I'm in a situation where I'm using an entity with an association as a function paramater, like doSomething($entity->setting->isactive). When calling doSomething() I can not be sure that $entity has its setting association loaded.
Now I wondered if I could use a mutator in $entity to load it, like:
protected function _getSetting($value)
if (!$this->setting) {
$this->setting = $this->getTableLocator()->get('Settings')->get($this->setting_id);
return $value;
It is working, but it would produce an E_NOTICE undefined property for trying to access $this->setting. Otherwise I could do the check before passing $entity to my doSomething(), but I thought using a mutator might be an elegant solution, but as it throws me a Notice I'm not quite sure if thats the case. Thanks for your thoughts on that :)
So I have a service method that modifies a model object
public function doSomething() {
$model = new Model();
// Modify the model with a bunch of private methods
return $model;
If I want to test doSomething, I really only have $model to work with. And the only way I can write assertions on $model is to use its public interfaces.
$this->assertEquals($model->getName(), 'name');
What confuses me here is what exactly am I testing with that assertion? Am I testing that getName works properly or am I testing doSomething works properly?
In order for me to test doSomething, I have to assume that getName works. So how do I make sure that is the case?
Based on your code, I would test that I got an instance of Model returned. And then using the public accessors or assertAttributeEquals to check that the properties of the object were correct. This does test the getters of the model, however the object having certain properties is what you are expecting to happen.
Though as your class is both creating the object and modifying it. I would change the method to take a Model as an argument. This way in my test I can create a mockModel and make sure that any public setters are called with the proper arguments. Doing this, I don't have to worry about any of the logic that Model has for properties that get set.
For Example:
Test Function:
public function testDoSomething() {
$mockModel = $this->getMock('Model');
->with('some argument');
->with('some other argument');
$sut = new SUT();
Your function doSomething only needs to become this:
public function doSomething(Model $model) {
/** Do stuff with private methods **/
Now you are able to make sure that properties of Model are set with the proper values and not depending on the logic that may or may not exist in the class. You are also helping to specify the contract that Model needs to fill. Any new methods that you are depending on will come out in your integration / system tests.
Your contract with doSomething() is, that it has to return an object of type "Model". Your contract is not getName() working on a returned object. As result, test $model to be of correct type:
$this->assertInstanceOf('Model', $model);
Documentation: PHPUnit -> assertInstanceOf()
As a hint, "[i]deally, each test case is independent from the others" 2014-10-21 wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_testing.
So, in your test_doSomethingTest*(), you are supposed to test only what happens within that function. Check for return type, and whatever happens withing that function. Testing getName() should be in it's own test_getName*().
I have Model_Group that extends ORM.
I have Controller_Group that gets a new ORM:
public function before()
global $orm_group;
$orm_group = ORM::factory('Group');
...and it has various methods that use it to get different subsets of data, such as...
public function action_get_by_type()
global $orm_group;
$type = $this->request->param('type');
$result = $orm_group->where('type', '=', $type)->find_all();
Then I have another controller (in a separate module) that I want to use to manipulate the object and call the relevant view. Let's call it Controller_Pages.
$orm_object = // Get the $result from Controller_Group somehow!
$this->template->content = View::factory( 'page1' )
->set('orm_object', $orm_object)
What is the best way to pass the ORM object from Controller_Group to Controller_Pages? Is this a good idea? If not, why not, and what better way is there of doing it?
The reason for separating them out into different controllers is because I want to be able to re-use the methods in Controller_Group from other modules. Each module may want to deal with the object in a different way.
This is the way I would do it, but first I would like to note that you shouldn't use global in this context.
If you want to set your ORM model in the before function, just make a variable in your controller and add it like this.
public function before()
$this->orm_group = ORM::factory('type');
In your Model your should also add the functions to access data and keep the controllers as small as possible. You ORM model could look something like this.
public class Model_Group extends ORM {
//All your other code
public function get_by_type($type)
return $this->where('type', '=', $type)->find_all();
Than in your controllers you can do something like this.
public function action_index()
$type = $this->request->param('type');
$result = $this->orm_group->get_by_type($type);
I hope this helps.
I always create an helper class for stuff like this
Class Grouphelper{
public static function getGroupByType($type){
return ORM::factory('Group')->where('type','=',$type)->find_all();
Now you're been able to get the groups by type where you want:
I know how to create a class the will allow me to instantiate it and use across my project. What I want to be able to do is have functions without instantiating classes. For example, I know how to do this:
$core = new core();
$val = $core->convertToMyNotation($anotherval);
But what I want is to be able to do this ANYWHERE in any view, class whatever:
$val = convertToMyNotation($anotherval);
Where would I place these functions in order to be able to do that?
best way to do it, create a public function in components/Controller.php
public function globalFunction(){
// do something here.
and access it anywhere by
You can define a static method as an option.
class core{
public static function convertToMyNotation($value){
//do whatever here
return $value;
Then call it like so:
$val = core::convertToMyNotation($anotherval);
This requires no instantiation of the object to use. The only restriction is that you cannot use the $this property inside a static method.
Alternately, just define a file with your functions in it and include the file at some point early like, like within the boostrap script in your public_html/index.php file.
Edit: darkheir makes some good suggestions. Include such a class in your protected/components folder, and have it extend CComponent to gain some potentially useful enhancements.
By including the class in the protected/components folder, you gain the advantage of autoloading the class, by default.
There is no definitive question of your answer, it depends a lot on what the function will be doing!
