Reflecting boundary conditions in FiPy - differential-equations

I am attempting to solve the convection diffusion equation in FiPy. For the moment, all I am trying to achieve is a Neumann boundary condition, so that the wave reflects back at the right-hand boundary rather than travelling out of the domain.
I have added the following line:
phi.faceGrad.constrain(0, mesh.exteriorFaces)
But this doesn't seem to change anything.
Am I imposing the wrong boundary condition? Am I imposing it incorrectly? I have searched for this, but can't seem to find an example which has the simple property of a wave reflecting off a boundary! My code is below. Thanks so much.
from fipy import *
nx = 100
L = 1.
dx = L/nx
steps = 160
dt = 0.1
t = dt * steps
mesh = Grid1D(nx=nx, dx=dx)
x = mesh.cellCenters[0]
phi = CellVariable(name="solution variable", mesh=mesh, value=0.)
phi.setValue(1., where=(x>0.03) & (x<0.09))
# Diffusion and convection coefficients
D = FaceVariable(name='diffusion coefficient',mesh=mesh,value=1.*10**(-4.))
C = (0.1,)
# Boundary conditions
phi.faceGrad.constrain(0, mesh.exteriorFaces)
eq = TransientTerm() == DiffusionTerm(coeff=D) - ConvectionTerm(coeff=C)
for step in range(steps):
eq.solve(var=phi, dt=dt)
if step%20==0:
viewer = Viewer(vars=phi, datamin=0., datamax=1.)


Shortest rotation between two vectors not working like expected

def signed_angle_between_vecs(target_vec, start_vec, plane_normal=None):
start_vec = np.array(start_vec)
target_vec = np.array(target_vec)
start_vec = start_vec/np.linalg.norm(start_vec)
target_vec = target_vec/np.linalg.norm(target_vec)
if plane_normal is None:
arg1 =, target_vec), np.cross(start_vec, target_vec))
arg1 =, target_vec), plane_normal)
arg2 =, target_vec)
return np.arctan2(arg1, arg2)
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
world_frame_axis = input_rotation_object.apply(canonical_axis)
angle = signed_angle_between_vecs(canonical_axis, world_frame_axis)
axis_angle = np.cross(world_frame_axis, canonical_axis) * angle
C = R.from_rotvec(axis_angle)
transformed_world_frame_axis_to_canonical = C.apply(world_frame_axis)
I am trying to align world_frame_axis to canonical_axis by performing a rotation around the normal vector generated by the cross product between the two vectors, using the signed angle between the two axes.
However, this code does not work. If you start with some arbitrary rotation as input_rotation_object you will see that transformed_world_frame_axis_to_canonical does not match canonical_axis.
What am I doing wrong?
not a python coder so I might be wrong but this looks suspicious:
start_vec = start_vec/np.linalg.norm(start_vec)
from the names I would expect that np.linalg.norm normalizes the vector already so the line should be:
start_vec = np.linalg.norm(start_vec)
and all the similar lines too ...
Also the atan2 operands are not looking right to me. I would (using math):
a = start_vec / |start_vec | // normalized start
b = target_vec / |target_vec| // normalized end
u = a // normalized one axis of plane
v = cross(u ,b)
v = cross(v ,u)
v = v / |v| // normalized second axis of plane perpendicular to u
dx = dot(u,b) // target vector in 2D aligned to start
dy = dot(v,b)
ang = atan2(dy,dx)
beware the ang might negated (depending on your notations) if the case either add minus sign or reverse the order in cross(u,v) to cross(v,u) Also you can do sanity check with comparing result to unsigned:
ang' = acos(dot(a,b))
in absolute values they should be the same (+/- rounding error).

