I need to read values (text) from a configuration file named .env and assign them to variables so I can use them later in my program.
The .env file contains name/value pairs and looks something like this:
ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_ONE = AC9157847d72b1aa5370fdef36786863d9
ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_TWO = 73cad721b8cad6718d469acc42ffdb1f
What I have tried so far
Red [
contents: read/lines %.env
env-one: first contents
env-two: second contents
env-three: third contents
print env-one ; ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_ONE = AC9157847d72b1aa5370fdef36786863d9
print env-two ; ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_ONE = 73cad721b8cad6718d469acc42ffdb1f
print env-three ; ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_ONE = +13335557777
What I'm looking for
print env-one ; AC9157847d72b1aa5370fdef36786863d9
print env-two ; 73cad721b8cad6718d469acc42ffdb1f
print env-three ; +13335557777
How do I continue or change my code and parse these strings such as the env- variables will contain just the values?
env-one: skip find first contents " = " 3
See help for find and skip
Another solution using parse could be:
foreach [word value] parse read %.env [collect some [keep to "=" skip keep to newline skip]] [set load word trim value]
This one will add the words to the global context ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_ONE will be AC9157847d72b1aa5370fdef36786863d9 and so on.
I am a complete beginner to Microsoft PowerShell, but I have worked with C++, Java, and C#. I was working on this small script for my job, and I came across a strange issue that is likely due to me not properly understanding how ranges work. This script is supposed to open up an Excel workbook, search each sheet for a name, and give the names that match along with their information. The problem is when I set the range again to search for the starting column index of information (in this case, the column to the right of the column labeled "Description"), it breaks the range when it searches for more than one match of the same last name.
I have a do-while loop that uses worksheet.range.entirerow.findnext() so that I can find multiple with the same last name. This works until I used a new range, worksheet.range.entirecolumn.find(). This is my latest code of what I tried, but I have already tried hardcoding $Range to 5 (which worked, but I want it to be dynamic) or used a new variable $RowRange (which didn't fix the issue). If I understood correctly, the range is like the current selection of two or more cells, so why can I not reset it or use a new variable? It does not loop, so I only keep finding the first name in each sheet.
P.S. As a side question, I had an issue of shutting down the process of this excel document I want to open in the background without shutting down other Excel workbooks. For some reason, using Get-Process EXCEL | Stop-Process -Force; shuts down ALL of my open workbooks. I commented it out, but I'm worried about the process not quite ending when it's done executing this code.
# Prepare output file for results
$FileName = "TEST";
$OutputFile = "Results.txt";
Remove-Item $OutputFile;
New-Item $OutputFile -ItemType file;
$Writer = [System.IO.StreamWriter] $OutputFile;
Write-Host Starting...
# Start up Excel
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application;
$File = $FileName + ".xlsx";
# Prompt user for last name of person to search for (and write to the Results.txt output file)
Write-Host Search for users in each region by their last name.
$SearchLastName = Read-Host -Prompt "Please input the person's last name";
Write-Host Searching for person...;
$Writer.WriteLine("Name Search: " + $SearchLastName);
# Then open it without it being made visible to the user
$Excel.Visible = $false;
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $true;
# For each worksheet, or tab, search for the name in the first column (last names)
$Excel.Worksheets | ForEach-Object{
$Range = $_.Range("A1").EntireColumn;
# Note: To search for text in the ENTIRETY of a cell, need to use the find method's lookat
# parameter (use 1). Otherwise, if searching for Smith, Nesmith also gets detected.
$SearchLast = $Range.find($SearchLastName,[Type]::Missing,[Type]::Missing,1);
$Writer.WriteLine($_.name + ": ");
if ($SearchLast -ne $null) {
$FirstRow = $SearchLast.Row;
do {
# If a first name was found, get the first name too
$FirstName = $_.Cells.Item($SearchLast.Row, $SearchLast.Column + 1).value();
# Then display in proper order
$Writer.WriteLine(" " + $SearchLast.value() + "," + $FirstName);
# From here, find the relevant information on that person
# Search for the column labeled "Description", the starting column is the next one, ending column is the number of used columns
$BeginCol = $_.Range("A1").EntireRow.find("Description",[Type]::Missing,[Type]::Missing,1).Column + 1;
$MaxColumns = $_.UsedRange.Columns.Count;
# Check each column for relevant information. If there are no extra rows after "Description" just skip
for ($i = $BeginCol; $i -le $MaxColumns; $i++) {
# The information of the current cell, found by the row of the name and the current row
$CurrentCell = $_.Cells.Item($SearchLast.Row, $i);
# Only add the description if it exists.
if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CurrentCell.value2))) {
$Description = $_.Cells.Item(1,$i).text();
# Concatenate the description with it's information.
$Display = " - (" + $Description + ": " + $CurrentCell.text() + ")";
# Display the information
# Keep searching that name in the current workbook until it finds no more
$SearchLast = $Range.FindNext($SearchLast);
} while (($SearchLast -ne $null) -and ($SearchLast.Row -ne $FirstRow));
} else {
$Writer.WriteLine("Not Found");
# Cleaning up the environment
# Force quit the Excel process after quitting
# Get-Process EXCEL | Stop-Process -Force;
# Then remove the $Excel com object to ready it for garbage collection
# Then, open up the Results.txt file
Invoke-Item Results.txt;
I'm having this PHP-script:
$old_path = getcwd();
$term1 = $_POST['query1'];
$term2 = $_POST['query2'];
$var = "{$term1} {$term2}";
$outcome = shell_exec("searcher $var");
echo "<pre>$outcome</pre>";
On a searchpage two searchwords are written and the searchbutton is pushed. The search result turns up as a webpage like this:
The result shows links to individual PDF-files and pagenumber in that file, but are not clickable.
