you follow the steps described in:
"Creating and using Maven assets", and
"Deploying from Maven to assets":
Before you can use Maven assets, a repository administrator must enable the Maven model library. For more information, see Enabling the Maven library.
The mvn client can integrate with Rational Asset Manager, using Rational Asset Manager as a Maven repository.
Before you deploy from Maven to Rational Asset Manager, you must add a repository entry to the pom.xml file on the computer where you plan to run the mvn client. See Creating and using Maven assets for more information.
I was able to deploy the artifact using mvn deploy after changing the following things in RAM
Pointed to a JRE version in RAM ( originally was pointing to JDK
version) and
Changed permissions for my role for saving my artifacts
in RAM ("save Work Item") Reference