Scipy Optimize minimize returns the initial value

I am building machine learning models for a certain data set. Then, based on the constraints and bounds for the outputs and inputs, I am trying to find the input parameters for the most minimized answer.
The problem which I am facing is that, when the model is a linear regression model or something like lasso, the minimization works perfectly fine.
However, when the model is "Decision Tree", it constantly returns the very initial value that is given to it. So basically, it does not enforce the constraints.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize
I am using the very first sample from the input data set for the optimization. As it is only one sample, I need to reshape it to (1,-1) as well.
x = df_in.iloc[0,:]
x = np.array(x)
x = x.reshape(1,-1)
This is my Objective function:
def objective(x):
x = np.array(x)
x = x.reshape(1,-1)
y = 0
for n in range(df_out.shape[1]):
y = Model[n].predict(x)
Y = y[0]
return Y
Here I am defining the bounds of inputs:
range_max = pd.DataFrame(range_max)
range_min = pd.DataFrame(range_min)
B_min =[]
for i in range(range_max.shape[0]):
b_max = range_max.iloc[i]
b_min = range_min.iloc[i]
B_max = pd.DataFrame(B_max)
B_min = pd.DataFrame(B_min)
bnds = pd.concat([B_min, B_max], axis=1)
These are my constraints:
con_min = pd.DataFrame(c_min)
con_max = pd.DataFrame(c_max)
Here I am defining the constraint function:
def const(x):
x = np.array(x)
x = x.reshape(1,-1)
Y = []
for n in range(df_out.shape[1]):
y = Model[n].predict(x)[0]
Y = pd.DataFrame(Y)
a4 =[]
for k in range(Y.shape[0]):
a1 = Y.iloc[k,0] - con_min.iloc[k,0]
a2 = con_max.iloc[k, 0] - Y.iloc[k,0]
a3 = [a2,a1]
a4 = np.concatenate([a4, a3])
return a4
c = const(x)
con = {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': const}
This is where I try to minimize. I do not pick a method as the automatically picked model has worked so far.
sol = minimize(fun = objective, x0=x,constraints=con, bounds=bnds)
So the actual constraints are:
c_min = [0.20,1000]
c_max = [0.3,1600]
and the max and min range for the boundaries are:
range_max = [285,200,8,85,0.04,1.6,10,3.5,20,-5]
range_min = [215,170,-1,60,0,1,6,2.5,16,-18]
I think you should check the output of 'sol'. At times, the algorithm is not able to perform line search completely. To check for this, you should check message associated with 'sol'. In such a case, the optimizer returns initial parameters itself. There may be various reasons of this behavior. In a nutshell, please check the output of sol and act accordingly.
If you have not yet resolved your issue, try using scipy.optimize.differential_evolution instead of scipy.optimize.minimize. I ran into similar issues, particularly with decision trees because of their step-like behavior resulting in infinite gradients.

How do I solve equations using the Scharfetter-Gummel scheme in FiPy?