If the function is performing some things specific to a model
(getting the last users, ...) this has to be in the User model as
Willem Renzema described:
class theModelClass {
public static function convertToMyNotation($value){
//do whatever here
return $value;
And you'll call it like
$val = theModelClass::convertToMyNotation($anotherval);
If the function is handling user inputs (sanitizing he inputs,
checking the values, ...) then it has to go to the controller and
you'll use Hemc solution:
Create a public function in components/Controller.php
public function globalFunction(){
// do something here.
and access it anywhere by
If the function is an Helper: performing some actions that do not
depend on models or user inoput then you can create a new class that
you'll put in your component directory:
class core extends CComponent{
public static function convertToMyNotation($value){
//do whatever here
return $value;
$val = core::convertToMyNotation($anotherval);
Actually, I think you're looking for this answer instead:
In essence, in your entry script, before you load up Yii, include a global functions file:
Then, any function defined in that file can be used as a shortcut. Be careful, but enjoy the power! :-)
Create something like
Class Core extends CApplicationComponent{
public function doSomething(){}
and in config main.php
'class' => 'Core'
and now you can call whenever you want
I'm doing things considered horrible by some lately, but I personally enjoy this kind of experiment. Here's a telegraph style description:
Use NH to fetch data objects
Each DataObject is wrapped by a CastleDynamicProxy
When Properties decorated with Custom Attributes are queried, redirect to own code instead of NHibernate to get Returnvalue.
Object creation / data fetch code
public IList<Person> GetAll()
ISession session = SessionService.GetSession();
IList<Person> personen = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Person))
return personen;
The Proxy generation Code:
public T CreateProxy<T>(T inputObject)
T proxy = (T)_proxyGenerator.CreateClassProxy(typeof(T), new ObjectRelationInterceptor<T>(inputObject));
return proxy;
The Interceptor used is defined like so:
public class MyInterceptor<T> : IInterceptor
private readonly T _wrappedObject;
public MyInterceptor(T wrappedObject)
_wrappedObject = wrappedObject;
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
if (ShouldIntercept(invocation)) { /* Fetch Data from other source*/ }
invocation.ReturnValue = invocation.Method.Invoke(_wrappedObject, invocation.Arguments);
public bool ShouldIntercept(IInvocation invocation)
// true if Getter / Setter and Property
// has a certain custom attribute
This works fine in an environment without NHibernate (creating objects in code, where the Object holds its own data).
Unfortunately, the else part in the Intercept method seems to leave NHibernate unfunctional, it seems the _wrappedObject is reduced to it's base type functionality (instead of being proxied by NHibernate), so all mapped Child collections remain empty.
I tried switching from lazy to eager loading (and confirmed that all SQL gets executed), but that doesn't change anything at all.
Does anybody have an idea what I could do to get this back to work?
Thanks a lot in advance!
I found out that what I do is partially wrong and partially incomplete. Instead of deleting this question, I chose to answer it myself, so that others can benefit from it as well.
First of all, I have misunderstood the class proxy to be an instance proxy, which is why i stored the _wrappedObject. I needed the Object to perform invocation.Method.Invoke(_wrappedObject, invocation.Arguments), which is the next mistake. Instead of doing so, I should have passed the call on to the next interceptor by making use of invocation.Proceed().
Now, where was that Incomplete? NH seems to need to know Metadata about it's instances, so I missed one important line to make NH aware that the proxy is one of its kin:
SessionFactory.GetClassMetadata(entityName).SetIdentifier(instance, id, entityMode);
This only works in an NHibernate Interceptor, so the final product differs a bit from my initial one...Enough gibberish, you can see a very very comprehensible example on this on Ayende's website. Big props for his great tutorial!
I have a class TxRx with a property called Common. Common then has a property called LastMod. I want to write a RhinoMock expectation to show that LastMod has been set with something. So I tried:
var txRx = MockRepository.GenerateMock<TxRx>();
var common = MockRepository.GenerateMock<Common>();
txRx.Expect(t => t.Common).Return(common);
txRx.Expect(t => t.Common.LastMod).SetPropertyAndIgnoreArgument();
But I get the following exception:
System.InvalidOperationException: Invalid call, the last call has been used or no call has been made (make sure that you are calling a virtual (C#) / Overridable (VB) method).
at Rhino.Mocks.LastCall.GetOptions[T]()
at Rhino.Mocks.RhinoMocksExtensions.Expect[T,R](T mock, Function`2 action)
at ...
I presume this means Common needs to be virtual, but as it is a property on a LinqToSql generated class I can't make it virtual (other than hacking the autogen code which is not really an option).
Is there any way around this?
One possibility is to wrap TxRx in a mockable class (i.e. one that has overridable methods and properties which you wish to mock out or implements an interface which defines the properties or methods that you're interested in) and then pass around the wrapper rather than the LinqToSQL class itself.
Perhaps something like the following:
public class TxRxWrapper : ITxRxWrapper
private TxRx m_txrx;
public object LastMod
get { return m_txrx.Common.LastMod; }
public interface ITxRxWrapper
public object LastMod { get; }
Not ideal (i.e. it can get somewhat cumbersome to pass wrappers around just for mockability!) but that's the only way you can get RhinoMocks to mock properties/methods for you.
The other option is to use TypeMock instead which I believe uses a different mechanism to mock stuff out. I don't think it's free, though.
You would need to replace your second expectation with
txRx.Expect(() => common.LastMod).SetPropertyAndIgnoreArgument();
But the Common property itself needs to be virtual for this to work.