SQL Multiple WHERE Clauses against one table, with CASE statements - sql

I wrote this query and it seems to be working to gather correct results, however, it also takes a VERY long time. I'm just wondering if there is a way to make it more efficient?
(I understand that it's inefficient because it is creating data tables and joining them back together - I just don't know how to get around it, specifically with the CASE issue included).
I'm working in Excel with an ODBC connection to AS400. The question marks allow user-entered parameters within Excel cells.
with W as
select yr as YEAR, pd as PERIOD, sum(amt1 + amt2 + amt3 + amt4) as SALES
from TABLE
group by yr, pd
order by yr desc, pd desc
), X as
select yr as YEAR, pd as PERIOD, sum(amt1 + amt2 + amt3 + amt4) as BSALES
from TABLE
where type = 'B'
group by yr, pd
order by yr desc, pd desc
), Y as
CASE WHEN pd = 1 THEN yr - 1 ELSE yr END as YEAR,
CASE WHEN pd = 1 THEN 12 ELSE pd - 1 END as PERIOD,
from TABLE
group by yr, pd
order by yr desc, pd desc
), Z as
CASE WHEN pd = 1 THEN yr - 1 ELSE yr END as YEAR,
CASE WHEN pd = 1 THEN 12 ELSE pd - 1 END as PERIOD,
from TABLE
where type = 'B'
group by yr, pd
order by yr desc, pd desc
select w.YEAR, w.PERIOD, w.SALES, x.BSales, y.MODOM, z.BMODOM
from w inner join x
on w.YEAR = x.YEAR and w.PERIOD = x.PERIOD
inner join y
on w.YEAR = y.YEAR and w.PERIOD = y.PERIOD
inner join z
on w.YEAR = z.YEAR and w.PERIOD = z.PERIOD
where w.YEAR between ? and ? and w.PERIOD between ? and ?
order by YEAR desc, PERIOD desc
I had to change the code slightly for privacy purposes, but I believe this all relays correctly.
Example Data:
Yr Pd Type Amt OM
18 2 A 45 181
18 2 B 33 163
18 2 A 40 153
18 1 B 39 136
18 1 B 24 142
18 1 B 53 143
18 1 A 41 186
18 1 A 78 197
17 12 A 98 139
17 12 A 54 159
17 12 B 78 181
17 12 B 45 101
17 11 A 28 134
17 11 A 77 192
17 11 A 75 110
17 11 B 60 135
17 11 B 83 170
17 10 B 72 114
17 10 A 26 118
17 10 A 95 111
17 9 A 12 112
17 9 B 14 171
Example Results
Yr Pd Sales Bsales MODOM BMODOM
18 2 118 33 804 421
18 1 235 116 580 282
17 12 275 123 741 305
17 11 323 143 343 114
17 10 193 72 283 171
Note that I need SALES at a TOTAL Level, and then at a TYPE B level. I also need OM at a TOTAL Level, and then also a Type B level - HOWEVER - I need to offset by one period. So the MODOM is for 17-10 is reflection of the OM total for period 17-9 in the table. (I hope that make sense).
EDIT I have this backward. The MODOM for 17-10 would actually reflect the OM value for 17-11, not the other way. Corrected EXPECTED RESULTS.
Yr Pd Sales Bsales MODOM BMODOM
18 2 118 33 0 0
18 1 235 116 497 163
17 12 275 123 804 421
17 11 323 143 580 282
17 10 193 72 741 305

So using Conditional aggregation you can at least get rid of 2 of your common table expressions which will help. Not ordering until your final presentation query instead of in each common table expression will help too. Using an actual date e.g. First of First Month of a Period could help eliminate what the potentially costly case expressions when defining previous period.
There are a few ways of writing this but this will give you an example of conditional aggregation.
And note the LEFT JOIN rather than INNER because your 1st period will always drop off your query if you use INNER
WITH PeriodSales AS(
yr as YEAR
,SUM(amt) as SALES
, PreviousPeriod AS
CASE WHEN pd = 12 THEN yr + 1 ELSE yr END as YEAR
,CASE WHEN pd = 12 THEN 1 ELSE pd + 1 END as PERIOD
CASE WHEN pd = 12 THEN yr + 1 ELSE yr END
,CASE WHEN pd = 12 THEN 1 ELSE pd + 1 END
PeriodSales ps
LEFT JOIN PreviousPeriod pp
ON ps.YEAR = pp.YEAR
Per your edits, to align to the "Previous Period" to get to the OM amounts you want you will actually want to ADD a period not subtract one in the example I used. I have tested this and it does work. There can be many other factors for performance that we cannot discover without knowing more about the tables and execution plans etc.


SQL Method to report next period value for this period

This may already be answered, but I can't figure out the correct search terms for what I need. We store values by Year / Period for the Beginning of Month (BOM). The BOM for one month is the same value as End of Month (EOM) for the previous month. I need a way to report this as such.
So 2018-02 BOM = 2018-01 EOM.
I thought I might be able to use something simple, but it does not account for the month/year wrap at 12 months as those fields are numerical.
select yr as YEAR, (pd-1) as PERIOD, sum(BOM) as EOM
from Table1
where type = '3'
group by yr, pd
order by yr desc, pd desc
This works for the middle months, but not for January, which becomes 2018-0 instead of 2017-12.
Example Data
Yr Pd Type BOM
18 02 3 100
18 02 3 100
18 02 2 200
18 02 2 100
18 01 3 100
18 01 3 100
18 01 2 200
18 01 2 100
18 01 3 100
18 01 2 300
17 12 3 100
17 12 3 200
17 12 2 300
17 12 3 200
17 12 2 100
17 11 3 300
17 11 2 400
17 11 3 400
17 11 2 100
So the results I am looking for would be:
18 01 200
17 12 300
17 11 500
17 10 700
I'm working in System iNavigator currently, but hoping to move this into an externally connected Excel query at some point.
Your DB2 database should be able to use CASE WHEN
Which can be used to calculate the year and the month, depending on the month.
For example:
CASE WHEN pd = 1 THEN yr - 1 ELSE yr END as Yr,
CASE WHEN pd = 1 THEN 12 ELSE pd - 1 END as Pd,
from Table1
where type = '3'
group by yr, pd
order by yr desc, pd desc

Using WHERE clause and DISTINCT ON

I have the following two postgresql tables:
table: daily
id date close symbol_id
1 2016-05-01 80 65
2 2016-05-01 75 67
3 2016-05-01 95 45
4 2016-05-02 11 65
5 2016-05-02 48 67
6 2016-05-02 135 45
7 2016-05-03 18 65
8 2016-05-03 82 67
9 2016-05-03 107 45
10 2016-05-04 29 65
table: symbol
id symbol
65 abc
67 xyz
45 jkl
I need to select all symbols where the close value is less than 100 for the latest date for each symbol. As per the example, not all symbols will have the same latest date.
The following query gives me correct data when I do not use the WHERE clause:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (daily.symbol_id) symbol.symbol, daily.close, daily.date
FROM daily JOIN symbol ON daily.symbol_id = symbol.id
--WHERE daily.close < 100
ORDER BY daily.symbol_id, daily.date DESC
symbol close date
abc 29 2016-05-04
xyz 82 2016-05-03
jkl 107 2016-05-03
The problem comes when I uncomment the WHERE clause. The desired result is for the symbol jkl to be removed from the list because the value for close for that symbol on its latest date is not < 100. However this is what happens:
symbol close date
abc 29 2016-05-04
xyz 82 2016-05-03
jkl 95 2016-05-01
You can move your existing query to a subquery and then filter with where criteria.
select *
from (
select distinct on (d.symbol_id) s.symbol, d.close, d.date
from daily d
join symbol s on d.symbol_id = s.id
order by daily.symbol_id, daily.date desc
) t
where close < 100
Here's another similar option using a windows function such as row_number:
select *
from (
select d.symbol_id, s.symbol, d.close, d.date,
row_number() over (partition by d.symbol_id order by d.date desc) rn
from daily d
join symbol s on d.symbol_id = s.id
) t
where rn = 1 and close < 100
Code not tested, just to demonstrate idea
First you make a query to get the latest date of every symbol. Then make a join to filter out rows that are not latest which you can safely apply the close < 100 where clause.
SELECT MAX(d1.date) latest FROM daily d1 GROUP BY d1.symbol_id
INNER JOIN daily d2 ON latest = d2.date AND d1.symbol_id = d2.symbol_id) t
WHERE close <100

T-SQL Group by day date but i want show query full date

I want to show the date field can not group.
My Query:
FROM mydb.dbo.LP_UseImpression T1 WHERE T1.UI_BR_BO_ID = 45
GROUP BY DAY(T1.UI_CreateDate)
----------- -----------
15 186
9 1
3 2
26 481
21 297
27 342
18 18
30 14
4 183
25 553
13 8
22 469
16 1
17 28
20 331
28 90
14 33
8 1
But i want to show the full date...
Example result:
----------- -----------
15/06/2015 186
9/06/2015 1
3/06/2015 2
26/06/2015 481
21/06/2015 297
27/06/2015 342
18/06/2015 18
30/06/2015 14
4/06/2015 183
25/06/2015 553
13/06/2015 8
22/06/2015 469
16/06/2015 1
17/06/2015 28
20/06/2015 331
28/06/2015 90
14/06/2015 33
8/06/2015 1
I want to see the results...
I could not get a kind of results...
How can I do?
How about just casting to date to remove any time component:
FROM mydb.dbo.LP_UseImpression T1
SUM(1) for calculating the count does work. However, because SQL has the COUNT(*) function, it seems a bit awkward.
So you can group by DAY(T1.UI_CreateDate) or use full date for grouping. But these are different . As both these dates '2015-04-15' and '2015-12-15' result in same DAY value of 15.
Assuming you want to group on DAY rather than date please try the below version of query:
T1.UI_CreateDate as DATEDAY,
count(1) over (PARTITION BY DAY(T1.UI_CreateDate) ) AS TOTALCOUNT
FROM mydb.dbo.LP_UseImpression T1 WHERE T1.UI_BR_BO_ID = 45
sql fiddle for demo: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/c3337/1

