Velocity trim() method - velocity

For example
$xcontext.user -> Xwiki.user.trim('Xwiki')
"XWiki." How can I remove the expression?
I tried this but it did not work.

Just extract the page name (i.e. profile page name) from the current user's reference. It's the best way and you avoid String manipulation:


How to get query string on search page in shopify

I have a shopify store. I am passing new parameters on search page using query string anyone tell me how can i get this new query string on search page
You can't get new parameters outside the default ones using liquid. Liquid is now aware of additional query parameters.
If you really really have to take them in liquid then you will have a hacky option to capture the content_for_header argument and you can extract the arguments from there ( since there is a URL with the query params there ) with a few splits. You will need to look for the pageurl string there. But like I said this is a hacky way which should be used as a last resort.

How to pass the default language to the Registration page?

Is there a way to pass a specific UI language to the registration page? This is coming from the website and I want it to be the defaut option.
you can send the culture with these headers
and for MVC use culture parameter like below
must be the first parameter of the query string
and last option; you can always override AbpUserRequestCultureProvider
According to the implementation it accepts query string parameters as culture like below
If you look at the request headers sent by the browser, it includes "Accept-Language". It can look something like this:
Generally, the preference runs in descending order, so here, the browser is saying it prefers U.S. english before anything else. More here about what the q values mean: What is q=0.5 in Accept* HTTP headers?
You can access this value through in the controller.

Date range search using Google Custom Search API

I am using the Google Custom Search API to search for images. My implementation is using Java, and this is how I build my search string:
URL url = new URL(""
+ "v=1.0&q=barack%20obama&userip=INSERT-USER-IP");
How would I modify the URL to limit search results, for example, to: 2014-08-15 and 2014-09-31?
You can specify a date range using the sort parameter. For your example, you would add this to your query string: sort=date:r:20140815:20140931.
This is documented at
Also if you use Google's Java API you can use the Query class and its setSort() method rather than building the URL by hand.
I think the better way is to put this into query itself. Query parameter contains 'after' flag which can be used like:
q="<your_search_word> after:<YYYY-MM-DD>"

How do I get the shortcode for an Instagram media item to later embed the picture?

I'd like to display Instagram photos matching particular tags on my site. I don't see a way to search for all tags over all time, so I am implementing a timer that periodically checks /tags/tag-name/media/recent for my desired tags. Then I am caching the .id attribute of any as-yet-unseen media, so I can still have access to that item if and when /tags/tag-name/media/recent no longer returns that item.
Now I am ready to embed the images on my site, but I think saving .id is mistaken. The second available embed endpoint - /p/shortcode/media - looks close. It issues a redirect to the image, which will suffice for my task, but it wants a 'shortcode', not an id.
How do I get this shortcode? There is no .shortcode attribute on the media objects returned from /tags/tag-name/media/recent. Should I use a regex to parse the .link attribute, assuming that the link will take the form Or is there a better technique to remember and later display images that match my desired tags?
Preferring regex solution over String.split, this is what I ended up doing:
var linkrx = /\/p\/([^\/]+)\/$/;
// find /p/, then 1 or more non-slash as capture group 1, then / and EOL
if( !== null){
var shortcode =[1];
No other way, just use .split() from the link attribute. This will give you the shortcode:
this pattern match also links like:
This will always return the last component of a path:
''.replace(/\/$/i, '').split("/").pop()
So becomes D
Remove any trailing slash (//$/i, a/b/c/ → a/b/c)
Split by / (a/b/c → [a,b,c])
Get the last item in the [a,b,c] array (.pop(), [a,b,c] → c)

How to specify multiple values on siteSearch in google custom search api?

I'm using the google custom search api and want to create a search using the siteSearch:
and it works fine (returns all the result only from the given site).
Then I want to specify TWO sites to search so I tried to change the :
but none of these works.
hope someone can help here, thanks:)
Currently I don't believe you can specify more site through the query param siteSearch.
nevertheless you can configure your Custom Search Engine here:
in the "Site to search" area.
This also works for excluding, as you can read here:
You cannot do this with the as_sitesearch parameter as that only accepts a single value. But you can achieve what you want with the as_q parameter, setting it to some value like: " OR" - that will work in a similar way to this search.
The as_q parameter is documented here as:
The as_q parameter provides search terms to check for in a document.
This parameter is also commonly used to allow users to specify
additional terms to search for within a set of search results.
Examples q=president&as_q=John+Adams
Use "space" as seperator
Below is sample PHP code which works for me
Ojal Suthar