I'm trying to use FiPy to simulate solar cells but I'm struggling to get reasonable results even for simple test cases.
My test problem is an abrupt 1D p-n homojunction in the dark in equilibrium. The governing system of equations are the semiconductor equations with no additional generation or recombination.
Poisson's equation determines the electric field (φ) in a semiconductor with dielectric constant, &epsi;, given the densities of electrons (n), holes (p), donors (ND), and acceptors (NA), where the charge of an electron is q:
∇²φ = q(p − n + ND − NA) / &epsi;
Electrons and holes drift and diffuse with current densities, J, depending on their mobilities (μ) and diffusion constants (D):
Jn = qμnnE + qDn∇n
Jp = qμppE − qDp∇n
The evolution of the charge in the system is accounted for with the electron and hole continutiy equations:
∂n/∂t = (∇·Jn) / q
∂p/∂t = − (∇·Jp) / q
which can be expressed in FiPy canonical form as:
∂n/∂t = μn∇·(−n∇φ) + Dn∇²n
∂p/∂t = − (μp∇·(−p∇φ) − Dp∇²n)
To attempt to solve the problem in FiPy I first import modules and define the physical parameters.
from __future__ import print_function, division
import fipy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
eps_0 = 8.8542e-12 # Permittivity of free space, F/m
q = 1.6022e-19 # Charge of an electron, C
k = 1.3807e-23 # Boltzmann constant, J/K
T = 300 # Temperature, K
Vth = (k*T)/q # Thermal voltage, eV
N_ap = 1e22 # Acceptor density in p-type layer, m^-3
N_an = 0 # Acceptor density in n-type layer, m^-3
N_dp = 0 # Donor density in p-type layer, m^-3
N_dn = 1e22 # Donor density in n-type layer, m^-3
mu_n = 1400.0e-4 # Mobilty of electrons, m^2/Vs
mu_p = 450.0e-4 # Mobilty of holes, m^2/Vs
D_p = k*T*mu_p/q # Hole diffusion constant, m^2/s
D_n = k*T*mu_n/q # Electron diffusion constant, m^2/s
eps_r = 11.8 # Relative dielectric constant
n_i = (5.29e19 * (T/300)**2.54 * np.exp(-6726/T))*1e6
V_bias = 0
Then create the mesh, solution variables, and doping profile.
nx = 20000
dx = 0.1e-9
mesh = fipy.Grid1D(dx=dx, nx=nx)
Ln = Lp = (nx/2) * dx
phi = fipy.CellVariable(mesh=mesh, hasOld=True, name='phi')
n = fipy.CellVariable(mesh=mesh, hasOld=True, name='n')
p = fipy.CellVariable(mesh=mesh, hasOld=True, name='p')
Na = fipy.CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Na')
Nd = fipy.CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Nd')
Then I set some initial values on the cell centers and impose Dirichlet boundary conditions on all parameters.
x = mesh.cellCenters[0]
n0 = n_i**2 / N_ap
nL = N_dn
p0 = N_ap
pL = n_i**2 / N_dn
phi_min = -(Vth)*np.log(p0/n_i)
phi_max = (Vth)*np.log(nL/n_i) + V_bias
Na.setValue(N_an, where=(x >= Lp))
Na.setValue(N_ap, where=(x < Lp))
Nd.setValue(N_dn, where=(x >= Lp))
Nd.setValue(N_dp, where=(x < Lp))
n.setValue(N_dn, where=(x > Lp))
n.setValue(n_i**2 / N_ap, where=(x < Lp))
p.setValue(n_i**2 / N_dn, where=(x >= Lp))
p.setValue(N_ap, where=(x < Lp))
phi.setValue((phi_max - phi_min)*x/((Ln + Lp)) + phi_min)
phi.constrain(phi_min, mesh.facesLeft)
phi.constrain(phi_max, mesh.facesRight)
n.constrain(nL, mesh.facesRight)
n.constrain(n_i**2 / p0, mesh.facesLeft)
p.constrain(n_i**2 / nL, mesh.facesRight)
p.constrain(p0, mesh.facesLeft)
I express Poisson's equation as
eps = eps_0*eps_r
rho = q * (p - n + Nd - Na) = 'rho'
poisson = fipy.ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=eps, var=phi) == -rho
the continuity equations as
cont_eqn_n = (fipy.TransientTerm(var=n) ==
(fipy.ExponentialConvectionTerm(coeff=-phi.faceGrad*mu_n, var=n)
+ fipy.ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=D_n, var=n)))
cont_eqn_p = (fipy.TransientTerm(var=p) ==
- (fipy.ExponentialConvectionTerm(coeff=-phi.faceGrad*mu_p, var=p)
- fipy.ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff=D_p, var=p)))
and solve by coupling the equations and sweeping:
eqn = poisson & cont_eqn_n & cont_eqn_p
dt = 1e-12
steps = 50
sweeps = 10
for step in range(steps):
for sweep in range(sweeps):
I have played around with different values for the mesh size, time step, number of time steps, number of sweeps etc. I see some variation but haven't had any luck finding a set of conditions that give me a realistic solution. I think the problem probably lies in the expressions for the current terms.
Usually when solving these equations the current densities are are approximated using the Scharfetter-Gummel (SG) discretization scheme, rather then the direct discretization. In the SG scheme the electron current density (J) through a cell face is approximated as a function of the values of potential (φ) and charge density (n) defined on the centres of cells K and L either side as
Jn,KL=qμnVT[B(δφ/VT)nL − B(−δφ/VT)nK)
where q is the charge on an electron, μn is the electron mobility, VT is the thermal voltage, δφ=φL−φK, and B(x) is the Bernoulli function x/(ex−1).
It's not obvious to me how to implement the scheme in FiPy. I have seen there is a scharfetterGummelFaceVariable but I can't work out from the documentation whether it's suitable or intended for this problem. Looking at the code it seems to only calculate the Bernoulli function multiplied by a factor eφL. Is it possible to directly use the scharfetterGummelFaceVariable to solve this type of problem? If so, how? If not, is there an alternative approach that will allow me to simulate semiconductor devices using FiPy?

