Shortest rotation between two vectors not working like expected - numpy

def signed_angle_between_vecs(target_vec, start_vec, plane_normal=None):
start_vec = np.array(start_vec)
target_vec = np.array(target_vec)
start_vec = start_vec/np.linalg.norm(start_vec)
target_vec = target_vec/np.linalg.norm(target_vec)
if plane_normal is None:
arg1 =, target_vec), np.cross(start_vec, target_vec))
arg1 =, target_vec), plane_normal)
arg2 =, target_vec)
return np.arctan2(arg1, arg2)
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
world_frame_axis = input_rotation_object.apply(canonical_axis)
angle = signed_angle_between_vecs(canonical_axis, world_frame_axis)
axis_angle = np.cross(world_frame_axis, canonical_axis) * angle
C = R.from_rotvec(axis_angle)
transformed_world_frame_axis_to_canonical = C.apply(world_frame_axis)
I am trying to align world_frame_axis to canonical_axis by performing a rotation around the normal vector generated by the cross product between the two vectors, using the signed angle between the two axes.
However, this code does not work. If you start with some arbitrary rotation as input_rotation_object you will see that transformed_world_frame_axis_to_canonical does not match canonical_axis.
What am I doing wrong?

not a python coder so I might be wrong but this looks suspicious:
start_vec = start_vec/np.linalg.norm(start_vec)
from the names I would expect that np.linalg.norm normalizes the vector already so the line should be:
start_vec = np.linalg.norm(start_vec)
and all the similar lines too ...
Also the atan2 operands are not looking right to me. I would (using math):
a = start_vec / |start_vec | // normalized start
b = target_vec / |target_vec| // normalized end
u = a // normalized one axis of plane
v = cross(u ,b)
v = cross(v ,u)
v = v / |v| // normalized second axis of plane perpendicular to u
dx = dot(u,b) // target vector in 2D aligned to start
dy = dot(v,b)
ang = atan2(dy,dx)
beware the ang might negated (depending on your notations) if the case either add minus sign or reverse the order in cross(u,v) to cross(v,u) Also you can do sanity check with comparing result to unsigned:
ang' = acos(dot(a,b))
in absolute values they should be the same (+/- rounding error).


Create line network from closest points with boundaries

I have a set of points and I want to create line / road network from those points. Firstly, I need to determine the closest point from each of the points. For that, I used the KD Tree and developed a code like this:
def closestPoint(source, X = None, Y = None):
df = pd.DataFrame(source).copy(deep = True) #Ensure source is a dataframe, working on a copy to keep the datasource
if(X is None and Y is None):
raise ValueError ("Please specify coordinate")
elif(not X in df.keys() and not Y in df.keys()):
raise ValueError ("X and/or Y is/are not in column names")
df["coord"] = tuple(zip(df[X],df[Y])) #create a coordinate
if (df["coord"].duplicated):
uniq = df.drop_duplicates("coord")["coord"]
uniqval = list(uniq.get_values())
dupl = df[df["coord"].duplicated()]["coord"]
duplval = list(dupl.get_values())
for kq,vq in uniq.items():
clstu = spatial.KDTree(uniqval).query(vq, k = 3)[1][kq,"coord"] = [vq,uniqval[clstu[1]]]
if([uniqval[clstu[1]],vq] in list(df["coord"]) ):[kq,"coord"] = [vq,uniqval[clstu[2]]]
for kd,vd in dupl.items():
clstd = spatial.KDTree(duplval).query(vd,k = 1)[1][kd,"coord"] = [vd,duplval[clstd]]
val = df["coord"].get_values()
for k,v in df["coord"].items():
clst = spatial.KDTree(val).query(vd, k = 3)[1][k,"coord"] = [v,val[clst[1]]]
if([val[clst[1]],v] in list (df["coord"])):[k,"coord"] = [v,val[clst[2]]]
return df["coord"]
The code can return the the closest points around. However, I need to ensure that no double lines are created (e.g (x,y) to (x1,y1) and (x1,y1) to (x,y)) and also I need to ensure that each point can only be used as a starting point of a line and an end point of a line despite the point being the closest one to the other points.
Below is the visualization of the result:
Result of the code
What I want:
What I want
I've also tried to separate the origin and target coordinate and do it like this:
df["coord"] = tuple(zip(df[X],df[Y])) #create a coordinate
df["target"] = "" #create a column for target points
count = 2 # create a count iteration
if (df["coord"].duplicated):
uniq = df.drop_duplicates("coord")["coord"]
uniqval = list(uniq.get_values())
for kq,vq in uniq.items():
clstu = spatial.KDTree(uniqval).query(vq, k = count)[1]
while not vq in (list(df["target"]) and list(df["coord"])):
clstu = spatial.KDTree(uniqval).query(vq, k = count)[1]
df.set_value(kq, "target", uniqval[clstu[count-1]])
count += 1
clstu = spatial.KDTree(uniqval).query(vq, k = count)[1]
df.set_value(kq, "target", uniqval[clstu[count-1]])
but this return an error
IndexError: list index out of range
Can anyone help me with this? Many thanks!
Answering now about the global strategy, here is what I would do (rough pseudo-algorithm):
current_point = one starting point in uniqval
while (uniqval not empty)
construct KDTree from uniqval and use it for next line
next_point = point in uniqval closest to current_point
record next_point as target for current_point
remove current_point from uniqval
current_point = next_point
What you will obtain is a linear graph joining all your points, using closest neighbors "in some way". I don't know if it will fit your needs. You would also obtain a linear graph by taking next_point at random...
It is hard to comment on your global strategy without further detail about the kind of road network your want to obtain. So let me just comment your specific code and explain why the "out of range" error happens. I hope this can help.
First, are you aware that (list_a and list_b) will return list_a if it is empty, else list_b? Second, isn't the condition (vq in list(df["coord"]) always True? If yes, then your while loop is just always executing the else statement, and at the last iteration of the for loop, (count-1) will be greater than the total number of (unique) points. Hence your KDTree query does not return enough points and clstu[count-1] is out of range.