Is there a way to make these links clickable so that it opens up for instance in Evince or Acrobat at the correct page number?
Many thanks in advance.
I found a correct answer to my problem. It took some time, but here it is:
// Get current working directory and put it as variable
$old_path = getcwd();
// Change directory
// Create first variable as result of first searchword on searchpage
$term1 = $_POST['query1'];
// Create second variable as result of second searchword on searchpage
$term2 = $_POST['query2'];
// Create a variable combining first AND second variable
$var = "{$term1} {$term2}";
// Create a variable as the result of the executed search using command "sokare" and variable "$var"
$outcome = shell_exec("sokare $var");
// Return to starting directory
// Split the varible "$outcome" per line representing every page in PDF-file where variable "$var" is found
foreach(preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $outcome) as $line){
// Create a variable out of the given pagenumber in PDF-file
$end = substr($line, strpos($line, ":") + 1);
// Trim the line by removing leading directories from line
$line2 = str_replace('/var/www/html', '', $line);
// Change a string from lower to upper case
$line2 = str_replace('searchtools', 'SEARCHTOOLS', $line2);
// Remove the colon and anything behind it from line
$line2 = array_shift(explode(':', $line2));
// Add suffix to line to facilitate linking to pagenumber in PDF-file
$line3 = str_replace(" ", "_", $line2).'#page=';
// Add pagenumber from the variable "$end"
$line3 = str_replace(" ", "_", $line3).$end;
// Print each line as a correct URL-link
echo "<pre><a href=$line3>$line3</a></pre>";
The search results will now turn up as (and are clickable):
Just a small edit. The line ....
// Add suffix to line to facilitate linking to pagenumber in PDF-file
$line3 = str_replace(" ", "_", $line2).'#page=';
...works better with:
// Add suffix to line to facilitate linking to pagenumber in PDF-file
if (substr($line2, -3) == 'pdf') {
$line3 = $line2.'#page=';
So this is my function which is meant to read the lines of text from a file.
This is extracted from a larger program hence some of the comments may seem out of place. Anyways I need to use the functions text and file_lines in numerous other functions but even after declaring them as global I still get the UnboundLocalError: local variable 'file_lines' referenced before assignment error and I don't know what to do.
import sys
text = []
case = ''
file_lines = []
def read_file(file): # function to read a file and split it into lines
global text #sets variable text as a global variable for use in multiple locations
global case #handles case sensitivity.
try: #tests the statement after colon
print('oops no file found bearing that name')
while file == '': #if the file name is blank print error, this prevents program from crashing
print ('error')
filename = input('enter a file and its extension ie file.ext\n>>')
with open(file) as f : #opens filewith name
text = f.read() #read all lines of program text.
print ("file successfully read")
text = text.split('\n')# breaks lines in file into list instead of using ".readlines"
# so that the program doesn't count blank lines
case == True
global file_lines
file_lines = text
a function that tries to use the read_lines variable would be
def find_words(words):
line_num = 0 # to count the line number
number_of_word = 0
if case == False:
words = words.lower()
file_lines = [file_lines.lower() for file_lines in text]
while "" in file_lines:
for lines in file_lines:
line_num += 1
if words in lines: #checks each for the words being looks for
print(line_num,"...", text[line_num-1])
number_of_word = 1
if number_of_word == 0: #to check if the word is located in the file
print('Words not found')
In your function find_words you forgot to specify that find_lines is global. Try
def find_words(words):
global file_lines
line_num = 0 # to count the line number
The function errors because file_lines is not defined within the scope of find_words otherwise.
Two part question.
First, how can i change this(i've tried using 'for' but i cant figure it out) so that it saves like;
'key value' instead of '{key: value}'.
with open("phonebook.txt", "w") as x:
json.dump(a, x)
Second, how do you delete from a file by using the users input.
I cannot see a way of changing this to delete from file instead of the dict 'a';
name = input("enter name of contact you want to delete: ")
if name in a:
del a[name]
EDIT. This is what ive done now but it doesnt do whats expected ( i also tried adding the .readlines where x is but it just gets errors.
def save(a):
with open("phonebook.txt", "w") as x:
for k in a:
json.dump(str(k)+" "+str(a[k]), x)
def load():
a = {}
with open("phonebook.txt", "r") as f:
for l in f:
a[l[0]] = l[1]
print (a)
def save works fine (as far as i can see anyway)
Also i have tried c = l.split() and a[c[0]] = c[1]. Just doesnt want to work !
First part
That's not JSON format. Do not use it if you need something else. Use plain text files, like
with open("phonebook.txt","w") as file :
for key, value in a.items() :
file.write(str(key)+" "+str(value))
Second part
It looks you loaded the file into dictionary a. In that case, you just need to write dictionary a back to the file after deleting. If you have not loaded the file into the dictionary yet, you can do it with:
a= {}
with open("phonebook.txt") as file :
for line in file.readlines() :
content= line.split()
a[content[0]]= content[1]
import pyPdf
f= open('jayabal_appt.pdf','rb')
pdfl = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(f)
output = pyPdf.PdfFileWriter()
for i in range(0,1):
content += pdfl.getPage(i).extractText() + "\n"
outpu = open('b.txt','wb')
This is not writing the content of a pdf to a txt file... what shld i do???
Iterate through every page and call extractText() like so:
content = ""
for i in range(0, num_pages):
content += pdfl.getPage(i).extractText() + "\n"
Once you have the full contents you can easily split the lines via the '\n' separator.
Check after the for-loop, whether the variable contents even contains any text. Not all PDF files contain text information.