Fabric initial deployment - crashlytics

i'm a little bit stuck with a problematic.
I'm trying to use continuous integration to build my app and deploy them to Crashlytics.
I've tried a lot of different solutions (Fastlane, Gradle, manual execution). Theses solutions are working when my application was already deployed with the Fabric.app and the Android Studio Fabric Plugin.
But, when i'm trying to deploy a new application, everything is working fine, i've got this message at the end :
fastlane.tools finished successfully
One the Fabric dashboard, i'm unable to find my application.
Is there any way to build and deploy applications for the first time without Fabric.app and Android Studio Fabric Plugin ?

Yes! But you will need to integrate Crashlytics, and build and run the app. We need to detect both a build and run event per bundle ID or package name in order to provision your app in our system.


Unable to load script. Make sure you're either running a Metro server (run 'react-native start') or that your bundle index.android.bundle is packaged

So this has been asked before but I'm asking it again because nothing has worked, I've read through all of the similar posts I could find and all but one has semi fixed the problem.
This medium article is the only solution that i can find that will get debug builds running again but that is only because it is pre packaging the javascript bundle and not really fixing the problem of the app not connecting to the metro server, once the debug build is running via this method I'm unable to shake the device and get the debug menu to show up.
I've been developing this app for probably 10 months, live for 3-4 months, and can usually trudge through these errors that pop up but this one is tricky.
I've been using cleartextTrafficPermitted="true", tried implementing a custom network security config android:networkSecurityConfig="#xml/network_security_config", tried a different physical device, cleared the metro cache, deleted .gradle/ build folders, cleaned, rebuilt.. All with the same end result of the app crashing on boot and the same error in logcat Unable to load script. Make sure you're either running a Metro server (run 'react-native start') or that your bundle 'index.android.bundle' is packaged correctly for release.
Release builds work but that's because its not trying to connect to the metro server, pretty stumped on this one.
Answering this for others that might find it useful. Still not sure what I did wrong but in the process of setting up a CI/CD pipeline for the app I re cloned the project and magically android debug builds started working again. No changes to the code, the android project must have gotten corrupted somehow so recloning allowed android studio to start from square one. Weird one.

How to fix optimazition error publish in play store

my apk is 1.4MB but error is "This APK results in unused code and resources being sent to users. Your app could be smaller if you used the Android App Bundle. By not optimizing your app for device configurations, your app is larger to download and install on users' devices than it needs to be. Larger apps see lower install success rates and take up storage on users' devices."
how to fix this error
It's only a warning, not an error.
For an app that small I wouldn't worry.
It's not something that's made its way into the Ionic ecosystem yet but I heard that if you open up your project in Android Studio and then do the build through there you can create an app bundle.
I'm not totally sure that its fully tested for Ionic so you might have issues with this, but Android have published a full guide:
This is what they say:
Download Android Studio 3.2 or higher—it's the easiest way
to add dynamic feature modules and build app bundles.
Add support for Dynamic Delivery
by including a base module, organizing code and resources for configuration
APKs, and, optionally, adding dynamic feature modules.
Build an Android App Bundle using Android Studio.
If you're not using the IDE, you can instead build an app bundle from the
command line.
Test your Android App Bundle by using it to generate APKs that
you deploy to a device.
Enroll into app signing by Google Play.
Otherwise, you can't upload your app bundle to the Play Console.
Publish your app bundle to Google Play.

Fabric issue App not showing after following instruction

I have carefully followed the instruction from fabric (https://fabric.io/kits/ios/crashlytics/manual-install) to install crashlytics in my app. However I cannot select my app after the instruction since my app is not showing. I have tried most of the solution that has been given in this question here (Crashlytics in iOS won't proceed past "Build Your Project" in Fabric app)
But I still failed to get my app in fabric.
I am using react native to develop my app and using Xcode Version 10.2.1
Fabric/Firebaser here - If you've gone through all the necessary instructions, try cleaning your project first before building and running again to try to get your app up on your dashboard. And if you haven't seen it, here are some instructions specifically for setting up react native apps with Crashlytics: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-fabric#crashlytics-usage). And make sure that if you haven't, set the Debug Information Format to DWARF with dSYM file for both debug and release as specified in that SO post you linked.
You can also see more debug information about Fabric if you set Fabric to debug mode in your initialization statement: https://docs.fabric.io/apple/fabric/advanced-settings/debugging.html. Check to see if the settings requests are being made to Fabric or if there is anything unusual.
If you're still having trouble, reach out to support(at)fabric(dot)io with your app's bundle ID and support will be able to help you out more.

React Native Dev Setup in Team

I am currently working in a team developing a react native IOS application, we are all doing this for the first time. I am unable to find any information on development setup with many people working on the same code and we are running into many issues requiring each member to have their own project, and one person with the master project is having to copy and paste code over, any pointers much appreciated!!
Initial project build is successful, the problem occurs when someone else clones the repository and attempts a build. Too many errors to go over and different with each machine. Is there some setup in X-Code or something I am missing with regards to working in a team environment with react native?
Because React native use many libraries like module to help build app fastly and reuse.So, I suggest this workflow to build mobile application with RN.
- Use GIT as system version control
- Use IDE (Android Studio, Xcode) to help auto build and fix a lot build error when your team install new libraries and use `react-native link` (ex: react-native-router-flux,...)
- Just push js file to repository and other member can pull it and reload js file.
- Do it and take a look some repository on github with tutorials
Using Yarn rather than Node package manager resolved a majority of the issues.

Fabric.io: new app does not show up in the dashboard

For some reason we needed to change the package-id of our existing android application. We already use Fabric for Crashlytics.
I'm trying to bring that new app up in the Fabric dashboard, but it's not showing there, despite the device log showing no issues (as fas as I can see): device log
Any ideas why the new package-id isn't visible in our dashboard?
I experienced a very similar issue to this when building an app with multiple flavours. The solution is to manually specify the package name, and not let Fabric try to automatically grab it, as it tries very hard to "stick" your old package name.
There is a full post available (disclaimer: my site), but essentially you need to use:
Make sure to include all dependencies on their dedicated gradle.build and meta in manifest file. Next is to throw a force runtime error on your device with internet connection also do not forget to initialize it first with Fabric.with(this,new Crashlytics()). If this doesn't work try to download and install Fabric for Android plugin in Android Studio, restart the IDE and you will see a fabric icon above. Start it and select your package name.
I had the exact same problem, in the log I clearly see that the Crashlytics is in use.
I/CrashlyticsCore: Crashlytics report upload complete: <ID>
But I cannot see my project on the dashboard, and always redirect to the tutorial.
After a Build-Clean and an Android studio restart, build and run the app again to my phone, and voilá, it finds itself. Now working, without any change.
I have the same problem. After hours of researches I resolve this for my application.
First: After adding new flavour, I make changes in Firebase console (added new app in existing project, with production SHA1, changed google-services.json).
After that app does not show in fabric dashboard and fabric plugin in Android Studio. Problem was resolved after linking new app in crashlitycs in firebase console. And after that check your roles, must have Owner role (on Firebase Console Project).