Error when in signalR ASP.NET when trying to connect to SQL server in Azure - sql

I am trying to connect signalR to an SQL server in azure.
[PlatformNotSupportedException: The SQL Server edition of the target server is unsupported, e.g. SQL Azure.]
After follow the instructions on Microsoft Documentation:
Service Broker is enabled.

Form MSDN article:
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or later. The backplane supports both desktop and server editions of SQL Server. It does not support SQL Server Compact Edition or Azure SQL Database. (If your application is hosted on Azure, consider the Service Bus backplane instead.)
If your application will be hosted in Azure and you're using ASP.NET Core, you should consider the use of the Azure SignalR Service as an alternative which offers first class integration with Azure Services including SQL Azure.
Here's a quickstart:


SQL DAC and its dependencies are not installed

I am not able to install SQL Server 2012 Data Tier Framework (DacFx) from web platform installer on an Azure virtual machine, I get an error.
Is there any other way to install it on an Azure VM? Because when I am deploying my ASP.NET application to that Azure VM, I'm getting an error
SQL provider DacFx is missing
With this much of given problem statement, I can only suggest you to check the system requirements and dependencies.
As per this official doc, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data-Tier Application Framework supports:
Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2, Windows Vista Service Pack 2
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data-Tier Application Framework requires Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types, and Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL ScriptDom (SQLSysCLRTypes.msi and SQLDOM.msi)

Can Reporting service on sql server web edition running on azure virtual machine use the azure database as the data source?

Since the azure database not support the reporting service anymore, I have to use a reporting service on a sql server running on an azure virtual machine to get the reporting service for my azure websites. The azure websites uses the reporting service web services to provides the report functions to users.
My question is, Can the web edition work for that purpose? Or has to be at least standard edition.
The standard edition even for 1 core costs 410$ per month + the virtual machine cost. Which does not make any sense to me at all, because we only use the reporting services on that sql server running on the virtual machine.
Can web edition reporting service connect to the azure database as the data source?
You need to have Standard Edition or higher for connecting to remote data sources.
In Web Edition Reporting Services only supports connecting to a local Web Edition of SQL Server DbEngine.

Can we use SQL Server 2012 Web (Azure) to host database for windows application and to run SSIS/SQL jobs?

Can we use SQL Server 2012 Web (Azure) to host database for windows application and give the windows application a connection string to this db ? Or is it only used with web application?
Can we also run SSIS/SQL jobs on this web version of SQL Server? This article mentions that SQL Server 2012 Web is a specialized version of SQL Server for use in web hosting environments.
Please advice.

Hosting WCF Service in Oracle Weblogic Server

Our team has developed a number of WCF services in Visual Studio. Currently we are hosting them on IIS server. However, a need occured to host them on Oracle WebLogic Server 12c. Is this possible? Are there any pitfalls associated with that approach?

SQL Azure via Visual Studio

Does anyone know when a tool will be available to manage a SQL Azure database from within Visual Studio or SQL Enterprise Manager?
At present one can only cannect via:
1) SQL Management Studio (SSMS)
(The cancel and connect via new query method)
2) Azure Storage Manager:
3) SQL Azure Migration Wizard:
4) Custom Application
I have gone down the custom route, an application that basically runs scripts within different folders to Update Tables and Stored Procesures etc.
SQL Azure Explorer on Codeplex - free and with source code (addin for VS2010 Beta1)
Cerebrata Cloud Storage Studio - Winforms app to browse SQL Azure
Cerebrata Omega.MSSQL browser-based admin of SQL Server including SQL Azure (see announcement in blog post here)
Few corrections below:
Cloud Storage Studio is for managing Windows Azure Storage (Tables, Blobs & Queues) and not SQL Azure.
Omega.MSSQL is for managing SQL Server (2008/2005/2000) via a browser based interface (IE only). We customized Omega.MSSQL to work against SQL Azure. That customized version is available online only. To read more about it and access the application please visit this link:
Haven't tried personally, but according to the SQL Azure team the November CTP of SQL Server 2008 R2 has a version of Management Studio that will allow direct connections to SQL Azure without having to do the cancel/connect workaround: