First Request, response "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT" - api

We are experiencing a problem where we have incurred all request
error_message "You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API."
routes []
Our metrics haven't reported any issues. I am curious how and why these errors are being created.
My account is new and is not in production, we're just testing and ours metrics indicate 22 requests...


Stress Test hit an HTTP error 400 during stress test with 600 threads

i'm doing Stress Test for my API for two endpoint. First is /api/register and second is /api/verify_tac/
request body on /api/register is
"provider_id": "",
"user_id": ${random},
"secure_word": "Aa123456",
"id_type": "0",
"id_number": "${id_number}",
"full_name": "test",
"gender": "F",
"dob": "2009/11/11",
"phone_number": ${random},
"nationality": "MY"
where ${random} and ${id_number} is a list from csv data config.
while request body for verify_tac is
"temp_token": "${temp_token}",
${temp_token} is a response extract from /api/register response body.
For the test. I have done 5 type of testing without returning all error.
100 users with 60 seconds ramp up periods. All success.
200 users with 60 seconds ramp up periods. All success.
300 users with 60 seconds ramp up periods. All success.
400 users with 60 seconds ramp up periods. All success.
500 users with 60 seconds ramp up periods. All success.
600 users with 60 seconds ramp up periods. most of the /api/register response data is empty resulting in /api/verify_tac return with an error. request data from /api/verify_tac that return an error is
"temp_token": "NotFound",
How can test number 6 was return with an error while all other 5 does not return error. They had the same parameter.
Does this means my api is overload with request? or weather my testing parameter is wrong?
If for 600 users response body is empty - then my expectation is that your application simply gets overloaded and cannot handle 600 users.
You can add a listener like Simple Data Writer configured as below:
this way you will be able to see request and response details for failing requests. If you untick Errors box JMeter will store request and response details for all requests. This way you will be able to see response message, headers, body, etc. for previous request and determine the failure reason.
Also it would be good to:
Monitor the essential resources usage (like CPU, RAM, Disk, Network, Swap usage, etc.) on the application under test side, it can be done using i.e. JMeter PerfMon Plugin
Check your application logs for any suspicious entries
Re-run your test with profiler tool for .NET like YourKit, this way you will be able to see the most "expensive" functions and identify where the application spends most time and what is the root cause of the problems

how to make sense of People APIs responses?

When calling People API's endpoints, especially in Batch requests, we're getting many different types of error responses.
Some have useful explanation in the error message, like:
Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Daily Contact Writes (Batch requests
cost 200 quota)' and limit 'Daily Contact Writes (Batch requests cost
200 quota) per day per user' of service '' for
consumer 'project_number:XXX'.
Which you can detect and properly handle, e.g. wait for 24 hours before retrying that request, but some are more cryptic, such as:
Resource has been exhausted (e.g. check quota).
This does mention rate-limiting, but for which quota? Is it per-user or per GCP project? When can we retry this?
Note that we're getting this for the first batch call when syncing a user account, so I'm guessing this is not per-user quota, but there's no mention of such rate-limits in the docs.
Specifically, having issues handling:
"Sync quota exceeded"
"Resource has been exhausted (e.g. check quota)"
Here's what I have so far, feel free to edit this answer to add more insights:
Authentication or Google backend issues:
"invalid_grant": bad access token
"Insufficient Permission": access token doesn't contain required scope
"The service is currently unavailable.": Google issue
"Internal error encountered.": Google issue
"Authentication backend unavailable.": Google issue
Quota and rate-limiting:
"Sync quota exceeded": ???
"Quota exceeded for quota metric X": A specific quota had been exceeded (per min / daily will be part of the message)
"Resource has been exhausted (e.g. check quota)": ???
Bad requests:
"Request contains an invalid argument": something is wrong in the request, usually a Person object with some illegal info item
"Request contains a person.etag that is different than the current person.etag": An attempt to update a person that was recently updated on Google's side, need to fetch again
"Request person.etag is different than the current person.etag": same as above
"Requested entity was not found": An attempt to update a no-longer existing person
"Contact person resources are not found": same as above
"Contact group name is empty, expected to be non empty": An attempt to create/update a group with an empty name.
"Contact group name already exists": An attempt to create a group with the same name
"MY_CONTACTS_OVERFLOW_COUNT" happens when you try to insert contacts to a google account, but they already have the maximum number of contacts.
I am not 100% sure, but this limit seems to be ~20,000 for "normal"/"free" google accounts.
edit- The limit is 25,000, since 2011:

Rancher Cluster Flapping - Increase API Read Body Timeout?

We are using Rancher 2.2.13 and Kubernetes 1.13.12 in GKE. Our instance keeps flapping while being connected in Rancher. The agent logs show:
E0804 00:50:08.384154 6 request.go:853] Unexpected error when reading response body: context.deadlineExceededError{}
E0804 00:50:08.384223 6 reflector.go:134] Failed to list *v1.Secret: Unexpected error context.deadlineExceededError{} when reading response body. Please retry.
E0804 00:50:08.385380 6 request.go:853] Unexpected error when reading response body: &http.httpError{err:"context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while reading body)", timeout:true}
E0804 00:50:08.385431 6 reflector.go:134] Failed to list *v1.ConfigMap: Unexpected error &http.httpError{err:"context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while reading body)", timeout:true} when reading response body. Please retry.
The underlying issue seems to be that there are roughly ~24K ConfigMaps for this particular Cluster and ~17K secrets. So obviously the return is going to be immense for both.
Is there any way to increase the read timeout for the body? Is there a paging feature, or is there anyway to implement one if there isn't?

GoogleApiException: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError Backend Error [500] when streaming to BigQuery

I'm streaming data to BigQuery for the past year or so from a service in Azure written in c# and recently started to get increasing amount of the following errors (most of the requests succeed):
Message: [GoogleApiException: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError An
internal error occurred and the request could not be completed. [500]
Errors [
Message[An internal error occurred and the request could not be completed.] Location[ - ] Reason[internalError] Domain[global] ] ]
This is the code I'm using in my service:
public async Task<TableDataInsertAllResponse> Update(List<TableDataInsertAllRequest.RowsData> rows, string tableSuffix)
var request = new TableDataInsertAllRequest {Rows = rows, TemplateSuffix = tableSuffix};
var insertRequest = mBigqueryService.Tabledata.InsertAll(request, ProjectId, mDatasetId, mTableId);
return await insertRequest.ExecuteAsync();
Just like any other cloud service, BigQuery doesn't offer a 100% uptime SLA (it's actually 99.9%), so it's not uncommon to encounter transient errors like these. We also receive them frequently in our applications.
You need to build exponential backoff-and-retry logic into your application(s) to handle such errors. A good way of doing this is to use a queue to stream your data to BigQuery. This is what we do and it works very well for us.
Some more info:

Frequent 503 errors raised from BigQuery Streaming API

Streaming data into BigQuery keeps failing due to the following error, which occurs more frequently recently: 503 Service Unavailable
"code" : 503,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "Connection error. Please try again.",
"reason" : "backendError"
} ],
"message" : "Connection error. Please try again."
Relevant question references:
Getting high rate of 503 errors with BigQuery Streaming API
BigQuery - BackEnd error when loading from JAVA API
We (the BigQuery team) are looking into your report of increased connection errors. From the internal monitoring, there hasn't been global a spike in connection errors in the last several days. However, that doesn't mean that your tables, specifically, weren't affected.
Connection errors can be tricky to chase down, because they can be caused by errors before they get to the BigQuery servers or after they leave. The more information your can provide, the easier it is for us to diagnose the issue.
The best practice for streaming input is to handle temporary errors like this to retry the request. It can be a little tricky, since when you get a connection error you don't actually know whether the insert succeeded. If you include a unique insertId with your data (see the documentation here), you can safely resend the request (within the deduplication window period, which I think is 15 minutes) without worrying that the same row will get added multiple times.