Reflecting boundary conditions in FiPy

I am attempting to solve the convection diffusion equation in FiPy. For the moment, all I am trying to achieve is a Neumann boundary condition, so that the wave reflects back at the right-hand boundary rather than travelling out of the domain.
I have added the following line:
phi.faceGrad.constrain(0, mesh.exteriorFaces)
But this doesn't seem to change anything.
Am I imposing the wrong boundary condition? Am I imposing it incorrectly? I have searched for this, but can't seem to find an example which has the simple property of a wave reflecting off a boundary! My code is below. Thanks so much.
from fipy import *
nx = 100
L = 1.
dx = L/nx
steps = 160
dt = 0.1
t = dt * steps
mesh = Grid1D(nx=nx, dx=dx)
x = mesh.cellCenters[0]
phi = CellVariable(name="solution variable", mesh=mesh, value=0.)
phi.setValue(1., where=(x>0.03) & (x<0.09))
# Diffusion and convection coefficients
D = FaceVariable(name='diffusion coefficient',mesh=mesh,value=1.*10**(-4.))
C = (0.1,)
# Boundary conditions
phi.faceGrad.constrain(0, mesh.exteriorFaces)
eq = TransientTerm() == DiffusionTerm(coeff=D) - ConvectionTerm(coeff=C)
for step in range(steps):
eq.solve(var=phi, dt=dt)
if step%20==0:
viewer = Viewer(vars=phi, datamin=0., datamax=1.)

