Can Reporting service on sql server web edition running on azure virtual machine use the azure database as the data source? - sql

Since the azure database not support the reporting service anymore, I have to use a reporting service on a sql server running on an azure virtual machine to get the reporting service for my azure websites. The azure websites uses the reporting service web services to provides the report functions to users.
My question is, Can the web edition work for that purpose? Or has to be at least standard edition.
The standard edition even for 1 core costs 410$ per month + the virtual machine cost. Which does not make any sense to me at all, because we only use the reporting services on that sql server running on the virtual machine.
Can web edition reporting service connect to the azure database as the data source?

You need to have Standard Edition or higher for connecting to remote data sources.
In Web Edition Reporting Services only supports connecting to a local Web Edition of SQL Server DbEngine.


Error when in signalR ASP.NET when trying to connect to SQL server in Azure

I am trying to connect signalR to an SQL server in azure.
[PlatformNotSupportedException: The SQL Server edition of the target server is unsupported, e.g. SQL Azure.]
After follow the instructions on Microsoft Documentation:
Service Broker is enabled.
Form MSDN article:
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or later. The backplane supports both desktop and server editions of SQL Server. It does not support SQL Server Compact Edition or Azure SQL Database. (If your application is hosted on Azure, consider the Service Bus backplane instead.)
If your application will be hosted in Azure and you're using ASP.NET Core, you should consider the use of the Azure SignalR Service as an alternative which offers first class integration with Azure Services including SQL Azure.
Here's a quickstart:

TDE in Azure on a virtual server

Our new system handle HIPPA data and has security equirements.
Azure handles secure connections, but we're looking at TDE as well.
One of our consultants said that TDE is possible by creating a virtual server in Azure and loading SQL Server 2012 Enterprise edition directly on to the server. This would be outside of the Azure provisioning. Would this work?
I know that a recent release that's currently in preview that would accomodate TDE. Does any one know were I can get the preview version?
Thank you for your help
From your description, I'm assuming you're referring to running SQL Server in an Azure VM. If that's correct, TDE has nothing to do with Azure provisioning.
You can pick any of the SQL Server VM templates available that supports TDE. After Azure completes provision of the VM, you can login to your SQL Server and enable TDE. You can certainly still upload your own VM image but unless you have some corporate standards, pre-installed software, etc... a regular provision is probably the easiest and fastest.

Can we use SQL Server 2012 Web (Azure) to host database for windows application and to run SSIS/SQL jobs?

Can we use SQL Server 2012 Web (Azure) to host database for windows application and give the windows application a connection string to this db ? Or is it only used with web application?
Can we also run SSIS/SQL jobs on this web version of SQL Server? This article mentions that SQL Server 2012 Web is a specialized version of SQL Server for use in web hosting environments.
Please advice.

Analysis Services on Web Edition

I need to install the SQL Server 2012 Web Edition on my web server for my web application and I would like to know if I can install the Analysis Services on this edition and create some cubes of my clients data.
Looking at this: Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2012 my guess is that it is not supported and that you'll need a different (Enterprise, Business Intelligence or Standard) edition to run analysis Services.

Restore a SQL Server database from single instance to cluster

I need to transfer a database from a SQL Server instance test server to a production environment that is clustered. But SQL Server doesn't allow you to use backup/restore to do it from single instance to cluster. I'm talking about a Microsoft CRM complex database here.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Have a look at the Microsoft SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard:
SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard
enables the deployment of SQL Server
databases into a hosted environment on
either a SQL Server 2000 or 2005
server. It generates a single SQL
script file which can be used to
recreate a database (both schema and
data) in a shared hosting environment
where the only connectivity to a
server is through a web-based control
panel with a script execution window.
If supported by the hosting service
provider, the Database Publishing
Wizard can also directly upload
databases to servers located at the
shared hosting provider.
Optionally, SQL Server Database
Publishing Wizard can integrate
directly into Visual Studio 2005
and/or Visual Web Developer 2005
allowing easy publishing of databases
from within the development
You don't have to use the server-side piece; the client-side 'create a script' piece is generally enough.