SQL order by 100% not ordering first

I have a query that shows my counter's accuracy and I'm doing a simple order by accuracy. But, what is happening it is ordering correctly BUT 100% appears at the bottom and not in correct order. I have moved the order by, but I may be missing something?
select counted_by_user_id, total, defects, trunc((total-defects)/total*100,2)||'%' as accuracy from
select counted_by_user_id, sum(locations) as total, sum(numberOfDefectBins) as defects from
select counted_by_user_id, locations, numberOfDefectBins from
select trunc(ical.last_updated_date_utc) as CountDate,ip.process_name,ipl.icqa_process_id,ical.counted_by_user_id,count(*) as locations, (
SELECT COUNT(iid.icqa_ical_detail_id)
FROM icqa_process_locations ipl1, icqa_count_attempt_logs ical1, icqa_ical_details iid
WHERE ipl1.icqa_process_id = ipl.icqa_process_id
AND ical1.icqa_count_attempt_id = ipl1.icqa_count_attempt_id
AND ical1.counted_by_user_id = ical.counted_by_user_id
AND iid.icqa_count_attempt_log_id = ical1.icqa_count_attempt_log_id
AND iid.is_defective = 'Y' and trunc(ipl1.last_updated_date_utc) = trunc(sysdate)) as numberOfDefectBins
from icqa_count_attempt_logs ical left join icqa_process_locations ipl
on ical.icqa_count_attempt_id = ipl.icqa_count_attempt_id
left join ICQA_PROCESSES ip on ipl.icqa_process_id= ip.icqa_process_id
where trunc(ical.last_updated_date_utc) = trunc(sysdate)
AND ical.counted_by_user_id IS NOT NULL
group by trunc(ical.last_updated_date_utc), ip.process_name, ipl.icqa_process_id, ical.counted_by_user_id
order by ical.counted_by_user_id
group by counted_by_user_id
order by accuracy desc;
counted_by_user_id total defects accuracy
dggonza 346 1 99.71%
giermanc 225 1 99.55%
kylecoll 659 4 99.39%
manansal 71 1 98.59%
jssuarez 271 5 98.15%
jhheredi 464 10 97.84%
tabilinl 185 4 97.83%
darinc 102 3 97.05%
tostab 484 18 96.28%
alicmena 25 1 96%
reyesk 733 31 95.77%
genej 478 22 95.39%
yadirac 73 4 94.52%
lhherold 505 28 94.45%
anamarih 465 30 93.54%
pineiror 380 25 93.42%
nallelys 349 31 91.11%
almquij 112 12 89.28%
kustance 357 50 85.99%
arteagaa 54 12 77.77%
gardne 848 0 100%
willij 5 0 100%
castnera 21 0 100%
pbarbara 43 0 100%
caudilr 493 0 100%
jennifei 27 0 100%
Of course. Because you are sorting a string not a number.
There are multiple solutions:
order by length(accuracy) desc, accuracy;
is probably the easiest.
Some others:
order by cast(replace(accuracy, '%', '') as float);
order by (total-defects)/total;
order by (case when accuracy = '100%' then 1
when accuracy >= '10%' then 2
else 3
end), accuracy desc

Microsoft access Query rolling total every 5 lines not using dates

I am new to Microsoft access.
I need a query that will allow me to sum a rolling total for every 5 lines of data. So on the sixth day I need a line to drop off the total and the new line to be added.
ID, Daily_SUM
The results should be
ID Daily sum Weekly Sum
1 12
2 41
3 46
4 125
5 120 344
6 42 374
7 41 374
8 57 385
9 207 467
10 215 562
11 187 707
12 -43 623
13 45 611
14 56 460
15 40 285
16 8 106
17 95 244
18 580 779
19 360 1083
20 337 1380
You can do this with a correlated subquery. The challenge is actually getting NULL values on the first few rows:
select t.id, t.daily,
(select iif(count(*) = 7, sum(t3.daily), NULL)
from (select top 7 t2.daily
from table t2
where t2.id <= t.id
order by t2.id desc
) t3
) as weekly
from table t;
If we assume that the ids are assigned sequentially with no gaps, then you can use an explicit join:
select t.id, t.daily,
iif(count(*) = 7, sum(t2.daily), NULL) as weekly
from table t inner join
table t2
on t2.id between t.id - 6 and t.id
group by t.id, t.daily;