Description of parameters of GDAL SetGeoTransform

Can anyone help me with parameters for SetGeoTransform? I'm creating raster layers with GDAL, but I can't find description of 3rd and 5th parameter for SetGeoTransform. It should be definition of x and y axis for cells. I try to find something about it here and here, but nothing.
I need to find description of these two parameters... It's a value in degrees, radians, meters? Or something else?
The geotransform is used to convert from map to pixel coordinates and back using an affine transformation. The 3rd and 5th parameter are used (together with the 2nd and 4th) to define the rotation if your image doesn't have 'north up'.
But most images are north up, and then both the 3rd and 5th parameter are zero.
The affine transform consists of six coefficients returned by
GDALDataset::GetGeoTransform() which map pixel/line coordinates into
georeferenced space using the following relationship:
Xgeo = GT(0) + Xpixel*GT(1) + Yline*GT(2)
Ygeo = GT(3) + Xpixel*GT(4) + Yline*GT(5)
See the section on affine geotransform at:
I did do like below code.
As a result I was able to do same with SetGeoTransform.
# new file
dst = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(OUT_PATH, xsize, ysize, band_num, dtype)
# old file
ds = gdal.Open(fpath)
wkt = ds.GetProjection()
gcps = ds.GetGCPs()
dst.SetGCPs(gcps, wkt)
dst = Nonet
Given information from the aforementioned gdal datamodel docs, the 3rd & 5th parameters of SatGeoTransform (x_skew and y_skew respectively) can be calculated from two control points (p1, p2) with known x and y in both "geo" and "pixel" coordinate spaces. p1 should be above-left of p2 in pixelspace.
x_skew = sqrt((p1.geox-p2.geox)**2 + (p1.geoy-p2.geoy)**2) / (p1.pixely - p2.pixely)`
y_skew = sqrt((p1.geox-p2.geox)**2 + (p1.geoy-p2.geoy)**2) / (p1.pixelx - p2.pixelx)`
In short this is the ratio of Euclidean distance between the points in geospace to the height (or width) of the image in pixelspace.
The units of the parameters are "geo"length/"pixel"length.
Here is a demonstration using the corners of the image stored as control points (gcps):
import gdal
from math import sqrt
ds = gdal.Open(fpath)
gcps = ds.GetGCPs()
assert gcps[0].Id == 'UpperLeft'
p1 = gcps[0]
assert gcps[2].Id == 'LowerRight'
p2 = gcps[2]
y_skew = (
sqrt((p1.GCPX-p2.GCPX)**2 + (p1.GCPY-p2.GCPY)**2) /
(p1.GCPPixel - p2.GCPPixel)
x_skew = (
sqrt((p1.GCPX-p2.GCPX)**2 + (p1.GCPY-p2.GCPY)**2) /
(p1.GCPLine - p2.GCPLine)
x_res = (p2.GCPX - p1.GCPX) / ds.RasterXSize
y_res = (p2.GCPY - p1.GCPY) / ds.RasterYSize

Verlet integrator + friction

I have been following "A Verlet based approach for 2D game physics" on and I have written something similar.
The problem I am having is that the boxes slide along the ground too much.
How can I add a simple rested state thing where the boxes will have more friction and only slide a tiny bit?
Just introduce a small, constant acceleration on moving objects that points in the direction opposite to the motion. And make sure it can't actually reverse the motion; if you detect that in an integration step, just set the velocity to zero.
If you want to be more realistic, the acceleration should derive from a force which is proportional to the normal force between the object and the surface it's sliding on.
You can find this in any basic physics text, as "kinetic friction" or "sliding friction".
At the verlet integration: r(t)=2.00*r(t-dt)-1.00*r(t-2dt)+2at²
change the multipliers to 1.99 and 0.99 for friction
Edit: this is more true:
Here is a simple time stepping scheme (symplectic Euler method with manually resolved LCP) for a box with Coulomb friction and a spring (frictional oscillator)
mq'' + kq + mu*sgn(q') = F(t)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
q0 = 0 # initial position
p0 = 0 # initial momentum
t_start = 0 # initial time
t_end = 10 # end time
N = 500 # time points
m = 1 # mass
k = 1 # spring stiffness
muN = 0.5 # friction force (slip and maximal stick)
omega = 1.5 # forcing radian frequency [RAD]
Fstat = 0.1 # static component of external force
Fdyn = 0.6 # amplitude of harmonic external force
F = lambda tt,qq,pp: Fstat + Fdyn*np.sin(omega*tt) - k*qq - muN*np.sign(pp) # total force, note sign(0)=0 used to disable friction
zero_to_disable_friction = 0
omega0 = np.sqrt(k/m)
print("eigenfrequency f = {} Hz; eigen period T = {} s".format(omega0/(2*np.pi), 2*np.pi/omega0))
print("forcing frequency f = {} Hz; forcing period T = {} s".format(omega/(2*np.pi), 2*np.pi/omega))
time = np.linspace(t_start, t_end, N) # time grid
h = time[1] - time[0] # time step
q = np.zeros(N+1) # position
p = np.zeros(N+1) # momentum
absFfriction = np.zeros(N+1)
q[0] = q0
p[0] = p0
for n, tn in enumerate(time):
p1slide = p[n] + h*F(tn, q[n], p[n]) # end-time momentum, assuming sliding
q1slide = q[n] + h*p1slide/m # end-time position, assuming sliding
if p[n]*p1slide > 0: # sliding goes on
q[n+1] = q1slide
p[n+1] = p1slide
absFfriction[n] = muN
q1stick = q[n] # assume p1 = 0 at t=tn+h
Fstick = -p[n]/h - F(tn, q1stick, zero_to_disable_friction) # friction force needed to stop at t=tn+h
if np.abs(Fstick) <= muN:
p[n+1] = 0 # sticking
q[n+1] = q1stick
absFfriction[n] = np.abs(Fstick)
else: # sliding starts or passes zero crossing of velocity
q[n+1] = q1slide # possible refinements (adapt to slip-start or zero crossing)
p[n+1] = p1slide
absFfriction[n] = muN