PhpStorm excluding folders from test source - testing

I'm using PHPUnit to run tests in PhpStorm. The tests source folder has been set that when right clicking the folder, PhpStorm runs all the tests in that folder. However there is one folder of tests that I don't want to run when right clicking "run tests".
I've removed that folder from the testsuite in the phpunit.xml so that it doesn't run specific tests from the terminal, however they still run when right clicking on the folder.
Is there any way to exclude a folder from the test sources in PhpStorm or is it simply not possible?

If you don't need specific files, but you don't want to completely remove them, you can temporarily exclude these files from the project. Excluded files are ignored by code completion, navigation and inspections.
To exclude a file, you need to mark it as a plain text file. You can always return excluded files to their original state.
Right-click the necessary file in the directory tree of the
Project tool window.
Select Mark as Plain Text from the menu. Plain text files are
marked with the plain text icon icon in the directory tree.
To revert the changes, right-click the file and select Mark as from the menu.
Here is the source :
Peace !


How to stop files inside moved directories (and newly created files) from automatically opening in editor (PyCharm 2020.1)

I am using PyCharm 2020.1. When I create a new file, PyCharm automatically opens it in the editor. Also when I move a directory, PyCharm opens all the files inside the directory in the editor.
Sometimes it's tens of files opened at once. This behavior is frustrating and I would like to turn it off, but have not been able to find where in Preferences to do so.
Someone please help me figure out how to stop newly created files and files inside moved folders from automatically opening in editor. Thanks.
I don't think you can't open a new file via PyCharm, unless you create it via the Terminal tab on the bottom, for example:
When you move a directory into a new directory, there should be a checkmark on a popup saying "Open moved files in editor", so you probably have that checked.

IntelliJ is hiding folder in project window mentioned in .gitignore file, how to show that folder in project window?

ignoring build folder does not show it in project window.
commenting .gradle in .gitignore does show it in project windows.
I want to show both .gradle and build folders in project windows but I also want to include them in .gitignore file.
Right click on a directory in the project view and make sure Hide ignored files option is not enabled.
This feature is provided by a third-party .ignore plug-in. IntelliJ IDEA doesn't hide ignored files out of the box.
Note: If you don't see the .gitignore-d files, then try clicking this option regardless of its label in this menu. Sometimes because of a bug the entry says "hide" but clicking it actually shows the hidden files.
Some updates to .ignore plugin suggested in this answer.
IntelliJ now suggests installing foldable-projectview
This plugin really provides flexible configuration options.

Jetbrains - Include ignored files when committing

I'm working on quite a large modular project in Webstorm. The js code is compiled with Babel to ./dist folder, so are the assets like html templates and other files.
I would like to EXCLUDE ./dist since when I do a global search of "Navigate to Symbol/Class/etc", I don't want results from ./dist to be shown, so I mark the ./dist folder as excluded.
BUT due to the workflow and the modularity (projects are modules loaded with jspm), I need to commit changed ./dist into VCS (Git). This is our workflow and I can't do anything about that.
The problem:
When I click "Commit changes" I don't see the newly changed files in ./dist when I exclude this folder. Clicking on "Refresh changes" doesn't help.
Can I solve this issue somehow?
The ./dist directory is NOT in .gitignore
You shouldn't exclude this directory from vcs, if you want or need to have it under version control. But for setting the directory, where IDE shouldn't search, you should set up IDE.
You have to remove your directory from git ignore or what ever, and set up ContentRoot in your IDE. I'm using PhpStorm and IntelijIdea, but the settings are common for all JetBrains Products.
Here is the part of JetBrains instruction :
To have files or folders excluded by name
1. Do one of the following: – Open the Settings dialog box, and click Deployment, then click Options below the Deployment node .
– Choose Tools | Deployment | Options on the main menu.
2. In the Options dialog box that opens, specify the patterns that define the names of these files and folders in the Exclude items by name text box. Use semicolons as delimiters. Wildcards are welcome.
The exclusion is applied recursively. This means that if a matching folder has subfolders, the contents of these subfolders are not deployed either.
So , you can read this : exclude files and restore the settings, and after that, use the next link, to set up the root directory.
Here is the instruction from JetBrains : JetBrains-Content Root

IntelliJ Macro for external tool (compass)

I am trying to integrate the use of the compass scss framework in intellij. For that I created a new external tool in a group named "My Tools".
Under "Program" I entered the path to the compass.bat file, "Parameters" is "watch". For "Working directory I entered
at first, but this is kind of ugly because the folder with the config.rb is not always in the same directory-structure... Is there any way to enter a Macro for a selected folder in the project tree of IntelliJ so I can start "compass watch" via context menu in the selected folder?
I changed the "Working directory" to "$FilePrompt$" now which is a better solution than the first one, but I still have to point to the directory with the config.rb and I want it to be selected via right click in the Project Tree...
$FileDir$ should do the thing
You can also try configuring a file watcher for compass - see this thread for details

IDEA: How do I see subdirectories in an empty project?

I wish to use IDEA to edit a directory full of files of no particular type. So, I create a new project of type Empty Project and point it at my directory.
The project view now shows the files in the directory itself. But, it doesn't show any subdirectories. This is very strange.
Even more strangely, I can still use New -> Directory to create a new directory. From the command line I can see that the directory has been created; but, from within IDEA, it's still not appearing.
What's going on here? And, more importantly, how can I actually get it to show me my subdirectories?
This is IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.1. I did find IntelliJ does not show project folders, which sounds similar. But, it is referring to a different version of IDEA and they're not using an Empty Project. So, I don't think it's relevant.
In IntelliJ, you have to create at least one module. As CrazyCoder said in the comments, adding a module sets the root folder of what to display in the Project pane.
Here are steps that I took to show empty folders.
In a terminal window
mkdir one
mkdir one/two
mkdir one/two/three
mkdir one/two/three/four
In Intellij 15.0.2, I created a new project, selected Empty Project and set the Project Location to the one folder.
After creating the project, IntelliJ prompts me with a Project Structure dialog with Modules selected in the navigation tree. I clicked the '+' button in the middle pane to add a module. I chose Static Web as the module type to prevent creation of an additional src folder. I set the Content root and the Module file location of the module to the same one folder.
I clicked Finish and then Ok. This gave me this structure