Description of parameters of GDAL SetGeoTransform

Can anyone help me with parameters for SetGeoTransform? I'm creating raster layers with GDAL, but I can't find description of 3rd and 5th parameter for SetGeoTransform. It should be definition of x and y axis for cells. I try to find something about it here and here, but nothing.
I need to find description of these two parameters... It's a value in degrees, radians, meters? Or something else?
The geotransform is used to convert from map to pixel coordinates and back using an affine transformation. The 3rd and 5th parameter are used (together with the 2nd and 4th) to define the rotation if your image doesn't have 'north up'.
But most images are north up, and then both the 3rd and 5th parameter are zero.
The affine transform consists of six coefficients returned by
GDALDataset::GetGeoTransform() which map pixel/line coordinates into
georeferenced space using the following relationship:
Xgeo = GT(0) + Xpixel*GT(1) + Yline*GT(2)
Ygeo = GT(3) + Xpixel*GT(4) + Yline*GT(5)
See the section on affine geotransform at:
I did do like below code.
As a result I was able to do same with SetGeoTransform.
# new file
dst = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(OUT_PATH, xsize, ysize, band_num, dtype)
# old file
ds = gdal.Open(fpath)
wkt = ds.GetProjection()
gcps = ds.GetGCPs()
dst.SetGCPs(gcps, wkt)
dst = Nonet
Given information from the aforementioned gdal datamodel docs, the 3rd & 5th parameters of SatGeoTransform (x_skew and y_skew respectively) can be calculated from two control points (p1, p2) with known x and y in both "geo" and "pixel" coordinate spaces. p1 should be above-left of p2 in pixelspace.
x_skew = sqrt((p1.geox-p2.geox)**2 + (p1.geoy-p2.geoy)**2) / (p1.pixely - p2.pixely)`
y_skew = sqrt((p1.geox-p2.geox)**2 + (p1.geoy-p2.geoy)**2) / (p1.pixelx - p2.pixelx)`
In short this is the ratio of Euclidean distance between the points in geospace to the height (or width) of the image in pixelspace.
The units of the parameters are "geo"length/"pixel"length.
Here is a demonstration using the corners of the image stored as control points (gcps):
import gdal
from math import sqrt
ds = gdal.Open(fpath)
gcps = ds.GetGCPs()
assert gcps[0].Id == 'UpperLeft'
p1 = gcps[0]
assert gcps[2].Id == 'LowerRight'
p2 = gcps[2]
y_skew = (
sqrt((p1.GCPX-p2.GCPX)**2 + (p1.GCPY-p2.GCPY)**2) /
(p1.GCPPixel - p2.GCPPixel)
x_skew = (
sqrt((p1.GCPX-p2.GCPX)**2 + (p1.GCPY-p2.GCPY)**2) /
(p1.GCPLine - p2.GCPLine)
x_res = (p2.GCPX - p1.GCPX) / ds.RasterXSize
y_res = (p2.GCPY - p1.GCPY) / ds.RasterYSize

N-D interpolation for equally-spaced data

I'm trying to copy the Scipy Cookbook function:
from scipy import ogrid, sin, mgrid, ndimage, array
x,y = ogrid[-1:1:5j,-1:1:5j]
fvals = sin(x)*sin(y)
newx,newy = mgrid[-1:1:100j,-1:1:100j]
x0 = x[0,0]
y0 = y[0,0]
dx = x[1,0] - x0
dy = y[0,1] - y0
ivals = (newx - x0)/dx
jvals = (newy - y0)/dy
coords = array([ivals, jvals])
newf = ndimage.map_coordinates(fvals, coords)
by using my own function that has to work for many scenarios
import scipy
import numpy as np
"""N-D interpolation for equally-spaced data"""
x = np.c_[plist['modx']]
y = np.transpose(np.c_[plist['mody']])
#newx,newy = np.meshgrid(plist['newx'],plist['newy'])
newx,newy = scipy.mgrid[plist['modx'][0]:plist['modx'][-1]:-plist['remapto'],
x0 = x[0,0]
y0 = y[0,0]
dx = x[1,0] - x0
dy = y[0,1] - y0
ivals = (newx - x0)/dx
jvals = (newy - y0)/dy
coords = scipy.array([ivals, jvals])
for i in np.arange(ivals.shape[0]):
nvals[i] = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(ivals[i], coords)
I'm having difficulty getting this code to work properly. The problem areas are:
1.) Recreating this line: newx,newy = mgrid[-1:1:100j,-1:1:100j]. In my case I have a dictionary with the grid in vector form. I've tried to recreate this line using np.meshgrid but then I get an error on line coords = scipy.array([ivals, jvals]). I'm looking for some help in recreating this Cookbook function and making it more dynamic
any help is greatly appreciated.
You should have a look at the documentation for map_coordinates. I don't see where the actual data you are trying to interpolate is in your code. What I mean is, presumably you have some data input which is a function of x and y; i.e. input = f(x,y) that you want to interpolate. In the first example you show, this is the array fvals. This should be your first argument to map_coordinates.
For example, if the data you are trying to inperpolate is input, which should be a 2-dimensional array of shape (len(x),len(y)), then the interpolated data would be:
interpolated_data = map_coordinates(input, coords)

Storing plot objects in a list

I asked this question yesterday about storing a plot within an object. I tried implementing the first approach (aware that I did not specify that I was using qplot() in my original question) and noticed that it did not work as expected.
library(ggplot2) # add ggplot2
string = "C:/example.pdf" # Setup pdf
x_range <- range(1,50) # Specify Range
# Create a list to hold the plot objects.
pltList <- list()
for(i in 1 : 16){
# Organise data
y = (1:50) * i * 1000 # Get y col
x = (1:50) # get x col
y = log(y) # Use natural log
# Regression
lm.0 = lm(formula = y ~ x) # make linear model
inter = summary(lm.0)$coefficients[1,1] # Get intercept
slop = summary(lm.0)$coefficients[2,1] # Get slope
# Make plot name
pltName <- paste( 'a', i, sep = '' )
# make plot object
p <- qplot(
x, y,
xlab = "Radius [km]",
ylab = "Services [log]",
xlim = x_range,
main = paste("Sample",i)
) + geom_abline(intercept = inter, slope = slop, colour = "red", size = 1)
pltList[[pltName]] = p
# close the PDF file
I have used sample numbers in this case so the code runs if it is just copied. I did spend a few hours puzzling over this but I cannot figure out what is going wrong. It writes the first set of pdfs without problem, so I have 16 pdfs with the correct plots.
Then when I use this piece of code:
string = "C:/test_tabloid.pdf"
pdf(string, height = 11, width = 17)
pushViewport( viewport( layout = grid.layout(3, 3) ) )
vplayout <- function(x, y){viewport(layout.pos.row = x, layout.pos.col = y)}
counter = 1
# Page 1
for (i in 1:3){
for (j in 1:3){
pltName <- paste( 'a', counter, sep = '' )
print( pltList[[pltName]], vp = vplayout(i,j) )
counter = counter + 1
the result I get is the last linear model line (abline) on every graph, but the data does not change. When I check my list of plots, it seems that all of them become overwritten by the most recent plot (with the exception of the abline object).
A less important secondary question was how to generate a muli-page pdf with several plots on each page, but the main goal of my code was to store the plots in a list that I could access at a later date.
Ok, so if your plot command is changed to
p <- qplot(data = data.frame(x = x, y = y),
x, y,
xlab = "Radius [km]",
ylab = "Services [log]",
xlim = x_range,
ylim = c(0,10),
main = paste("Sample",i)
) + geom_abline(intercept = inter, slope = slop, colour = "red", size = 1)
then everything works as expected. Here's what I suspect is happening (although Hadley could probably clarify things). When ggplot2 "saves" the data, what it actually does is save a data frame, and the names of the parameters. So for the command as I have given it, you get
> summary(pltList[["a1"]])
data: x, y [50x2]
mapping: x = x, y = y
scales: x, y
faceting: facet_grid(. ~ ., FALSE)
position_identity: (width = NULL, height = NULL)
mapping: group = 1
geom_abline: colour = red, size = 1
stat_abline: intercept = 2.55595281266726, slope = 0.05543539319091
position_identity: (width = NULL, height = NULL)
However, if you don't specify a data parameter in qplot, all the variables get evaluated in the current scope, because there is no attached (read: saved) data frame.
data: [0x0]
mapping: x = x, y = y
scales: x, y
faceting: facet_grid(. ~ ., FALSE)
position_identity: (width = NULL, height = NULL)
mapping: group = 1
geom_abline: colour = red, size = 1
stat_abline: intercept = 2.55595281266726, slope = 0.05543539319091
position_identity: (width = NULL, height = NULL)
So when the plot is generated the second time around, rather than using the original values, it uses the current values of x and y.
I think you should use the data argument in qplot, i.e., store your vectors in a data frame.
See Hadley's book, Section 4.4:
The restriction on the data is simple: it must be a data frame. This is restrictive, and unlike other graphics packages in R. Lattice functions can take an optional data frame or use vectors directly from the global environment. ...
The data is stored in the plot object as a copy, not a reference. This has two
important consequences: if your data changes, the plot will not; and ggplot2 objects are entirely self-contained so that they can be save()d to disk and later load()ed and plotted without needing anything else from that session.
There is a bug in your code concerning list subscripting. It should be
[1] "list"
pltList[1] is a list containing the first element of pltList.
[1] "ggplot"
pltList[[1]] is the first element of pltList.
For your second question: Multi-page pdfs are easy -- see help(pdf):
onefile: logical: if true (the default) allow multiple figures in one
file. If false, generate a file with name containing the
page number for each page. Defaults to ‘TRUE’.
For your main question, I don't understand if you want to store the plot inputs in a list for later processing, or the plot outputs. If it is the latter, I am not sure that plot() returns an object you can store and retrieve.
Another suggestion regarding your second question would be to use either Sweave or Brew as they will give you complete control over how you display your multi-page pdf.
Have a look at this related question.