How to unzip the same zip file multiple times? - objective-c

I am developing a zip extractor app for which if i unzip multiple times the same zip file it should extract like myfile-1, myfile-2, myfile-3 something like this .
example : there is in my desktop when i unzip it should be like sampleproject, sampleproject-1, sampleproject-2.
Any Suggestions.
Thanks in Advance!

Based on your comment I suggest you unzip your file to a temporary directory and then move its contents into the actual directory, handling any name clashes as you do that. In outline:
Use URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error: to create a temporary directory suitable to unzip into. You should pass your the URL of your destinationPath for the appropriateForURL: parameter; this should give you a temporary directory on the same volume as destinationPath making placing the unzipped items into the right place moves rather than copies.
Unzip into the temporary directory returned by (1)
Now use NSFileManager calls to traverse the temporary directory moving each item found to destinationPath, renaming as needed to avoid name clashes.
Remove the temporary directory.
If you have problems implementing this algorithm ask a new question, show your code, explain your problem, and include a link back to this question so the thread can be followed. Someone will then undoubtedly help you with the next step.


Is there an easy way to move a file to a different folder in dbt Cloud?

Is there an easy way to move a file to a different folder in dbt Cloud, without having to create a new file of the same name in the new folder, copy/paste from the old file, and delete the old file, which is a pain.
Is there a good reason I should NOT do this? I assume my refs still work as long as the filename remains the same, and I don't have any specific folder logic tied to this file.
For example, say I have my_model.sql in my 'staging' folder and I want to simply move it to my 'mart' folder instead. In this example I'd like to do this to reflect that my file is really a more 'stable' mart-type table file vs a staging view. I realize I can just change the materialization type, but I'm doing this more to organize things clearly. Thanks!
The way to move a file in the cloud IDE for dbt is not 100% obvious. You can use the rename function to move a file to another location.
Click on the drop down next to the file name, then select "Rename." That will open a file path and you can change where the file lives from there by typing in the new folder's name.
The easiest way I have found to do this is...not using DBT Cloud, but using github desktop (no command line needed).
Create a new branch
Open repository in github
View files in your file explorer
Move files or directory locally
Upload to github
Push to origin for the branch you created
Open a pull request
Depending on what the file or directory is you may find the creating a new branch and opening PR to be overkill. For my specific project there is a lot of legacy organization and models that we aren't totally sure don't have downstream dependencies, so creating a new branch for this allowed me to test run all of our models.
Hope this helps!

Can DM script read images with the same extension (like *.mrc) from a folder?

I have a bunch of MRC images saved in a folder. I want my DM script to read and process them one by one. Now I just open some of them (like 20 images) at once and use FindNextImage in my script to sequentially process them.
I am wondering if I can define a path and let DM script go to this path to read out the MRC images one by one.
The best way to do this is with the function GetFilesInDirectory. An example of its use was posted with the answer to the following question:
Opening multiple files from folder ...
An example of how to extract the files with a particular file type extension was given in the answer to this question:
How could I open more than one image ...
In particular, have a close look at the method CreateFilteredFileList. - FileMovement Lock on destination folder

Source code:
We are using File.Move() method to move the file from source to destination locaion.
But the destination location is being monitored by one tool, whenever we are moving files to the destination location, it will pick up the file and process it. The issue here when we try to move huge volume file like around 5GB file, the tool is immediately picking up the file and try to process it before the move operation is complete and send failure notice to all the users.. After again successfully moving the file completely, it picks up the same and process it sucessfully this time and send successful notice this time.
We can't have control over the tool which is monitoring the destination folder because it is a third party tool. However we want to find out the alternative option to place a lock over the destination foler like ReadWrite access till the move operation completes so that 3rd party will not be able to pick up or try to access that file.
Pls help us.
Not sure if it works, but you might be able to make the following work with directories as well:
FileOpen(1, "c:\file.ext", OpenMode.Binary)
'Do something with file here
Reference and example here
I hope it helps.
First, I agree with #hometoast, sometimes tools like this just look for specific file extensions so you can copy in with a different file extension and then rename.
But barring that, download the file to a temp location and then Move the file into the dir getting watched. A Move does not recopy the file contents but just updates its pointers in the filesystem. Should be atomic.

Moving the contents of a directory to another directory (iOS)

When a user uses my app without logging on I store all the files they create in a directory called default_dir(which contains files and sub-dirs). When they do eventually login in I need to move the files from default_dir to a newly created dir called user_name.
That gives me 2 options.
Rename default_dir to user_name (I can't see anything on NSFilemanager to indicate this is possible).
Or try to somehow copy all the files and dirs into a newly created dir, user_name.
Can you advise how best to proceed in accomplishing this please?
Many Thanks,
Did you try NSFileManager's -moveItemAtURL:toURL:error: ?

Copy (or list) files of a remote folder, given the URL - using objective-c - is it possible?

I'd like to list all files from a remote folder (let's say, and this folder is already configured through .htaccess for directory listing).
After listing, i'll need to copy the remote files to a local folder.
For listing/copying only local files, I was using NSFileManager, but this doesn't work for the remote ones. I've been looking for some reference on it, but couldn't find so far...
While NSFileManager can in fact handle URLs, it's not going to download the apache HTML page with the directory listing and parse it to do this... you'll have to do that yourself. This sounds like a strange thing to be doing however, so you may want to explain the reasoning and we may be able to suggest better alternatives. WebDAV comes to mind.
UPDATE: Based on your comment, why not put the resources in a .zip (or similar) file and download that? Then it's a single download and you can just extract it locally. Sounds like it would save a lot of headaches and would make it much easier to do things like checksum validations on the download(s).
Maybe it's not the best way, but - instead of get directory listing - we're going to keep a list of files that should be transfered (could be a .txt or .xml).
For downloading and tracking multiple requests, we're going to use ASINetworkQueues (more details can be found on
Another good suggestion, given by d11wqt (thank you for your help), is compressing the files and just make one single request.