Different ways of updating bigquery table - google-bigquery

In gcp, I need to update a bigquery table whenever a file (multiple formats such as json,xml) gets uploaded into a bucket. I have two options but not sure what are the pros/cons of each of them. Can someone suggest which is a better solution and why?
Approach 1 :
File uploaded to bucket --> Trigger Cloud Function (which updates the bigquery table) -->Bigquery
Approach 2:
File uploaded to bucket --> Trigger Cloud Function (which triggers a dataflow job) -->Dataflow-->Bigquery.
In production env, which approach is better suited and why? If there are alternative approaches,pls let me know.

This is quite a broad question, so I wouldn't be surprised if it gets voted to be closed. That said however, I'd always go #2 (GCS -> CF -> Dataflow -> BigQuery).
Remember, with Cloud Funtions there is a max execution time. If you kick off a load job from the Cloud Function, you'll need to bake logic into it to poll and check the status (load jobs in BigQuery are async). If it fails, you'll need to handle it. But, what if it's still running and you hit the max execution of your Cloud Function?
At least by using Dataflow, you don't have the problem of max execution times and you can simply rerun your pipeline if it fails for some transient reason e.g. network issues.


BigQuery handling dependencies and retries in query scheduling

I'm looking for some best (simplest;)) practices here.
I have Google Analytics data that is send to BigQuery on a daily basis. I have a query running on a daily basis that uses the data from the previous day's table.
However, I can't be sure this table and the data is there at the time the query runs and I'd like to check if it does. If it isn't there I want to retry later.
Ideally I have some monitoring/alerting around this as well.
Of course this can be done within the Google Cloud in many ways, I'm looking for some best practices how others do this?
I'm used to working with Airflow, but using Composer just for this seems a bit over the top. Cloud Run would be an option and I'm sure there are others. Also I've seen this question discussing how to handle a dependency in SQL, I'm just not sure if I could have it retry using just SQL as well?
I've got the check for the table working in SQL. I guess I just have to see if BigQuery has a way to build in delay like 'WAITFOR'

Dataflow: Can I write continuously/stream write to BigQuery with batch job?

I can't seem to find any documentation about this. I have an apache-beam pipeline that takes some information, formats it into TableRows and then writes to BigQuery.
[+] The problem:
The rows are not written to BigQuery until the Dataflow job finishes. If I have a Dataflow job that takes a long time I'd like to be able to see the rows being inserted into BigQuery, can anybody point me the right direction?
Thanks in advance
Since you're working in batch mode, data need to be written at the same time in the same table. If you're working with partitions, all data belonging to a partition need to be written at the same time. That's why the insertion is done last.
Please note that the WriteDisposition is very important when you work in batches because either you append data, or truncate. But does this distinction make sense for streaming pipelines ?
In java, you can specify the Method of insertion with the following function :
I've not tested it, but I believe it should work as expected. Also note that streaming inserts to BigQuery are not free of charge.
Depending on how complex your initial transform+load operation is, you could just use the big query driver to do streaming inserts into the table from your own worker pool, rather than loading it in via a dataflow job explicitly.
Alternatively, you could do smaller batches:
N Independent jobs each loading TIME_PERIOD/N amounts of data

BigQuery best approach for ETL (external tables and views vs Dataflow)

CSV files get uploaded to some FTP server (for which I don't have SSH access) in a daily basis and I need to generate weekly data that merges those files with transformations. That data would go into a history table in BQ and a CSV file in GCS.
My approach goes as follows:
Create a Linux VM and set a cron job that syncs the files from the
FTP server with a GCS bucket (I'm using GCSFS)
Use an external table in BQ for each category of CSV files
Create views with complex queries that transform the data
Use another cron job to create a table with the historic data and also the CSV file on a weekly basis.
My idea is to remove as much middle processes as I can and to make the implementation as easy as possible, including dataflow for ETL, but I have some questions first:
What's the problem with my approach in terms of efficiency and money?
Is there anything DataFlow can provide that my approach can't?
any ideas about other approaches?
BTW, I ran into one problem that might be fixable by parsing the csv files myself rather than using external tables, which is invalid characters, like the null char, so I can get rid of them, while as an external table there is a parsing error.
Probably your ETL will be simplified by Google DataFlow Pipeline batch execution job. Upload your files to the GCS bucket. For transforming use pipeline transformation to strip null values and invalid character (or whatever your need is). On those transformed dataset use your complex queries like grouping it by key, aggregating it (sum or combine) and also if you need side inputs data-flow provides ability to merge other data-sets into the current the data-set too. Finally the transformed output can written to BQ or you can write your own custom implementation for writing those results.
So the data-flow gives you very high flexibility to your solution, you can branch the pipeline and work differently on each branch with same data-set. And regarding the cost, if you run your batch job with three workers, which is the default that should not be very costly, but again if you just want to concentrate on your business logic and not worry about the rest, google data-flow is pretty interesting and its very powerful if used wisely.
Data-flow helps you to keep everything on a single plate and manage them effectively. Go through its pricing and determine if it could be the best fit for you (your problem is completely solvable with google data-flow), Your approach is not bad but needs extra maintenance with those pieces.
Hope this helps.
here are a few thoughts.
If you are working with a very low volume of data then your approach may work just fine. If you are working with more data and need several VMs, dataflow can automatically scale up and down the number of workers your pipeline uses to help it run more efficiently and save costs.
Also, is your linux VM always running? Or does it only spin up when you run your cron job? A batch Dataflow job only runs when it needed, which also helps to save on costs.
In Dataflow you could use TextIO to read each line of the file in, and add your custom parsing logic.
You mention that you have a cron job which puts the files into GCS. Dataflow can read from GCS, so it would probably be simplest to keep that process around and have your dataflow job read from GCS. Otherwise you would need to write a custom source to read from your FTP server.
Here are some useful links:

