Is it possible to include multiple resources in one component in react-admin? - react-admin

Sometimes we want to see multilple business objects at once in an admin panel. For instance, I might want to display an customer profile along side with his/her list of accounting records. Or may be I want to keep an eye on both list of new cutomers and list of recent comments.
Is it possible to achieve with react-admin?

Yes. Have a look at the Demo's dashboard.
Get data from various sources with await dataProvider.getList(RESOURCE, PARAMS) and pass that data to various components that can be displayed on one page.


Create login for multiple users with customized content with TYPO3 11.5.21

First of all, I must confess that I'm very, very new in TYPO3, therefore, my questions might be a bit confusing or not properly understandable. So, please be patient with me.
As already stated in the title, I want to create a login page for multiple users and every user should see a customized content, for example some pdf files or slides.
I was able to create a login page and it's working but I have no clue what's happening afterwards. I'm searching for a solution since days but the TYPO3 documentation is super shitty, especially for beginners like me.
My idea was to work with a MySQL database (I don't even know if this is possible). After the login all data about the customer are read from the database and defined files (some pdf and slides) should be shown.
Is this possible like that? Or how is the usual way to do that?
I'm happy for every hint!
Thanks a lot in advance :-)
I tried to find a solution online but without success
you need a custom extension which will render the files based on the logged in user. By using the extension "extension builder" you can create a first version of your extension very quickly which can be used as base.
If you are german speaking, take a look at the videos of Stefan, e.g. which document how to create an extension as well
If you use the Login of TYPO3 you can also use the access-management from TYPO3 for FrontEnd content:
for each erecord (page, content, news, ...) you can decide which group(!) of users can see it.
Each record in TYPO3 normaly contains a field (in the access tab) to select which groups can see this record.
It's up to you to define the groups each user belongs to.
And each group can access some content. TYPO3 merges it and even can give access to one record to multiple groups.
Regarding files like PDFs: if you do not need absolute access restrictions it would be possible to only list links to the files for the apropriate groups. (other users, even not logged in users could access the files if they know the URL)
You have users in three groups like owner of product A, product B, product C.
Of course there are owners of multiple Products.
For each group you can provide content like manuals, updates or lists of service points.
First you can give access to the pages about each product only to member of the matching group. All the content of that pages are visible only after login and if the user belongs to that group.
But you also can have mixed pages:
Maybe news where all updates are shown. Although each news record has (at least) one group to be shown to.
There could be one page with the news plugin to show all news. After login only those records are shown which belong to the groups of the user, other records are hidden. (not logged in users can see only records not restricted to any group)
If you want a individuality of content by person you need a group for each user.
If you want the user to select by himself what his interests are you need a FE plugin where he can select his memberships of individual groups.

How to collect custom information from users and show then in custom pages?

I am building clothing store.
And want to collect measurements from the users through a form fields / custom fields.
Does shopify theming provide that kind functionality/options?
If so can I show those collected info in other pages rather then check out?
Or should I use a different approach ? Like a client side solution. Collect data with js then save it in local storage to show in cart/product pages.
Then post that data as a contact form.
Thank you for your time and suggestions. I appreciate it.
Are you looking to collect this information per product or do you want to store it with a customer profile to use later?
If it is just per product you can use this...
If you're trying to collect it for a customer and store it on their profile you could do it through this...

Can the List component be used in an edit form?

I want to be able to bring a dataset into an edit/create form because I need the respective resource in order to associate it to the main model.
Say, a store has many employees. I want , from an ui perspective, to be able to add employees to the store.
I am able to to this via a custom component, however I want to know if I am able to use the List component to fetch a certain resource, ,because I have a feeling that I'm not doing this properly now. Adminonrest has the tools to render a paginated list of resources, so how can I make better use of these tools ? Then make a custom iterator to represent the model anyway I want to (maybe even use the datagrid component). I can then attach custom actions.
What would the best pattern for this situation be ? Thanks.
No, this feature is not supported. You can display employees, using the ReferenceManyField but we don't support creating them from the Edit page.

Google AdWords Campaign doesn't show list of Products

I've searching this issue for about 2 days, so I'm really appreciate your help.
First, I create account at Google Merchants Center and linked it with my site.
The Product Feed is also works well ( I'm using prestashop, so the input methods is "E-Commerce platform imports".
As shown in image above, the status is successful.
After that, I create a campaign (max CPC and budget are already created), but here is the result:
Is there any step that I miss that caused the products doesn't listed?
first, the items, images, and website must adhere
to all google's rules and policies; individual items
that are searchable does not necessarily indicate
all is well -- always check the main dashboard, the
entire account, and email, for any messages from
google and check the site's log-files to help verify
that google has crawled the website and images.
yes, a feed may take 24-72 hours or so to be processed
and all items and images crawled -- before being seen
within the (linked) adwords campaign.
be certain the merchant-center account or sub-account is properly linked.
also, why is an inventory-filter being used?
generally, a filter is created to exclude items --
any items that do not match the filter (exactly)
will be excluded from the campaign.
check the feed file within a browser-window and individual items
within the products-tab to be certain that the items (attributes)
will be able to match the filter, exactly.
also, verify that the remaining products that do fit through the filter
are being included in the defined product-group within the (linked)
adwords-account, by clicking on 'view the full list of products' --
generally, only one campaign is needed but check any other shopping
campaigns and all other product-groups to be certain that the items
are not being filtered or matched elsewhere in the account.
otherwise, google should likely be contacted so that a person can
look directly into the data-feed, website, images, and both accounts.
After Days, I finally found it.
I've just aware that I made a mistake in "Attributes" the value of my site category doesn't being recognized by Google, so I have to create a new one based on the template from google itself.
After I re-fetch the feed, there are some changes happens. You can compare these below images with above images.
And finally... the products show up.

Possible to fetch full hierarchical requirements in single portfolio item web service call?

I'm trying to aggregate some information about the kanban states of my user stories. If query a PifTeam item, I get a summarized collection of UserStories associated with it.
Example query:
However I then have to run a loop on the UserStories collection, individually querying each one to get at the information I need. This potentially results in a lot of web service calls.
Is there a way to return the full hierarchical requirement information in the original pifteam query so that there is only one webservice call which returns all sub-objects? I read the webservice api and was trying to play with the fetch parameter but had no success.
This functionality will be disabled in WSAPI 2.0 but will continue to be available in the 1.x versions. That said, you should be able to use a fetch the fields on story that you need like this:
Fetch will hydrate the fields specified on sub objects even if the root object type doesn't have those fields. So by fetching UserStories the returned collection will populated with stories, each having the FormattedID, Name, PlanEstimate and KanbanState fields included.
There is no way to do it from Rally's standard Web Services API (WSAPI) but you can from the new Lookback API (LBAPI). The query would look something like this:<ObjectID_for_Workspace>/artifact/snapshot/query.js?find={__At:"current",_TypeHierarchy:"HierarchicalRequirement",Children:null,_ItemHierarchy:<ObjectID_for_PortfolioItem>}&fields=["Name"]
Fill in the ObjectIDs for your Workspace and PortfolioItem. The _ItemHierarchy field will cross work item type boundaries and goes all the way from PortfolioItems down through the Story hierarchy down to Defects and even Tasks, so I added _TypeHierarchy:"HierarchicalRequirement" to limit it to Stories. I have specified Children:null which means you'll only get back leaf Stories. The __At:"current" clause get's the current tree and values. Remember, it's the "Lookback" API, so you can retrieve the state of the object at any moment in history. __At:"current" says to get the current values and tree.
Note, the LBAPI is delayed from current values in the system by anywhere from seconds to minutes. Typically it's about 30 seconds behind. You can see how far behind it is by checking the ETLDate field in the response.
Details about the LBAPI can be found here. Note, that the LBAPI is available in preview now for almost all Rally customers. There are still a number of customers where it is not yet turned on. The best way to tell if it's working for your subscription is to try the query.