Inserting into BigQuery via load jobs (not streaming)

I'm looking to use Dataflow to load data into BigQuery tables using BQ load jobs - not streaming (streaming would cost too much for our use case). I see that the Dataflow SDK has built in support for inserting data via BQ streaming, but I wasn't able to find anything in the Dataflow SDK that supports load jobs out of the box.
Some questions:
1) Does the Dataflow SDK have OOTB support for BigQuery load job inserts? If not, is it planned?
2) If I need to roll my own, what are some good approaches?
If I have to roll my own, performing a BQ load job using Google Cloud Storage is a multi step process - write the file to GCS, submit the load job via the BQ API, and (optionally) check the status until the job has completed (or failed). I'd hope I could use the existing TextIO.write() functionality to write to GCS, but I'm not sure how I'd compose that step with the subsequent call to the BQ API to submit the load job (and optionally the subsequent calls to check the status of the job until it's complete).
Also, I'd be using Dataflow in streaming mode, with windows of 60 seconds - so I'd want to do the load job every 60 seconds as well.
I'm not sure which version of Apache Beam you are using, but now it's possible to use a micro-batching tactic using a Stream Pipeline. If you decide one way or another you can use something like this:
.apply("Saving in batches", BigQueryIO.writeTableRows()
Things to keep in mind
There are 2 different methods: FILE_LOADS and STREAMING_INSERT, if you use the first one you need to include the withTriggeringFrequency and withNumFileShards. For the first one, from my experience, is better to use minutes and the number will depend on the amount of throughput data. If you receive quite a lot try to keep it small, I have seen "stuck errors" when you increase it too much. The shards can affect mostly your GCS billing, if you add to much shards it will create more files per table per x amount of minutes.
If your input data size is not so big the streaming insert can work really well and the cost shouldn't be a big deal. In that scenario you can use STREAMING_INSERT method and remove the withTriggeringFrequency and withNumFileShards. Also, you can add withFailedInsertRetryPolicy like InsertRetryPolicy.retryTransientErrors() so no rows are being lost (keep in mind that idempotency is not guaranteed with STREAM_INSERTS, so duplication is possible)
You can check your Jobs in BigQuery and validate that everything is working! Keep in mind the policies for jobs with BigQuery (I think is 1000 jobs per table) when you are trying to define triggering frequency and shards.
Note: You can always read this article about efficient aggregation pipelines https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/data-analytics/how-to-efficiently-process-both-real-time-and-aggregate-data-with-dataflow
BigQueryIO.write() always uses BigQuery load jobs when the input PCollection is bounded. If you'd like it to also use them if it is unbounded, specify .withMethod(FILE_LOADS).withTriggeringFrequency(...).

Automatic Hive or Cascading for ETL in AWS-EMR

I have a large dataset residing in AWS S3. This data is typically a transactional data (like calling records). I run a sequence of Hive queries to continuously run aggregate and filtering condtions to produce a couple of final compact files (csvs with millions of rows at max).
So far with Hive, I had to manually run one query after another (as sometimes some queries do fail due to some problems in AWS or etc).
I have so far processed 2 months of data so far using manual means.
But for subsequent months, I want to be able to write some workflow which will execute the queries one by one, and if should a query fail , it will rerun it again. This CANT be done by running hive queries in bash.sh file (my current approach at least).
hive -f s3://mybucket/createAndPopulateTableA.sql
hive -f s3://mybucket/createAndPopulateTableB.sql ( this might need Table A to be populated before executing).
Alternatively, I have been looking at Cascading wondering whether it might be the solution to my problem and it does have Lingual, which might fit the case. Not sure though, how it fits into the AWS ecosystem.
The best solution, is if there is some hive query workflow process, it would be optimal. Else what other options do I have in the hadoop ecosystem ?
I am looking at Oozie now, though facing a sh!tload of issues setting up in emr. :(
You can use AWS Data Pipeline:
AWS Data Pipeline helps you easily create complex data processing workloads that are fault tolerant, repeatable, and highly available
You can configure it to do or retry some actions when a script fails, and it support Hive scripts : http://docs.aws.amazon.com/datapipeline/latest/DeveloperGuide/dp-object-hiveactivity.html